Conclusions: Our study shows that the Dutch ADAMS is a reliable and valid instru‐ ment for adults aged between 18 and 49years with intellectual disabilities (and co ‐ morbid epilepsy). Our results support previous findings of the English and French versions of the QBPDS. Results: This study revealed high internal consistency and good test-retest reliability for the Persian version of the questionnaire. Validity was examined by correlating the QBPDS scores to external criteria scores at a single point in time (cross-sectional) and over a period of time (longitudinal). 2016 Dec;17(1):79. doi: 10.1186/s10194-016-0674-1. Results.  La validité est la qualité la plus importante car elle apprécie la portée pratique du test. A cross-sectional, multicenter validation study. 7. pp. After that, you must get a Dutch driving licence. Background and Purpose. Whether this instrument can be used as an evaluative instrument remains unknown.  |  A test designed to reveal a person’s linguistic competence is unlikely to use the same techniques as a test designed to reveal the limitations of a person’s competence in a language. Get the latest public health information from CDC:, Get the latest research information from NIH:, Find NCBI SARS-CoV-2 literature, sequence, and clinical content: Contact Info. PERSPECTIVE: This article presents the validity and test-retest reliability of the Dutch mPDQ. spondylitis: translation into Dutch, reliability and construct validity Simon van Genderen,1,2 Guy Plasqui,3 Diane Lacaille,4,5 Suzanne Arends,6,7 Floris van Gaalen,8 Désirée van der Heijde,8 Liesbeth Heuft,9 András Keszei,10 Jolanda Luime,11 Anneke Spoorenberg,6,7 Robert Landewé,12 Monique Gignac,13 Annelies Boonen1,2 To cite: van Genderen S, Plasqui G, Lacaille D, et al. Hyun SJ, Kim WB, Park YS, Kim KJ, Jahng TA, Kim YJ. Haidar RK, Kassak K, Masrouha K, Ibrahim K, Mhaidli H. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide, This PDF is available to Subscribers Only. Patient sample: Methods Translation was performed using the dual panel approach. IBAN checker (Vérificateur IBAN) est un logiciel conçu pour valider un numéro de compte bancaire international et identifier la banque propriétaire de ce compte, code BIC et adresse. Floor and ceiling effects, internal consistency, reproducibility, concurrent validity, and discriminative ability of the Dutch version of the SRS-22r questionnaire. 2018 Feb 19;15(2):319-323. doi: 10.1016/j.jor.2018.02.003. KEYWORDS Search for other works by this author on: © 1996 by the American Physical Therapy Association Inc. 2015 Sep 1;40(17):E971-7. Subjects were 120 individuals with chronic low back pain. The function, pain, mental health, and self-image domains correlated under the 0.001 significance level with the corresponding CHQ-CF87 and SF-36 domains. Cronbach's alpha was .95. CONCLUSION: Therefore, the Dutch version of the mPDQ showed high test-retest reliability and high internal consistency, and was able to distinguish CWAD and FM patients from healthy controls. J Korean Neurosurg Soc. Internal consistency was very satisfactory for all SRS-22r domains: Cronbach's α was between 0.718 and 0.852. Using Pearson's correlation coefficient, comparison of the domains of the Dutch SRS-22r with the domains of the SF-36 and Child Health Questionnaire-CF87 assessed the concurrent validity. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Most immigrants to the Netherlands from outside the EU have to sit the Inburgeringsexamen (civic integration exams) in order to get a Dutch resident permit or to apply for Dutch citizenship.. The DUTCH test was created to provide insight into many of these concerns, working to deliver the most complete assessment of sex and adrenal hormones, along with their metabolites, in one easy to administer test. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000001236. Psychometric testing of these scales included measurement of internal consistency, construct validity and criterion-related validity. Reliability was determined by calculating Pearson correlation coefficients and intraclass correlation coefficients in addition to Cronbach's alpha and item-total correlation at the beginning of the study and after 4 months. For full access to this pdf, sign in to an existing account, or purchase an annual subscription.  |  The development and validation of the Cluster Headache Quality of life scale (CHQ). 2014 Aug 1 ... By omitting question 15, the internal consistency of the function domain increased from 0.746 to 0.827. Development and validity of a Dutch version of the Remote Associate Task: An item-response theory approach Akbari Chermahini, S., Hickendorff, M., & Hommel, B. This study aimed to translate the SRPQ into Dutch, and assess the clinimetric properties and aspects of its validity among patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS). 3138 NE Rivergate Street, Suite #301C McMinnville, OR 97128 | USA Phone: (503) 687-2050 Fax: (503) 687-2052 Email: Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Treatment by a Korean Neurosurgeon: The Changing Role for Neurosurgeons. Kontodimopoulos N, Damianou K, Stamatopoulou E, Kalampokis A, Loukos I. J Orthop. Differences in SRS-22r domain scores between untreated patients with different curve severity determined the discriminative ability of the questionnaire. Subjects. Abstract The Remote Associates Test (RAT) developed by Mednick and Mednick (1967) is known as a valid measure of creative convergent thinking. As such, LADO is a perfect example of Messick’s general message that an assessment of the validity of the instrument implies an assessment of its use. NLM 2015 Aug;24(8):1981-98. doi: 10.1007/s11136-015-0935-5. However, further psychometric evaluation concerning the predictive validity … The Dutch SRS-22r could be used for the longitudinal follow-up of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients from adolescence to adulthood and for establishing the effects of conservative or invasive surgical treatment. Results. COVID-19 is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation. 2007 Jul 15;32(16):1778-84. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0b013e3180dc9bb2. 15 Test–retest reliability of the TTS is good (0.80). CLINICAL VALIDATION OF … Spine (Phila Pa 1976). A total of 135 adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients (mean age 15.1 years old) of three major scoliosis centers in the Netherlands were enrolled in this study. Théroux J, Stomski N, Innes S, Ballard A, Khadra C, Labelle H, Le May S. Scoliosis Spinal Disord. Methods: Epub 2015 Feb 15. It can tell you what you may conclude or predict about someone from his or her score on the test. Ninety-two (68%) subjects completed the Dutch SRS-22r, Child Health Questionnaire (CHQ)-CF87 (golden standard for adolescents), and Short Form (SF)-36 (golden standard for adults). Discriminant ability was determined for fall-risk factors (age, gender, physiological profile assessment, and fall history). Cronbach's α was calculated for internal consistency of each domain of the questionnaires and reproducibility was assessed by test-retest reliability analysis. Chinese Adaptation of the Bad Sobernheim Stress Questionnaire for Patients With Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Under Brace Treatment. Validity gives meaning to the test scores. Your comment will be reviewed and published at the journal's discretion. If you have a non-EU/EAA driving licence . 2018 ; Vol. The satisfaction with management domain did not correlate with the other questionnaires. The Dutch SRS-22r had the properties needed for the measurement of patient perceived health-related quality of life of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients in the Netherlands. Validity evidence indicates that there is linkage between test performance and job performance. / Validity and Test-Retest Reliability of the Dutch Modified Perceived Deficits Questionnaire to Examine Cognitive Symptoms in Women with Chronic Whiplash, Chronic Idiopathic Neck Pain, and Fibromyalgia. In: Pain Practice. The facility-in-L2 tests are designed to measure receptive and productive language ability as test-takers engage in a succession of tasks with meaningful language. Please check for further notifications by email. Test–retest reliability after 1 week was evaluated in 30 participants. National Center for Biotechnology Information, Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. Please note that it is also possible to take a Staatsexamen NT2 in either Programma I or Programma II instead. Included patients were 281 adults with multi-factorial chronic pain (> 3 months) from two health care settings. TODA AMNIODIAG 5 strip ® est un test immunochromatographique sur bandelettes permettant de détecter la rupture de membrane fœtale par la mise en évidence de la protéine IGFBP-1 provenant du liquide amniotique de la femme enceinte. HHS Both questionnaires demonstrated good test-retest reliability. Thank you for submitting a comment on this article. 1. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. eCollection 2017. Epub 2016 Sep 5. This study was supported by a grant from the Dutch Health Insurance Executive Board. The DUFS (scale … Results. Monticone M, Nava C, Leggero V, Rocca B, Salvaderi S, Ferrante S, Ambrosini E. Qual Life Res. The DUTCH test offers a better representation of the patient’s overall progesterone production. Development and validity of a Dutch version of the Remote Associate Task: An Item Response Theory approach. - De façon très générale, la validité d'un test réfère au degré avec lequel un test « mesure ce qu'il est supposé mesurer » (1921, the National Association of the Directors of Educational Research). doi: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000000956. Regression analyses showed, for the total scores on both gratitude questionnaires, positive associations with the SWLS and the Positive Affect Scale, and negative associations with the Negative Affect Scale. Would you like email updates of new search results? Demographics, curve type, Risser stage, and treatment status were documented. The SRS-22r has not been translated into Dutch to date. For content analysis, SRS-22r domain scores (function, pain, self-image, mental health, and satisfaction with management) were explored and floor and ceiling effects were determined. Purpose: (submitted). Xu X, Wang F, Yang M, Huang Q, Chang Y, Wei X, Bai Y, Li M. Medicine (Baltimore). The purpose of this study among patients with chronic heart failure (n = 138) was to develop and test both the Dutch Fatigue Scale (DUFS) and the Dutch Exertion Fatigue Scale (DEFS). This study aimed to investigate construct validity and test-retest reliability of the Dutch IEQ. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. The paper reviews the constructs, scoring, and the concurrent validity evidence of ‘facility-in-L2’ tests, a family of automated spoken language tests in Spanish, Dutch, Arabic, and English. Test-retest reliability was ≥0.799 for all SRS-22r domains. Standard scores are also provided in the manual for the TTS (mean=10; SD=3). International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic, Copyright © 2021 American Physical Therapy Association. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC = .82), the limits-of-agreement interval (LOA = −8.96 to 2.48) and the test–retest reliability (Pearson's r = 86) suggest that the Dutch translation has good reproducibility.Construct validity was tested by two hypotheses, both of which were confirmed. 2017 Jul 17;12:21. doi: 10.1186/s13013-017-0129-8. Concurrent validity was evaluated against the conventional tests of reaction time and EF (simple hand reaction time, trail-making test, and Stroop colour test). 2012 Apr 20;37(9):783-7. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0b013e318230a92d. The QBPDS was filled out at the beginning of the study, after 1 week, and after 4 months. Construct validity and test-retest reliability of the Dutch STarT MSK tool in patients with musculoskeletal pain in primary care physiotherapy Masterthesis Physiotherapy Science Program in Clinical Health Sciences Utrecht University Name student: A.G. (Anke) van den Broek Student number: 5665140 Date: 28 June 2018 Internship supervisor(s): Dr. C.J.J. Results: Measurement properties of translated versions of the Scoliosis Research Society-22 Patient Questionnaire, SRS-22: a systematic review. 1) Définition  On peut retrouver diverses définitions selon les auteurs. How to Cite: Shahrokhi M, Amini M, Takmil F, Zare N, Nabeiei P, et al. The discriminant validity study showed significant differences between the healthy and ill subjects for the 10 separate categories (P < 0.01) and the total score (P < 0.001). The longitudinal construct validity coefficients were .60 (RDQ), .53 (pain severity), and .35 (course of the complaint). Glattes RC, Burton DC, Lai SM, Frasier E, Asher MA. As in other fields of medicine, there is an increasing interest among orthopedic surgeons to measure health-related quality of life in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients and to evaluate the burden of disease and the effectiveness of different treatment strategies. 2. Results: The test—retest reliability showed a satisfactory intraclass correlation coefficient for the total overall score (0.80) but not for the categories scores. Validity was examined by correlating the QBPDS scores to external criteria scores at a single point in time (cross-sectional) and over a period of time (longitudinal). 2015 Aug;94(31):e1236. 2015 Jul;58(1):50-3. doi: 10.3340/jkns.2015.58.1.50. The cross-sectional construct validity coefficients were .80 (RDQ) and .70 (pain severity). Validity and Reliability of the Persian Translation of Dutch Residency Educational Climate Test and Analysis of Residents’ Learning Climate in Four Major Departments of Shiraz Medical School, Shiraz E-Med J. Online ahead of Print ; … No blood to draw, spitting in tubes or filling up jugs of urine. Pearson and intraclass correlation coefficients for test-retest reliability were .90. 18, No. NIH Conclusion: The Dutch STarT MSK tool showed a good construct validity and substantial test-retest reliability in patients with musculoskeletal pain in primary care physiotherapy. The reliability and concurrent validity of the Scoliosis Research Society-22r patient questionnaire compared with the Child Health Questionnaire-CF87 patient questionnaire for adolescent spinal deformity. 15, 20, 21 The previous version of this Test had acceptable validity, but so far information about the validity of the revised version is limited. Over the years, the SRS-22r gained wide acceptance and has been used in several different countries, languages, and cultures. This woman clearly ovulated, given the level of proges- terone shown; however, some measurements may imply low production (~5ng/mL) and some are rather high (>30ng/mL). The SRS-22r had the ability to detect differences between groups with different curve severity; patients with a severe scoliotic curvature had significantly lower pain and self-image domain scores than patients with relatively mild scoliosis. Abu Bakar N, Torkamani M, Tanprawate S, Lambru G, Matharu M, Jahanshahi M. J Headache Pain. The SRS-22r domains as well as the SF-36 and CHQ-CF87 domains demonstrated no floor effects, but the function, pain, and satisfaction with management domains had ceiling effects, indicating the proportion of subjects with the maximum score between 19.6% and 33.0%. Conclusion and Discussion. Reliability and validity of the adapted Dutch version of the revised Scoliosis Research Society 22-item questionnaire Spine J. Test-retest reliability was ≥0.799 for all SRS-22r domains. Cronbach's alpha was .95. Revisiting the psychometric properties of the Scoliosis Research Society-22 (SRS-22) French version. Methods. Study design/setting: Conclusions: D. Lenoir, R. De Pauw, K. Ickmans, C. Schumacher, I. Timmers, J. Kregel, I. Coppieters. Je trouve quand même bizarre que cette plateforme ne soit pas capable d'indiquer si une clé est valide ou non. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! 850-863. Sathira-Angkura V, Pithankuakul K, Sakulpipatana S, Piyaskulkaew C, Kunakornsawat S. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). eCollection 2018 Jun. Background context: For citizens of all countries outside the EU/EEA (including the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba), licences are valid for six months from the date you register at your local municipality. Liesbeth EM Schoppink, Maurits W van Tulder, Bart W Koes, Sandra AJHM Beurskens, Rob A de Bie, Reliability and Validity of the Dutch Adaptation of the Quebec Back Pain Disability Scale, Physical Therapy, Volume 76, Issue 3, 1 March 1996, Pages 268–275, validity of the Dutch ADAMS Depressive Mood subscale was good with a sensitivity of 88% (95% CI: 53%–98%) and a specificity of 80% (95% CI: 64%–90%). Abstract IntroductionUntil now, only reliability and validity of the English version of the modified Perceived Deficits Questionnaire (mPDQ) have been investigated. Pearson and intraclass correlation coefficients for test-retest reliability were .90. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. By omitting question 15, the internal consistency of the function domain increased from 0.746 to 0.827. This measure could help clinicians who seek a reliable and user-friendly way to assess cognitive symptoms … The reliability and validity of two qualitative scoring systems for the Controlled Oral Word Association Test [Benton, A. L., Hamsher, de S. K., & Siv… Objective: To investigate the cross-cultural validity of international Dutch-English comparisons when using the Dutch Rivermead Mobility Index (RMI), and the intra-test reliability and construct validity of the Dutch RMI. Children's and parents' perspectives of health-related quality of life in newly diagnosed adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. The development of the revised Scoliosis Research Society 22-item patient questionnaire (SRS-22r) enabled a comprehensive evaluation of health-related quality of life of these patients. Validity and reliability of an adapted Thai version of Scoliosis Research Society-22 questionnaire for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Epub 2015 Jul 31. Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis; Concurrent validity; Content analysis; Cross-cultural adaptation; Discriminantive ability; Health-related quality of life; Reliability; Scoliosis Research Society 22 revised questionnaire. Reliability and validity of an adapted Arabic version of the Scoliosis Research Society-22r Questionnaire. Outcome measures: The results support the validity of the Dutch GQ6 and SGRAT. Once the validity of the original licence ends, the holder will need to apply for a Dutch driving licence. The purposes of this study were to determine whether a Dutch translation of the Quebec Back Pain Disability Scale (QBPDS) retains the high levels of reliability and validity of the original English version and to determine whether it is therefore more practical to translate this scale, and possibly other scales, than to generate language- and culture-specific instruments. Le test utilise une paire d’anticorps monoclonaux qui détectent la protéine à partir d’un écouvillonnement vaginal. To translate the SRS-22r into Dutch and adapt it cross-culturally as outlined by international guidelines and to test its psychometric properties to measure health-related quality of life of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients in the Netherlands. Validity tells you if the characteristic being measured by a test is related to job qualifications and requirements. Function domain increased from 0.746 to 0.827 Spinal Disord, 73 ( 79 % ) 92!, languages, and cultures for other works by this author on: © by! Srs-22R domain scores between untreated patients with different curve severity determined the discriminative ability of the questionnaire offers a representation... Ii instead the manual for the TTS is good ( 0.80 ) ne soit pas d'indiquer!, Ferrante S, Ballard a, Khadra C, Labelle H, le may S. 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