How can service members and their families best prepare for their overseas tours? These VA Home Loan FAQs ensures members are fully prepared to take advantage of this exclusive benefit. What Are the Advantages of the EU? "Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About International Individual Tax Matters," Select "General FAQs: 1. Consider David Davenport's con argument, including that other laws (governing activities such as driving, drinking, and smoking) have increased ages instead of lowering them based on the immaturity of teenagers. When you marry into the military -- or your spouse joins the military -- you learn a whole new benefits system to go with What are the steps for a Personally Procured Move (PPM) with the military? Children have a certain innocence about them when it comes to the world. I used to buy flowers all the time. Not all family members can visit those stationed overseas. The migrants are more hardworking and enthusiastic for the work and they provide proactive productivity. And of course, there was Garmisch, one of my favorite places. This can be especially useful if you spend a long time in an off-post hotel. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. You are not rushed out in the same way. Citizenship and Immigration Services. The experience is worth it, and living overseas will change your life forever. But 12 years later? From taking a day trip to a castle to planning a post-deployment vacation to some amazing city you never thought you would ever travel to in your lifetime. Plus, if it happens to be raining on your part of the island, just take a short drive to the other side, where you can usually find sunshine. July 5, 2021 by Megan Voegele Leave a Comment. However, if you want more support in your OCONUS PCS and adjustment period, come find me on YouTube! Learn everything you need to know here. We even had a beer delivery truck. All real estate commissions are negotiable. I have a growing library of videos about how to PCS to Germany, as well as what life is like here. The United States requires all dual citizens to enter on their U.S. passport. Well in this video we will discuss what military living in Hawaii looks like and all the p. My parents came for my graduation and to help with the last-minute PCS tasks, like overseeing the movers. 5. Because of this, you spend a lot of time there and not as much time away. Another big difference I have found is the way I interact with the surrounding community. For example, if you are a U.S. citizen and also a citizen of New Zealand, you can travel more easily between these two countries. It is a reasonably affordable place to live. In the inflationary period that we incurred in 2021-2022, COLA was cut entirely in Japan because prices got so high in the United States. Moving from your current location back "home" works a little differently. Applying for dual citizenship is a complicated and typically expensive process that may require the assistance of an immigration lawyer. Making an effort to keep in touch with loved ones can help to ease the feelings of loneliness and isolation that come with being away from home. For example, if a certain destination offers visa-free travel to country A and strict visa requirements for country B, it makes sense for a dual national to use country A's passport rather than country B's. A great pick-me-up is finding a new place to visit during each months 4-day weekend! Dual citizens can travel freely in both countries, as well as work, do business, own land, and do other activities that may be restricted to foreigners; however, there are also disadvantages, as dual citizens may face extra taxes or even military service. It was wonderful to simply live with my husband again after almost a year apart! Other times, however, the process can take many years and can be extremely expensive and complicated. Depending on your career field, youll be more likely to engage in armed conflict in a war zone while you are overseas. Please check with a program Customer Service Representative for details. Below are some of our biggest pros and cons of moving to Germany. If you ever get the opportunity to be stationed overseas, I would make sure you take advantage and go. Honestly, there is not a lotof good information out there about PCSing to Europe. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. Finally, get out and travel, travel, TRAVEL! Because tax laws are complicated and can change from year to year, it's important for individuals facing this situation to consult with a qualified tax accountant. Its a raw fish dish, almost like sushi in a bowl that you can find nearly everywhere. Whether its taking advantage of tax exemptions, overseas housing allowance (OHA), or other benefits, its important to make sure you have a solid financial plan in place to ensure you are able to maintain your quality of life while you are stationed abroad. Do whatever it takes to stay motivated. The biggest mistake I made last year was isolating myself. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Make sure you have renter's insurance. If youre anything like me though, youll at least learn just enough to get by saying, Hello, good morning, thank you, excuse me, and Id like two beers please.. So if you have the chance, do it. If the dependents stay in the same location, BAH will remain at the same rate. Now, lets dive into the various advantages of military life overseas. You may build a network of friends all around the world if you are outgoing and enjoy meeting new people. 1. Dual citizens enjoy certain benefits, such as the ability to live and work freely in two countries, own property in both countries, and travel between the countries with relative ease. Additionally, seeking support from fellow military personnel and expatriates can help to alleviate feelings of homesickness. One way to do this is by researching and learning about the culture and customs of your new home before you arrive. 4. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". You must also pay a fee to apply for permanent residency and then another fee to file an application for citizenship. She has conducted in-depth research on social and economic issues and has also revised and edited educational materials for the Greater Richmond area. From cultural immersion to career opportunities, serving abroad has the potential to be an incredibly enriching experience. To apply for naturalization, most individuals file form N-400, the application for naturalization. The cost of living is much higher in Hawaii than on the mainland, so it can be difficult to make ends meet. The first thing I did not expect was being so jet-lagged. They have a fabulous train system and it can be easy to get from one city to another that way. Malori has been casually blogging for over 10 years on various personal blogs, but last year decided to create her business and new website, Warrior Life Wellness. For most people, the complicated process of gaining citizenship requires the help of an immigration lawyer. I am so glad you are here. Like I stated earlier, some military members love being stationed overseas and some people hate it, but like anything else, it will be what you make of it. A lot of spouses dont speak the language of the country they are in and that makes it hard to get to know the locals as well as you can get to know civilians at a duty station in the United States. They are also exempt from any restrictions on foreign businesspeople. If you are seeking a position with the U.S government or your job requires access to information that is considered classified by the U.S. government, having dual citizenship may bar you from gaining the security clearance you need for this type of employment. While having a positive attitude about any PCS is important, its equally important to have realistic expectations. I experienced culture shock with Japanese culture. This regular routine helped us stay connected to our family members even though we were on the other side of the world. The torturous inner dialogue within ourselves is, Do I look, or do I wait?. For example, if you are a citizen of the U.S. and a country with mandatory military service, you can lose your U.S. citizenship under certain circumstances, such as if you serve as an officer in a foreign military that is engaged in a war against the U.S. Depending on your career path, dual citizenship can be a disadvantage. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. I definitely had my rose-colored glasses on, though. A sometimes really frustrating one. Who Is Considered a Resident Alien? All of these things will prevent you from getting sick and spending hours to be seen at a sick call. If you are close to your family, you may feel disconnected from them being on the other side of the world. Obviously, there are pros and cons to being stationed overseas. The simple answer is, yes; your service member will still receive BAH for their family when they go unaccompanied. I cant forget the locals that we interact with on a regular basis, either. You probably know of someone who spent a summer or a semester of college traveling through Europe or Japan. The research indicates when a young adult feels unjustly targeted, they will resist the implied injustice and act to regain control, meaning they will not comply. Living life in Tennessee. What Are the Requirements of Becoming a Canadian Citizen? . Our first duty station, Schweinfurt only had about 3000 soldiers. Stay on top of your physical health, try to maintain a healthy diet, and be smoke free. However, income tax treaties between the U.S. and other countries serve to effectively reduce or eliminate an individual's tax liability in order to avoid double taxation. Facts To Know About Social Security Numbers. ", Internal Revenue Service. Navigating foreign business practices, dealing with language barriers, and communicating with colleagues from different cultures can all be difficult and time-consuming. But on top of that, we had a new country to explore together. Other terms and conditions may apply. Being in the military, you will be able to submerge yourself in a foreign local culture completely on the governments dime and have experiences that youll never have in the continental United States. Foreign laws are tricky and should be considered and understood when being stationed overseas. Another thing I did not expect was experiencing culture shock. Because of this, you spend a lot of time there and not as much time away. An army nurse who has been working for five to nine years will see an annual increase in their pay to $86,090. Sometimes the spouse thinks about staying in the US. Im a U.S. citizen living and working outside of the United States for many years. Troops and families can begin preparing a pet for travel before receiving notice of a permanent change of station (PCS) to Ready to PCS with your pet? Its a good idea to keep all of your familys important documentation in a quick and accessible folder. Filed Under: Military Life, Stationed in Germany, Stationed Overseas Tagged With: germany, stationed in germany, stationed overseas. Remember, accepting an overseas assignment comes with an additional service commitment that will require you to stay for anywhere from 2-4 years before you can PCS which can feel like a long time. In the last six years I have definitively seen differences between being stationed overseas and being stationed in the US. If something were to happen and they had to go to Germany, you are already in the country. You also have to pass a test to show an understanding of citizenship rights and responsibilities, and demonstrate language skills in English or French. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Dual citizenship happens automatically in some situations, such as when a child is born in the U.S. to parents who are residents of a foreign country. As my husband likes to preach: expectation management. This is not about being negative or complaining, but simply having a balanced outlook for your transition. That was another thing that kinda stopped me in my tracks. It felt as though it was always their town and it wasnt mine. And of course the most important thing to remember is YOUR FAMILY COMES FIRST. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. The European Union creates an allied front against outside aggression. My wife and I had a regular schedule where we FaceTimed her family and mine every single week. There just doesnt seem to be the same type of experience where we are in the US. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. Best Air Force Bases Overseas. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". That pretty much means if you have one beer and drive home, you could get a DUI in Japan. Process for Gaining Dual Citizenship in the United States, Expatriate (Expat): Definition, With Pros/Cons of Living Abroad, Dependents: Definition, Types, and Tax Credits, What Is a SSN? I've been in Germany for about two and a half years now and I absolutely love it. This is a large base that does not have a lot of Westernized shopping. Germany's standard 19% Value Added Tax (VAT) is less than its EU counterparts like France (20%), Spain (21%), Italy (22%), Portugal (23%), and Greece (24%). Having a citizen's passport eliminates the need for long-stay visas and any questioning about the purpose of your trip during the customs process. Dual citizens can receive the benefits and privileges offered by each country where they are a citizen. This fee is set by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Some countries restrict land ownership to citizens only. In addition to the career benefits, serving overseas can also help you to grow personally. Medical care while stationed overseas is somewhat minimal. Make a list of your dream travel list, and then strategically plan your year according to the training holiday schedule. I am so glad you are here. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Because home is 2,000+ miles away. All of this creates a pretty tight community. I feel as though I am truly living in our city and we have a connection to the Army post. Introduction In this paper the United States system will be analyzed, the pros and cons for the federation will be explained as well as what a federation is. In the last six years I have definitively seen differences between being stationed overseas and being stationed in the US. "IRS Provides Tax Inflation Adjustments for Tax Year 2023. She is the co-founder of PowerZone Trading, a company that has provided programming, consulting, and strategy development services to active traders and investors since 2004. Welcome to Soldiers Wife, Crazy Life! In order to qualify for Canadian citizenship, you must be a permanent resident in Canada and live there for three of the past five years, as well as file taxes as required. Its easy to miss the comfort dishes from home, but being the melting pot that it is, Hawaii offers the opportunity to discover new tastes from around the world! 27 Things You Must Know Before PCSing to Germany, By ", U.S. In addition to the professional and career challenges, there are also financial challenges associated with military life overseas. Being stationed in Hawaiiis an opportunity like none other. Culture shock can be especially pronounced in countries with different social norms, customs, and traditions, making it difficult to navigate daily life. Kadena, Japan. Not all countries allow dual citizenship, but the United States does. Individual nations within Europe struggle to hold influence on the global stage because of their size. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Living in the middle of the Pacific has some major advantages when it comes to traveling. Some people save throughout their entire lifetime to be able to spend just a week in the islands. Being stationed in Germany was an experience I will always be thankful for. You should have this anyway even while living in on-post quarters. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". In the event of an emergency, you are like 24-48 hours (at an absolute minimum) from getting back to them. As a member of the military, serving overseas can be a unique and valuable experience that offers a range of benefits. Ive also had friends tell me that gypsies were known to squat in unlocked housing and by English law, you cant kick them out. 6. "I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status. I knew we were in for the adventure of a lifetime, but I did not have proper expectations of what that entirely meant. The cash back bonus is not available in Alaska, Kansas, Oklahoma and Tennessee. "I Am Married to a U.S. As a result, I put together more than two dozen tips that will be more useful for your PCS to Europe so you can be more ready that you ever dreamed possible. One way to do this is by staying in touch through regular communication, such as video calls, text messages, and emails. A sometimes really amazing one. We have now been at Fort Campbell on the Kentucky and Tennessee border for a little over two years. In this section, Ill discuss some cons of military life overseas and provide tips on how to cope with these challenges. Blog: YouTube link: link: link: shop:, Filed Under: Duty Stations, Stationed in Germany Tagged With: guest post, military life, Overseas Living, stationed in germany. Dual citizens can participate fully in the political life of every country where they have citizenship. et.c.. We did travel when we could and left Germany feeling like we did get to see a lot of different unique places. "Dual Citizenship. Pro: Free tuition Let's start with the biggest pro. The cotton candy sunsets and lush mountain scenery make it easy to fall in love with the land. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. We have three boys and have been through four deployments together. So if youre considering a posting overseas, dont hesitate to explore the opportunities available to you. As a legal citizen of two countries, you would be able to purchase property in eitheror bothcountries. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Unique and valuable experience that offers a range of benefits always their town and it wasnt.. & # x27 ; ve been in Germany, by ``, U.S that stopped... Adjustments for Tax year 2023 # x27 ; s start with the biggest pro FAQs..., however, if you have the chance, do I look, or do look. 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