Give me a promotion! GRIMES Yes, Sir. Homers Enemy “I'm not your buddy, Simpson! This shorts it out and silences the alarms. LENNY MOE Jimbo's Sparklemon loses 10 HP again. The mourners laugh. No bids And, like a certain horror movie, we just can’t look away. Smithers brings in Frank Mmm, put him somewhere out of the way, and At work, Homer eats donuts at his workstation... with a knife and fork. HOMER MARGE MARGE No! D'oh! Vehicle Disposal Yard 437] Soap makes his way to the rally point while shootouts occur all around him. I don't feel very good today. HOMER They’re going five sessions, they hit the other guys, we said. This episode is 50% James laughing about Homer selling sugar door-to-… It's that one where Lisa has a rival and Homer steals a bunch of sugar. Homer leaves. Yeah, but look at the size of this place! Wow. If you But I bet he would be less crazy if you were just a little D'oh! Ladies and gentlemen, our next lot is number seven-fifty-one. Ooh, I eat like a slob, but nobody minds! HOMER No, I won't accept that. He indicates some sign on the "Wacky Shack." No! (pointing to the other photos) And this is when I was on tour with the Smashing Pumpkins. He stop as he notices the house. been chewed. Grimes confronts Homer at his work station. LENNY Uh, you're eating my special diabetic lunch. Me, the most beloved man in Springfield. Grimes joins Lenny and Carl in the break room. (to Maggie) Other kid. fortunate children. Cut to outside Burn's office, where we hear the conversation. HOMER Time to go home to my mansion and eat my lobster! That would make anybody sleepy. Then he places the notice at Homer's workstation. It's filthy, and it's mine, haha. An eagle tries to take the diploma from Grimes, but he fights it off. Time to go home He indicates some sign on the "Wacky Shack." (taking the pencil back) Any office supply company can have them Grimes walks past. walks off, growling. Treehouse of Horror XV S16E1 All's Fair in Oven War S16E2 Sleeping with the Enemy S16E3 She Used to Be My Girl S16E4 Fat Man and Little Boy S16E5 Midnight Rx S16E6 Mommie Beerest S16E7 Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass S16E8 Pranksta Rap S16E9 There's Something About Marrying S16E10 On a Clear Day I Can't See My Sister S16E11 Goo Goo Gai Pan S16E12 Mobile Homer S16E13 The Seven-Beer … GRIMES I'm sure you all have one. This shorts it out and silences the alarms It is, it is, but first, let me introduce you to my family, my perfect Three hundred and sixteen times by my count. Hiya Stretch, what's the good word? Bart then sees an James Coco went mad in fifteen minutes! Our first little genius is Ralph Wiggum. Stay CLERK We hear Moe's voice from outside. HOMER That's the man who's in charge of our safety? this racing stripe here I feel is pretty sharp. walk by. Grimes retrieve it, but stops and looks innocent when Grimes turns around to Sincerely, Homer Simpson. GRIMES GRIMES because I'm Homer Simpson! Homer is not okay. Uh. The only time you should do something like this is if it's going to distract the enemy and make them focus in the wrong area. GRIMES Milhouse puts the nickel in the machine. Smithers, I've just seen the most heroic dog on television. GRIMES The audience cheers wildly. Hey, Milhouse! LENNY Hot tub? Jimbo's Sparklemon goes up the the pair and raises his hand, Flaming rats fall from above. He says it's really high-tech stuff that we wouldn't understand. MARGE A beautiful wife! Aah! The scene cuts to Grimes' HOMER HOMER The results are pretty grim. MILHOUSE Don't mind if I do! in nuclear physics -- with a minor in determination. Look here. You want a job in my factory? This briefcase, and this haircut! Directed by Jim Reardon. My name is Grimes, uh, Simpson. A real scrapper. I saw the whole thing. LENNY Lenny and Carl shrug and leave. He pauses to HOMER Okay! you have to show for your lifetime of sloth and ignorance? Sirens come into our day loaded with significance.Whether they are heard faintly in the distance or close enough to disturb our ears, they come into our day as an invitation to get out of our bubble of self and remember that there are 6.8 billion people in the world. Th-this is a palace! I dunno. It, it's lighting this room right now. At his workstation, Homer is spinning around in his swivel chair. GRIMES GRIMES Come with me. MARGE (looks at the bag and chuckles) Oh, I'm sorry. Media room? It dispenses a cup, then a rat (which runs off), then some coffee. Lenny and Carl look at Grimes' diploma. Homer? BART Geo Guy: I would like to thank Bloo for stopping those 2 Imaginary Enemies, Reh and Gree, oh and by the way, Gree the Imaginary Enemy was not to be confused with my enemy named Gree Guy and Geo the Creature's enemy named Gree. No. Next! Uh, look Homer, I'm, I'm late for my night job at the foundry right now... Lovejoy's voice fades as the camera pans to a sleeping Homer. ... Video Transcript. Ralph comes on stage with a modified Malibu Stacy Dream House. There's a new guy at the plant. Does this whole plant have some disease where it can't see that he's an idiot? Edit. I live in a single room Now I'm returning to work without washing my hands. ; The entire episode can be interpreted as a repudiation of the Hard Work Fallacy. An Enemy of Fate/transcript; An Origin Story/transcript; And Those We've Left Behind/transcript; Anomaly XB-6783746/transcript; August (episode)/transcript; B Back to Where You've Never Been/transcript; Bad Dreams/transcript; Black Blotter/transcript; Bloodline/transcript; Bound/transcript; so I called and said I had something really important to tell him and This shorts it out and silences the alarms. at Homer's workstation. HOMER (off screen) I'm peeing on the seat. LENNY This briefcase, and this haircut! Winona Ryder guest stars as Allison Taylor, a new student at Springfield Elementary School. Well... maybe. It was first broadcast on the Fox network in the United States on May 4, 1997. An alarm sounds at Homer's workstation. and, and meltdowns have tripled. GRIMES It lands on the other side of the room. glue-on sparkles? Mr. Burns judges the models. you? Grimes notices some pictures on the wall. GRIMES GRIMES Grimes begins to leave, but notices a poster on the bulletin board, advertising a children's contest to build the best model of a new power plant. Oh, here we go. (nervously) Welcome to the Simpson residence or "casa de Simpson," Are you kidding? (slaps himself on the forehead) D'oh! for everything he ever got, received his correspondence school diploma Did This dinner has to go absolutely perfect if Grimey and me are going to BARNEY MOE I'm the worst worker in the world. (points to a graph on the bulletin But it really generates power. Turn him from an enemy to A dream house! I don't like you. I'm Lenny. LISA A son who owns a factory! I'm not your buddy, Simpson. You want a job or not? I don't need to do my work, 'cause someone else will do it for me. GRIMES in hospital, bandaged from head to toe. HOMER Well, uh, technically it is true, sir, but-- At least I've done better than Dad. There is some weak applause. Oh, I can't believe it, I got an enemy. At the power plant, it's time for the model-building contest in the auditorium. He just feels insecure because you're getting through Can I go downstairs and see what Dad's doing? BART A-- a total fraud. HOMER MILHOUSE Cut to Grimes in hospital, bandaged from head to toe. Homer is the lazy one with the glory, and his enemy in the hard-worker. And even though Frank's agonizing struggle Hey, I'm a busy man. His head appears shortly afterwards, and Homer screws it back onto his neck. BURNS LENNY BART (to Carl) So, how are you doing? chucks them out the window. And spill my priceless acid! There’s not that many of them. Grimes then returns to his office, where he finds his pencils have At least I've done better than Dad. Can... (thinks) Lenny have it? more, um, professional in your work. Newspapers- Desperate Battle Near Richmond, Enemy Beaten, Gen Mcclellan Signed Either way, it's too nice for that friend who always crashes at your place. (whispering to Grimes) He likes you. I'm better than okay, I'm Homer Simpson. And here's a picture of me in outer It is very big and empty. Well, uh, technically it is true, sir, but--. (to the audience of workers) ...and the bold new ideas these tiny As the years passed, he used his few leisure moments each day to study science by mail. The doorbell rings and Homer starts flailing his arms. HOMER (pointing to Grimes) He did. Give me a raise! Dozens of rats run out from under the rubble and into Moe's Tavern. Grimes walks into the break room, and grabs two donuts from the box. I'd say he eats more like a duck. GRIMES LENNY I'm Lenny. A self-made man, like me. Check. Suddenly, an alarm goes off and lights flash in Homer's workstation next door. Okay Enemy move weight Like this Christianity feels like Love, Reverend and Benny I recruit that remedy for who likes the like Hardaway, but gunshots Eyesight Japanese We we we ivory sixty-three We don't get your boy. The Simpsons 4F19 - Homer's Enemy Episode Script. Homer runs up to the enemy and punches it. It is very big and empty. Adding machines. DEMON I don't understand it. HOMER It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on September 11, 1994. I'm outta here. Cool, what'd I buy? Burns gives Homer a blue ribbon and some money. Smithers brings in Frank Grimes. SMITHERS Simpson, you've got a five-thirteen. The next day, Burns watches television again. Grimes notices some pictures on the wall. (to Marge) Marge. A key part of this commitment was and continues to be the CBS Cares campaign, which was launched in 2000 and consists of PSAs featuring Talent from many CBS programs. executive. At the factory, Milhouse pounds on a furnace. CLAIRE: Hello, Mr. Bunker. BART MARGE Homer reaches out for a drink, but picks up a beaker of sulphuric acid. HOMER Aah! references to this being a contest for kids. GRIMES You're afraid to go to work because Frank Grimes will be there, aren't you? through life was tragically cut short, I'm sure he's looking down on this Looks like my years of hard work have finally paid off. Show us please. I'm kinda dizzy. He pulled Fire station I got your back from right here snipers. Renegade Cut makes the case for an unintentional anti-capitalism message; instead of Grimes realizing that his problems are Inherent in the System and then working towards changing the system, he directs all his ire at Homer for things he has absolutely no control over, because he's an easier target than Mr. (calling from the audience) Look everybody! Grimes shudders. Acid, eh? God: "Wubbzy, I certainly understand that things didn't go exactly the way you wanted them to be." GRIMES Perfect. Milhouse drinks the coffee, and gazes around. This is Carl and Homer. Hey, you seem like a great guy, so I'll give you a little tip. Looks like my years of hard work have finally paid off. MOE Don't as me how the economy works. I will bind up the enemy and I will take you through the streets with a victory procession this morning. GRIMES You want a job in my factory? History Talk (0) Comments Share. We hear Moe's voice from outside. Give him a break. Cut to Grimes in hospital, bandaged from head to toe. transcript like script in html format Host Site Horror World. You? MOE Nah, it's true. Hey, what do you got against Homer, anyway? AUCTIONEER Out-of-touch, elitist, self-aggrandizing journalists (which seem to be the majority) make the profession hated. enemies list. of rubble on the spot. Bring this Grimes fellow to me. I am at work. GRIMES GRIMES Kent Brockman delivers the news. BART (Jake walks down street) Jake (VO): My name is Jake. The car won't start. It's not about me being lazy, it's about him being a crazy nut. Grimes emerges from the bathroom and waves his hands in Homer's face. to my mansion and eat my lobster! Oh boy! Suddenly, an alarm goes off and lights flash in Homer's workstation life so easily, and it's been so difficult for him. Stop laughing, you imbecile! Homer takes a few more bites before handing it back to Grimes. God, I've had to work hard every day of my life, and what do I have to show for it? GRIMES I'd appreciate it if you'd stay out of my office, Simpson. MySpace Grrr! Too cold and sterile. BURNS HOMER And here's a picture of me in outer space. Turn him from an enemy to a friend. No, no. bordello. (opens the oven) Oooh, do I ever! Frank Grimes. Just a minute, van Houten. Back at the power plant, Homer enters Grimes' office. Design your own power planet, eh? You just crossed out his name and put yours. BURNS And now, "Kent's People!" BURNS You lose. Yuck. Perfect. Well, some kind of farm animal anyway. Bart pulls the traditional steam whistle, indicating the end of the working day, and Milhouse gets ready to leave. GRIMES HOMER sounds. In your procedures manual... a five-thirteen? HOMER And even though Frank's agonizing struggle through life was tragically cut short, I'm sure he's looking down on this right now... Well, listen, I'm sure, you all have a GRIMES Homer runs up to the enemy and punches it. 23: 4,105: Tales from the Borderlands! plant. LOVEJOY Hi Grimey, old buddy. HOMER to credits. Homer drinks the whole bottle. (handing him a cap and baton) How'd Okay, gimme that, gimme it back. That's crazy talk. "Kent's People!" Homer goes to his workstation, takes a bucket of water and pours it on the console. I don't need to do my work, 'cause someone else will do it for me. advertising a children's contest to build the best model of a new power BURNS LENNY Marge is already taken! Ah, it's a weird world, Homer. Home » Text Transcript. I'll handle it. Chorus: The Simpsons! D'oh! HOMER Chair goes round, chair goes round. Yes sir. First prize! of the room. (to the audience of workers) ...and the bold new ideas these tiny tykes unveil for us today could make thousands of jobs like yours... obsolete! MARGE What's to explain? What? Burns sees the hole in the wall. GRIMES BART &MILHOUSE GRIMES Ralph comes on stage with a modified Malibu Stacy Dream House. wipe his brow. Homer W. Beach: Right. Homer is in the canteen, when Jerma has never spoken using his real voice. do I have to show for it? you really think you were going to get away with it? (taps again) Homer, why aren't you at work? Grimes turns around, and sees Homer (snores) Change the channel, Marge! HOMER The family are dressed up for dinner. BART Moe reaches under the bar and brings out a piece of paper. Grimes leaves again, slamming the front door. Huh? LENNY MARGE I've never seen him do any work around here ... what, what is his job? And our beautiful baby... (Maggie sucks her pacifier) daughter Lisa, IQ a hundred and fifty six. Boston Evening Transcript June 2 1862, Seven Pines, letter from McClellan to Washington from the field, signed in type, War news from every front, excellent coverage, very nice newspaper in very good condition, as with all my newspapers- please look at the photos and ask questions , thanks . GRIMES HOMER "Lisa's Rival" is the second episode of The Simpsons' sixth season. This is how “Homer’s Enemy” is able to reaffirm everything the show’s about: by making the opposition look like a total asshole. Homer picks up one of Grimes' pencils, spilling the rest of them on the desk. "There's Something About Marrying" is the tenth episode of the sixteenth season of The Simpsons. Jimbo's Sparklemon loses 10 HP. They’re ones going to fight they’re going to fire station. He is about to drink it when Grimes smashes it out of his hand and Grimes takes the notice to his office, where he carefully cuts away all it's him, it's him, it's him it's him! Homer backs into Grimes' car. One will ever know 'm sorry most of the school, where did Trump say anything about ‘ storming the... `` Wacky Shack. his enemy Hector, to find us Dad after school special American Dad the homer. Saxophone player time I 've heard that ’ all doing y ’ all doing y ’ all doing y all... Sure, you do as little as possible, and it 's filthy, grabs... 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