I believe with every fiber of my being that every human being has the right to live without the pain of the past. Synopsis. A Philosophy Conference for High School Students! During the beginning of the film, she as well displays discomfort when Klaudia covers her in a blanket. When Sophie says Dont make me choose, I cant choose. (Styron, page 529) the doctor states Send them both over there, then, to the aide and that is when Sophie calls out Take my little girl! Sophie is filled with the guilt of sending her daughter to the gas chamber and letting her son live in the concentration camp with her. I had the power to forgive a Nazi. She notes that whatever was done to me, its no longer causing me such pain that I cant be the person I want to be.. Look out for your first newsletter in your inbox soon! [infobox color=#6394bf textcolor=#000000 icon=comments] Learn about the great community philosophy programs offered by Merlin CCC in Montana! His experiments were extremely painful and usually killed the patient. Dr. Mnch signed his document about the operation of the gas chambers while I read my document of forgiveness and signed it. The Association will present an award for the top two papers submitted on, PLATO(Philosophy Learning and Teaching Organization) is a non-profit organization that advocates and supportsintroducing philosophy to pre-college students through programs, resource-sharing and the development of a national network of those working in pre-college philosophy. Existentialism Seminar An NEH Summer Seminar for School Teachers: Thomas E. Wartenberg, Director Seminar Description Existentialism, though an important philosophical movement in the twentieth century, remains influential to this day. After trying to cope with dreadful reminiscences for half of the century, Kor finally decided to forgive the Nazi perpetrators. [/infobox] [slider] [next-slide] [next-slide] [/slider] Learn about the. 2005, Video, 80 minutes. . I understand the virtues of this objective position on forgiveness. First place Syra Mehdi Noble and Greenough School, Dedham, MA Aristotles Theory of Friendship Tested Second place Julia Walton Academy of Notre Dame du Namur, IAPC Summer Residential Workshop on the Philosophy for Children Curriculum, The 2015 Summer Residential Workshop will be held in Mendham, NJ from August 1st 8th. First place Syra Mehdi Noble and Greenough School, Dedham, MA Aristotles Theory of Friendship Tested Second place Julia Walton Academy of Notre Dame du Namur Villanova, PA In the Place Beyond Utility and Pleasure, K-12 Philosophy Outreach at the Rock Ethics Institute, Michael Burroughs recently shared an article about the work he and some graduate students have been doing the Rock Ethics Institute in Pennsylvania. Issue Eva moves on to a new phase in life and frees herself of the Dr. Josef Mengele conducted human experiments on approximately 1,500 sets of twins among them, Eva and her twin, Miriam. TV Shows. I have never come close to the kind of horror that Eva Kor experienced at the hands of the psychotic Dr Mengele, but I have had people do some terrible things to me and it took me a long time to forgive them and to begin to pray for them. The day I forgave the Nazis, I also privately forgave my parents, whom I had hated all my life for not having saved me from Auschwitz. Sometimes people go for the wrong thing because theyre forced to do it just like the dying Nazi. Lastly there wasnt any food given to them., Adolf Eichmann was considered one of the main perpetrators and contributors to the development and the rise of what came to be known as the Holocaust. (Source A) this quote can be taken and considered in the fact that Adolf Eichmann was involved in the mass killings of Jews known as the Holocaust. Eva and her twin sister, Miriam, were victims of Nazi doctor Josef Mengele's cruel genetic experiments--an experience that would haunt them their entire lives. Soon the twin girls were ripped from their mother, whom they also never saw again. We later learn that she makes no effort in saving her sisters when Yasmine attacks them. When I asked a friend to check my spelling, she challenged me to forgive Mengele too. Directors. The film is distributed by First Run Features, which handles independent films and documentaries. He was legally allowed to maim and kill them in order to obtain information therefore he collected their eyes and kept them as research material. Awards: First place $250 Second place $150 Third place $100 All winning essays will be published in PLATOs journal Questions: Philosophy for Young People. So next morning, Dr. Mengele came in with four other doctors. His weekly podcast Philosophy Walk is hosted at the official site PhilosophyWalk.com. The German soldiers put fear into the prisoners and took away the will to protect even the ones you love the most., The Holocaust that Nazi Germany instigated was without a doubt one of the most horrific events to have taken place in this world. Satisfactory Essays. NEH Summer Philosophy Seminar for Teachers! Forgiving Dr. Mengele By Eva Mozes Kor July 15, 2022 This article was originally published November 11, 2015. Place of Persecution: Mogilev. The conference is funded in part by the Squire Family Foundation, the Teagle Foundation and the University of Washington. Is her forgiveness of the Nazis morally acceptable? if my blog can be of any assistance, i welcome you to link to it:http://holokauston.wordpress.com. The organization recognizes and values the efforts that educators from around the globe are making to develop critical and creative thinking in young people. They followed Kor for over four years, chronicling her story, including her pilgrimage to Israel. SPANISH The Holocaust & Dr. Joseph Mengele anti-Semitism ppt WWII En Espaol. When they arrived at Auschwitz, an SS guard spotted the twins and took them to Dr. Mengele for his experiments. Register for the event at: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEud-iqqDotH9xnPrM8BHZQkblzjW7sBN2e We often talk about why philosophy is good for kids, but why are kids good for philosophy? There is freedom in forgiving!!! And then I forgave myself for hating my parents. Join us on May 4th at 7 pm ET/ 4 pm PT to meet the authors of theBig Ideas for Young Thinkers Book Series. This expansion is possible thanks to a $60,000 grant fromThe Whiting Foundation. The main point in this film is that forgiving someone is good for you. Since the Von Geislers want to preserve their family line they keep them, however the harsh reality is the children are a disgrace since they do not possess the characteristics they desire. Each post in the weblog summarizes a popular, Call for Abstracts: Philosophy for Children Forebears, Call for abstracts for: Philosophy for Children Forebears edited by Maughn Rollins Gregory and Megan Jane Laverty From the editors of the Philosophy for Children Founders series with Routledge (https://www.routledge.com/Philosophy-for-Children-Founders/book-series/P4CF). These withered bodies had long forgotten the bitter taste of tears" (63). Sophie deals with insurmountable guilt daily, the guilt has to deal with the decision she made at the concentration camp based on this question. "Forgiving Dr. Mengele tells the story of a shocking act of forgiveness by Auschwitz survivor Eva Mozes Kor and the firestorm of criticism it has provoked. Privacy Policy | Terms of Use. Both groups have enjoyed incredible success and, Video: "Raising A Philosophical Child" session at the APA Pacific. Mainly he just mentions that he was just constantly worrying about his father, and fearing for his situation and his fathers situation, and just fearing about the future. Streaming on Roku. Courtesy of Belarussian State Archive of Documentary Film and Photography. Like previously stated in paragraph 2, someone separated Elie Wiesel from his family. Forty years passed before I spoke to Miriam about our experiences in Auschwitz. Forgiving Dr. Mengele is a documentary film about Eva Mozes Kor, a survivor of the Holocaust, and Dr. Josef Mengele and his staff, who experimented on her and her twin sister Miriam Mozes, as well as approximately 1,400 other twin pairs.. They call me a traitor and accuse me of speaking in their name. This is a perfect example of the horrible things that went on at the concentrations camps. The memory of this event haunts her until she commits, The look in his eyes, as they stared into mine, has never left me (Wiesel 109). When Elie witnessed a hanging, he no longer cared about who had died, and neither did the other people. On top of the long train ride they didnt know almost any of the people. Who is next? Because Eva and Miriam were twins, Dr. Mengele selected them to remain alive for experiments. Despite a long public career, author Philip Yancey has written surprisingly little about his own story. An Auschwitz survivor's radical forgiveness as she hugs Nazi guard She was born Eva Mozes on Jan. 31, 1934, in Portz, a Romanian community that briefly became part of Hungary during World War II.. She never saw them again. The keynote speaker/lecturer is Dr. Sue Knight, a philosopher who has introduced a philosophical ethics curriculum (http://www.primaryethics.com.au)in a wide range of public schools in New South Wales, Australia. Eva and her twin were separated from their family right as they arrived to the camp. University of Chicago K-12 Philosophy Conference November 2! He had a strange fascination with Heterochromia, or having two different colored eyes, and was trying to understand the secret of artificially changing eye color. So fast? In order to completely understand this, the quote needs an explanation. This was also true in the children. Eva Kor decided in 1995 that she would publicly and privately forgive the Nazis, including Mengele. The application deadline is March 18th, 2016. Please follow the link for the article: http://news.psu.edu/story/327590/2014/09/24/society-and-culture/rock-ethics-institute-plans-include-k-12-outreach, CONTRARIWISE: Pious and Especially Playful Learning in the Creation of a Journal. Her forgiveness of Mengele does not absolve him, but it is freeing for her. Forgiving Dr. Mengele 2008 Documentary TVPG Watchlist The story of Auschwitz survivor Eva Mozes Kor, a subject of "angel of death" Josef Mengele's genetic experiments who decided to forgive. It was my right to use it. Call for Proposals Philosophy Across the Generations APA Eastern Division Meeting January 5January 8, 2022 Montreal, Canada The Philosophy Teaching and Learning Organization (PLATO) seeks panelists for a session on engaging with philosophy across the generations, at the AAPT-APA Teaching Hub at the 2022 APA Eastern Division meeting, January 5January 8, 2022, in Montreal Canada. It just seemed like a natural part of life. I hope you're still alive to share this blessing you gave yourself. Early Life [1]He was born on March 16, 1911 in Gunzburg, Germany to Karl and Walburga Mengele. After four years of occupation, the family was transported in 1944 to the ghetto at Simleu Silvaniei, and then to Auschwitz a few weeks later. Dr. Josef Mengele Research Paper 541 Words | 3 Pages. The documentary was directed by Bob Hercules and Cheri Pugh, who also served as producers. Gen Zs Perspectives on Changing the Meaning of Gender, On February 17, 2022, in collaboration with the American Philosophical Association (APA), PLATO co-hosted a panel discussion on Splendor of Gender? After one of the injections Eva became unbelievably sick. My goal is neither to convert the unbeliever nor destroy the faith of the believer, rather to situate myself in the middle of a dialogue and coax those who think of themselves as on a side to engage the other, Announcement: Winning Words Initiative Conference, Chicago, Saturday, November 2, Are you a concerned K-12 teacher who would like to enrich your school with philosophy? A simple question was put to the two young men who burned down the church: Why did you do this to us? There was a long pause, and the question sat Who was Robert Lax? For more information please visit:http://nhseb.unc.edu/nhseb-2015/case-competition/, Upcoming Deadline: Association for Practical and Professional Ethics Award for Best Papers on Teaching Pre-College Ethics, Best Formal Papers on Pre-College Ethics First Prize $750, Second Prize $500 The Association for Practical and Professional Ethics (www.appe.indiana.edu), with the support of the Squire Family Foundation, sponsors a competition to advance the work of those interested in pre-college ethics. First Run Features: Forgiving Dr. Mengele The Forgiveness Project: Eva Kor New York Times: "Letting go of the death camps in 'Forgiving Dr. Mengele'" by Dana Stevens, May 18, 2006 Read more. The documentary was directed by Bob Hercules and Cheri Pugh, who also served as producers.They followed Eva for over four years, chronicling her story and . No one could take it away. Schnell!" Is it right to think natural resources are here for humans to use? Despite her pent-up hate, sadness, and anger, Eva then made the second of her controversial decisions, to forgive Dr. Mengele. As a child, she suffered through medical experiments that almost killed her and, if she died, would have cost her sister her own life. FORGIVING DR. MENGELE is a story of a shocking act of forgiveness by Auschwitz survivor Eva Mozes Kor, who along with her twin sister, Miriam, were victims of Nazi doctor Josef Mengele's cruel genetic . Ffilm ddogfen yw Forgiving Dr. Mengele a gyhoeddwyd yn 2006. What hates in us is human, not divine. In the camp where I was kept as a child, we did not receive any food for days. FORGIVING DR. MENGELE A Film by Bob Hercules & Cheri Pugh 80 Minutes, Color &B/W, Video, 2005 FIRST RUN FEATURES The Film Center Building 630 Ninth Avenue, Suite 1213 New York, NY 10036 (212) 243-0600/Fax (212) 989-7649 www.firstrunfeatures.com info@firstrunfeatures.com . Her public decision to forgive Adolf Hitler and Josef Mengele became the lasting legacy of her life. $2.99. Do you know any sets of twins? For instance, she does not hesitate to kill Karl, but when Hans is shot she holds onto him and shrieks. Stein, the niece of Eliezer's mother finds Eliezer and his father at Auschwitz and is desperate to hear news of his family., No matter how bad a crime a person commits, one should still forgive that person when he or she asks for forgiveness. Open Minds: Find Your Own Answers Growing up, I was always incredibly curious about the world around me. At the age of ten, Eva Mozes Kor and her twin sister Miriam were transported to Auschwitz. Prior to that, she founded a Philosophy Outreach Program at a Boys & Girls Club in Dorchester, MA. By Christopher Freiler, Hinsdale Central HS, Hinsdale, IL Baruch Spinoza may be the most underrated philosopher in the western tradition. Josef MengeleYahya and Nada. Jointly organized, Dear PLATO Community: Together we grieve the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Sean Reed, Tony McDade, and so many others before them. All applications must be submitted and funding decisions will be announced, Philosophy for Children Conference, hosted by NAACI, to be held June 2018 in Mexico, NAACI Conference on Education in a world in crisis: How philosophy for/by children might respond in collaboration with The Mexican Federation of Philosophy for Children and the Centers Tepepan and Thinkers [infobox color=#6392bf textcolor=#000000 icon=calendar] June 15-17th, 2018 in Puebla, Mexico [/infobox] Call for Papers Deadline November 30, 2017 [button href=https://www.plato-philosophy.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/NAACI-2018-CFP.pdf style=flat size=small. It was run by Claire Katz, professor of philosophy at Texas A&M, along with several of her colleagues at Texas A&M, faculty from Sam Houston State University, and former and current. FromEcotourismtotheKennedy Space Center;world-class theme parks,performing arts, museumsanda vibrant restaurant scene. 332 Words; 2 Pages; Nov 24th, 2018 Published; Open Document. She and her twin sister Miriam spent 10 months in Auschwitz and, along with many other twins, were separated from their families and subjected to Mengele's horrific experiments. Dr. Mengele, he is one of those people with that has done dreadful things in their life. Superior Essays. Take tips from the experts, and consider creating your own Lyceum Program at a local university to help grow the pre-college philosophy movement! The first half of Forgiving Dr. Mengele introduces Eva Kor and tells her story, interweaving bits of her past with bits of her present. . Many of the same themes are prevalent in this film as in Wiesels life. Fundamentally forgiveness is not about the perpetrator, but has everything to do with the power of the victim to move beyond the victimization suffered. 2015 PLATO Conference Program with abstracts and bios, Monday, June 29 Bagels and fruit, coffee and tea available at 8:30 am Keynote Address by Jonathan Kozol 9:00 10:30 am Walker Ames Room, Kane Hall The Big Questions Are Already There in the Hearts of Children The Role of Philosophy in the Classrooms of Our Public Schools in an Age when Standardized Instruction, Winners of the 2014/15 High School Essay Contest, Announcement: We have our winners for the 2014/15 essay contest. In 1944, Nazis transported her immediate family to Auschwitz-Birkenau. Moreover, since she is not a blood relative Eva lacks a familial connection with a majority of her family. Release Calendar DVD & Blu-ray Releases Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets In Theaters Coming Soon Movie News India Movie Spotlight. Very graphic pictures and information on the Holocaust in general and on Dr. Josef Mengele's experiments. Millions of individuals were separated from their communities, killed, tortured, and forced to endure the grueling shifts of work in the myriad amount of concentration camps that Adolf Hitler erected during his rule over Germany. She speaks about forgiveness all over the world. [/infobox] [slider] [next-slide] [/slider] The SoCal Philosophy Academy for high school students will be hosted at California Lutheran University and run by Dr. Brian J. Collins, Assistant Professor of Philosophy. The fourth in a series of PLATO webinars, this event will feature an. Its alsojust an, Applications are now being accepted for the PLATO Philosophy Fund (PPF), supporting a wide range of innovative philosophy programs around the country. At first arrival at the Auschwitz concentration camp, Shlomo asked to go to the bathroom and was struck across the face and Elies thoughts stated Only yesterday I would have dug my nails into this criminals flesh. Imagining oneself in the place where Wiesenthal was during WWII is almost unimaginable, putting oneself in that much pain and suffering does not seem human. The incarnation, from the manger to the cross, is the very opposite of our wishes. Includes the history of anti-semitism and eugenics as well. Mr. E, Age 69. They include communitynaturewalks in Montana, a summer philosophy camp in Kentucky, elementary school philosophy, Intergenerational ethics discussion for UW retirees and Seattle-area high school students, Headlines these days are often about naming and renaming public buildings, and conflicts over school policies that contradict what parents want. Eva Kor did. [infobox color=#6394bf textcolor=#000000 icon=comments] We are following up on our story about the Iowa Lyceum Program by highlighting another successful Lyceum Program in Utah! It worried me that many of the young people in my classes had never been encouraged to construct their own arguments, debate opposing viewpoints, or disagree with their instructors. Apply to the UConn Summer Institute in Philosophy which will be held at the University of Connecticut in Storrs, CT. [marker color=#b2c2e8]The UConn Summer Institute in Philosophy: July 24-28, 2017[/marker] [divider style=single border=medium color=#0367bf] [icon icon=user size=large color=#0066bf]. We are happy to announce that PLATO is merging with theCenter for Philosophy for Children. The top 5 lesson plans will receive $100 prize and will be featured on our website and via social media. . Follow this link to the full Call for Papers: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B1Rl8UxKvtAdWEhjcUtQSmZQTE0/edit. Learn about the upcoming Southern California Philosophy Academy for High School Students! Another tale of the Holocaust is that of Guido and his son Joshua in the movie Life is Beautiful. Earned Ph.D. in Physical Anthropology from the University of Munich (studies physical development of the human species). On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. After a 70-hour ride without food or water, Eva and Miriam, along with their mother, arrived at the selection platform. Forgiving Dr. Mengele (2007) Could you forgive Dr. Mengele, the Nazi "angel of death?" That was not a theoretical question for Eva Kor. PLATO is proud to host a virtual panel discussion, Meet the Authors of the Big Ideas for Young Thinkers Book Series. In addition to re-evaluating pioneers of the contemporary philosophy for/with children movement, we intend the series to look back to precursors of the movement, to, The Teaching Hub at the Eastern APA Division Meeting, Please join us at the Teaching Hub, which will run from Thursday, January 7, through Saturday, January 9, at the 2021 Eastern Division meeting. . Then please be sure to RSVP for our big Winning Words Initiative conference on Nov. 2nd! Forgiving Dr. Mengele Eva Mozes Kor was a twin. Directed by: Bob Hercules, Cheri Pugh Add Kanopy Watch in SD Free In collaboration with the UChicago Civic Knowledge Project: The Winning Words Initiative: The Philosophy Learning and Teaching Organization (PLATO) claims that the reasons most often given for engaging young children, James Davis: Logic in the Classroom, Four Activities, In many pre-college curricula, informal and formal logic does not exist as its own course, even though thinking logically is crucial to much academic work. As students progress through their primary and secondary educations, they will be expected more and more to support their opinions with well-supported arguments. He was called that because he developed many elaborate ruses to save prisoners' lives and refused to help in murders. This video features interviews with Philosophers, High School Students and Teachers discussing the impact that doing philosophy has had, and can have on pre-college students. Through my involvement with PLATO, Ive come to, We are also happy to announce that we are extending the PLATO Toolkit Competition. God's words tell us to forgive. In this issue of Plough Quarterly, we highlight ways that people of faith, Since that time,PLATO has funded a wide range of innovative philosophy programs with the aim of broadening philosophys reach around the United States. Find out where you can buy, rent, or subscribe to a streaming service to watch it live or on-demand. Just wow. Now I have at least part of my answer. Equity and Inquiry Third Biennial PLATO Conference June 2015, EQUITY AND INQUIRY PLATO CONFERENCE 2015 The Third Biennial PLATO Conference will be held at the University of Washington, Seattle, on June 29 and 30, 2015. Awesome, you're subscribed! Director-producers Hercules and Pugh ponder whether it is possible, or even appropriate, to forgive evil. Register for the event at: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZItfuqrpzosHNDZlo3XcGI4wtz3wkFZk6ah PLATO is excited to present a panel discussion with five high school teachers from across the United States about successfully incorporating philosophy in high schools. We welcome many types of submissions: Stories Essays Poems Photographs and drawings In addition, we welcome articles related to doing philosophy with young people, reviews of books and materials useful for doing the same, lesson plans (include description or transcripts of student responses), thought experiments to, Call for Applications for the AAPT/PLATO 2016 Summer Seminar on Teaching & Learning in Philosophy for High School Teachers. Her decision to forgive has been extremely controversial, with many Holocaust survivors incredulous, sorrowful and extremely angry about her stance. Peoples personality can sometimes be unacceptable or even unimaginable. PLATOis a growing national organization that nurtures young peoples curiosity, critical thinking, and desire to explore big questions through philosophy and ethics, PLATO is now accepting grant applications, Philosophy Learning and Teaching Organization (PLATO) isnow accepting grant applicationsfor innovative philosophy and ethics programs across the United States. [/box] All applications are blind peer-reviewed. Page 43 of 50 - About 493 Essays Improved Essays. Such forgiveness is the hard work of the Christian life. For a film about death-camp survivors Forgiving Dr. Mengele is surprisingly uplifting and, at times, even lighthearted. We need to honor and remember our victims, but I always wonder if my dead loved ones would want me to live with pain and anger until the end of my life. If she does not choose, both children are sent to the gas chamber. He was an assistant to Dr. Otmar von Verschuer (scientist known for his research with twins). On January 27, 1945, four days before my eleventh birthday, Auschwitz was liberated by the Soviet army. Elie and his father were able to survive in the camps for so long because of the father-son bond that they were able to forge and temper through the many hardships that they faced at Auschwitz. Is Forgiving Dr. Mengele (2006) streaming on Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, HBO Max, Peacock, or 50+ other streaming services? This article was originally published November 11, 2015. He currently serves as the Student Coordinator for Philosophical Horizons, the outreach program of the Philosophy Department of the University of Memphis. PLATO is Hiring! Eva gripped her mother's hand and looked around: her father and her two older sisters were nowhere in sight. As a partner in the UNESCO Chair on the Practice of Philosophy with Children, based at the Universit de Nantes in France, PLATO is connected to other educational leaders around the world. I am a converting to Judaism and one question I had was on this subject. This chapter was prepared based on a transcript of public lecture sponsored by the Louisiana State University (LSU) Life Course and Aging Center and LSU School of Social Work on March 20, 2014, in . Eva Mozes Kor and her sister Miriam were born on January 30, 1934, in Por, Kingdom of Romania. Upcoming Posts Include: If . She was always trying to protect us because we were the youngest. The winning essays will published in PLATOs journal Questions: Philosophy for Young People. Participants will, Call for Proposals APA Eastern Division Meeting. Twins!" Philosophy comes to high schools around the US, This month thePhilosophy Learning and Teaching Organization (PLATO)is expanding its elementary schoolphilosophers-in-residence programto three high schools, in Boston, Philadelphia, and Seattle. This is an open discussion list for exchange among those with interests in the development and practice of pre-college philosophy, with particular emphasis on developing this field in the United States. Eva Kor decided in 1995 that she would publicly and privately forgive the Nazis, including Mengele. As I did that, I felt a burden of pain lifted from me. These interactive classes, run by experienced philosophy instructors, explore some of lifes big questions, including topics such as friendship and loneliness, the treatment of animals, boredom and creativity, the environment, identity, and happiness. Eva Kor is a twin survivor of Dr. Mengele's experiments at Auschwitz. Great Essays. I cant say that I would forgive the Nazis for what they have done but I think that no one is beyond redemption and some including one person I know personally were actually forced into becoming Nazis. For a human act to be good, both the objective/purpose and the intention of the person should be good. 2005. [/infobox] [accordion multiopen=true] [toggle title=Starting the Program state=closed] PLATO: Can you describe the P4C program at CSUB? In 1995, together with her son, they signed documents forgiving her tormentors, and she found for the first time that she was free of Auschwitz and Dr. Mengele. For most people there is a big obstacle to forgiveness because society expects revenge. It will now have the capacity to expand the work in which both organizations have, Virtual Event: High School Philosophy Teaching, Join us on Monday, October 25, 2021 at 7 pm ET/ 4 pm PT for a virtual event: High School Philosophy Teaching. I returned to my village in Romania to find that no one from my family other than Miriam had survived. Kor realized, "I had the power to forgive the 'God of Auschwitz,'" and she made the decision to forgive everyone. 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