(She leaves sadly away, while sighing.) Hi! (Roland swooshes his Cape again and enters Cecil's Office, Wally waves his Hand towards him and leaves the Office while the Music starts playing), (Wally rides on his Tricycle on the Road setting off to find a Magic Wand), Greg: (singing off-screen, while the opening Credits are shown.) Come on, everyone! let's rock this Place! So that's why they call it "Brrrrrr Street"! Tonight?! (grabs the cake, and hides inside the dock house.). Moo! (The Wiggles chat together, while leaving the school and they get in the Big Red Car). Cecil: Wally, every great magician knows, a Magic Wand won't help you if you can't help yourself. (The wave splashes the underwater big band. They fix the Wand, wish you a happy birthday. (The camera cuts outside from the Concert. Oh, dear! Nope, no Dorothy. You must be so cold. Wally: (Mumbling while waking up) Remember the Magic Chest. Greg: Why don't you take a little break, Maybe munch on a few Roses? Wally. Wasn't she great? (Wally sighs), (Everyone is gathered together inside the Circus Tent). I'm Greg. (with the kids screaming.) Wally. Greg: I promised her that every Year, we'd celebrate her Birthday. Hands in the air, (himself) rock a bye your bear, (Meaghan arrives, holding Wally's cape then joins in with the Song), (The Kids applaud after The Wiggles sing "Rock-A-Bye Your Bear". Hi! ). Wags: Ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff. Wally: Bring my Wand back here! They happen upon Brrrrrr Street where they get frozen. Meanwhile, Dorothy is sad because she thinks that The Wiggles and everyone have forgotten her birthday, while in fact they're all planning a surprise party for her by performing at a circus tent that night. He can cook a birthday cake for a party you see. In the movie, The Wiggles embark on a journey to find Dorothy the Dinosaur since a amateur magician Wally the Great, steals Greg's magic wand in order to become a better magician. Wally: Dorothy... I-I thought I needed that Wand to win the Magic Competition tonight. Greg: (to camera) I knew Henry The Octopus lived around here. Pooh and his friends meet the Wiggles and their friends. roses! Officer Beaples: (Holding the Rose Robber.) STOP, THIEF! Your wish will be my pleasure, Rosemary. Oh! Wally: Registration for the Magic Competition closes at 6pm. I'm ringing to ask if you can organize a magician to attend our special celebration at the circus tent tonight? ), Anthony: Aargh! let's all point our fingers and we'll do the twist together. Anthony: (off-screen) Everything seems to be ready, are you ready?! However, Jimbo the Juggler blocks their way and say that Wally should put his vehicle in the full car park but Wally thinks quick and says "You find a spot" and tosses his helmet at him leaving Jimber pinch-faced. ), Alfonso Tiramisu: (opera singing) Ballerina, Ballerina, Alfonso Tiramisu: Pirouette, temps le ve, Pas de chat, Alfonso Tiramisu: See the dancing Ballerina, Alfonso Tiramisu: See her jump in the air, (Wally walks on Stage and smiles out at the Audience, Holly bumps into him). Co-magician Leanne takes the Pan Lids and leaves. Dorothy might have gone there. Dorothy: Wally, quickly, come on! Um, he's a funny fellow, but he means well. Yummy! Magicians can only perform tricks if they're really want to entertain people. The Other Wiggles and Kids applaud. Aaaagh! Captain Feathersword! We'll never ever make it. (with Murray & Anthony.) Greg: Oh, don't worry, Mrs. Bingle. The Wiggles throw a surprise party for Dorothy the Dinosaur, while she goes after a magician who takes Greg's magic wand to become popular. Lifesaver. (holding her Whistle.) You're special to me. (Wags picks up his Presents and barks while leaving Wags World), Mrs. Bingle and the Kids leave the Classroom. Jeff: This Surprise Party was a (blubbering) silly idea! I'll use my great powers of Hypnotism to get my Wand back. I mean... what a surprise to er... see you today! (Everybody: La, la, la, la, la! Mrs. Bingle: Hi, Dorothy. (with Fishettes singing.) ), (Holly, and Cameron do their "Et Fouette". Jimbo: You can't leave your tricycle there. (Flashback of the Wiggles and Dorothy, when they were young are shown). The Limousine's Window opens revealing, that Roland is inside). Wally: I-I-I-I I'm just borrowing it, I promise! Dorothy: Who, me? Do not, I repeat, do not swim at the eastern end of the pool! Captain Feathersword: Who wouldn't be alright on such a special day. Dorothy: Yes, Wally, I know you can! I was framed! The Wiggles - Australia’s number one children’s entertainers - are going to the circus and they want you to come along and join in the fun. And we're all happy. We'd better go and see Captain Feathersword. Greg will be so pleased! Register Long time, no sea! It's my pirate party! (Wally takes off his helmet, gets off his Tricycle, and starts running towards the Music). So why don't we all go off to the movies! I saw her chasing a strange fellow who appeared to be carrying your Magic Wand. Sleepy. Oh, I know. Dorothy: Jeff! It's showtime! I always visit Captain Feathersword, Wags The Dog and Henry The Octopus on my birthday! Yay! The clips have them talking with the "Wiggly Wiggly Christmas" set as background. Is Jeff asleep again? (Wally decides to save him so he hops down onto the Boat) Please... Captain Feathersword: (Who notices Wally go down onto the Boat) Wally! He's bound to remember. you may be the great-grandson of (pointing up at a portrait behind him.) Wiggles: Dorothy, Dorothy, would you like to dance with me? The budget for the movie was estimated as AU. Oh, boy, I hope my day improves. Greg: (singing off-screen) Who's the pirate with a feather for a sword? Wiggles Touring Pty. Wally: I'm so happy Dorothy! (The shelf's break, and he falls to the ground covered in Books.). I bet it's The Wiggles! (The Shadow disappears), (The dancing Magicians, Leanne, Donna and Edward arrive back dancing around Wally. I'll just go and get the Box of Mystery and then we can do some more magic everybody. You'll have to put in the car park. ), Wagettes: Woof woof woof 2x Wags: Woof Woof Woof, Wagettes: Woof woof woof 2x Wags: Woof Woof, Woof, (Dorothy and Wally both Dance along while sitting). Greg: Can you point your fingers and do the twist? And now I've got a Badge of Friendship. Wally: Look at my badge, Dorothy. Anthony: Oh, (quacking like a duck) No, that-a-way! (singing) Can you point your fingers and do the twist? Murray: Mrs. Bingle, don't blow that Whistle! Wally, my boy! Anyway, you're not coming in until you do The Test. In the movie, The Wiggles embark on a journey to find Dorothy the Dinosaur since a amateur Magician Wally the Great, steals Greg's Magic Wand which he thinks he needs to become a better Magician. She always visits them on her Birthday. That was excellent. Dorothy: Oh, don't worry about him, Wally. I don't think this is the way. Luigi: (off-screen) Hey, children, don't forget your Ice Cream! We live here. The 2 have a tug of war and the wand breaks in half. Dorothy: (Off-screen) So who's birthday party is this, Wally? Waldo The Magnificent, but your magic is just not working. Ahem! Don't embarrass yourself by trying to perform tonight. Captain Feathersword: It's my pirate dance. Dorothy: (crying) I'm 5 dinosaur years old today and no-one has remembered, not even my friends The Wiggles! (She runs over to the Brick Wall.) OW! Wally: (to Dorothy.) Anthony: Big Red Car! Hello! Do you know what special day it is? Wally: Ooh... Wand so powerful, move this Trike, take it like a Rocket, fly like a Kite! And now I've gone and broken Greg's magic wand! ), (Wags runs back while holding Mic's Bag, and wearing his Hat while Mic chases after him, they run around the Wiggles until Murray stops Wags), (Wags gives the Bag back to Mic. The-the Competition's tonight?! Bye! (The friendly Pirate Crew pass out Dorothy's Birthday Cake and other Supplies from the S.S Feathersword). ), Dorothy: Don't worry, Wally. Henry's Underwater Big Band. (laughing), (Everyone throws balloons everywhere. (He unrolls a Poster). (Everyone starts to leave sadly.) Wiggles: Oh-oh whoo! Nobody will ever doubt the power of Wally The Great again. Captain Feathersword: And say "Ahoy there, me hearties!" Wally: (After Cecil whispers to him.) Bye. Ar ar. Dorothy: I always visit Wags the Dog on my birthday, too. Anthony: Greg, perhaps you'd have a bit more luck with a Song? (Scoffs). Keep eye contact with your fellow swimmers. Think, guys, think! So when I count 3, let's say, "Wake up, Jeff!" Remember the Magic Chest. Give me a chance. Can you point your fingers and do the twist? But... but maybe, just maybe, I can win without the Wand? However, if I get out my magic wand and wave it over the top of the box of mystery just like that and say the magic word, 'Alakazam'... you'll find something inside the Box of Mystery. You're all invited to join in the fun but we must keep it a secret. A swing of the Tail puts the Robber in Jail. Anthony: Come on, Wiggles! (Wally comes out on Stage while the Audience applaud, he stares at the Audience and Roland silently. Dorothy: You look absolutely stunning, Wally. Everyone: (Singing and dancing while Dorothy walks up to the Stage) D.O.R.O.T.H.Y. The movie was then released on DVD for Australia on November 12, 2003. Wally: (his cape then covers himself.) Dorothy leaves and sits on a bench, sadly, complaining to Wally that nobody remembers her birthday. The Wiggles are in the Big Red Car driving down the road, while the music for "Quack, Quack" starts playing. (Wally turns back to take a sneak peak again.) Anthony: That could be Dorothy right now! (He puts the Badge on Wally's Shirt.) I'm getting worried we won't find Dorothy in time for tonight's surprise party. Officer Beaples: (Chasing a Rose Robber, who is holding a Basket of Roses.) (leaving rapidly). Anthony: (to the kids.) Anthony rapidly plays the Guitars, irons the Shirts, acts like a Rabbit, a Plane and a Ballerina, and makes a Fruit Face. Jeffrey is always falling asleep. I took the liberty of retrieving it. Cecil: (off-screen) A splendid performance by Marvin The Marvellous! Greg: (rubbing his Arms.) Twice in one day! What about your other friends? The Wiggles Movie/Transcript < The Wiggles Movie 4,634PAGES ON THIS WIKI Add New Page Edit this wiggly page Comments0 Share Interior. I think we'd better head back to the Wigglehouse. OK What's Jeff's favourite Sport? Wally: If I win, I'll receive The Great Waldo's wand, which I could give to Greg! Oh, no! With Murray Cook, Jeff Fatt, Greg Page, Anthony Field. Whoa! I know I can be as good a magician as... as the old guy. Wally begins to daydream about his grandfather, Waldo, saying to him to believe in himself. Henry: Zee ya, Big Band. Anthony is picking a good Apple to eat from a Fruit Bowl. Quack, quack! Wally: You certainly have a lot of friends, but we really must be moving on! What, what are, what are you doing?! Here are the posters for the Magic Competition tonight. Underwater Big Band: Yo, Wiggles! Captain Feathersword: Oh, Dorothy! Tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet. Wiggly Circus, How Many Jumps? Captain Feathersword: Alright, me hearties, let's go to the Party! Wally: Come on, then! He's a magician. (The Wiggles calculate with their hands.) (sighs) I have got to get this Wand fixed! He wins the competition which leaves Roland jealous but at the same time impressed. Whoa, whoa, whoa! This is the only Wiggles video and movie to feature actors and actresses. (She hangs up her Telephone, while Cecil hangs up his Telephone and sits back tapping the Arm rests excitingly), (Postman Mic Conway is at Wags' World trying to not get noticed when suddenly he hears Wags barking, he runs over to quickly put the Mail in the Mailbox). thank you, Wally! And it's almost showtime. Little Anthony: Yeah, come on, let's rock this Place! Wally: Hi, Wiggles! (He puts the Lids down, and takes out 3 Rings, and tries to make an Act.) (Dorothy and Wally breaks the Wand in half, and Wally falls back down into the Haystack, holding one half of it and Dorothy holding the other). Oh, Mrs. Bingle, perhaps you and the Children could begin to make some preparations for tonight's Party? Afterwards, he eats a Red Apple). Mrs Bingle (Joanne Samuel), the principal, had an accident with Anthony after she blew a whistle to wake Jeff up before the show, causing him to act extremely silly. Oh, yes! Cecil: We'll see. Add a photo to this gallery And where's lovely Dorothy? Oh! He puts down the two Rings and picks up a Bucket and pours green Liquid into it. Synopsis Edit. You shouldn't steal things! Hello? Dorothy. Greg: ...while I prepare for some more Magic. Dorothy and Wally visit Captain Feathersword. all is not what it seems in our Dreams. Arrr! Dorothy: Well, maybe Captain Feathersword, Wags The Dog or Henry The Octopus could fix it. Meanwhile, the Wiggles decide to go out looking for Dorothy in their Big Red Car. Greg: Well, we're gonna gonna go up and go down. 2.3 ??? (Wally peaks over the Wall and seeing Dorothy talking to Meaghan). (jumps and rushes back to the Room. I'm off to Dorothy's Party! Cecil frowns while he and Carolyn stare at each other), (Meanwhile, the Wiggles are on their way to the Party in the Big Red Car. I can do this. Cecil: Oh, dear. This is the transcript for The Wiggles Movie. Greg irons the Shirts, and Dorothy eats her Roses.). You must be tired after all that dancing. The Wiggles Movie Soundtrack cover (1997). Captain Feathersword: Ahoy there, me hearties! Captain Feathersword: Oh! Jimbo: (Enters through the Side-Door) Roland The Remarkable? It's our last hope! (Wally runs off happily to his Tricycle.) Back to work with you! I know this Wally the Great. (She gives Wally's Cape to Murray.) Jeff: (comes out, wearing a red Shirt.) Captain Feathersword: Well anyway, lovely to see you both on this fine occasion. Cecil: What a superb performance by Roland The Remarkable. It's Wiggle Time. Dorothy: This is where my friend Wags lives. Cameron throws Holly in the air, and she disappears. Hey there, Wally. Anthony: How about a big clap for Dorothy the Dinosaur? Well, I guess we'd better wake Jeff up. Door: Alright. Jeff: Maybe Dorothy has already got the Wand back and is on her way Home? Jacques: Hey, boss. Meaghan: (off-screen) Do you like the red ones best? We've got a Dinosaur to find! *NEW* Choo Choo Trains, Propeller Planes... Can You (Point Your Fingers And Do The Twist? Anthony: (holding Red Apple) Dorothy, I've been so worried about you, I couldn't eat! Ho, ho, ho! Directed by Dean Covell. You must learn that anything can happen, but you have to make it happen. They had their annual Competition today. Dorothy: I'm coming! Roland: Trying to make the Competition, Wally? Wally: Yes, yes, and don't forget to ask him about the Wand! Hey, maybe they'll remember your birthday! ), Greg: (singing) Rockin' and a-rollin' by the seaside, We're gonna take a trip down beneath the sea, (The Wiggles jump into the Swimming Pool. Jeff: (warming his Hands.) Wilcher left the group after their first album. I haven't forgotten it's your Birthday. She knows we'd never forget. I didn't expect to see you. (She Gives Dorothy a Rose she was holding) You stopped the Rose Robber. (Everybody thinks about something, and then they stop.) There's nobody here. ), Anthony: In the rockin' and a rollin' sea, Greg: Everybody's singing, everybody's dancing, (Henry is sitting on coral at his place, when The Wiggles land.). Anthony: Come on, Wiggles, we've got a dinosaur to find! Everybody sing. Wally: Yes, but... but this Wand is different. You were caught fair and square. Bad luck. Yes, the Box of Mystery. Come on! ), Wiggles: Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, Cock-a-doodle-doo, Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, Cock-a-doodle-doo, Wiggles: (in high voices.) and you know how it is, boss! What's Anthony's favourite Food? Little Greg: (singing) Hot Potato, Hot Potato, Cold Spaghetti, Cold Spaghetti (cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti), Cold Spaghetti, Cold Spaghetti (spaghetti) Spaghetti (spaghetti), (Whoo wiggy-wiggy-wiggy Whoo wiggly-wiggly-wiggy) (Gimme that, Gimme that, Gimme that food! Zip! Captain Feathersword: (spotting Dorothy coming.) (Cecil, Roland and Jimbo come rushing into the Circus Tent). Whee! Thank you. (removing hankie, showing a vase of Magic Flowers. Wally is practicing a two-ring act with Dorothy). He opens the Doors revealing there's nothing inside and then closes them. Um... gobbley, bobbley, bibbidy boo there were 7 Hankies and now there are 2! 1, 2, 3... WAKE UP, JEFF! The film was produced in mid 1997, and was first shown in theatres on 18 December the same year. (The kids gasp.) Cecil: Certainly. (Harold leaves through the Door which Jimbo closes), Roland: So you made it. The Movie Show reviews The Wiggles Movie. Ah, Wally, I keep saying it the Wand won't help you unless you first learn the secrets of being a good Magician. (jumps and rushes back to the Room. (He picks up a Garden Gnome that's next to the Telephone.) GIVE IT TO ME! The Wiggles are waiting for Dorothy to come to the party but nobody shows up. Waldo the Magnificent, but your magic is just not working. Cecil: Well, I don't think there's any doubt about our winner. ), Murray: Wags, it's a shame you don't know where Dorothy is, but if you see her, not a word about the party. Wiggles: (singing) Dorothy, Dorothy, would you like to dance with me? Whoa! ), Rock-a-Bye Your Bear. (Roland takes a Bow while the Audience applaud and cheer.). Wally: That Wand could be (He hits his Hand on the Desk) mine! Wally: Oh, Do you think I could have that in a glass? A 16" round base was the foundation for this circus tent that was made for the Cake Carnival which was put on at Cake International in Birmingham and London. I made it! (The Lifesaver watches The Wiggles enter the bathroom, and he goes back to looking through his Binoculars. Wally takes Dorothy to her party when it is just about to be canceled and the party begins. Alakazam Alakaboom! You shouldn't be sad on your Birthday. wiggy-wiggy-wiggly, whoo! Wags throws his Tap Hat to Wally who gives it to Dorothy who then puts it on his Head, they both applaud), Dorothy: Thanks, guys. you may be the great-grandson of (pointing up at a portrait behind him.) What's most important is Dorothy's being safe and sound. Oh, This is a great fun dance! 8 inches tall to the orange bunting, 8 inches wide. Anthony: Well, let's bring on stage The Wiggles! And it's full. Dorothy is also sad because she thinks that The Wiggles and everyone have forgotten her birthday, while in fact they're all planning a surprise party for her by performing at a circus tent that night. He will show you how to do a groovy pirate dance. Wally: (crossly, while taking off his Helmet.) And remember, it's her Birthday. Baby Dorothy: Oh, yummy, yummy! The Wiggles get out from the Big Red Car, and they see a sign that reads "Brrrrrr Street".). Whoo! Dorothy: Wally won that at the Magic Club tonight. You have to give it back to me so I can return it. (Greg and Anthony leave. (Dorothy leaves the Dockyard, while pushing the Tricycle.) Gelati Ice-cream! Anthony: I'm doing the twist really fast, Greg! Yargh! The boys and the girls, well, they're kind of restless. Bye, Wags! The Wiggles! The Wiggles Movie was first released on VHS in Australia on June 20, 1998. Dorothy and Wally: (After realising) Roses! You should make a tremendous impression in that Costume! (Children laugh in the background), (The Wiggles drive off, and Luigi the Gelati Vendor walks down the street next to the Dance Academy while moving the Ice Cream stand). Dorothy: Yummy for my tummy. You'll probably see our new friend, Wally The Great. Dorothy: Oh! The Wiggles each wear Mic's Hat, while making Sound Effects but Mic angrily take his Hat back. (to Wagettes.) Well... (He waves his Hand to get Cecil's attention) Uncle Cecil? We don't want them to spoil the surprise about her Birthday Party tonight! Captain Feathersword: (After Wally shakes his Hand) Oh, ho, ho, ho! Mrs. Bingle: We don't have time for this at the moment. Wally: I'd like to be a great magician Yeah! I've got another 67 of them. They want to get this rehearsal finished so they can kick back and relax. I'm a Cow. And I know that Dorothy loves Magic so I asked the Winner to perform here tonight. He tickles everything that moves and everything he sees. Save me! Talking about surprises, how about I perform a little magic? (He points to Waldo's Wand on Cecil's desk.). Wiggles: Now we're gonna go up, then go down. (showing a yellow hankie, while the kids gasp.) Nope, not in there. Thank you, miss. You know, Wally, (She sits down on the Bench with him) if you believe in yourself, good things will happen. (She opens then closes the Purple Door) Greg? (The Rose Robber trips over Dorothy's tail, and falls over dropping Roses on the Ground) SOMEBODY STOP HIM! (Wally tries giving a Pirate Salute to the Captain but the Captain takes his Hand out to shake Wally's Hand, they keep switching between the two actions without matching until they give up). Um... Dorothy's got my Magic Wand. Because, Jeff... Anthony: We need you to show us how to dance to the next song. In the movie, The Wiggles embark on a journey to find Dorothy the Dinosaur since a amateur magician Wally the Great, steals Greg's magic wand in order to become a better magician. Dorothy! Greg: It … First of all, I'll need to get out my Magic Wand, next, I'll need to get the Box of Mystery. Murray: We need all of you to keep a lookout for Dorothy, OK? Wally! "The Wiggles Touring Pty. Jeff: (unzipping lip.) Sometimes I feel like I'm falling to pieces! Jeff! Ta-da! Lots and lots of magic in here... Wally: That Wand has some pretty wonderful magic. Thank you, Wally. (Dorothy and Wally enter Wags World where the Wagettes, Skally, Cartwhelle, and Fluffy are sleeping. And that'll wake him up and he'll jump up and down and do all sorts of silly things. Murray: Come on, guys! (He opens the Chest with Dorothy and starts rummaging around) You know, when I was a little boy, I remember... (He finds a Rubber Chicken and throws it out) my great-grandfather Waldo would wear his special Suit in Competitions. (They all sleep with Captain Feathersword, but then they quickly wake up). ), Wally: Whoa! ), (Wally and Dorothy hold Hands and take a bow. This is the transcript for The Wiggles Movie Wally: Ladies and gentle... (But streamers come out from his pans, and one lands on Cecil the Magic Club President.) Also included is the video clip of a girl in Wiggly clothes painting and revealing the new Wiggles logo, and a movie trailer with the "Romp Bomp a Stomp, Nya Nya Nya, Ballerina, Ballerina, Can You Point Your Fingers and Do the Twist, Let's Have a Party and Ooh It's Captain Feathersword". And Jimbo come rushing into the Circus tent ) the wiggles movie circus tent come to win 'd forgotten it was my birthday it. Talking Door. ), too put it off for another Dinosaur year I. While in the auditorium, Roland and Jimbo come rushing into the Circus at! ( prego, and Dorothy run to the viewer about the ones with the Thornes comedy film produced Gladasaurus! ( confused ) um, Captain... your Crew believe in yourself, Wally is proud she!, bobbley, bibbidy boo there were 7 Hankies and now I 'm 5 Dinosaur years old today no-one. There were 7 Hankies and now we present, and we 'll do twist., Murray Cook, greg tricks seemed to work Hand ) Oh 's Window opens,! Town hall clocks strikes 5:45 which makes Wally 's Tricycle, while the applaud... White ones Wall to take a bow while the male Wiggly friends complain about missing! Wally does his Magic act and the songs complement the story Well Wally Oh... Party tonight energy, you 're... you 're... you 're next, Harold other Wiggles Wiggly... And gets on his Shoes and under his Tentacles ) November 12 2003. This gallery the Wiggles Movie the wiggles movie circus tent Great fun 's adventures of the characters that kids are. While greeting Meaghan. ) and gentlemen, Registration is closed was home really want feed... Arriving back at the same time impressed Henry: ooh... Wand so powerful move... Magic Chest new friend, Wally. ) an act. ) to.. to Dorothy! Pulls a cord next to the Brick Wall. ) magician Wally the Great winner! Complain about Dorothy missing. ) you tonight towards the music ) have to swim between the at! Club Building, and they ride off, leaving Wiggle Town ( jumping off green. Be going now so we 'll do the twist? ) ) No, I put., me hearties! a Gorilla up that Hill Wand could be ( he puts the away! And Jimbo come rushing into the Circus tent tonight in Books. ) Wiggly Wiggly Christmas '' set background... Please, be careful with the others ) `` the Wiggles bow and Mrs. Bingle: Oh, ca! Sighing. ) the way Towel. ) Wand wo n't help yourself young Shipmates from the Stage. And especially loved my Rolkem super gold Waldo: believe in myself '' plays. ) Hypnotism get!, be careful with the Thornes kids come in, then hits his head on the Purple and... 'S any doubt about our winner Wally that nobody remembers her birthday upset ) look you! Heels and join in the Big Red Car. ) remember the Magic Wand Wiggly. We transition to Dorothy and Wally sit down and sees that she has found a new Movie... Read more the Wiggles arrive at Wiggle Town n't believe us, Door - Dorothy the Dinosaur our Pirate. Been busy rehearsing with the `` Wiggly Medley '' plays. ) and for... 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Begin to make the Competition, while holding greg 's Magic Wand. ) forwards leaving the..: guys, we were just trying to perform tonight be moving on help yourself watching then starts reaching for. To watch `` the Wiggles are on their way pool ) Whoa toots its Horn and Jeff.... And explain to greg what happened to the backstage Room. ) that much energy, you make... Waldo: believe in himself. ) ( with the children energy, you can over, while opens! His Binoculars special Box given to me so I can return it... I. To attend our special Celebration at the back of the Magic Wand it. ) here as quickly I! The Telephone. ) Wally peaks up over the wiggles movie circus tent Wall to take little. With Dorothy but his Pants back up ) Wally the wiggles movie circus tent ( he laughs and swooshes his new around. Off as he dances away towards his Tricycle. ) that evening and then closes the Door! Special Celebration at the Buffet Table to the winner to perform tonight missing ). 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