Enter your email and you'll get: Jason is a 2:39 marathoner, USATF- … TIn simple terms, a stiffer spring means more energy return, which means you are a more efficient runner. If you can touch your toes, then you’re flexible. The solution, as Dr. Cucuzzella mentions, is a dynamic warm-up routine that’s followed by at least 1-2 miles of easy running. Just avoid these mistakes and you’re ready to stretch! Limit time spent in each stretch after a running (ideally 30 seconds or less, unless indicated by PT), Do not extend stretches beyond the end of your range of motion, Foam rolling can loosen tight muscles without the negative effects of stretching. The goal of static stretching is flexibility or your range of. I’m just going to keep doing my thing. He says if you do this daily for six weeks the tissue will permanently lengthen. It is also worth noting that some runners do need to stretch because of limited mobility. The stretching section includes all the essential stretches necessary for both runners and triathletes alike. Dynamic Stretching for Runners. Static stretching -- the bend-and-hold, toe-touching stretches you learned in gym class -- might be a thing of the past. Sign up for SR's free running e-course and you'll get downloads like workouts, strength exercises, and ebooks to help you become a better runner: claim your free downloads here. These stretches are best done after exercising, when your muscles are warm and more elastic. Static Stretching Exercises No Good For Runners Many runners who learn forefoot running sometimes get off to a rocky start. A shorter version of the exercises is probably enough. Back in the day, athletes primarily did static stretches before exercising. Your foot hits the ground and your muscles and tendons compress and absorb energy; the muscle then releases that energy to propel you forward. The iliotibial band is a long thick band of fascia that stretches from the outside of the hip down to the tibia. Alright! Cross-Legged Toe Touch Cross your legs and reach toward your toes. A, Scandanavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports. So you can imagine the huge smile I had as I read this, LOL! Oddly, it still divides many runners now. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to This Runner’s Recipes with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. You’ll perform better, have a lower risk of injury, and feel better too! Recommended cool-down routine: 5-10 minutes of easy running; 3-4 series of stretches; Hold each position for 60 seconds; Exercise 1: Cool-down stretch for hips and quadriceps Who's right? In fact, many argue that being too flexible increases a runner’s risk of injury. You can also perform these stretches periodically throughout the day, whenever you’re feeling tight. I do not stretch. The most common times for stretching are either before running or stretching after you finish running. Dr. Mark Cucuzzella, author of Run For Your Life, does not mince words when it comes to static stretching before a run: The current consensus is that it’s not necessary, and may even be counterproductive. In fact, when done properly it can boost feelings of well-being and relaxation – the ingredients necessary for optimal recovery. While stretching may feel good to some, no research indicates a clinically significant reduction in muscle soreness from static stretching. They either land incorrectly on their forefoot or they are not wearing zero-drop minimalist footwear and as a result, end up with aches and pains or injury and conclude that forefoot running is not for them. I definitely prefer foam rolling or dynamic stretching to static stretching. I think if you get injured frequently you do things to minimize it. So while stretching before a run is definitely not recommended, stretching after a run may not be as detrimental. However, at this stage static stretching is not very important and muscle tension could be held for about 10 seconds. Strength Running is Reader Supported!Copyright © 2021 StrengthRunning.comTerms of Service • Privacy Policy • Site Design by Charfish Design, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Don’t bounce, as that can overstretch a muscle and cause injury. I’m always so worried that I don’t stretch enough after my runs! Eight stretches to try post-run: Hold each of these stretches for around half a minute, and depending on how long you’ve got, repeat once or twice … For Deena Kastor, however, the answer is simple. I am much more likely to foam roll later in the day. The goal of the prolonged lengthening of the muscle is to help stretch the collagen fibers and provide you with a lasting lengthened muscle and, … That’s because static stretching does not accomplish the most basic goal of a warm-up routine: to warm up. The Best Stretches to Do Post-Run. Not only does completing a dynamic running warm up help get your blood flowing, but it loosens up your muscles prior to heading out on a run. Does stretching before running accomplish the goals of a proper warm-up? If your muscles and tendons are too loose and plastic, your ground impact time is likely longer – which can be a contributing factor for injury. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention actually published a review of 361 studies in 2004 that tried to answer this question. If you do not have a proper range of motion through your shoulders, for example, then you may choose to incorporate some chest stretches into your routine. Browse more videos. When we are static stretching, we are lengthening the muscle for an extended period. Too often, we do exactly this in the name of physical therapy and traditional stretching exercises. Don’t wait until an injury forces you into a stretching routine. I agree with everything you said, but want to add one thing. It’s passive. Contrary to popular belief, static stretching does not improve performance, prevent injury, or even decrease muscle soreness. This is a fascinating subject to me — one of the types of Yoga I love is Yin Yoga, which does long holds — but without muscular tension. This was the prevailing dogma for the first 5-6 years of my running career. So while stretching before a run is definitely not recommended, stretching after a run may not be as detrimental. 8 Dynamic Stretches for Runners. Once a light sweat breaks some static stretches can be performed. One study found that static stretching may be beneficial for … Static stretching involves extending specific muscles and holding the position. But soon, science started uncovering that what seems like common-sense may actually be harmful. Static stretching at the end of your run can bring your heart down, cut your risk of injury and lessen muscle soreness." Please check your email to confirm your subscription and download your copy of injury prevention exercises for runners. The Stretching Saga comes down to this: whether to do static stretching or dynamic stretching before exercising. The comparison with the rubber band makes it easy to understand why static stretching can be detrimental for a runner. If you already stretch without negative effects, you can keep going – but know that you can stop without negative effects. Refer to it whenever you need that extra nudge to prioritize your recovery. You do not need to stretch as a long-distance runner unless you are injured. THANK YOU! Static stretching comes with tons of benefits that can help you to make the most of your workout routine. Static stretches often isolate a single muscle group. Don’t stretch a cold muscle before exercise. But that doesn’t mean we can’t engage in some static stretching. To prevent injury and hasten recovery, perform … Static Stretching for runners. These facts force us to consider whether being more flexible will only exacerbate injury problems. Stand behind a chair, holding on to the back for balance. Hold for 30 seconds, then switch sides. Coupled with other activities that boost mobility and there’s little reason for static stretching. Fact or myth: static stretching is essential for runners. Thanks for this information. I’m always in a rush. The goal of static stretching is flexibility or your range of passive motion. Be sure to follow the tips below to obtain the greatest benefit from stretching: 1. "Dynamic stretches activate and loosen up all your leg muscles, preparing you for your run. Consider that most injuries happen within the normal range of motion. It does not raise your heart rate, lubricate joints, metabolically prime muscles for work, increase elasticity in connective tissues, open capillaries, and raise your core body temperature. Follow. Their flexibility could lead them to stretch too deeply, which can cause tears in the muscle. If your muscles and tendons are too loose and plastic, your ground impact time is likely longer – which can be a contributing factor for injury. Then you'll love the free email lessons I've never released here on the blog. Ah, the age-old debate: Should you stretch before running or after your run? Experts compare stretching cold muscles to … Grasp your knee with your left hand and pull it up toward your left shoulder. Stretching should support your performance as a runner, meaning the primary goal is mobility, not flexibility. that stretching helps you stay healthy. Static stretching was no cure-all. Static stretches often isolate a single muscle group. Keep thinking of the rubber band here: the more you stretch it, the less “snap” it has and the more it loses its function. You are invited to the Inlinkz link party! This is incredible – the rubber band analogy was very useful in making me understand. The goal is to loosen, not stretch, and the best way to do this is to simply run at an easy, relaxed pace. Typically held for at least 60-seconds, the purpose of static stretching is to increase flexibility. This comes back to the rubber band model. Stretching our muscles before running may even be counterproductive. While stretching has an appropriate role in the treatment of injury, static stretching may not prevent injury as we once believed. Do you static stretch before or after runs? In other words, it’s a failure as a warm-up. To minimize the negative effects, you do want to follow any stretches with some dynamic stretches. And luckily enough, static stretching is all you need to get all the flexibility … However, the issue is not just stretching before a run (which you should avoid) – it is also static stretching in general. Hypermobile runners should be cautious about static stretching. The notion of static stretching is ingrained for many runners; however, research and practice indicate that static stretching may not be as beneficial as we once believed – and could even be detrimental for runners in some circumstances. © Laura Norris and Laura Norris Running, 2019. Mobility is active; it is the ability to move through your normal range of motion with strength. A dynamic stretching routine aims for immediate, workable results, as opposed to static stretching, which is a long-term play meant to encourage elasticity in tendons and connective tissue. We just need to be able to move well as we sprint, charge up hills, and navigate the terrain of trails and obstacle course racing. Is static stretching an effective injury prevention tool? Static stretching is a very good way of improving your flexibility – with a consistent and thorough series of stretching exercises you’ll improve it over time. These dynamic warmup exercises … Coach Nick Anderson shows us what else we need to do besides running: warm-up drills, core exercises and post-run stretches. When done consistently over time to improve flexibility, stretching will actually change your muscles and result in a poorer, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. And that was reflected in my coaching: as the years passed and I became an upperclassmen at Connecticut College, we focused more on dynamic stretching and drills. But sometimes I do walk a bit at the beginning of a run and start my runs slow (esp if it is cold out.). There was an error submitting your subscription. I also do static stretches and foam rolling after runs and workouts. It can help to strengthen fascia and joints, done properly, although of course I am not a therapist. The conclusion? I think we have to find what works best for our bodies. A session of static stretching acutely impairs muscle strength and power. certified coach, and author of the #1 selling running book on Amazon Running for Health & Happiness. I have gotten much better with my active stretching before my run (probably because as I’ve gotten older it is really helpful). Use hashtags #running and #RunnersRoundup to stay in touch and promote your content. I much prefer dynamic stretches, but a few static stretches and holds feel sooo good after a run…. To combat muscle tightness, you want to foam roll, strength train, and perform dynamic stretches. I’ve been reading similar information to this about stretching for a few years now and it makes sense but I know not everyone agrees. It is worth noting that injuries often occur due to numerous factors, thus making it difficult to isolate the exact role of stretching on injury prevention. The stretching debate—both pre- and post-workout—seems never-ending. These elements of training improve mobility without ever requiring you to stretch. Not only that, but other research has found that static stretching actually reduces running efficiency. For example, extending an arm behind the back to work the triceps is a static stretch. To combat muscle tightness, you want to foam roll, strength train, and perform dynamic stretches. Be sure to switch how your legs are crossed and do the stretch evenly for both crossings. During a warm up runners should perform dynamic stretching and static stretching should be performed after training or as a seperate session on its own. Static stretching, on the other hand, is done at the end of your workout, and involves stretches that you hold in place for a period of time, without movement. Static stretching was probably introduced to you when you first started running. When done consistently over time to improve flexibility, stretching will actually change your muscles and result in a poorer running economy, according to some studies. Hold for 30 seconds, then switch sides. My dentist, who is a runner, tore his Achilles, and he said he was told it was because he doesn’t stretch. And since they require active, functional movement, the flexibility you gain is more useful. Those “other activities” include: their runs. If you have an injury or limited mobility, deliberate and careful stretching may be beneficial, so long as you time it appropriately with your running. I do dynamic stretches that help me to warm up before a run: downward dog, high knees and butt kicks. The below static stretches are most helpful to runners and hikers. It is worth noting that injuries often occur due to numerous factors, thus making it difficult to isolate the exact role of stretching on injury prevention. Static stretching is not essential for performance or injury prevention and may actually impair performance in some athletes. Stretching for flexibility achieves a different goal. by Alex Hutchinson. What an excellent article, Laura. Add a few skips, lunges, and even a few short pickups… This is dynamic stretching. While stretching has an appropriate role in the treatment of injury, static stretching may not prevent injury as we once believed. While static stretching can help you relax and feel better after a run, there’s no substitution for more effective mobility training. concluded that static stretching had no to low effect on preventing injuries. Sometimes my stretch classes happen later in the day but I do them daily. Ideally, runners will focus most of their time on a series of dynamic warm up exercises like the Mattock Routine above. Running Strength Training Stretching Videos. But it wasn't always like that. Dynamic stretching is generally beneficial for endurance athletes. Both of these have helped me tremendously to stay injury free. A session of static stretching acutely impairs muscle strength and power. A 2010 review published in Scandanavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports concluded that static stretching had no to low effect on preventing injuries. In his book “Running Rewired” Jay Dicharry recommends holding a static stretch for 3-5 minutes if you have an area with very limited mobility (i.e.if a muscle on one side is noticeably tighter than the other side). Static Stretching for runners. Following your run workout is the best time to turn to static stretches, in which you hold a lengthened muscle position and really “feel the stretch.” Immediately following your cooldown, devote 5 to 10 minutes to these stretches. You can use right hand to press right knee down for a deeper stretch. 6 years ago | 9 views. Static stretching isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. Drop your link each week and find new content to read! No “ballistic” stretching where you bounce in and out of a stretch, Stretch for about a minute – not too long, but not too short, The exact strength exercises that prevent injuries, Workouts that boost your speed (even for beginners), Pacing strategies, coaching Q&A, and more. If you do not, don’t change a thing. “Stretching was not significantly associated with a reduction in total injuries… [and] use of stretching as a prevention tool against sports injury has been based on intuition and unsystematic observation rather than scientific evidence.”. Stretch deeply into the muscles that keep you moving forward during your walk or run with this standing stretch. He writes for over 200,000 runners a month and has helped tens of thousands of runners accomplish their goals with results-oriented coaching programs. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Ideally, runners will focus most of their time on a series of dynamic warm up exercises like the Mattock Routine above. Playing next. Wait until you’re finished running! Breathe deeply and regularly during the stretches. Sometimes as long as a minute or two. Related: 10 Crucial Lower Body Stretches for Runners. Training this way will improve your mobility, competence, and injury resilience. Best Stretches for Runners. Should You Stretch Before Running? Thank you for subscribing! These exercises differ from the static recovery stretches you might do after a run that involve holding a certain position for a certain amount of time. I like the rubber band comparison. And hopefully, it will encourage you to foam roll more regularly and boost your mobility! You do not have to stretch as a long-distance runner. Arggggh…. I find that doing a little light stretching for a few seconds (mainly my hip flexors and glutes) helps me feel better after a run but I rarely make the time for it anymore. This comes back to the rubber band model. In straight-up runner-science fashion, we’ll break down the stretching explanation like this: When an runner starts exercise by static stretching, she pushes cold muscles to their limit and risks potentially pulling a muscle. Supportive Exercises For Runners. Your email address will not be published. However, the issue is not just stretching before a run (which you should avoid) – it is also static stretching in general. Now, it’s worth noting that there are outliers here, as there are with almost everything in exercise science. Contrary to popular belief, static stretching does not improve performance, prevent injury, or even decrease muscle soreness. No stretching needed. "Dynamic—that's in motion—and static stretching is an essential part of any runner's training program," Kennihan said. Do it immediately before running to get all of the benefits. We provide dynamic stretching videos designed for runners. Thanks for the information! Think of a rubber band: you want a rubber band that can easily snap back to its original shape, rather than one that becomes stretched beyond the point of use. Note: You should not perform this extensive stretching routine after very intense workouts. Fact or myth: static stretching is essential for runners. Static stretching targets collagen (the main component of tendons and connective tissue such as fascia) elasticity as well as muscle length. Flexibility is not necessarily beneficial for runners. While stretching may feel good to some, no research indicates a clinically significant reduction in muscle soreness from static stretching. For most people old habits die hard. The stretch should not hurt. When I do a post-run stretch (or when I teach a stretch class) I do it through a range of motion, without holding static stretches, which is really more to improve mobility. Dynamic stretching seeks to improve mobility and involves moving through your range of motion, often in a manner specific to the sport. We didn’t want to “be tight” and everyone knows (right?) After all, performing dynamic stretches before runs has helped … and flexibility. It promotes healing blood flow and increases range of motion. I’ve provided a variety of stretches that can be performed outdoors, immediately following your runs, or in the comfort of your home. Some people feel better if they stretch regularly and do not see any negative effects. Decreased muscle tension equates to a poorer economy, both in theory and in practice. If the goal of stretching is “flexibility” then what does that really mean? It’s OK to feel a deep stretch with some … found a statistically significant negative correlation between sit-and-reach tests and running economy in both male and female runners. Copyright © 2021 Laura Norris Running on the Brunch Pro Theme, Static stretching lengthens the muscle to the point of tension and then holds, without any movement, for 15 seconds or more. If you’re trying to run fast, you may be setting yourself up for a poor performance or even an injury. If you are not doing it or often skip it, you are fine – do not start a static stretching routine. This tension in your muscles acts as a spring. Follow along with this 30 min stretch routine designed to help increase flexibility! When you stretch before a run, you essentially remove desired tension from that muscle. Some people feel better if they stretch regularly and do not see any negative effects. Be consistent: stretch on a daily basis. Static stretches for runners include calf, hip flexor, quadriceps, and iliotibial band stretches. But you can also get the effect of static stretching with even more recovery benefits by using a foam roller. I think its just one of those things where if what you’re doing is working- great. But if its not, this is important to know. The Mattock Dynamic Warm-up is a good example to get you started: This series of dynamic stretching exercises will do everything a good warm-up routine is supposed to do and prepare you for running. The more flexible the runner, the lower their running economy. The notion of static stretching is ingrained for many runners; however, research and practice indicate that static stretching may not be as beneficial as we once believed – and could even be detrimental for runners … Static stretching decreases tension and stiffness, especially when you hold the stretch for more than 15 seconds. Mobility is the ability to move through a normal range of motion with strength. And I foam roll post-run. Filed Under: Running, Training Tips Tagged With: running, stretching, training tips. Runners Stretches: Iliotibial Band This runner stretch is very important and often overlooked. But is stretching an effective warm-up routine? For instance, researchers at Florida State University found that trained distance runners were roughly 5 percent less efficient and covered 3 percent shorter distances when they performed static stretches before their runs . Please try again. But static stretching can still have a place in any runners’ training program as long as a few caveats are met: I outlined some of my favorite static stretching examples in this new video: The 3 mistakes to avoid when stretching are: If you enjoy your static stretching routine, there’s no reason to stop. You do not need to stretch as a long-distance runner unless you are injured. Dynamic stretching takes the muscles through their full range of motion. If it … Strength training is particularly effective, as it improves your range of motion while also increasing your muscle elasticity. Our training in college was then reaffirmed by one of my favorite books, Cardio or Weights? Hold for 10-20 seconds and then repeat on the other side. Required fields are marked *. Even research demonstrates this; a 2011 randomized controlled trial published in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that well-trained female runners did not experience a dip in endurance performance even when they stretched after their runs. It’s like yanking hard on the ends of a rope to untangle a knot: it only makes the knot harder and tighter. That’s because stretched muscles are less responsive and can’t hold as much tension. But if you can sprint, move well over some basic obstacles, or run over hurdles then you have good mobility. Every week, you should be running fast, strength training, performing dynamic mobility drills, running off-road, and sitting less. I’m trying this for my tight left soleus (not before a run- I do it at night) just to see if it works. A 2009 study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found a statistically significant negative correlation between sit-and-reach tests and running economy in both male and female runners. Both static stretching and dynamic stretching before exercise have been found to be beneficial for different types of athletic activities. Report. Coupled with other activities that boost mobility and there’s little reason for static stretching. Even research demonstrates this; a 2011 randomized controlled trial published in, The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, found that well-trained female runners did not experience a dip in endurance performance even when they stretched. What Runners Need to Know about Static Stretching, Team Norris Running: Year in Running 2020, How to Incorporate Supplemental Training into Your Running Plan. Static Glute Stretch Often referred to as pigeon pose, this stretch … Let’s take a look and see how we can use stretching strategically to improve our running. In the long run, prevention is always worth the 15 minutes a day it takes! I don’t know if this is true or will be yet another myth debunked over time. Not flexible? It is frequently problematic amongst runners when it is tight. There’s a big difference between flexibility and mobility. Be counterproductive duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site ’ s worth that! Your right knee up to your chest for 15 seconds or more hurdles then you 'll love the free lessons... Need a lot of flexibility to improve our running are less responsive can... Your training program bring your heart down, cut your risk of injury of to. `` dynamic stretches place in your muscles to … dynamic stretching for runners is also noting., this is important to know all that it ’ s worth noting that there are here... 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