Naylor, in Encyclopedia of Basic Epilepsy Research, 2009. A similar finding was observed in the females at the next lower dose (4000 ppm). Over the next 30years, rats were used for several more experiments and eventually the laboratory rat became the first animal domesticated for purely scientific reasons. Knowledge of strain differences in drug metabolism is important for the selectionof animals for pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic, and toxicological studies. In Experiment 1, WKY, Wistar and Sprague-Dawley male rats were subjected, in the first test series, to three consecutive 2-min exposures to one intruder stimulus female, followed later by another three consecutive 2-min exposures to a second stimulus intruder female. MC Silva et al investigated CNS penetration of an ATP-competitive mTOR kinase inhibitor AZD2014 in Han Wistar male rats purchased from Vital River . The Sprague Dawley rat is an outbred multipurpose breed of albino rat used extensively in medical and nutritional research. Two carcinogenic DAB analogues, 3'-methyl- p-dimethylaminophenylazobenzene (3M) and 6- p-dimethyl Wistar rats were anesthetized by intraperitoneal (i.p.) In this study, age was a major factor influencing the detection of genetic linkage to the various components of the SWDs. The rat model of Alzheimers was created by injecting STZ in lateral ventricles (STZ, 1.5mg/kg, body weight in saline, 4L/injection site) using a microinjection device and Hamilton syringe within 3min. Wistar rats, 4-7weeks old received lithium (3mEqkg1 intraperitoneal; night before) and methylscopolamine (1mgkg1 subcutaneous) 30min before either pilocarpine (40mgkg1 intraperitoneal) or normal saline. Wistar rat pups (P79) subjected to three consecutive episodes of status epilepticus induced by systemic pilocarpine injections were studied at P60 in the inhibitory step-down avoidance test, skinner box, rota-rod, open field and elevated plus-maze (dos Santos et al., 2000). Zucker rats are used in research as models for obesity, diabetes and heart disease. It is the most widely used rat model for biomedical research. The most common are adenomas of the pituitary and adenomas/adenocarcinomas of the adrenal cortex in both sexes, mammary gland tumors and endometrial carcinomas in females, and C-cell adenomas/adenocarcinomas of the thyroid gland and tumors of the haemopoietic system in males. ICV-STZ impairs brain glucose metabolism and reduces ATP/ADP ratio, probably through creation of an imbalance between energy production and consumption. Knockout rat disease models for Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, hypertension, and diabetes, using zinc-finger nuclease technology, are being commercialized by SAGE Labs. Zhongyan Shan, Yaxin Lai, in Comprehensive Handbook of Iodine, 2009. D.E. Type II SWD, however, appear more easily affected by the environment (Schridde and van Luijtelaar, 2004). Wistar rats are more active than others like Sprague Dawley rats. This was the first in a series of developments that have begun to make rats tractable as genetic research subjects, although they still lag behind mice, which lend themselves better to the embryonic stem cell techniques typically used for genetic manipulation. Captan has been tested in Wistar rats by nose-only inhalation at nominal dose levels of 0.1, 0.5, 5, and 15 g/liter for 13 weeks (Hext, 1989). Wistar and SpragueDawley (SD) rats are most commonly used experimental rats. Its main advantage is its calmness and ease of handling. A laboratory rat or lab rat is a brown rat of the subspecies Rattus norvegicus domestica which is bred and kept for scientific research. The average litter size of the Sprague Dawley rat is 10.5. [25] This breed of rat was first produced by the Sprague-Dawley farms (later to become the Sprague-Dawley Animal Company) in Madison, Wisconsin in 1925. However, Sarkisian et al. Folpet Technical admixed in the diet at 0, 2000, 4000, and 8000 ppm, and fed to Fischer rats for 13 weeks produced a treatment and dose-related decrease in body weight gain and hyperkeratosis/acanthosis of the esophagus and nonglandular stomach (Sela, 1982). Lastly, when in advanced age, they sometimes develop spontaneous glomerular sclerosis. The name was originally hyphenated, although the brand styling today (Sprague Dawley, the trademark used by Envigo) is not. Wistar rats (220250g body weight) were purchased from the laboratory animal center of Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine (Harbin, China) and divided into two groups (group A, drug group for dosed rat plasma, n=7, and group B, control group for blank rat plasma, n=7) and kept in a breeding room. [33], Current research applications include transplantation research, induced arthritis and inflammation, experimental allergic encephalitis, and STZ-induced diabetes. The Sprague Dawley rat and LongEvans rat were developed from Wistar rats. Characteristics include albino coloring, docile behavior, and low fertility. [6] The genetics of rats was studied by William Ernest Castle at the Bussey Institute of Harvard University until it closed in 1994. To identify these strain differences in CYP more comprehensively, mRNA expression, protein expression and metabolic activity among Wistar (WI), Sprague Dawley (SD), Dark Agouti (DA) and Brown Norway (BN) rats were compared. Fuzzy rats were identified in 1976 in a Pennsylvania lab. A 1972 study compared neoplasms in Sprague Dawley rats from six different commercial suppliers and found highly significant differences in the incidences of endocrine and mammary tumors. It is estimated that there are over 25 genes that cause recessive hairlessness in laboratory rats. Wistar rats, Japanese white rabbits, and cats were used in this study and separated into large- and small-dose groups of five animals each. Lab rat strain genealogy. Long. The average litter size of the Sprague Dawley rat is 11.0. The Sprague-Dawley strain came from crosses between Wistar females and a "hybrid" male whose origins are unknown. Their heads were kept motionless in a stereotaxic surgery device in order to do a longitude cut on the posterior part of the head to access the skull. Alternatively, picrotoxin (30M) is used to block GABAA inhibitory currents, either with DNQX (10M) with 0 Mg2+ in the ACSF or with APV (50M) to isolate NMDA and non-NMDA EPSCs, respectively. Shaking rat Kawasaki was first described in 1988. It is characterized by its wide head, long ears, and a tail length that is always less than its body length. The irritation was so severe in the 30-mg/kg per day male group, that application was terminated after 10 days. Taconic received stock from the NIH Animal Genetic Resource in 1970. Abstract. A variety of hematological and clinical chemistry changes were noted, but the incidence and pattern did not indicate a clear target. Wistar rats treated for 4 weeks with captan at 0, 2000, 4000, 8000, or 12,000 ppm were observed to have a dose-related decrease in body weight gain and food intake (Til and Beems, 1979). Long-Evans rats are white with a black hood, or occasionally white with a brown hood. injection of chloral hydrate (CH) of 400mg/kg, and their body temperature was fixed using heating pads. The relative organ to body kidney weights were statistically increased at all doses. [2], In Japan, there was a widespread practice of keeping rats as a domesticated pet during the Edo period and in the 18th century guidebooks on keeping domestic rats were published by Youso Tamanokakehashi (1775) and Chingan Sodategusa (1787). This result demonstrates that genetic factors are more important than the contribution of the environment to the phenotypical expression of SWD. There were deaths in males at the high dose and dose-related effects on the larynx (e.g., squamous metaplasia, squamous hyperplasia, vacuolar degeneration of squamous epithelium). Folpet Technical fed to B6C3F1 mice for 28 days at levels of 0, 1000, 5000, and 10,000 ppm induced a reduced body weight gain in the top two doses (Crown, 1981). The publicly available database for spontaneous tumors in control Wistar rats is substantially smaller than for either SpragueDawley rats or F344 rats; however, it does appear that the total incidence of spontaneous tumors in aged control animals in various Wistar strains is lower than has been reported for SpragueDawley and SpragueDawley-derived rats [6,43]. To investigate the basis of this difference we further examined the regulation of the mdrlb gene in hepatocytes isolated from Fischer, Sprague-Dawley and Wistar rats. Abstract. Blood pressure, heart rate, electrocardiograms (ECGs), and breathing were monitored before medication and at 15, 30, 45, and 60min thereafter. In rats, this is accomplished through inbreeding. Cognitive deficits and biochemical and structural changes induced by ICV-STZ in the brain mainly were attributed to generating free radicals and inflammatory cytokines, and altering glucose energy metabolism by depleting ATP synthesis. They are named after Lois M. Zucker and Theodore F. Zucker, pioneer researchers in the study of the genetics of obesity. [4] The first rat colony in America used for nutrition research was started in January 1908 by Elmer McCollum[5] and then, nutritive requirements of rats were used by Thomas Burr Osborne and Lafayette Mendel to determine the details of protein nutrition. The selection of your animal model for toxicity and carcinogenicity testing plays an essential role in the accuracy of your study findings. Administration of 2-acetylaminofluorene (2-AAF) to rats increased mdrlb expression in Fischer, Wistar and Sprague--Dawley rat livers; however, the response was much smaller in Sprague-Dawley livers. The NOEL for decreased weight gain was 2000 ppm in males (136 mg/kg per day) and 4000 ppm in females (291 mg/kg per day). In both dose groups, all three types of animal showed no significant changes to these indicators before and after medication. The shaking rat Kawasaki (SRK) is an autosomal recessive mutant rat that has a short deletion in the RELN (Reelin) gene. In the initial colonies of, ArtemisininNaphthoquine Phosphate Combination (ARCO), Artemisinin-Based and Other Antimalarials, Repetitive Seizures in the Immature Brain*, NEUROTRANSMITTER FUNCTION | Synaptic Activities and Transmitter Function: Receptor Trafficking, Identification of the Absorbed Components of Shaoyao-Gancao Decoction, Serum Pharmacochemistry of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hojjatollah Alaei PharmD, PhD, Parham Reisi PhD, in, Diet and Nutrition in Dementia and Cognitive Decline, Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology (Second Edition). This mode of inheritance was confirmed in F2 (F1 F1) and backcross (F1 control) generations in both GAERS and WAG/Rij (Marescaux et al., 1992a; Peeters et al., 1992). Mean hormone level in blood samples collected every four hours during a 24 hour period do differ between both strain of rats. Regardless of the health . The focus of this study was to determine the effects of ketone supplementation on anxiety-related behavior in Sprague-Dawley (SPD) and Wistar Albino Glaxo/Rijswijk (WAG/Rij) rats. Copyright 2021 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. Conversely, adult rats subjected to four bouts of status epilepticus with KA had severe impairment in the water maze (Sarkisian et al., 1997). A strain, in reference to rodents, is a group in which all members are, as nearly as possible, genetically identical. However, since these rats are known to grow tumors at a high (and very variable) rate, the study was considered flawed in design and its findings unsubstantiated. In epileptic nonepileptic F1 generations, more than 95% of the animals showed SWDs after 6 months, suggesting a dominant transmission, and similar SWDs were recorded in male and female animals, indicating that the transmission is autosomal. (1997), using four serial KA episodes of status epilepticus in Sprague-Dawley rats, found no deficits in spatial learning retention following the status. The authors of the study "stressed the need for extreme caution in evaluation of carcinogenicity studies conducted at different laboratories and/or on rats from different sources. The typical life span is 2.53.5 years. By contrast, outbred populations are used when identical genotypes are unnecessary or a population with genetic variation is required, and these rats are usually referred to as stocks rather than strains. They have similar genetic background and are therefore, not discriminated in practical research. Following a 2-week recovery period during which the rats received control diet, the forestomach histology returned to normal. In this study, we compared metabolic profiles of Wistar and SD rat hepatocytes from middle (6 Most are derived from the albino Wistar rat, which is still widely used. Elliot B. Gordon, in Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology (Second Edition), 2001. An equal dose of distilled water was orally administered to the rats of group B. This breed was developed at the Wistar Institute in 1906 for use in biological and medical research, and is notably the first rat developed to serve as a model organism at a time when laboratories primarily used the house mouse (Mus musculus). Over time, breeding the rats for these contests may have produced variations in color, notably the albino and hooded varieties. Sprague-Dawley(Sprague-Dawley ratsSD rats)WistarWistar Animal studies were conducted according to protocols approved by the Review Committee of Animal Care and Use. and consistency, turn to the Sprague . Long and Evans in 1915 by crossing several Wistar females with a wild gray male. Rat-baiting was a popular sport, which involved filling a pit with rats and timing how long it took for a terrier to kill them all. Whole cell patch clamp recordings from somata of visualized neurons are made using borosilicate microelectrodes. The reproductive function of rats was studied at the Institute for Experimental Biology at the University of California, Berkeley by Herbert McLean Evans and Joseph A. Folpet Technical admixed in the diet at 0, 300,100, 3000, or 10,000 ppm and fed to SpragueDawley rats for 13 weeks, followed by a 2-week recovery showed similar signs of irritation in the forestomach, primarily at 10,000 ppm, but no irritation of the esophagus (Reno et al., 1981). Interindividual variability for age of appearance and duration of SWDs is extremely high, supporting the view that the inheritance of SWD is probably not due to a single gene locus or that environmental effects might play a role. As part of a larger study exploring the safety of SNAC in combination with heparin, Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats (20/sex/group) received SNAC alone at 2000 mg/kg/d orally (gavage) for 13 weeks (females were terminated after 10 weeks). After 30min, the rats were anesthetized by intraperitoneal injection of 3% pentobarbital sodium (0.15mL per 100g body weight). Long-term health effects occured with undernutrition during either window examined in this study, but the UNI0-21 period resulted in lower birth weight and more severe effects later in life. Breeding of selected parents over three or four generations produced a strain in which 100% of the rats were affected. Knockout rats can mimic human diseases, and are important tools for studying gene function and for drug discovery and development. The average litter size of the Sprague Dawley rat is 10.5. The adult body weight is 250300g for females, and 450520g for males. Ping Wang, Xijun Wang, in Serum Pharmacochemistry of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2017. Sprague-Dawley specific pathogen free rats [Crl:CD(SD)IGS BR] at 7 weeks of age and weighing 130 to 230 g (females) and 250 to 350 (males) were obtained from Charles River laboratories Italia S.R.L., Via Indipendenza 11, Calco (lecco), 23885, Italy, and acclimated for a minimum of 6 The spontaneously hypertensive rat and the Lewis rat are other well-known stocks developed from Wistar rats. Nutritional ketosis has been proven effective for seizure disorders and other neurological disorders. Shorn rats were bred from Sprague Dawley rats in Connecticut in 1998. Although other Wistar substrains are commonly used in specialized carcinogenesis and safety studies, these strains offer neither a substantial history of use in chronic carcinogenicity bioassays nor a significant publicly available database of historical control pathology and clinical pathology data. The rats were being raised for laboratory use by Dr. Henry Schroeder and technician Tim Vinton, who noticed that the litter of 17 drank and urinated excessively. Domestic rats differ from wild rats in many ways: they are calmer and significantly less likely to bite, they can tolerate greater crowding, they breed earlier and produce more offspring, and their brains, livers, kidneys, adrenal glands, and hearts are smaller. I. The rats [9] In October 2003, researchers succeeded in cloning two laboratory rats by nuclear transfer. [26], These rats typically have a longer tail in proportion to their body length than Wistar rats. Brain slices are cut (350m coronal sections) and perfused at 1.5mlmin1 with 3335C ACSF. The animals were fasted for 12h with free access to water before the experiment. All but one of the testicular tumors occurred in the rats from a single supplier. "[10], During food rationing due to World War II, British biologists ate laboratory rat, creamed. The SPRAGUE DAWLEY rat aka SD, is an albino outbred rat with an elongated head and a Indeed, both data sets demonstrate that transmission of SWDs is inherited (Marescaux et al., 1992a; Peeters et al., 1990b, 1992). Inbred strains of Rattus norvegicus used for scientific research, "Lab rat" redirects here. The no observed effect concentration (NOEC) for toxic effects (other than generalized irritation) was 0.6 g/liter (measured). Rats subjected to repetitive bouts of status epilepticus had increased spontaneous exploratory activity, learning impairment, and reduced anxiety. This mutation results in defective retinal pigment epithelium phagocytosis of photoreceptor outer segments.[34]. So, the mean circulating levels of T3, T4 and cort . Most laboratory rat strains descend from a colony of rats established at the Wistar Institute in 1906. [29] The more common ones are denoted as rnu (Rowett nude), fz (fuzzy), and shn (shorn). Abstract. The LongEvans rat is an outbred rat developed by Drs. Rodents (Sprague-Dawley rats, Wistar rats and C57BL/6J mice) showed markedly higher reference intervals for RBC and platelet than in humans. Hairless laboratory rats provide researchers with valuable data regarding compromised immune systems and genetic kidney diseases. This page was last edited on 2 December 2020, at 15:14. [33] Demonstration of a defect in phagocytosis", "Matrix metalloproteinase-2, -9 and -13 are involved in fibronectin degradation of rat lung granulomatous fibrosis caused by Angiostrongylus cantonensis", "Editor in Chief of Food and Chemical Toxicology answers questions on retraction", "Rat models of type 1 diabetes: genetics, environment, and autoimmunity", "Shorn (shn): a new mutation causing hypotrichosis in the Norway rat", "Mutation of the receptor tyrosine kinase gene Mertk in the retinal dystrophic RCS rat", "The Zucker fatty rat as a genetic model of obesity and hypertension",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Rowett nude rats, first identified in 1953 in Scotland, have no. A mean temperature nadir of 36.74 (0.187)C was observed following the administration of 10 mg/kg in the Wistar rats under 23C ambient and 37.35 (0.115)C under 27C ambient. All dose levels elicited irritation that was more severe in males than females and resulted in decreased weight gain (Dougherty, 1988). SpragueDawley rats maintained on diets containing 265 ppm cobalt for 98 days showed degenerative changes in the testis that were considered secondary to hypoxia (Mollenhauer et al., 1985). Group A was a dysmenorrhea model induced by estradiol benzoate injection combined with oxytocin. They are utilized as a multipurpose model organism, frequently in behavioral and obesity research. Like NOD mice, biobreeding rats are used as an animal model for Type 1 diabetes. Many investigators who wish to trace observations on behavior and physiology to underlying genes regard aspects of these in rats as more relevant to humans and easier to observe than in mice, giving impetus to the development of genetic research techniques applicable to rat. 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