He retreated to his control room and lost the Republic's team.Fisto killed the general's medical droid and sat in the general chair, before witnessing his former padawan's painful death. Fisto told Arsix to get out of there, which he successfully did, but lost contact with Fisto. Kit Fisto advanced towards EV-A4-D, who was watching the bout via an array of viewscreens. nahdarvebb meme starwarsclonewars crossovermeme loudsisters. 1.86 meters[5] There are two conflicting sources for this article: ". While moving down the halls toward the only lit room, they heard the voice of Gunray ordering a group of B1 battle droids to protect him from his Jedi pursuers. He was later put into the class of Jedi Master Sora Bulq. Nahdar Vebb was a male Mon Cala Jedi Knight during the Clone War. While one of the troopers immediately perished, Commander Fil used a cable on his blaster to temporarily cling to the wall. He was then ambushed by the Jedi and clones. Grievous landed his starfighter in his lair's hangar, and was surprised by the absence of his guards. Vebb was killed by Grievous in the lair after an attempt to capture the general which failed. [4] Vebb believed that veteran Jedi such as Fisto were unable to understand that conventional Jedi practices became obsolete in wartime. Nahdar Vebb is introduced as the newly-knighted former Padawan of Master Kit Fisto in The Clone Wars episode "Lair Of Grievous." He then turned off his hologram, leaving the chair beeping with a flashing red light. Barris just before her turn to the dark side. The Sith allowed Kit Fisto, Nahdar Vebb, and a unit of clone troopers into the general's lair to see whether or not he could defend himself. Died Fisto speculated that Dooku was attempting to catch someone, with the Jedi as bait. Curb-Stomp Battle: Jedi Knight Nahdar Vebb lasts about twenty seconds against Grievous before getting killed by him, showing that Grievous is pretty effective against "regular" Jedi. However, it was not enough to release Fil, who had died. In 22 BBY, Viceroy Nute Gunray, a leading member of the Separatist Council, escaped Republic captivity and stole a Republic corvette to flee. However, Grievous used his array of buttons to close the doors that the group would have used, and Fisto realized that a fight would be inevitable. [3], Grievous added Vebb's lightsaber to his collection and said to the camera, knowing that Fisto was watching, that he would kill them all. The Jedi's clothing incorporates elements of Ackbar's uniform from Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, such as the collar and cuffs of the sleeves.[15]. [3], Vebb apprehensively told Fisto that he had a bad feeling about the situation. [3], Nahdar Vebb was born on[1] the planet[4] Mon Cala. He swung his tail around, knocking down down Fil and nearly Fisto, who was able to duck. Having killed Vebb, Grievous claimed the fallen Jedi's lightsaber. A male Mon Calamari from the planet Dac,[1] Nahdar Vebb[3] was the second Padawan learner of his species to be assigned to the Nautolan Jedi Master Kit Fisto. The Neimoidian fled in a stolen Republic frigate,[9] and Vebb tracked the frigate's homing beacon to the rocky third moon of the Outer Rim planet Vassek alongside Fil and a small contingent of clone troopers. By Negaboss2000 Watch. Vebb was the Padawan of Jedi Master Kit Fisto prior to the Clone Wars, but with the outbreak of the war, Fisto became a Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic and was unable to see Vebb's apprenticeship through to the end. Editor discretion is advised. It’s alright. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Nahdar Vebb tends to a wounded clone marine. Dooku told Grievous in a holographic message that the victory over Vebb had been expected. LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars Announce trailer, Drawing from the Imagination: Mythological Creatures in, https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Nahdar_Vebb/Legends?oldid=9679523. 3. [6] He was skilled in lightsaber combat enough to defeat B1-series battle droids and IG-100 MagnaGuards,[3] but was easily led into a trap by Grievous,[7] who was trained in the Jedi arts by Dooku. [3] Vebb later received individual entries in The Clone Wars Campaign Guide and The Art of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, both published in 2009. Vebb found several Padawan braids in a case, and reasoned that they must have been trophies that Grievous had taken from Jedi he had killed. Fisto participated in many battles throughout the Clone Wars, including the Battle of Geonosis. In Grievous' personal castle on the third moon of Vassek, the two Jedi and a squad of clone troopers ambush Grievous and cut off his legs. Gender Vebb called for them to cut him off, although as they chased after him, he turned around and attacked two clone troopers, disabling them. Vebb and Fisto were separated when the Clone Wars began.Fisto and Vebb then met up again on the third moon of Vassek, where he was sadly killed. Rookies(First appearance) (Appears in flashback(s)) Lair of Grievous The conflict had a grave effect on the young Mon Calamari, driving Vebb to seek revenge for Separatist crimes against his homeworld of Dac and pushing him to embrace the violence of the struggle. The three were trapped in the castle, and with Fil's death at the hands of the general's pet roggwart, Gor, Vebb became increasingly angered and aggressive. Fisto told him that they would take care of their wounded. After Grievous escaped, Vebb shirked the responsibility, insisting that had it not been for the clones getting in his way, he could have defeated the cyborg general. After Fil's squad are killed, he and Vebb attempt to escape but Vebb is killed by General Grie… The young Mon Calamari, still determined to defeat Grievous, attacked and destroyed four of his MagnaGuards before engaging the general himself. Male[3] Fisto had a romantic relationship with Aayla Secura and was a skilled Jedi who survived encounters with Asajj Ventress and General Grievous during the Clone Wars. Nahdar completed his Trials of Knighthood shortly before or during the early days of the Clone War. With the war still raging, Vebb joined the Republic's forces as a Jedi healer, enthusiastically working to combat the Confederate war machine. I heard about Nahdar, @KIT_FISTO . Vebb insisted on throughout the mission that he was ready to face Grievous on his own, but this was disproven when Grievous was able to kill him. Much to Fisto's disapproval, Vebb complained that he could have taken Grievous had the clones not gotten in his way. Nahdar Vebb Sometime during the middle of the war, Nahdar was once again reunited with Fisto on the planet Vassek while assisting in the search for escapee Nute Gunray. [21] Design and concept artist Kilian Plunkett explained that Vebb's clothing incorporated elements of Ackbar's uniform from Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, such as the collar and cuffs of the sleeves, but was still intended to look just like Jedi robes should. [6] Following the First Battle of Geonosis and the outbreak of the Clone Wars in 22 BBY, Fisto was called upon to serve as a Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic against the droid armies of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Vebb travels to the crash sight with the clones, only to find Grievous sunbathing while EV-A4-D works to reattach the limbs he lost in the crash. Gender the death of: nahdar vebb. Vebb asserted that in war only strength would prevail, and that the rules had changed. Decapitation Presentation : The first statue of Grievous, from prior to any of his cybernetic alterations, depicts him holding the severed head of an opponent. Eerin's Knighthood was established in the young reader novel Jedi Quest: The Changing of the Guard, which takes place several years prior to the Clone Wars. Nahdar Vebb was a male Mon Calamari who served as a Jedi Knight during the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and Confederacy of Independent Systems. CC-3714 | Fil & Nahdar Vebb; Vokara Che & Nahdar Vebb; CC-3714 | Fil; Nahdar Vebb; Vokara Che; Blood and Injury; Force Healing (Star Wars) First Meetings; Summary. [13] The young Mon Cal eagerly embraced the opportunity to travel to the third moon of Vassek with the news that Nute Gunray could be brought into his grasp,[1] and was glad to once again be working alongside his former Master, Kit Fisto. However, it was not enough to release Fil, who had died. One of the clones remarked that it didn't smell like droids to him. Fisto reprimanded him for his anger, though Vebb's views on the matter went unchanged—the war had already taken its toll on the young Jedi, changing the Mon Calamari's outlook on proper actions for a Jedi. Fisto told him that although he was no longer a Padawan, it did not necessarily mean he was ready to take on General Grievous. With the outbreak of the war, Fisto became a Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic and was unable to see Vebb's apprenticeship through to the end. Jedi Crash ”Flash“ - Killed by a Mastiff Phalone. [1] Upon entering into a saberlock, Grievous used one of his extra arms to repeatedly fire a DC-17 hand blaster into Vebb's abdomen, killing him.[4]. Once repaired, Grievous duels and kills Vebb. [4], Nahdar Vebb in the non-canon LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars, Nahdar Vebb was first mentioned in the 2008 Star Wars Insider 104 article "Launch Pad," and later appeared in the 2008 first season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series. Name: Kit Fisto Origin: Star Wars. Connect with them on Dribbble; the global community for designers and creative professionals. Upon discovering that he was indeed within the Confederate general's sanctuary, Vebb excitedly jumped at the opportunity to fight Grievous, both for the sake of the war effort and to avenge the Jedi who had been slain by the general. Though Grievous had virtually no compassion for comrades, allies or enemies, he was not completely heartless and emotionless as he did occasionally show empathy; Griev… He became a Jedi Knight during the Clone Wars and accompanied his former master to the lair of General Grievouson Vassek. He was trained as a Jedi by Kit Fisto, with whom he reunited on the third moon of Vassek during an attempted mission by the Republic to recapture the Separatist leader Nute Gunray. During the Clone Wars, Fisto took impulsive Nahdar Vebb for a Padawan, who was killed by General Grievous after attaining the rank of Jedi Knight. This video is available on the LEGO Star Wars website, and features the option to view the story from either the Republic or Confederate perspective. Vebb realized that the tracking beacon should have given away the fact that it was all a ruse, with Fisto also feeling that he should have known. Dooku's image faded away, leaving a flashing button on the chair's control panel. After Fisto severed Grievous's legs, Vebb attempted to kill the general while he was on the floor; however, Grievous blocked the attack and then beat Vebb back by throwing the corpse of a clone trooper at him. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Kit Fisto's Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptor, Weapons & Uniforms: Terror of the IG-100s, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Updated and Expanded, Droid Directory: EV-series supervisor droids, Highlights of the Saga: The Betrayal of Captain Argyus, Weapons & Uniforms: Leaders of the Rebel Alliance, https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Nahdar_Vebb?oldid=9687970. Eye color Fisto ordered Vebb to follow, and while the two argued, EV-A4-D resealed the control room door, separating the two Jedi and trapping Vebb from safety. Fisto and Vebb then discussed who the trap was really for. [3], The group walked in, with Fisto and Vebb leading. Vebb wondered aloud who the trap had been set for. Kit Fisto was a Nautolan Jedi Master and General who sat on the Jedi High Council during the Clone Wars. [4], As a Mon Calamari, Nahdar Vebb was capable of breathing under water for up to thirty hours. Jedi Order[4]Galactic Republic[4]Grand Army of the Republic[4] Nahdar Vebb was a male Mon Calamari who served as a Jedi Knight during the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and Confederacy of Independent Systems. [13] Lastly, Ultimate Star Wars states that Vebb lost his life to Grievous's roggwart, Gor,[15] even though he was actually depicted as having been slain by Grievous. They exchanged blows, and Fisto instructed the clones to launch their cables in an attempt to immobilize Grievous. [3], The holoprojector that had shown Gunray, which had turned itself off, lit up blue once again, this time with Count Dooku. Intrigued, he pushed a button on the chair, which opened a tall set of doors. Vebb and his comrades entered through the doors, finding a dark labyrinth of halls and corridors comprising a massive fortress that stretched far back into the gorge. Kit Fisto was a Nautolan Jedi Master from the planet Glee Anselm. He told Master Mace Windu that Vebb's heart had been in the right place, but had tried to answer Grievous's power with his own. Nahdar Vebb She glanced at her parents, who nodded, then back at Nahdar and said, "Anra." [13] While on the Vassek moon, Vebb insisted upon using the Force for simple tasks such as making his way through a dense fog bank and spinning Gunray's chair. item 1 lego star wars jedi master nahdar vebb minifigure figure 8095 - new genuine 1 - lego star wars jedi master nahdar vebb minifigure figure 8095 - new genuine. [18] He wore Jedi robes[3] that were reminiscent of[1] a traditional Mon Calamari uniform. Though Nahdar valiantly fought Grievous into a saberlock, the malicious cyborg had the upper hand. Vebb was the Padawan of Jedi Master Kit Fisto prior to the Clone Wars, but with the outbreak of the war, Fisto became a Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic and was unable to see Vebb's apprenticeship through to the end. Jedi Order[3]Galactic Republic[3]Grand Army of the Republic[3] After a string of military defeats, Count Dooku questioned Grievous' usefulness to the Separatists. Nahdar Vebb is introduced as the newly-knighted former Padawan of Master Kit Fisto in The Clone Wars episode "Lair Of Grievous." [4], Believing Gunray to be seated in a large chair faced away from them, the Jedi began to cut through his battle droid guards. Gor roared at them as Fil's blasterfire did no damage. [3] During his fight with Grievous, Vebb placed too much value on matching his enemy's power with his own. Nahdar Vebb was a Mon Calamari Jedi who was the apprentice of Kit Fisto. Der Jedi-Meister Kit Fisto und sein früherer Padawan Nahdar Vebb … #star wars #artification #Nahdar Vebb #:'(65 notes. At some point over the course of the war, Vebb served with both the 21st Nova Corps[7] and Clone Commander Fil's forces. When Fisto arrived on Vassek 3, Vebb was already there,[3] having landed in a fully-armed Nu-class shuttle. When Grievous escaped, an infuriated Vebb blamed the clone troopers for getting in his way. Though the two Jedi leaped to safety, Fil and the only other surviving clone fell toward a molten incinerator vat. EV-A4-D - Decapitated by Kit Fisto. The Mon Calamari was also a skilled duelist, able to single-handedly defeat four IG-100 MagnaGuards and defend himself against Grievous for a short time, but was eventually slain by the cyborg. 8134 Likes 1074 Dislikes 26788 Comments 34165 Reblogs. Height He was able to assist Fisto in killing Grievous's pet roggwart, Gor. After the Trade Federation viceroy Nute Gunray had escaped from Jedi custody, Kit Fisto was tasked with finding him. As Grievous watched via hologram, Fisto proclaimed that it was time they retreated, and they ran away. Attacking again, Vebb severed Gor's tail while Fisto drove his lightsaber into the beast's neck. Grievous was cold, cruel, sadistic, ruthless, brutal, immoral, reckless, restless, loyal, short-tempered, calculating, and very intelligent. The Padawan to famed Jedi Kit Fisto, Nadhar Vebb is a young and brash warrior, who actively sought out conflict. He also began comparing himself to the Jedi and became determined to be able to match them, leadin… Lego Tom Kenny ~ Nahdar Vebb. The Mon Calamari was slain by Grievous, but Fisto managed to retrieve Vebb's lightsaber from the general before escaping. [6] Vebb was among the many Jedi during the Clone Wars who passed to Knighthood sooner than he ideally would have. The two enter into a short duel, but Grievous is forced to retreat when Koon arrives to provide support to Vebb. Nahdar Vebb is a Star Wars minifigure based on the character of the same name in the Star Wars universe. At the end of the hall, the Jedi and clones came upon a room filled with spare cybernetic limbs, bringing them to the realization that they had entered the lair of General Grievous, the cyborg Supreme Commander of the Confederate Droid Army and a notorious Jedi hunter. He received a message from Dooku, who told him that Darth Sidious expected more of him, and that more Jedi kills would be necessary. Luminara as of Revenge of the Sith. Vebb died at the hands of General Grievous in the General's lair on the planet Vassek. "[22] Although "Lair of Grievous" states that Kit Fisto was not present at Vebb's Jedi Trials,[3] the original StarWars.com episode guide states that Fisto had not seen his Padawan since the Trials. Although Vebb and the clones were eager to cut open the door using a lightsaber and a thermal detonator, respectively, Fisto took a second look, and was able to make the doors swing open with the simple push of a button. [12] He congratulated Vebb on completing the Trials, and offered his apologies that he could not be there. He then opened a secret door, went through it, and closed it behind him, leaving the remaining two clones and the Jedi trapped. [6] He was passed the Jedi Trials,[3] and became an accomplished Force healer. Curb-Stomp Battle: Jedi Knight Nahdar Vebb lasts about twenty seconds against Grievous before getting killed by him, showing that Grievous is pretty effective against "regular" Jedi. [1], In the Databank entry for EV-A4-D, Nahdar Vebb's name is misspelled as "Veb. ”Bel” - Blown up inside a shuttle by a MagnaGuard. Homeworld Dooku sardonically apologized for inconveniencing the Republic forces and claimed he would be offering them a different prize in place of Gunray. Physical description [4], Padawan Nuru Kungurama would offer his condolences to Master Fisto regarding the loss of Vebb. After Clone Commander Fil was killed, Vebb angrily suggested that he would take revenge upon Grievous, which led to an additional scolding from Fisto. Sometime around the beginning of the war, Vebb completed his training in his Master's absence and ascended to the rank of Jedi Knight. Fisto as of Revenge of the Sith. I've been exploring some lesser-known Star Wars characters lately for my son's birthday gift. [6] He also became a Jedi General[8] and led troops into battle, thinking that he could lead them just as well as a more experienced Jedi could. General Grievous spectated that battle. gffa. When Fisto was alerted by Luminara Unduli via a hologram that Vebb had also gone to the system, he remarked that it would be good to see him again. Skin color The general, watching the remaining Republic forces in his lair's control room via holocam, sealed his castle, trapping Vebb and his comrades.[4]. The pair took down the battle droids easily, with Vebb attacking one of the droids even after it had been disabled, which led to a scolding from Master Fisto. In the Disney continuity, he trained only one - Nahdar Vebb - who would fall to General Grievous. Vebb used the Force to dissipate the fog from the entrance. I’m so sorry. Full Name Nahdar Vebb Home World Unknown Affiliation Jedi OrderGalactic RepublicGrand Army Of The Republic Species Mon Calamari Receiving assistance from Fisto, Vebb saved Fil by grabbing onto his ascension cable, w… Nahdar Vebb was a Mon Calamari Jedi Knight who was once Kit Fisto 's Padawan. [1], Vebb eventually passed the Jedi Trials and became a full-fledged Knight. #swanimated #swedit #tcwedit #nahdar vebb #tcw #tdo #strwrsdaily #starwarshub #theforcesource #my gifs. [14] Vebb groaned as his body collapsed to the ground. In the non-canon computer game Path of the Jedi, available on Cartoon Network's official site, Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker, or Yoda are aiding Fisto in place of Vebb. Nahdar Vebb Illustration designed by Ben Barnes. [10] Fisto returned to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, where he reported on the mission and Vebb's death to Jedi Masters Yoda and Mace Windu. Fisto asked for his cooperation and surrender, but Grievous ignited his four lightsabers and began to fight Vebb and Fisto. The young Vebb exhibited particular brutality during the fighting, Force-pushing the segments of droids that had already been destroyed. His character was seen during the opening "newsreel" of the episode "Rookies," and was later introduced in "Lair of Grievous," in which he was voiced by Tom Kenny, who also provided the voice of Nute Gunray in the same episode. He dealt with them with ease, using the Force as well as his lightsaber to take them down. 21 BBY, Vassek 3[2] In the Disney continuity, he trained only one - Nahdar Vebb - who would fall to General Grievous. The group prepared for his arrival and confronted him once he had entered, and the general lost his legs during the brief encounter. Nahdar Vebb was a male Mon Calamari trained as a Jedi by Kit Fisto. This is a Request by DSCartoonFan34 If anyone wants a request, tell me and I'll see what I can do ^^ Images belong to their rightful owners Meme by: funnytime77. They then walked up to the chair where Gunray's voice was coming from. Fisto struck Gor's face with his lightsaber, but he continued to hold Fil and even smashed him on the ground. In LEGO Star Wars III's adaptation of "Lair of Grievous," Vebb accompanies Fisto until the end of the mission. [14], Vebb's design was inspired by the first Mon Calamari in the Star Wars saga, Admiral Ackbar. Fisto then cut off his two front limbs and, after the Roggwart fell to the ground, impaled his neck and killed him. Vebb and the others discovered that they were inside Grievous's lair and planned to engage and capture the cyborg general, but upon his return, Grievous killed most of the clones and escaped from Vebb, Fisto, and Fil. Vebb was the Padawan of Jedi Master Kit Fisto prior to the Clone Wars. Wary of his former Padawan's anger, Fisto reminded him that revenge was not the Jedi way, to which Vebb replied that the war had changed the rules and that strength was now required for survival. The sensors were inaccurate entered, and for the Fanon version ( s,... Of four and creative professionals who quickly alerted Grievous to their presence ; Turk Falso Force-choked... Vebb helped the injured troopers to continue his training bereft of a Master much to nahdar vebb death 's disapproval, pushed! 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