The coup did give far more power to the shah, but its misleading to give the impression that the shah was installed by foreign powers when in factthough he was greatly weakenedhe hadnt left power. 1 title per month from Audible's entire catalog of best sellers, and new releases. During the 410 days that I was held hostage in Iran, the most common escape scenario I played in my head involved the door of my cell bursting open in the dead of night to reveal a group of heavily armed men who, with my now-husband Shane Bauer and friend Josh Fattal in tow, would lead us to a helicopter waiting nearby to fly us to safety. Is the commanders estimate of the situation is a clear and concise expression of the purpose of the operation and the military end state? Argo (2012) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. September 24, 2012, 12:14 AM. Please enter your username or email address to reset your password. The Arab-terrorists-chasing-planes-waving-guns thing was over the top even for them, tho). Gloria Satterfield was a longtime housekeeper of the Murdaughs. In fact, I didnt realize just how much I expected evil-Arab-terrorists until I actually sat down in the theater and realized my whole body was taut and I was clasping my hands tightly, prepared to get through it with some nasty teeth gnashing over the pollution of historic events. Alex Murdaugh Charged With Swindling Sons of Dead Housekeeper Mr. Murdaugh, the scion of a legal dynasty in South Carolina, is accused of pocketing about $2.8 million in settlement money that was. It's got momentum. Gretel. Copy. So for days we had put off accepting Johns offer. Twenty years after secretly fathering a child with the family housekeeper, Arnold Schwarzenegger says he's still working to put the mistake . The 66 other diplomats were subsequently held hostage for 444 days, while these lucky six made it to the residence of the Canadian ambassador to Iran, Ken Taylor, where they secretly lived for 79 days before they were effectively rescued with the help of the CIA, using the most unlikely cover story of being in Iran to scout out the location for a Canadian film project. Fans have taken to Twitter to share their thoughts on the new take on the classic housekeeper. Selected Awards & Cast, Using the Movie in the Classroom Conclude with a judgment on the credibility of the film in terms of the principals involved. Any time is a tricky time to make a film about the 1979 Iranian hostage crisis, but at this particular moment, the stakes are as high as ever. He was 81. after. Sooner or later someone would check those records and go lookingwe couldnt stay in this new house for good. In most of the tails the story ends when Robin and Marian end And I wont lie, that stuff was gleeful for me too. I feel a little silly being another actor trying to write, she said. For starters, "Argo" is centered around real events and people. The Argo II was destroyed when Zeus launched them to Camp Half-Blood . Presenting centuries of Iranian history in two minutes is of course an impossible task, and the result is grossly oversimplified and ultimately falls short of providing the viewer with much-needed context for the events about to unfold. However, Mendez was just doing his job. It just depends on what side of history youre sitting on. Taylor kept the Americans hidden at his residence and the home of his deputy, John Sheardown, in Tehran and facilitated their escape by arranging plane tickets and persuading the Ottawa government to issue fake passports. Meanwhile, her publicist, Patricia Newcomb, claimed to have been "upset" after . Discussion Questions Among the many good wishes for newlyweds Katherine Schwarzenegger and A-lister Chris Pratt online, one message stood out the most.. Joseph Baena the love child of Katherine's father, Arnold . I enjoyed how it handled the ineptitude of the CIA. Be specific; quote from the details Berman presents and cite scenes in the film that create an image of these details. The show went up in LAs warehouse district, and enjoyed an encore appearance last Halloween. So at the end of Argo, when everything else is neatly wrapped up, we still had this image of Sahar fleeing into Iraq, this knowledge of a loose thread, a life undone. current relations between the Iranian government and the West, including the Iranian nuclear weapons program and Western sanctions. The dialogue was punchy and witty, and again, the sheer craziness of this plan was so crazy that I could almost buy that it worked (I know, I know! Affleck also brought a certain sadness and melancholy to this role that Ive never seen him display. The political climate was simply too dangerous. Certainly, the U.S. experience with Iran since the Second World War is an example of one risk, i.e., that the country is turned into an implacable foe and that thereafter, the intervening country has little ability to influence its actions. I told my captors the same thing many, many times. What happened to the maid at the Canadian embassy in Argo? Maid Marian is a fictitious character from the folklore of Robin And though I lamented this loose thread, I realized it was a purposeful one. Housekeeping refers to managing all the duties that go into running a home. At the end of the film, while the six Americans are popping champagne bottles on the airplane on their way home, their Iranian maid is seen fleeing the country into Iraq. There was lots to appreciate in this film, though. Could I have survived three months under the stressful conditions depicted in the film? If he doesn't then it's a further reflection," Taylor told The Associated Press. Besides, a traditional thriller cant be overpopulated with all the people who play sometimes small but essential roles in a situation like ours. Ben Affleck's film Argo tells the bizarre story of how in 1980 the CIA - with Canadian help - sprang a group of Americans from Iran after they escaped a US embassy overrun by protestors. Describe some of the risks and benefits of engineering regime change in other countries. There was a reason the Iranian revolution happened. All opinions are acceptable. Without his enthusiastic welcome we might have tried to survive on our own a few more days. "It would have been nice if the story was told correctly because basically, if the Canadians weren't there to help, who knows what would have happened to those Americans.". Nothing. The theater of the make-believe film and the theater of the demonstrations and hostage situation are juxtaposed in one very effective scene, and it left me gnawing on a lot more questions than answers. See Note at the beginning of the Guide. Vand currently is working on two screenplays. He said it was news to him that Affleck had agreed to narrate the documentary and looked forward to working on it with him. (If students are assigned to report on the accuracy of the film, have them read, before they see the movie, Joshua Bermans WIRED article entitled How the CIA Used a Fake Sci-Fi Flick to Rescue Americans From Tehran or Mr. Mendez book, Argo How the CIA and Hollywood Pulled Off the Most Audacious Rescue in History.) the strategic importance of Iran to the West during WWII and after; the history of U.S. intervention in Iran during the 1950s leading to the installation of the Shaw as the ruler of the country; the role of the Cold War in shaping U.S. policy toward Iran; the rule of the Shaw of Iran, its benefits and costs to the people of Iran; the structure of the government of Iran after the Islamic Revolution of 1979; the 1979-1981 U.S./Iranian hostage crisis; how the U.S. and Iran came to cooperate in limited ways after the hostage crisis, including the Iran-Contra scandal; and. The landlord was trying to sell the house, so she had to contend with him and with visits from potential buyers. 2023 Oscar nomination predictions: Who will take the top spots? Did they remember the opening, and why these people were in trouble in the first place? Updated on March 16, 2022: Richard Simmons has remained withdrawn from the public eye, and that seems to be just how he likes it. I think it captured a lot of the fear and chaos at the time and importantly, not just the fear and chaos for Americans, but for the Iranians themselves. The play opened in Los Angeles before moving on to Broadway, where it ran from March until July 2011. The Argo exfiltration operation went off very smoothly. We never made it there, because a demonstration blocked the way. I think a lot of Middle Eastern roles are often associated with the publics narrow view of Middle Easterners. During the next week we changed locations five times. How had I missed this story in all my reading about Iran? On Nov. 4, 1979, outraged that the despised Shah had been admitted to the United States for medical care after fleeing the country, thousands of Iranians stormed the U.S. Embassy in Tehran. It is also important to note that the Cold Warrior architects of U.S. policy on Iran in the 1950s believed that the Soviet Union posed a mortal threat to the U.S. and that a change of government in Tehran was necessary to protect U.S. interests at the time. What elements in the film create the suspense that keeps viewers on edge even though they know the outcome of the story? 1 : one employed to manage the domestic duties involved in maintaining a house 2 : a member of a household who manages the domestic duties of the household She was her father's housekeeper Lucy Maud Montgomery especially : one who keeps house in a specified way was always a good/poor housekeeper A housekeeper can help you keep track of a busy schedule, make sure the kids have done their homework, run errands, and prepare delicious, home-cooked meals for the whole family each night. Still, the foreign diplomats of Oman and other countries, as well as the ordinary Iranians who stood up and took risks for Shane, Josh, and me, didnt do it because they love America, they did it because they followed their own humanityjust like the young maid depicted in Argoand decided to stand up for what they knew was right. Foreigners could leave. As you may know by now, Mendez cooked up a fake movie production and suggested we pose as location scouts considering Iran for our film. He deserves it. He also agreed to go along with the CIA's film production cover story to get the Americans out of Iran. The film is true to the spirit of what happened to the six hostages that Tony Mendez led out of Tehran during the . The discussion should include criticisms of the film as historical fiction if the audience takes it to be the definitive story of the hostage crisis because it focuses on the rescue of six diplomats taking the focus away from more important issues such as the reason for Iranian hostility to the U.S. and the plight of the 52 hostages held at the embassy. This is a reasonably accurate work of historical fiction with respect to the way in which the hostages were rescued. Kameron Hurley, award-winning author and expert in the future of war and resistance movements, has created eighteen exhilarating tales giving glimpses into . When she keeps the secret of the ambassadors houseguests despite very good reasons to give them up, I thought for sure she was going to get handed a passport and sent to Canada and safety. Most likely there was torture involved to extract additional information. Since the vast majority of adults do not read history books but instead learn about the past from movies based on historical events, instruction in the proper use of historical fiction will be a lasting benefit for most students. Sahar ends the movie heading into Iraq. I have a vivid memory of a relative of mine telling me nonchalantly that they were among the crews that carted weapons over to both Iraq and Iran during the war. 50?! There's no dispute that it is historically inaccurate and ignores a larger tragedy to focus on a tiny sliver of success associated with a humiliating chapter in the nation's history. SalingersFranny and Zooey, told through animation, film and water. We had asked Taylor in early January to tell Washington we wanted out. On the other hand, actress Sheila Vand, who plays an Iranian housekeeper in the film, told CBS Radio News that her role in "Argo" helps chip away at stereotypes for Middle Eastern characters. Affleck's thriller is widely expected to win the best-picture trophy. Affleck flew Taylor to Los Angeles after the Toronto debut and allowed him to insert a postscript that gave Canada some credit. Research Internet information focused on the role played by the Canadian government in sheltering the American diplomats and the fact that in the film, the CIA took most of the credit for the operation. They had just gotten their visas to come to America when the hostage crisis happened. Full-time housekeeper salaries range from $25,000 to $60,000. Powered by Reelgood. Of course, if any Iranian officials had actually checked, their story would have seemed legitimate. Roman Haller owes his life to a 20-year-old housekeeper. If it were suddenly occupied, the komiteh would definitely notice. TWM views the Taylors as the most heroic. The Associated Press contributed to this report. "In general it makes it seem like the Canadians were just along for the ride. TALKING AND PLAYING WITH MOVIES: AGES 3-8, FILM ADAPTATIONS OF NOVELS, SHORT STORIES, OR PLAYS, FICTION (SOAPS, DRAMAS, AND REALITY/SURVIVAL SHOW). In fact, after getting that opening about the history of the U.S.s involvement in Iranian politics, I remained even more astounded that anyone came home at all. Nina / Serksi the Gallactic Witch: Tom Lenk . The housekeeper is in deep trouble should she not be able to flee to Iraq, a feat she barely accomplishes. Photo: EIKE SCHROTER/NETFLIX. I left the theater sweatingjust as when I exited the airport bus to board a Swissair flight out of Tehran in January of 1980, one of the six Americans who were rescued by Tony Mendez, the CIA employee Affleck plays. That night, lying in bed, it was still Sahar and her shattered life I thought about, though. Housekeepers charge an average of $15 to $40 per hour, but move-in or move-out services can cost up to $70 per hour. There was no call by a Revolutionary Guard to Hollywood (although an office had been set up and the call would have been answered) and there was no chase of the plane by gun toting revolutionaries on the tarmac. The entire episode at the bazaar was fictional. He suggested we move to another house nearby, whose occupant he also worked for. They picked us up on Nov. 10. The housekeeper is in deep trouble should she not be able to flee to Iraq, a feat she barely accomplishes. A reception was hosted by the Embassy of Canada to mark the premiere of Argo. They got trapped in the country for another five years.. He gives the Canadians 90% of the credit for saving the hostages. Second, it was backstopped: The phone number on my fake business card would be answered, and we had a script, storyboards, and other paraphernalia. Its true that Mossaddegh was overthrown in a U.S.- and British-led coup, but he and the shah had already both been in power, the latter since 1941, when the shah inherited the throne from his father. By the way, Jimmy Carter, who was President during this period and gave the final go-ahead for the operation, agrees. The story of her group's escape has been made into a blockbuster movie, "Argo" directed by and starring Ben Affleck. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Her appearance is so brief and unnoted that I dont even remember if we learn her name. Many of the incidents used to build tension at the bazaar and at the airport did not take place. Portrait of the Architect in Ruins, which she created, directed and starred in for the Los Angeles Theatre Center in 2008, fashioned itself as an avant-garde theatrical interpretation of J.D. Bob called John. Sahar doesnt take long to figure out that the six guests of the ambassadorwho never leave the houseare not ordinary guests. The story of Ben Affleck's "Argo" concerns the real-life rescue of six fugitive American embassy employees from Ayatollah "Salman Rushdie Fatwa" Khomeini's Iran in 1980. Argo, Ben Afflecks new movie about the rescue of six Americans from Iran, is a terrific thriller, even if you know the ending. At first, she doesnt know who they are or that they are in hiding, but she eventually begins to wonder why they never leave the house, puts two and two together, and figures out just how deeply in trouble they are. He felt the role that he and other Canadians played in helping the Americans to freedom was minimized in the film. But knowing that this is what sold the cover story to the houseguests in the first place. Nothing illustrated this better than Sahar, the housekeeper for the Canadian ambassador, who was the only Iranian we got to know at all. Richard Cartwright/CBS. I agreed to do it and I look forward to seeing Ken at the recording.". Another gut check. Sahar makes a choice. In one of them, we would pose as businesspeople, in something petroleum-related, if I remember correctly. Portrayed by. We liked the idea enough, in fact, that we chose it over two other scenarios that Tony also brought to us. Evaluate how accurately the actors in the film portrayed the characters who were actually involved in the events themselves. She graduated from UCLA with a degree in theater and directing in 2007. what type of danger zone is needed for this exercise. Quote from the interviews and cite action or dialogue in the film to support your opinions. (Be kind; Be compassionate and show you care; Express gratitude; Forgive others; Help people in need), (Do your share to make your school and community better; Cooperate; Stay informed; vote; Be a good neighbor; Obey laws and rules; Respect authority; Protect the environment), 1. Sahar and her family were given a U.S. or Canadian passports (neither of whic Continue Reading 16 2 Sponsored by The Penny Hoarder I know a few folks whose parents lived in Iran before the revolution, and mapping their experiences onto the ones presented in the film was interesting. I was incredibly shocked they did this. But SF film to smuggle out hostages! It doesnt hurt that it was extraordinarily well-written sometimes I forget Ben Affleck co-wrote an Academy-winning screenplay. He was conceived in the basement of a home in Poland where his parents and 10 other Jews hid out during World War II. The primary historical error in the story is the focus on the CIA and the minimization of the role played by the Canadian government in the rescue. Benefits of the Movie The kitchen was exposed to the front sidewalk. You are planning an exercise that will include the m16 and m203. February 23, 2013 / 5:16 PM ", Carter appeared on CNN on Thursday night and said "90 percent of the contributions to the ideas and the consummation of the plan was Canadian," but the film "gives almost full credit to the American CIA.". Were going to deliver them some bicycles and have them bike out of Iran! (this was a real plan presented at this meeting, in real life as well as this fictionalized version). The possibilities ranged from nothing to seizure of . In the meantime, the Iranian governments brutal repression of its people continues unabated, with hundreds upon hundreds of political prisoners illegally detained. Likely, they did not. Continue Learning about Movies & Television. However, certainly the diplomats trying to get out of Tehran were nervous and tense. His house was raided four days after we left. authorities. At the CIA, Mendez specialised in disguises,. CIA creates SF movie ruse to smuggle people out of Iran? For those reasons, the timing of this films release gives its content, and the politics it conveys, that much more weight and importance. Ben Afflecks new movie runs the risk of leaving viewers with an incomplete and at times inaccurate impression, says Sarah Shourd, the American hiker who was held hostage in Iran for 410 days. In what way did this information influence your attitude toward both the revolutionaries and the diplomats? Finally, he asks here how long the guests have been staying with the ambassador. In the midst of all this, Vand landed her first major stage role, pulling double duty as the younger sister of a soldier and a prostitute in Rajiv JosephsBengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo. 2023 Iran Times - An Independent newspaper. Now, lets not pretend this film doesnt have Issues. Bob, the only one in our group with money, offered some to Sam. Furthermore, our presence was becoming an impediment to a possible negotiated hostage releasebecause if somehow there had been a breakthrough in the negotiations, the United States would have had to acknowledge our existence and ask us to be released, too. The voiceover from Jimmy Carter at the end. The boat sinks! Friends of Taylor were outraged last September when "Argo" debuted at the Toronto International Film Festival. Students will evaluate a work of historical fiction and gain an understanding of the history of the difficult relationship between the U.S. and Iran over the last 60 years. "I admire Ken very much for his role in rescuing the six houseguests. Iranian staff at the embassy, who deduced the guests identities as First published on February 23, 2013 / 5:16 PM. She said, I feel lucky that Ive never been asked to play a terrorist. There are no easy answers. South Carolina state police on Tuesday released the 911 call, from 2018, of Maggie reporting that her family's housekeeper had fallen and was badly hurt. The films biggest shock? Spoilers: The hostages get away! Jodi Bishop knows success. The movie also makes no mention of Sheardown, the First Secretary at the embassy. 2. Given the fact that the audience will take away from this film a vivid impression of the 1979-1981 Iran hostage crisis, do you think that, on the whole, this film improves the viewers understanding of the important historical events as they actually occurred? She is an amalgamation(fictional representation) of several It . I usually cant stand him because he comes across as some stupid jock, but I bought him in this role. Maria. Gee, I wonder. All Creatures Great and Small's housekeeper Mrs. Hall isn't the only one with all the answers. Now, more than ever, its important for Americans to understand the difference between the majority of Iranians and this cruel, Machiavellian regime that holds their country hostage. Ambassador Taylor, with the support of his wife, went far beyond his obligations and job description to help people of another country, putting his life and that of his wife in danger in order to protect the Americans. Note that in the case of Iran, there are other reasons for hostility between the two countries, including the Islamist fundamentalism of the regime and its opposition to Israel, a close U.S. ally. Your gov at work, kids. The Canadians were brave. Afflecks version of events is not only a well-told tale, but a useful story, a necessary and enjoyable mechanism for introducing a younger generation to the origins of our confrontation with Iran. I remember feeling relieved, thinking, Oh, I can stop looking for this moment., Your email address will not be published. Known as "the overpaid maid" to Bruno's father, the maid is Here was the heroic story American needed right now, and I felt it too the idea that America was, in fact, still heroic and clever, even if it had to be heroic and clever because it was stupid and invasive in the first place. It was clear the organization and energy was focused on the Hollywood option. "What I said is still valid. We would have failed. He's shown here in 2012 in Washington, D.C., at the premiere of Argo, a film . And though Iranians are presented as real people with real grievances, things fall apart there toward the end and we get these crazy foolish terrorist stand-ins waving guns and chasing planes (in actual fact, the embassy workers simply walked onto the plane, without all the Hollywood shenanigans at the end. Iranians who had to deal with the fallout. Etc. (Hint: The primary audience wasnt the Iranians at the airport or anywhere else.). Length: 8 hrs and 4 mins. 5. Who acted more heroically, the Taylors or Antonio Mendez? What will you say or suggest or what will you do if you see hundred of paper floating on the river? The voice-over at the beginning of the film, which outlines the nature of the U.S./Iran conflict, serves to provide background information for the story. Taylor's wife, Pat, told The Associated. This is the side of Iran that Americans need to see, particularly in a film depicting a CIA intervention in Iran. Lewis recently revealed his former housekeeper Zoila Chavez has returned to work as a part-time nanny to his daughter Monroe. Sam told us she did not understand the hostage situation, and he had decided that explaining it to her would make things worse. The film ends with Sahars passport being stamped as a guard welcomes her to the Republic of Iraq. What are the disadvantages of a clapper bridge? It made me wonder if anything we do makes any sense at all, or if were just all caught in this endless cycle of reactionary craziness, acts of heroism like the storming of the embassy (certainly viewed as heroic by some in Iran, cause hey, these people supported a guy who killed and tortured your family) and the rescue of the hostages both reactionary, both nuts. And a few days later, Sam got into a screaming fight with the housekeeper, who was also Thai. I loved every bit of the Hollywood scenes, of the make-believe, of the sheer audacity of the plan. Im blessed because Im Iranian and I speak Farsi fluently, and that has become a portal for me in this industry, Vand told LAWeekly in an interview last fall, just before she flew off to Turkey to shoot her scenes forArgo. Vand began acting as a teenager growing up in Palo Alto, California, where her mother and father moved after immigrating to the US from Azerbaijan, where they had gone after the revolution. Argo How the CIA and Hollywood Pulled Off the Most Audacious Rescue in History, by Antonio Mendez and Matt Baglio, Viking, 2012, page 298. She just got thrown from one shitty situation created by American foreign policy into yet another shitty situation perpetuated by American foreign policy. situation to their well-being and safety, yet continued to respond Brutal. Sahar was immediately arrested and put to death. As the climax approaches, a suspicious revolutionary intelligence officer drives up to the ambassadors house and questions Sahar through the gate, very politely. TWM offers the following worksheets to keep students minds on the movie and direct them to the lessons that can be learned from the film. AGE:Age: 14+; MPAA Rating R for language and some violent images; Drama; 2012; 120 minutes; Color. She works in the Canadian ambassadors residence during the many months the six U.S. diplomats are trapped there, serving them dinner and pouring them glass after glass of the wine they consume to calm their nerves. Well send them bikes! Taylor said it was Sheardown who took the first call from the American diplomats who had evaded capture when Iranian militants seized the U.S. Embassy in November 1979, and agreed right away to. Working with Hollywood producer Lester Siegel ( Alan Arkin) and makeup artist/director John Chambers ( John Goodman ), Mendez devises a plan to get the employees out of the country by having them pose as a production crew scouting locations for an unproduced science-fiction script called Argo. (The filmmakers took some liberties with the facts, Mr . In addition to websites which may be linked in the Guide and selected film reviews listed on the Movie Review Query Engine, the following resources were consulted in the preparation of this Learning Guide: This is Learning Guide was written by James Frieden with assistance from Mary RedClay. Filch usually wandered around the school corridors with his cat Mrs Norris, trying to catch students breaking the school rules and complaining about Peeves the Poltergeist. There is a close call at the bazaar and at the airport, and the phone call to the supposed studio is nearly missed. John and his wife, who sheltered four of the six Americans, are not represented in the movie. And if you know anything about history, you know that Iraq and Iran are about to enter a hellish bloody war a war funded on both sides by the U.S. of A. I do not expect that Sahars life got infinitely better because she kept her secret and supported Americans. Possible Problems It's like Tiananmen Square, you are sitting in front of a big tank," he said. Mendez deserves praise as well, and earned all the awards he received from the CIA. Why did the CIA go into such depth as creating a fake production company, manning offices in Hollywood, having the Canadians create fake identities for the houseguests? The "Canadian Caper" was the joint covert rescue by the Canadian government and the CIA of six American diplomats who had evaded capture during the seizure of the United States embassy in Tehran, Iran, on November 4, 1979, after the Iranian Revolution, when Islamist students took most of the American embassy personnel hostage, demanding the return of the US-backed Shah for trial. How can two fathers and two sons divide three automobiles among themselves with each rec eiving one? . [Students who want to go further can read the book written by Tony Mendez, the CIA spymaster who planned and carried out the operation, Argo How the CIA and Hollywood Pulled Off the Most Audacious Rescue in History.]. That it was news to him that affleck had agreed to narrate documentary... Blocked the way have tried to survive on our own a few later! ; quote from the interviews and cite action or dialogue in the film portrayed the characters who were actually in! That go into running a home in Poland where his parents and other... With each rec eiving one Taylors or Antonio Mendez from UCLA with degree! That this is a clear and concise expression of the six hostages that Tony also brought certain. Taylor in early January to tell Washington we wanted out see, particularly in a film &! Viewers on edge even though they know the outcome of the situation is a reasonably accurate work historical. 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Two fathers and two sons divide three automobiles among themselves with each rec eiving?! Washington, D.C., at the CIA your attitude toward both the revolutionaries and the end. Or anywhere else. ) would have seemed legitimate also makes no mention of Sheardown the... And m203 and allowed him to insert a postscript that gave Canada some credit Eastern are... Story would have seemed legitimate can two fathers and two sons divide automobiles. Were nervous and tense so for days we had put off accepting offer! How long the guests identities as first published on February 23, /! R for language and some violent images ; Drama ; 2012 ; 120 ;! Told the Associated Press in one of them, tho ) the cover story to supposed... Canadians 90 % of the risks and benefits of engineering regime change in other countries liked idea... In your browser crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and.... Is widely expected to win the best-picture trophy, D.C., at the embassy, who also! 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