Found within the Taurus constellation, the star cluster Pleaides houses this second type of starseeds. It used to freak me out but now Im starting to think its my gift. Why? A real starseed does not aim to gain personal advancements when they share their gifts with others. 13 Classic Signs, Traits & Symptoms. You will also do anything for freedom. drawn to reptiles and amphibians lizards, turtles, snakes, etc. Because theyre so empathic, they need to feel secure that everyone around them is feeling at their best. Avians are basically humanoids with bird-like features. Its a compulsion to make the unknown known. The 8 Most Common Soul Archetypes: Which One Best Describes You? As an advanced soul, you could either be young or old. They were the rapid ascenders, here to revolutionize our society and ways of thinking. Many notable characters in history have been guilty of letting their power corrupt them. drawn to royal blue and other shades of blue, being a true visionary: creativity at its maximum and then producing your ideas in reality, must feel freedom in their spiritual path and show others the same kind of respect, have a deep connection with birds birds seem to follow or gravitate towards you, you see things from a high level but can also see the most minute of details clearly, speaking your mind and owning your truth may be a challenge or your greatest asset, you spiritually work with bird deities, specifically Thoth and Isis, Venusian starseeds are often very tall and slender, sensual and passionate individuals may have a hard time committing to one mate, highly spiritual beings: sometimes to a fault and need to be reminded or taught how to ground themselves (high up in their head chakras), feel very connected to the universe, higher self, and guides, interest in outer space and ancient civilizations, huge interest in metaphysics and bringing the new age in, drawn to ancient Egypt and, namely, the goddess Hathor as well as Venus and Aphrodite, often attractive individuals with coveted facial features (women are very feminine and men are masculine and model-like), interested in alternative healing modes, particularly using sound and ritual, being drawn to the planet Mars (finding a desire to travel there or interested in the colonization of Mars), strong connection to water and fire elements, have memories and dreams of being on the surface of Mars, have a light aura and are often thought of as pure or light beings, quiet or tend to stay in the background to observe others, have a strong desire to travel and explore (i.e. Ive also read books in which Polarians were the first spiritual beings on this planet from a higher dimension. I have dreams of saving people from end of the world type dreams. Starseeds are also very sensitive, regardless of the starseed types. dolphins, whales. But also, if you an old soul, it doesnt necessarily mean youre an advanced soul. Here we attempt to define the types of starseeds and provide common physical and spiritual characteristics of each. They prefer to be alone. I like heat. They find it incredibly hard to trust others and delegate tasks. But with this courage comes arrogance. The main lesson of the Warrior is to learn balance. Its actually relatively close to our solar system, being only 444 light-years away from the Sun! ), have the ability to shift consciousness easily, need more sleep than the typical human being (9+ hours), grounded individuals yet also risk takers, feel drawn to the lost civilization of Atlantis, are musically talented: play an instrument, sing (well) and/or dance, enjoy social environments but prefer to observe rather than be the life of the party, have goals but get distracted easily (start projects with a ferocity then end up abandoning them if they get bored), Love to travel and explore have a catlike curiosity, drawn to or called by cat deities like Bastet and Sekhmet, often incarnate into fire zodiac signs, particularly Leo and Sagittarius, feeling like youve been incarnating since the dawn of time (feeling like an extremely old soul), dreams and visions of flying to different planes of existence or to other planets. It isnt power theyre seeking. In addition, most starseed souls continue with the same body but some wander and jump into othersthese are called wandering souls. I am a handarian, but have affiliations with blue avian. Is the soul attached to one body for its entire lifetime? And all your dream is trying to tell you, is that you are surrounded by individuals not connected to the collective consciousness. As a native Earth soul, you experienced your original incarnation after coming from Source on this planet. The best thing to do is to find your most prominent characteristic and let it overflow in you. Thank you ? Challenges:The main challenge of the Sage is acceptance. People who make great change through their drive and ability to see things in a way that few others can. sacred geometry, natal charts (signs, degrees etc), Often very confident, with a high drive for success, Wants to live in a world where spirituality and science can blend, Know they have a purpose, but might not know what it is, Act child-like, innocent, but not childish, Observers, tend to blend into the background whilst they watch others, Empathic, but guard emotions due to previous trauma and conflict, Have a strong desire to travel the world or visit 1 place in particular, Love anything creative or science related, Might feel drawn to spiritual jobs: tarot readers, writers, reiki healers, counsellors, artists, teachers, musicians, Interested in meta-physics, spiritual practices, May suffer from deep rooted anxiety or depression if not in alignment. It vibrates at an incredibly high, non-physical, 6D frequency. Purpose: Arcturians are strong-willed beings, who naturally command leadership. Some believe when we die, we pass through the Arcturian realm during the process of return. They dont call one place home; I like to call them star nomads for this reason. Hathor is an ancient Egyptian goddess born of love, motherhood, and fertility. Sure, you might lean more towards one than another. These mystical beings are emotionally, mentally, and physically far more advanced than we are, existing in the 5th dimension only. I am a Taurus with blue eyes, and have many of the traits listed. You can read more about Orion Starseeds here: their origins, connection to mythology, traits and practices. Yet oddly, can feel wise and mature as an Earth being. It can represent the end of a long search. They wont accept failure, and when it does happen, they can become a martyr. Its exhausting. Its rare for a Starseed to be a pure breed of only one Starseed type. It could be in the form of lending a shoulder to cry on, providing for them, or simply telling them that they are not alone. Challenges:The Maverick needs to broaden their perspective. Theyre known as the quiet warriors, playing important roles whilst attracting little to no attention to themselves. Wow everything makes sense now. [], I came here specifically to look for a blue ray as well. While each of the starseed types are endowed with divine gifts, there will still be times when the world could be overwhelming for you. Science has confirmed there is a habitable planet in Alpha Centauriwhich is exciting! If you were to research the Annunaki online, youll find all kinds of conspiracy theories out there. They question everything that doesnt have a clear reason. The Heart-Centred Soul (The Lover) 8. They have pure energy, almost child-like based on my interaction with them during meditations. There are stories that Martians came to earth hundreds of thousands of years ago to take part in our evolution. Always chasing that knowledge, as we all have that God Soark within thats constantly craving to learn MORE! Pleiadians live in multiple dimensions and can incarnate on earth from any of those dimensions. Their traits include: Draconian starseeds are from the Draco constellation. Too good to be true? My spirit guardian animal is the vulture. ), May have Norse or Northern European ancestry/DNA, All about the LOVE and want to spread love to the world, drawn to outer space, science fiction, astrology, stars, people-pleasers: sometimes to a fault because this allows them to be taken advantage of, sensitive individuals wear their hearts on their sleeves, feel different than everyone else when growing up, understand polarity: male/female, yin/yang, sun/moon, above/below and are balanced themselves, may struggle with food sensitivities, sensory issues and anxiety when not in alignment, dont take kindly to authority higher than themselves, when theyre not in alignment, can be money-hungry and manipulative, when in alignment and from a higher dimension, want to unite people and work towards a common goal, talented at leading, building, and coordinating efforts, attracted to reptiles, amphibians and dragons, may have lizard-like physical characteristics: thin, long faces, thin bodies, lizard-like eyes and facial features, drawn to the sun and warmth (prefer warmer climates), find jobs in politics, community leaders, military, architecture, construction, youve been misunderstood your whole life, a large head with a disproportionately smaller body, you dont have much (or any) hair on your body, an intense interest in human genetics and DNA (maybe you even have a career in this field), an interest or occupation in healing and/or medicine, an interest in or fascinaton with dragons, you have problems showing your emotions to others and being vulnerable, you find yourself being cold more often than not you crave warm weather and the sun (without having a thyroid or medical disorder). Some believe whales and dolphins come from the seas of Mintaka originally. (Signs, Mission, Traits & More), Orion Starseed Am I One? I practice witchcraft and Shamanism.. , Has anyone heard anything about starseeds originating from anywhere in Omega Centauri? I have an intense interest in ancient Egypt. Moreover, you can guess the faade of people although they are extremely nice to you and all. Lightworkers are the gentlest souls you could ever meet. This could be why they havent lived a physical life before. It is widely believed that these two planets gave rise to the awakening of humans. Orion starseeds come from the Orion constellation. It just Happens! There are over 75 million Pleiadians on Earth at any time. And you may not quite understand why. Its likely you wouldve developed a mix of traits from all the systems youve been a part of! Finally, I encourage you to read more about the starseed types that resonated, and also read about the stars and planets themselves. Is there an exercise you can recommend to find out which one I am? You dont have to think about the pros and cons of helping someone. 7+ Books Every Starseed Needs to Read in This Lifetime - Kelly Branyik, strongly drawn to the water element, you love all things about the ocean, beach, and bodies of water, intense connection with whales and dolphins, dreams of swimming or living near lakes and oceans so sparkly they look filled with diamonds, strong desire to ascend spiritually and help others too, youre a compassionate person and get pleasure from helping others, high levels of sensitivity to other beings: potentially empathic. Dark Reptilians. There is no maliciousness behind their behavior. This hibernation mode typically acts as a self-defense mechanism, a cocoon until youre ready to awaken. The Sage (The Free Thinker and Innovator) 5. There are a lot of posts online that claim starseeds must look a certain way, but a soul seeking expansion and evolved consciousness isnt likely to be picky about what characteristics and traits they are re-born with. May have Northern European or Norse heritage, Understands balance: yin/yang, light/dark, sun/moon, Might suffer with anxiety, depression and self-esteem issues when not in alignment with their true nature. Starseeds are essentially just visitors who incarnated on Earth to help guide people into their spiritual awakening. 21 Major Signs, Mission & More. If you are a starseed, you are not foreign to the feeling of not belonging. Your skill is bringing to light to the world through your creative talents. Life isnt a static experience. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) expands on the work of Dolores Cannon, the original pioneer of Quantum Healing Hypnosis with QHHT. have a love for canines: dogs, wolves, etc. Your heart is full of compassion so you always have their best interest. 32 Major Signs that Confirm You are One, Pleiadian Starseed Am I One? Avian starseeds live in a realm where everyone is just more energetically fluid and detached from physical realities. A label doesnt neccesarily define my experiences. They can, however, maintain small starseed characteristics as a human being e.g. I also love to teach. I feel were pretty much all here to help as well as to Learn. The message received while channeling this system was clear: where we come from as Starseeds matters less than what we are here to do in this incarnation. Pleiadians are drawn to water animals i.e. They are also the types of people who gave good memory and love to strike deep conversations. Im a blue indigo star seed but it doesnt mention much about them. I get visions sometimes kind of like daydreams of a reptilian species, Im not the most educated in this so I hope I dont sound ignorant but is a reptilian species a type of star seed? Refreshing to read this! Their sole aim is to watch over our evolution and guide us during times of turbulence. Theyre often driven by the need for perfect and getting things done, which is why theyre so keen to assume control. What would we be without our differences? It takes a special type of person to lead. There arent many Lemurians left on Earth, even fewer Atlanteans thanks to its sudden downfall many moons ago. Now, however, its believed that Atlantis was a civilization, not a city. drawn to the North Star Polaris and other dimensions, yearn to know more about human origins and the ascension process, feel as if youve been on earth for millions of years, feel natural catastrophes like earthquakes within their bodies and souls. I believe I was mostly recently a Orion Starseed. Which planet is purple and the people are purple? You inspire others with your originality. Avian starseeds believe that spiritual strength and freedom are the cores of advancing civilization. My connection to stars is getting stronger everyday. I used to believe it was a secret too. It is believed that this prototype is light years ahead of where Earth is now in terms of evolution. Can you tell me what you know and we can compare notes? Known as the most benevolent of all types, Andromedan starseeds are souls that originated from the Andromeda Galaxy. Can u tell me how to find out which started I am? Draconian starseeds, or dracos for short, hail from the Draco constellation which is only around 303 light-years from Earth. Our True Origin now tries to bring in Its energies of many experiences with other Starbeings. A walk-in is someone whos soul has departed and been replaced by a different and oftentimes more advanced soul. Do you really want to colour within the lines? Because most starseeds have incarnated on more than one planet and star system! In my life experience it seems a Lot of things have been shoved under the rug as things we DONT TALK ABOUT, I feel this isnt the way. or just one world? I have learned this far in my journey that there are some amongst us, whom are older than what is currently understood on Earth whom have had several incarnations on several planets and dimensions. Atlantis was thought to be a city of legends thanks to its popularization by Plato. It made me feel uncomfortable to label and categorize. Their commitment and bravery can also be their undoing. Yes? My God! And that theres another civilization inside called the Agarthans. What type of starseed are you? You are VERY pompous. If you are an Andromedan starseed, you dont just sit around when people around you are being abused. There are no metrics when it comes to kindness. These intergalactic, Lightbringer beings are known as Starseeds. It maybe sounds stupid but I cant figure out where it comes from, To be honest with you, No! The Annunaki starseeds are a new realm of incarnating beings of whom we are just beginning to learn about. Archetypes are patterns of behavior that aid and influence our mental, emotional, and spiritual growth as human beings. It is said that this Reptilian race destroyed their home by cultivating disease, famine, and greed. youve been misunderstood your entire life, people often tell you you are cold or void of emotions, drawn to lost civilizations and ancient cultures. Perhaps a test is why youre here, but I dont feel that is my path. feel they have a mission to save the planet or to defend animal rights, enjoy tattoos and piercings and expressing themselves artistically through clothing and accessories. I wanted to thank you for this excellent read!! Aside from empowerment, their main goal is to spread love and peace as well. Im definitely a lyran, as I know my traits, some of which arent listed under lyran. You can also find yourself overextending your help to others when your assistance isnt needed. They feel very much attached and protective of Mother Earth and Gaia. Likewise with Pleiadians, theyre not bound to art and specific healing fields. In our present time, Maldeks have outgrown this dark past and have learned from it greatly. Venusians live in the fourth dimension and they are also called the Hathors. To help Earth and humanity move out of the old paradigm of control, fear, greed, and manipulation, and instead shift into a new paradigm of love, peace, integrity, cooperation, and abundance. There are some Draconians who are selfish and some say evil, while others are here to help wake humanity and raise consciousness. Theyre always in tune with the needs of those around them, but sometimes becoming entangled in their energy to the point of exhaustion. TAKE THE STARCHETYPE QUIZ Need help with a purchase or just have a question? Saoirse knew of her cosmic DNA since childhood, but didnt begin to fully embrace her inner truth until she was met with profound tragedy as a young woman, when she lost her father to brain cancer and her husband in a helicoper crash in the span of one year. Maldeks are found to play specific roles on Earth, educating humans to make better choices in health, politics, and technology. And I love to write, that is how I express myself and my emotions most clearly. If a specific type resonates with you, its likely this is what type you are! While being incarnated on the planet, as a human, does not make us an Earthling forever. Moreover, they lived on a planet called Nibiru and sources claim theyre the same as the grays or reptilians. Angel Number 1515 Meaning: 4 Beautiful Reasons Youre Seeing It! Alpha centaurians come from the alpha centauri star system, which is the closest star and planetary system to ours. Theyre thought to be the original lightworkers and are here solely to teach us the value of potential. Arent we all being tested isnt that why we came? The Priest (The Magician/Motivator) 6. Therefore, in January and December, 2020/2021, many Venusians will begin to live and breathe through the conceptual pain of Home. I used to have dreams flying, observing earth. Im here on a mission. Its sun, Alcyone, however, is thought to be 7x times brighter than ours. I resonated with ALMOST Every single point and I am still surprised how you have put it so well and in such a realistic ways! Your mind works deeper than anybody else. Others believe life existed in this dimension on Mars many years ago because of the discovery of water on the red planet. I am always cold too. all 3 are same things just different levels of awareness. Thank you for your contribution Pahal, and for sharing your story! Hi Zoe, I hope you see this. Pioneers, they are incredibly dedicated to their soul mission. large eyes, longer necks, more angelic looks, but they dont typically look odd or look the same. The Alpha Centaurians are an advanced civilization and have seeded some of their souls here on our planet to aid in our development. This brings the Star Wars at more peace, where Earth is now the Station where it is fought out. Needless to say, starseeds are an important tool in the psychical evolution of the planet. Im curious if I am one of these star seeds. Interests change, prioritise change, you change. Good Dracos and good reptilians are very very smart, caring, advanced and so much more, you should look into them! I also have a notion my children are indigos. You find the words better than I do though. There are evolved Draconians who only wish to help raise humanitys vibration, and there are unevolved Draconians who have incarnated on Earth with the sole intent of harnessing resources for their own gain and personal power. Orion starseeds come from the Orion constellation. Over the years, you will find the answers you seek as time draws out your reality with you. Castle12D 367 subscribers Subscribe 93 Share 1.6K views 2 years ago I recently came across a website called. Riso and Hudson's Enneagram model also includes nine variations or levels of each personality type. Yet, our True Source of Origin took on these experiences, and integrating them. Storytelling is a force that ignites human connection, and human connection is the beating heart of my work. Saoirse Clare is an energetic mentor for Starseeds, creator of the Starchetype System, and author of the book "Starseed Archetypes: The Ultimate Guide." Her mission is to help Staseeds understand their journey a little more clearly through coaching, podcasting, and clarifications. The Magician is the most spiritual of all archetypes. There are numerous beings from the Orion constellation that migrated there from other star systems. You can check out Allorahs article on how to look for signs in your natal chart here. There is a difference between being in charge and being a true leader. Salutes to you! Lemurians and Atlanteans are believed to be the first starseeds ever to originate on Earth and mingle amongst human forms. You just know deep down that you dont belong in this place like you have a home somewhere else. But this makes them extreme sceptics. And I believe I have a basis for where I truly belong. Thats life. Pleiadian, Andromedian and Hadarian starseeds. They are mostly depicted in the artworks of ancient Egypt. I am in touch with all and even more, but I only talk about by personal connection. After the destruction, there were those who were rescued to Earth. Veru sensitive and empathic as well. Does your soul hail from another planet or star system? Which one do you think you resonate with the most? (Signs, Mission, Traits & More). Its believed that Earth is heading towards a Sirian culture at a rather rapid rate. For her work, she's been named UK Womenspire Woman of the Year, awarded the title of Yale Young Global Scholar, and featured as an expert across major networks such as, Best Life, Oprah Winfrey Network, BBC, Soul & Spirit, Psychology Today, Pop Sugar, Well & Good and Cosmopolitan. Orion starseeds originate from one of the most known and well-documented constellations in the universe. I'm extremely passionate about helping people who have previously been stuck in self-imposed loops that diminish their divine power, and believe that the key to freedom can be found in becoming attuned to your higher consciousness . But somewhere else too, but here are a lot of stuff that could help narrow everything down: I have an extreme thirst for knowledge, specifically in healing and biology. Draco means dragon, therefore many Draconian starseeds are linked to dragons and reptiles of various kinds. The Pleiades consist of seven bright stars. Its like the pit-stop school of life, where you discover meaning and purpose. This was very enlightening and I resonated with multiple starseeds, so much so that I dont know which one I am! Im curious, what about family. These souls possess both intellectual and emotional advancement which is why their main purpose is to be spiritual shamans. As they naturally exist in forms up to the 12th dimension, Andromedans find it difficult to match Earths heavy and dense frequency. You can find her on Linkedin & Twitter. The same goes for abilities. Wow, you explanation sounds so much like myself. Now that you know what a starseed is, you might be wondering: Am I a starseed? Andromedans are the guardians of the seventh dimension. Since they inherently have the intellect for innovation, they were quickly able to flourish here. 32 Major Signs Your Soul Is From a Distant Light System, Are You a Pleiadian Starseed? In recent years, it was discovered that Sirius is a two-star systema fact the Dogon tribe in Africa has been saying for years! Your preferred method for communicating with outer realms and cosmic entities (and.with people here on Earth!) I also have blue eyes with flecks of gold in them. If you are a pleiadian starseed, chances are, you are someone who is very caring towards people. 32 Major Signs that Confirm You are One. As a Venusian I had the role of mediator. As watchers of the Earth, this benevolent soul group teaches us the true state of the universe and its lengthy history, filling in gaps in our knowledge, whatever field it may be. Much like Maldek, Lemurian and Atlantean were two lands prospering with advanced technologies and culture. These three kinds of souls are the most selfless of all the starseed types anyone can ever meet. Its likely theyre still incarnating at this moment in timebut its possible were on the cusp of a new star child being born. Slit of my unanswered question have been answered, but so many new questions now. It makes them challenging leaders to work with. My whole life Ive felt this Call. They can exist so much within their inner world that they isolate themselves from those whore able to help them. And mature as an Earth being around them, but I only talk by... We attempt to define the types of starseeds and provide Common physical and spiritual growth human. Heart of my work lightworkers and are here solely to teach us the value potential. Only talk about by personal connection delegate tasks are being abused the Arcturian realm during process. And are here to help as well therefore many Draconian starseeds, so much so that dont... 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