Pick the local museum, or travel across the world for a mini online vacation. This is just another way to encourage their collaboration and … Some older computers are unable to connect to the internet wirelessly. I think when I or my husband turn off the tv, put the cell phone away, and just sit down on the floor, my 1 year old comes up with her own interactions and ways to play and connect with us, since she’s still so young. A low tech option is to tell everyone to start it at the same time and use the Facebook group feed to share comments. President of Maryland university offers inaugural poet Amanda Gorman a job via Twitter. I can export the data to Google Sheets to easily sort the information. Connect With Friends From Far And Wide With These Fun Online Multiplayer Games. The first platform that’s helped create normalcy is utilizing, - a digital reading platform that does it all (check it out in, highlights for elearning!). A novel asks hard questions about early Black entrepreneurs. Engaging group discussions can happen outside of the classroom! Have them come to the door while you stay in the car and chat with them. Just because you’re staying home doesn’t mean you have to be lonely. She just joined Instagram this week. Telephone Number. ! Fun Ways to Connect With Grandparents via Technology By Stacey Ross My kids and their grandparents share a thriving digital relationship with one another, whether it’s playing (remote) checkers on a Sunday morning, sharing what projects they have been working on via video chat, or even getting some tutoring in for upcoming science tests! Snapchat is a fun way to connect with fans, especially if your target audience skews younger. About sharing. Host an online art show, giving each child time to showcase a work that makes them proud. To spread these resources even further, offer students paper copies of the Digital Community resource and allow students to weigh in on how to include students who have limited access in the classroom community. Since she is not sharing these videos publically, she returned to reading modern YA literature for First Chapter Friday through a Google Meet. That weekend, I found out that my school would be closed until May. Andreas Faisst loves to socialize, so when self-isolation measures meant he couldn’t go to dinner with friends, he switched to a virtual get-together. , a platform where you can browse public “debates” or create your own. You can read the directions for setting up the breakout rooms in Zoom here. She recommends sharing specific feedback about student’s analysis. “They just say, ‘hi,’ ‘hi, ‘hi.’ ”. By doing these two things, she hopes to establish a foundation for learning to happen. Differentiation idea: For students who cannot participate at a specific time, Zoom and Google both have options to record meetings. It’s a meetup she hopes to continue twice a week for as long as school shutdowns last. . Get the latest news and notes from our community Book Club. Amanda from Mud and Ink Teaching has been focusing on two major goals: providing structure and creating normalcy. Here’s where to rediscover the essay “Why I Write,” a spark of earnest hope behind the writer’s distant cool. Being in the backyard together is even more rejuvenating. ! Differentiation: Mail paper versions of class work and agendas, or if your school has meal delivery, see if work can be sent home with meals. Reply. Sign up for the Los Angeles Times Book Club. For students who have limited access to books, Sora also has eBooks that can be borrowed for free. This lets the teacher split your larger class meeting into smaller separate rooms. The plan is for relatives — throughout California — to set up Zoom on their laptops and to place those laptops in their dining rooms. Write it. “Is it time for my music class, mama?” she asks hopefully. Share. Therefore, you can start in a full class meet by explaining directions and expectations, and then break up students into their assigned groups. Tell us what you are looking for. Make sure everyone knows beforehand that they need to stay at least six feet apart. There are a few ways you could do this. Have Christmas parties, Chanukkah parties, St. Patrick’s Day parties, whatever holiday parties you can squeeze into your schedule. Students then were tasked with sharing how the character would handle social distancing. If you are ready to try a new tech tool, consider online “backchannel” discussion platforms like Yo Teach (similar to the former Today’s Meet)or Kialo, a platform where you can browse public “debates” or create your own. The ‘Question to Ask Out Loud’ section was one of my favorites. Each slide has clickable links for the reader to choose her own adventure and they’re so much fun to read and write! Staci has so many ideas about how this could work with. Jessica Gelt writes about arts and culture for the Los Angeles Times. Play music and have a holiday sing-off. Unique ways to connect: The importance of finding different ways to sustain your connection. She walks students through the process of prioritizing their time and planning ahead using templates found in her free. 10 ways to connect your workplace with examples from real organizations. It can be tempting to try all the new things (like a class. Instead of getting together in person, they rendezvoused in front of their respective laptop screens. It can be tempting to try all the new things (like a class “Where I’m From Poem”! All the curriculum and connection one place for beginning online virtual distance learning teachers. Let the people in your life know you admire who they are and what they do. If your district supports the use of Google Meet and you’re thinking about giving it a try, Shana suggests downloading a few Chrome extensions first. The. Simply having students write their responses instead of creating a video is easy. “I want to have virtual coffees or cocktail hour. Consistent peer-to-peer feedback is a great way to connect remote employees. It was during a family group-texting session that her stepmom suggested setting up a virtual seder. But that’s not stopping Alex Zaragoza from engaging in one of her favorite pastimes: karaoke. Set up a regular happy hour online and enjoy the company of friends as you wind down from the workday. The community agreement is always presented as a “living” document that can be adjusted as needed. is another helpful tool that allows students to virtually raise their hands and indicate how they’re feeling via pop-up emojis. resource so that students can share book recommendations and inspiration with peers. How to host a virtual movie night with friends on Netflix, It’s no Catalina Wine Mixer, but a Google Chrome extension enables Netflix users to sync viewing and chat while they watch from social isolation. Ashley Bible at. She became the national youth poet laureate at age 16; six years later, she read her poem at Joe Biden’s and Kamala Harris’ historic swearing-in. 52 Ways to Connect as a Couple by Jay Payleitner is packed full of fun and practical advice for couples. Just like in-person learning, a predictable structure makes students feel stable and less anxious. If you are hosting live lessons through a video conferencing platform, you can easily facilitate discussions. Like many other teachers, I went through a brief period of mourning. As a high school English teacher who is currently teaching more than 160 students remotely, the best advice I have. 8 Ways to Really Connect With Each Other The world may be anti-depth. Marketing 7 Quick Ways to Connect With Anybody Grow your business (and enrich your life experience) with these seven simple questions that move conversations from chitchat into relationship building. Differentiation idea: Provide an alternative to video responses for students who do not have access. Before deciding on which route to take, you should check with your school district about their policies and expectations. For students with limited access (just email, for example), create a regular schedule with any students who need that accommodation. Learn it., uses. Pay attention. She understands the challenges with time management for students in a digital world. Share page. Tags Relationships. A low tech option is to tell everyone to start it at the same time and use the Facebook group feed to share comments. She’s experimenting in non-work settings as practice. Classroom Community Agreement– Tanesha prioritizes time for students to reflect on the feel of the classroom they want to be true. With this option, you’ll have to setup individual Google Meets and label them for each group so the students know which one to attend. We’re all in this together! Students can email responses or post them in Google Classroom. “We did round robins of questions, that was fun,” she said. 2. The best part is it’s packed with links of curriculum and CONNECTION ideas! Write it. Getting your group together to watch a show, a documentary, or a movie and chat through it is an awesome and fun way to stay connected. Has your school tried a digital spirit week? Try Padlet. The woman now hosts a small virtual 12-step meeting with other moms she knows online, just to check in each day to see how everyone is doing with this unprecedented pressure. Ashley Bible atBuilding Book Love created thisFREE and editable Creativity Choice Board for distance learning. And we’re far from alone. What was missing was the magic. The videos were so much fun, and kids loved the idea of sharing character gossip. It’s 10 a.m. and my 4-year-old races to the computer on our coffee table. Another way to connect with family and friends while social distancing is by hosting a virtual game night. Because so much of our face-to-face communication is nonverbal, not being able to see students’ faces or reactions online can feel a bit strange. Addicted to books and proudly without a cellphone, my father is turning 75 next week. It said its lease price made the location unsustainable. as a tool for keeping the magic alive in the distance learning classroom. Organize ideas for a narrative in chronological order or use it like an outline to plan a more structured essay. Please share your passion with us! found an easy and fun way to make the magic of literature circles appear in the virtual classroom. One, Lauralee created a YouTube channel for her students where she reads the first chapter of books in the public domain. For more tech tools and ideas to connect with your students online, head to Abby’s blog. You don't have to be. To provide a little choice, she allows students to reflect using 2 of the 3 templates provided in this FREE. If you are ready to try a new tech tool, consider online “backchannel” discussion platforms like Yo Teach (similar to the former Today’s Meet)or Kialo, a platform where you can browse public “debates” or create your own. The best part? This is just another way to encourage their collaboration and communication and to learn from each other. You can do many of the aforementioned actions online (like sharing praise, a recommendation, or a resource). When she transitioned to online learning, she began by pre-recording herself. I’ll have my mom print it out and put it in a real envelope, so he can open it and savor it like it arrived via snail mail but without the need to sanitize after reading. Lianna Colaso, who has two children at the school — one in kindergarten and another in third grade — helped gather 20 kindergartners together for a virtual playdate via Zoom on Wednesday. Follow this step-by-step approach to build relationships with key influencers. We’re all in this together! “I’m trying to find that balance,” she said. There are loads of online resources pupils and parents can use. How do we get to a more stable democracy? coordinated a week-long Digital Spirit Week, and students could send in their pictures daily for the different themes like pajama day, school spirit day, and crazy sock day. Email students with limited access posing specific questions, then copy and paste answers into Padlet so classmates can add to the discussion. Try moving closer to the source. You can find directions for setting up a Google Meet here. 2. … Since she is not sharing these videos publically, she returned to reading modern YA literature for First Chapter Friday through a Google Meet. resource. and hopefully hear a new author, genre, and book. All ideas are editable, so you can recreate some of the digital choices with similar paper activities. The president of historically Black Morgan State was so captivated by inaugural poet Amanda Gorman’s reading that he offered her a job on Twitter. Bars and restaurants across the country may be closed. Here are a few ways she likes to engage with students: Response to text: Think, collaborative “double entry journal.” Using a Padlet Wall, students can share a meaningful quote from a selected text and respond with connections, inferences, predictions, etc. ... With a bit of effort, you’ll be able to create an environment where your teams are still connected even though they’re physically apart. 4. When our social activities are limited to waving at folks walking down our street, the show is a way for us to feel connected to other kids and parents. Staci likes to create a Padlet and have students share, so responses can be visible to the entire class, but students also have the capability of making their own for full customization and a deeper analysis! Google Meet is another free resource for video chats. 3. Songs about washing your hands, spending lots of time at home and going for long walks are part of the programming, which the couple are writing each day based on the new reality as dictated by the coronavirus outbreak. Here are Emily's best tips for using FlipGrid in the online classroom: Create fun, creative prompts: Emily's students post one FlipGrid each week in response to their reading. Whether your team is distributed across the country or across town, you can have fun and build relationships that can lead to better business outcomes. Los Angeles-based TV writer Erica Rosbe has participated in a virtual book club with friends from New York University for more than a decade. Finally, it saves all of the data so that I have a record of my student check-ins. If the network isn't showing up, you may be out of range, or the network may be down. Students join (this is not required!) Inject Fun and Humor. In the future, she can ask students to watch these videos if they are absent, if they are searching for a book, or if they need inspiration. Again, make sure to check with your district before using Google Meet or initiating any kind of two-way communication with students. For optional fun, students could dress up like the character. I load up the computer, click on a link to YouTube live and enter “the Hootenanny,” a virtual music and movement class led by Lauren O’Brien and Matt Commerce, two entertainers with a small son, who this week launched a streaming lifeline for the nearly 80 families who have participated daily. Preparing for independence. Maybe you feel like you are merely speaking at a screen during live or screenrecorded lessons, or you’re wondering if students are even reading everything you’ve posted for them. Staci Lamb from. Finally, Amanda’s team has decided to give writing assessments that look almost identical to ones that students have already done, just with a few updates. Virtual Turn & Talk: Depending on your platform and what it supports, you can create fun conditions for students to message peers with an answer to a question. Finally, Amanda’s team has decided to give writing assessments that look almost identical to ones that students have already done, just with a few updates. Participants type in their child’s name as they join the group, and O’Brien starts class by saying hello to each kid personally, listing where they are watching from: Arya in Westchester, Idella in midcity L.A., Murray in Burbank, Gabe from Raleigh, N.C., and more. Here’s my list of ways to connect with students and keep engagement up while distance learning or eLearning or online teaching elementary or whatever term this will end up being labeled. Kami allows users to upload documents or images and convert them to PDFs that can be annotated in dozens of ways. In fact, with a few free tools, Jenna from. She also recommends responding to the parts of the video that make you smile! Making meaningful connections with your kids throughout the day doesn’t have to be time-consuming. About 10 people logged in via Zoom over the course of Saturday night. Give feedback: FlipGrid makes it easy to leave quick video feedback. 12 Creative Ways to Connect with Students Online, With the pressure of high-stakes testing taken off your plate, now is the perfect time to add creative learning selections to your virtual menu! Second, Lauralee is still completing First Chapter Friday. 2020 Update: Educators who are interested in access to my ongoing webinars, chats, and resources related to creating connection, celebrating strengths, and cultivating character in students, check out GATA (Gold Arrow Teacher Academy) for community, support, and resources! By doing these two things, she hopes to establish a foundation for learning to happen. Literature circles are a great way to facilitate discussions virtually because each student has a separate role that they are in charge of presenting to the group. Next she wants to try a virtual movie screening. Teachers can download my Free Daily Attendance Student Check-In Form here. But if you adopted them as older children, you’re also trying to build attachment and show they can rely on you. So when the New York transplant was told that she needed to teach her daily meditation class virtually via Zoom, she immediately thought, “This isn’t going to work.” Valdes is the director of member engagement at the Jane Club, a shared workspace for women and working moms in Los Angeles, and every day for the past two years she has guided her community of professional moms through daily awareness-based group meditation. Come to the book is a great way to connect when you can ’ t have be... To reconnect with students at the moment, reading aloud has helped her to connect to the Form each with! Media and keep your own home students, try incorporating some Form of online discussion are to. Hasn ’ t expect the situation to change soon a tricky balance resource ) day ’ s day parties St.... Great antidote to not being able to go out, Leeman said ’! Export the data so that students have easy access to books, Sora also has eBooks that be! 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