So many people wanted to defect that we had to call Georgetown to request an extra plane. In a book written by his brother, Thomas, after Ryan's death, Larry is quoted as saying he believed in the goals of the community, even though life was not always Utopian. Laurence Laird Layton, a distinguished scientist whose later life was devastated by his family's involvement with the Peoples Temple cult, died Wednesday in his Emeryville home. Jones himself sat onstage in a throne beneath a sign that read: Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it. The members sang and danced and, by every appearance, were happy. The next year, his church relocated to Redwood Valley, a small community in northern California. In Ukiah, Layton's free will was already beginning to slip away, according to his lawyers. Layton, Deborah 1953- PERSONAL: Born in 1953, in Tooele, UT; daughter of Laurence Laird and Lisa Layton; married; children: Lauren. The Peoples Temple Agricultural Project, better known by its informal name "Jonestown", was a remote settlement in Guyana established by the Peoples Temple, a U.S.-based cult under the leadership of Jim Jones.Jonestown became internationally infamous when, on November 18, 1978, a total of 909 people died at the settlement, at the nearby airstrip in Port Kaituma, and at a Temple-run building in . His following grew, and Jones became the leader of one of the first mixed-race churches in Indiana. Don put it in his pocket and took a few more steps before carefully unfolding it. Wed have to make multiple trips in the truck. We split up, as Jones had arranged. Suddenly, my body was crushed by a blow to my side. The campaign succeeded in making it to the Oval Office, and seemed to be viable up until 20 January 2001, President Clintons last day in office, but Larrys name did not appear on the final list of pardons and commutations. He is the son of Lawrence L. Layton, a prominent biolgist at the University of California, and was raised in a cultural, intellectual atmosphere. Ryan invited members of the press and a few of the Concerned Relatives to join him. Others, who presumably refused to drink the Kool-Aida flippant, misguided phrase I very much wish could be scrubbed from our lexiconwere injected with cyanide and other poisons. Debbie stood in line to drink the red liquid that she was told would kill her in a matter of minutes. Later on, I decided I had to show them. The spellbinding preacher had a message that attracted many disaffected people of the 1960's, and soon Carolyn had stirred her husband's sense of social activism and brought him into the group. Judge Peckham also set April 21 for a hearing on a motion for a new trial filed by Mr. Layton's new defense attorney, Robert R. Bryan. Though driven by the kind of underlying insecurity that so often fuels tyrants, Jones appeared to offer hope, redemption, and an idealistic new life. They all swore that Jonestown was the one and only place they could ever consider home. White Night!" That date was later moved back to April 2004, after the board credited him for his time in the Georgetown jail. By that time, it was obvious that some of his disciples intended to leave. What an evil thing that Jim Jones did. We worked quickly to locate and speak to the individuals whose families had contacted our office and had been campaigning for their return. On November 17, we landed at the tiny airstrip at Port Kaituma. Mrs. Layton divorced her husband in 1975 and their home on the Berkeley hilltop was sold. Tom Layton, Larry's older brother, reported to his father that Larry had complained repeatedly of what a awful father the scientist had been. After his campaign received my note, I started volunteering as a Ryan Girl, part of a troop of young women clad in houndstooth bobby hats, miniskirts, black tights, black turtlenecks and bright-white boots. In 2009 the Rockledge Florida police used the DVDs as part of a community policing project with the money to buy the DVDs procured through asset forfeiture. He attended Berkeley High School and was the editor of a campus newspaper called The Liberal. Dick Dwyer, an embassy official, showed us a slideshow of his visit to Jonestown the previous Mayimages in which he and Jim Jones looked unnervingly chummy; images of tables filled with food, of joyful children on a swingset, of bountiful crops and an exuberant church session. Lisa Layton was the next member of the family to join the cult. Instead he proposed a better use of law enforcement resources would be to "help inmates with drug addiction. Larrys parole came two years earlier than his previously-scheduled release date of April 2004. To the tarmac. After Larry and Carolyn Layton joined the cult, Larry stopped writing to his parents and would not accept phone calls from them. Mr . He said that some of the recipients could be innocent. I couldnt immediately identify the deafening sound that filled the air. Lawton gained notoriety for committing a string of jewelry store robberies along the Atlantic Seaboard prior to his arrest in 1996. As one of his top aides, I accompanied the delegation, venturing out on the ice floes where the clubbing took place. Dr. Layton had learned of his wife's religious background after they were married, but the couple had agreed not to tell anyone, especially their children. Ever on the alert for malcontents, Jones would order recalcitrant Temple members -- those who questioned his authority -- into "The Box," a stifling underground cubicle the size of a coffin. Larry Layton, a former member of the People's Temple cult, was sentenced today to life in prison for aiding and abetting in the murder of Representative Leo J. Ryan at a jungle airstrip in Guyana in November 1978. ''Look at whether their feelings against Jones were spilling over toward Larry Layton. ", Looking back on it 20 years later, she says, "I put everything in denial and locked it down. In June, she filed an affidavit with the State Department detailing the horrors in Jonestown, but got no response. Meanwhile, ex-devotees of the Peoples Temple began sharing stories about Jones darker side. Congressman Ryan assured me that there was nothing to worry about. They recovered and with the help of friends managed to reach Italy, later coming to the United States. Lawrence Robert Lawton (born October 3, 1961) is an American ex-convict, author, paralegal, motivational speaker, and YouTuber. Jim Jones led 912 followers in a ritual of murders and suicides. Mr. Layton cried as his attorney described conditions at Jonestown and said that many prosecution witnesses must feel guilty for leaving loved ones behind to die. From eyewitness and survivor accounts, the program recreates the last week before the mass murder-suicide on November 18, 1978. All of those people I had been standing beside, speaking to, sharing a cabin with. ", "I thought, what a waste. It paints a convincing picture of what it was like to spend seven years in the notorious cult, only to escape a few months before the tragedy that gave Jonestown its infamous place in history as the site of the largest mass suicide in modern times. Layton was brought to trial in Guyana on charges of attempted murder and was acquitted. When cameras were rolling, he spoke of how he loved them and how there would always be a place for thembut those declarations would be followed by thinly veiled mutters about treason and liars. As soon as it became clear that we would be bringing more than one or two defectors home with us, the communal faade cracked. Asserting that the Government wanted to make Mr. Layton a scapegoat for the Jonestown massacre, he said, ''From the State Department point of view, from the U.S. Embassy point of view, the whole matter would be easily resolved if you blamed Larry Layton.'' A few Temple members stood in front of a rusty dump truck waiting to shuttle us to the compound. That was the last moment I remember with any real clarity before I surrendered my body to the medical staff. Jones wove his way through the camp, repeating that he wasnt upset that they wanted to leave; it was just that they were doing it in the wrong way. In the two years since, Jones and most of his followers had left the Bay Area and moved to Jones commune deep in the jungle of Guyana. The article dissected Joness rise, revealing his practices of manipulation, public humiliation and fake faith healings, called out the Temples corrupt financial structure, and included ex-members testimonies of sexual assault and brutal beatings by Jones or at his command. None of the Temple members showed any interest in receiving correspondence from home. This is a digitized version of an article from The Timess print archive, before the start of online publication in 1996. The letters were presented during the hearing which resulted in a recommendation for Larrys release. Subsequently, he said, she urged him to have an affair. I was 28, lying on a dusty airplane runway in the Guyanese jungle, and dying. Larry, after graduating from Berkeley High School, enrolled at the University of California at Davis and soon was living with Carolyn Moore, a student whose father was a Protestant minister in Davis. Larry Layton, who had boarded the small Cessna aircraft began open firing on its occupants which wounded several of them before he was disarmed by one of the people inside. She died of cancer in Guyana three weeks before the death ritual. Mini Biography. On the plane to Guyana, Nov. 18, 1978. After graduating from the University of California campus at Davis in 1968 with a degree in social science, Layton and his wife moved to the Ukiah area and soon met up with the temple. The retrial was delayed for years because of complex appeals over the admissability of certain evidence excluded by Judge Peckham's rulings in the first trial. The child talked her out of it. Twenty years ago this month, Jones and 912 of his followers committed mass suicide at the jungle compound. Alternative Considerations of Jonestown & Peoples Temple. How could I not like the good things they were doing?. Mr. Jones, they said, could cure cancer. She mentioned a Bay Area couple, the Stoens, who had defected and were fighting for the return of their young son, John. Although his mother was of German-Jewish descent, his family practiced the Quaker faith, and Larry was the family's firmest believer, according to his brother. [40] Lawton has also shown concern over the prevalence of fentanyl-laced heroin, noting that in the past dealers had tried to sell pure heroin without any additives. But when Larry Layton was growing up in the 1920's, the land was not worth much. Mrs. Layton's daughter, Deborah, joined the cult five years ago. It was just a matter of time. "When I joined Peoples Temple, I was 17 and it was like joining the Peace Corps," she says. The Laytons were a family that seemed to have everything: intelligence, plenty of money, education, a proud family tradition of Quaker nonviolence. The daughter of Hugo and Anita Philips, Lisa Philips Layton was born in Germany in 1915 into a family that had engaged in banking for at least 200 years. He was cracking. [39] Other issues he is concerned with include prison conditions as well as post-release debt loads and their influence on unemployed ex-convicts. Lawton gained notoriety for committing a string of jewelry store robberies along the Atlantic Seaboard prior to his arrest in 1996. Within a year, a few Jonestown defectors had managed to return to the Bay Areamost notably, Debbie Layton Blakey, whod been Jones trusted aide and worked as the Temples financial secretary. [10] While in prison, Lawton earned a paralegal qualification and became a gang mediator. That same year, Congressman Ryan read a newspaper article about a constituent of his named Sam Houston, whose son had been a member of Jim Jones Peoples Temple and, in 1976, died under suspicious circumstances after having a phone conversation in which he confessed to wanting to leave the group. Nearly 30 years later, her mother long dead in a rotting jungle outpost in Guyana, her brother doing life in a federal prison and her father so broken that he weeps at the mention of anything connected with Jones-, town, Deborah Layton has, as she put it the other day, "decided it was time to come out of the cobwebbed attic.". In 1969, to get her away from the drugs and other attractions in Berkeley, Dr. Layton and his wife decided to send Deborah to a Quaker school, Ackworth, in the countryside of Yorkshire, England. But I was one of very few women who held senior staff positions in Congress at the time, and I was concerned that if I gave in to my reluctance and let a male colleague go in my place, Id be setting back women in politics. As I was transferred onto a gurney, I was conscious enough to look up and see a big, gleaming white plane with The United States of America written on the side. Inquiry by Congressman. After a while, Mrs. Layton began sleeping on the floor of their home in Berkeley and made her husband sell a Cadillac they owned. Subsequently, she arranged to leave the settlement on an errand for Mr. Jones and left Guyana on May 13. And he assigned two of his staff members to come along: Jim Schollaert and me. At Port Kaituma, while I ushered the defectors onto a plane, a large red tractor-trailer rumbled onto the airstrip. Members of the press and the Concerned Relatives waited behind on the airstrip until the truck could come back for a second load. Ryan wanted to investigate. Before I could even comprehend what was happening, about a dozen men leapt from the tractor, leveled their automatic weapons, and fast approached. After her operation, Mrs. Layton moved to Guyana. While trying to keep the peace, he had been attacked with a knife. After he passed legislation improving prison conditions, the inmates showed their gratitude by giving him a chess set they had sculpted from toothpaste and toilet paper. [10] In 2012, Lawton self-published Gangster Redemption, an autobiography co-written with Peter Golenbock. We landed in Georgetown, Guyanas capital, on November 14, 1978. It was a message that appealed to the dispossessed, which is why it made sense for the Peoples Temple to relocate to San Francisco around 1972. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. UNDAUNTED: Surviving Jonestown, Summoning Courage, and Fighting Back, write a letter to President Jimmy Carter extolling Joness work, California's road to recovery runs through D.C. Republicans, Why New Jerseys ventilator guidelines may favor younger, whiter patients, Rhode Island ends specific restrictions on New Yorkers by making them national. Jonestown was the agricultural compound Jones' followers carved out of the Guyanese jungle, 150 miles northwest of the nation's capital, Georgetown. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. She said that she knew that to do so would endanger her mother and brother because Mr. Jones kept dissident members in line by holding relatives hostage. Jim Jones, and 912 of his followers died by poison and gunfire in mass killings and suicides. It was utter pandemonium. Months previously, her husband had begun noticing that money and family possessions were dis appearing from the household. Moments later, Congressman Ryan emerged from a throng of people with a torn and bloodied shirt. This was not a mass suicide. At 16, Im not sure I understood what a state assemblyman did, but when my parents received a solicitation from Leo Ryans reelection campaign in 1966, I mailed back a note: Im in high school. The first trial ended in a hung jury. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. His first encounter with organized crime was through his father, a metal worker who delivered bribes to the New York mafia. The morning after our arrival, Congressman Ryan, Jim Schollaert and I attended a closed-door briefing by Ambassador John Burke and his staff at the U.S. Embassy. During my freshman year at UC Davis, when I told him about my major, he offered encouragement: If you really want to learn about political science, you should come and intern in my office. I did, and over the years, worked my way up from volunteer to intern to staffer to senior aide, just as he climbed from the state Assembly to the U.S. Congress. It was a mass murder. | AP. The hundreds of elderly were told that if they attempted escape, they would be left to die prolonged deaths alone in the depths of the jungle. 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I knew him well enough to understand what would happen next. ", She blithely ignored the warning signs -- the fake "cancer healings" and the increasingly hostile confrontations, when Jones would scream at members of his flock for faintly perceived faults or have them paddled harshly with the "board of education.". He is also charged with conspiring to harm Richard Dwyer, a United States diplomat who was wounded in the ambush. Charismatic and tall with salt-and-pepper hair, he commanded a room. After spending 18 years in Guyana jails and U.S. federal prisons, Larry Layton, the only man convicted on criminal charges arising from the events of November 18, 1978, was released in April 2002. Larry Layton was convicted in 1986 by a federal jury in San Francisco of conspiring in the 1978 murder of California congressman Leo Ryan and aiding and abetting in the attempted murder of. In 1968, Carolyn Layton became the first member of the family to be enticed by Mr. Jones's diatribes against the rich, the Vietnam War, social injustice and racism. [25] He received an additional sentence in 2002 for giving false witness. Education: Attended college in the area of San Francisco, CA. Please help us get out of Jonestown. Soon after, Don was approached by another member, who claimed that many Temple members desperately wanted to leave but were too terrified to come forward. 2023 Alternative Considerations of Jonestown & Peoples Temple, Alternative Considerations of Jonestown and Peoples Temple is a, The Campaign to Release Larry Layton from Federal Prison, to petition then-President Clinton to commute Larrys sentence. Deborah said that before her escape she had obtained a bottle of wine and taken it to the commune against Mr. Jones's rules. It did not sit well with me. Extradited to the U.S. after a Guyana jury found him not guilty of murder, Larry was tried twice on four charges related to the shootings, including Conspiracy to Kill a Congressman. I dont have any money to donate, but Id like to volunteer. Larry Layton had gotten onto the truck with us, which struck me as a glaring red flaghe was an entrenched member of the hierarchy, one of the true believers. She looks away for a moment, then brightens and starts to talk about a visit she made to Jonestown only a few months ago, accompanied by a crew from the Arts & Entertainment network, which is making a documentary on Peoples Temple. Friends of Larry Layton recall that Mr. Jones took both Carolyn and Karen from him after having the women watch him force Larry to submit to a homosexual act. He said the accusation probably been inspired by Mr. Jones as part of a systematic effort to break up families in the church. Nearly 300 children were administered the poison, including a number of infants in the arms of their parents. Answer (1 of 2): Above: Jonestown Before The Massacre Larry Layton was the only "armed guard" at Jonestown at the time of the massacre to outlive November 18, 1978, when all but a few dozen of the roughly 1,000 residents of Jonestown perished. This is a digitized version of an article from The Timess print archive, before the start of online publication in 1996. He genuinely believed that he had some sort of protective shield around him, despite the fact that we werent traveling with any military escort or protection. The suit was later dismissed. Secretly, she offered her mother a glass of the wine. There is a sickening recording of Jones coercing his followers that day. The docket for Laytons trial through its various appeals through 1990 is here. Deborah watched at close hand her brother's mental deterioration under Mr. Jones's oppressiveness: Larry had been very hung upon Carolyn, he loved her, and Jim took her away from him and gave him Karen, but then he took Karen away, too. A bone shot out of my right arm, and a huge hunk of flesh had been blown off my thigh. "[10], Lawton also founded the Reality Check Foundation, which is a 501(C)(3) charity that includes a mentoring program, and an annual golf outing. | Amazon. But Dr. Layton denied strongly in a separate interview that he had ever been antiSemitic. Jim Jones would order more than 900 of his followers to commit suicide. Your Privacy Choices (Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads). In 1970, as chairman of a committee overseeing prison reform, he assumed a pseudonym and had himself booked, strip-searched and incarcerated for 10 days at Folsom State Prison, revealing his identity only when it was time to be released. [21] Lawton was arrested by the FBI on December 2, 1996, in Florida and charged with the Fairless Hills armed robbery. Her father, a wealthy banker in Hamburg, and her mother would be marched off at gunpoint to a train bound for a concentration camp. Layton grew up in an affluent Berkeley family. Mr. Ryan, three journalists and a cult defector were killed and 11 others were wounded. Be the first to contribute! It was nothing of the kind. Jim Jones, with his omnipresent dark glasses and his sweeping red robe, was the anchor of her newfound life and, like many Temple members, she was mesmerized by him. Jones greeted us at the compound. Vernon Gosney and Monica Bagby, it read. I had read the articles and listened to hours of testimony. Mr. Blakey survived the killings and suicides at Jonestown; he was on a boat owned by the commune at the time of the deaths. ''This is a criminal case against Larry Layton,'' he said. "[27] Another time he said: "I had my arms pinned down, and I was beaten and peed on by the guards. He had engineered complete authoritycollecting members Social Security and disability checks, and determining when and how his disciples could communicate with their families. [25], Law enforcement officials and judges have supported the program. Join me, he assured his followers, and youll get health care, education and a family that would never mistreat you. After a few weeks, Layton grew "accustomed to the unusual smells in the food and drink. Politically, there was nothing to gainand everything to loseby taking on Jones, and there was no telling what hed do if confronted and challenged. ''Look at the poor diet, the loss of weight, the physical exhaustion, the desperation, the lingering illness and death of his mother and the fear of punishment and humiliation,'' he said. His family, too, had had great wealth. It was impossible to cope with the pain. (CHRONICLE PHOTO BY SUSANNA FROHMAN), Restaurant chain slated to close site at Bay Area mall, One of the largest movie theaters in SF to close permanently, Grapevine closed indefinitely due to heavy snow and ice, Plan to bring bullet train from LA to Vegas is underway, 'Zero visibility' conditions: All roads to Tahoe are closed, What it looks like inside Coit Towers former apartment, Graupel falls on Disneyland, shocks guests, Avalanche slams into Tahoe apartment building amid blizzard, Hundreds of thousands of workers have abandoned downtown SF, Tahoe's snowfall totals are on track to break records, Report: Matthew McConaughey has a massive Salesforce paycheck, Popular yet divisive fast food chain coming to this Bay Area town. Larry Howard Layton, 80, of Green Valley, AZ passed away December 10, 2020 from complications of COVID-19. In August 1979, he joined the Coast Guard[9] and took part in the Mariel boatlift. Family Tragedy: Hitler's Germany to Jones's Cult, They reported the car's license plate, which linked the car to Lawton. Born in Crete, Indiana, in 1931, Jim Jones grew up an outcast and underdog, and was fixated on being recognized as someone greater. ''You've heard graphic details about what happenened on the airstrip,'' he said. Layton's mother, who came from a wealthy family, divorced her husband and donated $300,000 to Jones' cause. Ryan decided that we would wait until the morning and suggested we keep a low profile until then. I couldnt immediately identify the deafening sound that filled the air was growing up in Guyanese... Murder and was the last week before the mass murder-suicide on November,... Order more than 900 of his staff members to come along: Schollaert! You have 10 gift articles to give each month members larry layton biography and danced,. In Jonestown, but got no response a dusty airplane runway in the church appeals through is. 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