Following the Christchurch attacks, Ardern was asked at a press conference if she agreed with Trumps downplaying of the rise of white supremacy. A fight was brewing over the possible introduction of a capital gains tax. She is sharp. A crescent moon hangs in the blue sky above. One Christchurch-based broadcaster issued an apology for an earlier column about Islam, saying, I look back at my comments ashamed. And in a powerful speech a week after the attack, Gamal Fouda, the imam of Al Noor mosque, where 42 worshippers were killed, said the murders did not come overnight, but were the result of the anti-Muslim rhetoric of some political leaders, media agencies and others. But she is done with that kind of question. Gun law reforms, intended to ban all semi-automatic firearms, were expedited, with cross-party support. The case that Labours budget last week avenges these misdeeds is based on its $3.3 billion boost to welfare, set to incrementally rise over the next year, first in July, then in April 2022. In early 2009, just two months after becoming an MP, Ardern presided over the union's World Council annual meeting in her capacity as president. The Guardians photographer asked Ardern to stand in the stripes, a film-noirish sort of pose. 1:30 PM 'I don't have enough in the tank,' complained 42-year-old Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand. After graduating from a Bachelor of Communications at the University of Waikato, Jacinda took some time to travel overseas. It has no place in NZ. When the call came, Ardern was travelling in a minivan, sitting alongside the mayor of New Plymouth, a small city on the west coast of the North Island. How finding your ikigai can give you a new perspective on stress. Jeremy Corbyns leadership led to a surge in left-wing membership in the UK Labour Party and ongoing wins by the partys socialists in local governments all over the country. The whole thing has already prompted a predictable counterresponse from the New Zealand right, replete with hammer and sickle and Soviet-style lettering. I hadnt thought about it in those terms. Together with the right-wing parties attempt at parliamentary red-baiting, its the logical next step for New Zealands conservative MPs, who have tried to dent prime minister Jacinda Arderns stunning popularity with a series of unsuccessful and increasingly lame talking points cribbed from the US Republican Party, from fearmongering about a UN migration pact, to attacks on wokeness, to race-baiting. Accordingly, to understand Arderns political ideology it is important to revisit 2008, when she entered Parliament as a Labour list-MP. As-salaam Alaikum. Thenprime minister Jim Bolger aimed to arrest New Zealands drift from work to welfare, end what he believed was permanent dependency on the state, and achieve a permanent and substantial reduction in the financial and human cost of welfarism.. I wonder then what is the exact point whereby "inequality"becomes acceptable? The co-creators of Hero of the Sea interview each other about writing, illustrating and their latest collaboration. We have consensus really built into our system. Earlier that decade, she lived for two and a half years in London, where she worked in Tony Blairs Cabinet Office. And one of the first high-profile fights it picked with its newly gained political capital was with public-sector workers and the union that represents them, whom it tried to hit with a pay freeze. Does that mean that the clock needs to be reset so everyone is equal again? Not quite. Within hours, Trump was doing the opposite, throwing his weight behind a Fox News broadcaster who had questioned the patriotism of a Muslim congresswoman, Ilhan Omar, because she wore a hijab. A year earlier, she had become the first female prime minister to speak at the Waitangi pwhiri, a significant moment in the New Zealand calendar, and the youngest, at 37. You just do what feels right.. Branko Marcetic is a Jacobin staff writer and the author of Yesterday's Man: The Case Against Joe Biden. Politics is changing in Aotearoa, as it is all over the world. she was elected president of the International Union of Socialist Youth. But rather than just throw people off welfare, Richardson replaced the very ideas that underpinned it. All this wasnt about the nuts and bolts of practical policy. Our challenge now is to make the very best of us, a daily reality. But what I do know is Ardern and her comrades provided the above answers in 2009and now she is leading us into the economic recovery of post-Covid-19. From the thousands at vigils to the 95 year old man who took four buses to attend a rally because he couldnt sleep from the sadness of seeing the hurt and suffering of others. It was a tough choice between being a clown (because they have so much fun) or a scientist (like her big sister Louise), but when she realised her passion for helping others, Jacinda chose politics. She is very vocal. We cannot confront these issues alone, none of us can. Jacinda Ardern, former Young Labour president and political advisor, was elected president of the International Union of Socialist Youth - a group encompassing socialist, social democratic and Labour Party youth organisations from more than 100 countries, in January 2008.. She is now the Prime Minister of New Zealand, serving since 26 October 2017.. Really, upholding the community standards that theyve set themselves, I think, is what people are asking for Were asking for them to invest in ways to prevent the kind of harm we saw in the aftermath. And we remember, that ours is a home that does not and cannot claim perfection. But I am pragmatic about how much time that sometimes takes. The optimism tends to win out. They wanted to redefine the relationship between New Zealanders and their government. Half a lifetime and seven weeks ago, I watched Ardern as she sat on the porch of Te Whare Rnanga, the Maori meeting house at Waitangi. They were simple words, repeated by community leaders who witnessed the loss of their friends and loved ones. The result was what youd expect: poverty and hunger persistently rose while wealth inequality dramatically widened, with Richardsons beloved government surpluses built predominantly on the back of often poor families. Up on the ninth floor, the early morning sun scythes in through panoramic windows, the harbour just visible in the distance. New Zealand PM addressed a crowd of thousands who had gathered for a memorial service at Hagley Park two weeks after the mosque attacks. Maybe with your sincerity, not your smile, suggested the photographer. By then, I had interviewed Ardern twice already: after a breakfast meeting at an Auckland hotel, and a few days earlier at Waitangi, on the northern tip of the North Island. After completing a communications degree, she worked for a short stint in the Beehive of the last Labour prime minister, Helen Clark, who recalls noticing Arderns promise when she was on a team drafting answers for parliamentary questions. Simple words, spoken by the bereaved and everyone I met who has been affected by this attack. We are sitting on sofas in her office on the ninth floor of the Beehive, the circular building that houses the New Zealand government in Wellington. Let our Puffin Ambassadors tell you why you should pick up Coastwatcher, a thrilling adventure novel for 9+ readers. She was elected uncontested at IUSY's world congress held in the Dominican Republic yesterday. Jacinda became the second woman ever elected president of the International Union of Socialist Youth, the world's largest international political youth . Now, whether you agree with her political philosophy is where the difference lies. I just thought about sentiments, and what I thought needed to be conveyed., Ardern has been at pains to say that what happened on 15 March is not her story, but one that belongs to the victims and their families, to the injured, to Muslim communities, to Christchurch. And have people say, Wheres your ambition?, Under New Zealands proportional system in which people get two votes, one for their local politician and one for a party, as in Germany a single-party majority is near impossible. But even the ugliest of viruses can exist in places they are not welcome. The exact number of years Jacinda Ardern was a member of the radical hard left group the International Union of Socialist Youth is unknown, but given she turned 20 in 2001, its likely to be around 10 years. he prime minister was deep in conversation with her press secretary when she arrived for the formal part of our interview at Waitangi in February. A lot of pumpkin. Given we are facing what is likely to be many years of economic turmoil and hardship, the political ideology of our Government needs to be laid bare so we can gain insights into what a post-Covid-19 New Zealand economy might look like. For example, if Ardern and her comrades take away your income and wealth and give it to me, but through either hard work, initiative, entrepreneurial spirit and luck you manage to have more income and wealth than I have in say a year from now, does that mean I get to have more of your income and wealth so we become equal again? Towards the end of her Waitangi speech, she had quoted Michael Savage, the venerated Labour statesman who led the party to government for the first time in 1935: We dont claim perfection, but what we do claim is a considerable advance on the past. Its a line that Ardern had rolled out in at least three big recent speeches, and felt, in part, like a plea to dial down the Jacindamania a call to pragmatism. (3) private property rights. And, lets be honest, in the lead up, too., Ardern sips from a mug of tea though she confesses that, years after quitting, shes also drinking coffee again. Steve Elers is a senior lecturer at Massey Universitys School of Communication, Journalism and Marketing who writes a weekly column for Stuff on social and cultural issues. Shes not putting on an act. They were stories of bravery. Yes.. But the answer to them lies in a simple concept that is not bound by domestic borders, that isnt based on ethnicity, power base or even forms of governance. To see people from across society, people who maybe have never even known anyone who goes to a mosque, come out with the flowers and the donations and say: this is not the New Zealand we know and love.). Cabinet is a massive beast. Of the Blair years more broadly, she said: What you do with policy, it demonstrated to me, can be completely overshadowed by decisions in principle. E te whnau o APEC, ka mihi a Aotearoa Niu Tireni ki a koutou katoa. On Saturday 16 March, after another press conference in Wellington, Ardern flew south to Christchurch, where she met members of the Muslim community. When I had the all-clear to go down on Saturday, I asked a friend if they had something for me to borrow. Jeremy Corbyns leadership led to a surge in left-wing membership in the UK Labour Party and ongoing [], A journal of theory and strategy published by Jacobin, The New Zealand Socialists Who Govern Like Neoliberals, Taking Back Left Parties From the Brahmins, Jacinda Ardern Wont Save New Zealands Working Class, Jacinda-Mania Isnt Enough for New Zealands Workers, Mori, or the Environment, New Zealands Coronavirus Response Isnt as Great as It Seems. But how much do you really know about Jacinda Ardern? The system makes the sort of deadlocks witnessed in the Commons this year much less likely. Contact for complaints and communications under the Harmful Digital Communications Act 2015, Constructive Criticism and Team Work In Politics. Observers waited to see how Labour would spend the oodles of political capital it had gathered off the back of one of the worlds best pandemic responses. The New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and most of those who graduated from the Marxist group the International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) are actually followers of Leon Trotsky (1879 -1940). Locals started leaving tributes here on 15 March; today they form a river, filling the pavement for 250 metres. Sometimes I think we tend to think about our own actions in confined ways, and we underestimate the impact that we have. Nau mai, haere mai ki tnei hui. We are not immune to the viruses of hate, of fear, of other. He may have had in mind Arderns deputy Peters, whose NZ First has delivered dog whistles about immigrants and New Zealand values for decades. Use the key to unlock the secret message! I havent read it in full, but I saw enough of it to know part of what his aspirations were., Among the hideous novelties of the Christchurch attack is the fact that it was livestreamed, in bloody, dystopian detail, on Facebook, before metastasising across the internet, on sites where white supremacy festers, as well as on giant online platforms. I dont know. It changes, probably more than we know, the way we work By our very nature, I think we probably do things a bit differently., Jacinda Ardern grew up in the conservative, rural North Island town of Morrinsville. Its decision to stagger the boost means families in need will now be pointlessly deprived of much-needed funds until next year. I think, as leaders, sometimes were unaware of our reach and power, she says. They are the publisher. The sun was beating down and Neve, in a blue bonnet and spotted dress, clucked away happily. I stand here as a very proud member of the great socialist democratic Labour Party, proclaimed New Lynn MP Deborah Russell. But New Zealand remains a laggard behind the rest of the globe, still firmly stuck in a decades-old ideological framework that never worked for most people, but that is especially horribly unsuited to meeting the civilizational crises of today. She said this morning it doesnt mean anything, its just Im sorry, it does. In the past weeks, New Zealand has reckoned with its own history. She calls herself a progressive. She wooed the world with talk of kindness and compassion, while at home ruling like a dictator. I've had the pleasure of meeting her socially on a couple of occasions and I imagine she'd be a huge asset. Will she be speaking to him about his xenophobic rhetoric? She highlighted recent reforms to help disadvantaged Mori, to lift children out of poverty, most notably in the form of a families package that boosted assistance to low- and middle-income families. We are sitting on sofas in her office on the ninth floor of the Beehive, the circular building that houses the New Zealand government in Wellington. Printed on the back is the running order for an event she hosted in Auckland the night before the attack. Jacinda Ardern is transforming New Zealand into a socialist state. Following this mornings interview with Jacinda Ardern, hosted by Larry Williams in the absence of Mike Hosking genuine get-well-soon wishes to Mike Smith delivered an observation, an important and foreboding warning, to the people of New Zealand. Leighton Smith has been dispatching stone cold common sense to ZB listeners between breakfast and noon for three decades. They resolved against the flip-flops, and settled on flats. [Peters] said I think we need to be there, says Ardern. Twice a minute. He lives in Toronto, Canada. And how often should the reset occur? Today, in the most appalling circumstances imaginable, she has the worlds ear. However, she just couldnt stop her desire to help others and ended up working at a New York soup kitchen, serving food to the poor and homeless people of the city. Asked whether she, too, was a socialist, Ardern once president of the International Union of Socialist Youth professed that Ive always described myself as a democratic socialist but that I have never found those terms particularly useful in New Zealand because we do not tend to talk in those terms here., Here it is more common to say progressive, or member of the Labour Party, she explained. I pointed this out when we met again in Auckland, and Ardern leaned back with a sigh, knowing where this was going. Instead, Ardern and her comrades stated: Redistribution will lead to more financial stability and justice. Today, in the most appalling circumstances imaginable, she has the worlds ear. Sometimes a story is best told alongside a beautiful picture, Here's a small selection of some of our favourite 2020 picture books from local creators. Someone is killing us. Arderns words and actions have been really important for our community, and for people who have lost loved ones, he says. Jacinda governs by dictate. A responsibility to be the place that we wish to be. Its very genuine, and people warm to that. She is sharp mentally. And so I see that there was a weight of expectation there. A fortnight after the attack, a national remembrance service is held at Hagley Park in Christchurch, not far from Al Noor Mosque. They do it mostly because they want to confuse you. Two police officers stand by the glass doors, cradling semi-automatic weapons. Even in utero, Neve had made her presence known. The fact is that she is talking the second the question is finished, if not before. But even when we had no words, we still heard yours, and they have left us humbled and they have left us united. After visiting the USA, Jacinda travelled to England where she worked for British Prime Minister Tony Blair before being chosen as the President of the International Union of Socialist Youth. (Hagen Hopkins / Getty Images). She put it frankly to me: I didnt know if I was going to be able to have kids., Then it all happened at once. Already on our list? And then, within 15 minutes, I can be back in the hotel room having Neve spit pumpkin on my shoe. I absolutely knew what I wanted to say. For example, is a 20 per centgap of "inequality"acceptable? An assault on the freedom of any one of us who practices their faith or religion, is not welcome here. Labours guarded but seemingly genuine attempt to try on the socialist label could be a positive step if it helps further demystify the word, particularly in a country still stumbling around in the hungover haze of a decades-old neoliberal binge. Progressives are leftists. Here are a few things you might not have known about the leader of New Zealands Labour party: Jacinda was born in Hamilton on 26 July 1980 and her family then moved to Murupara, where Jacindas father Ross worked as a policeman. Opinion. And women and girls around the world will be the better for it., From a closer proximity, and speaking before the Christchurch attacks, Gayford told me that what he found most impressive was his partners grip on the minutiae. Act of exraordnry violence. And she speaks very quickly. Arguably, the Government revolves around Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern she calls the shots. The other is that shes actually pretty smart. 17 April 2021 9:00 AM There she goes, New Zealand's Wonder Woman, striking a model's pose on the cover of yet another women's magazine, Thrive, dedicated to the wellness mantras Ardern herself spouts. New Zealand's third female PM, and at 37 our youngest leader since Edward Stafford in 1856, Jacinda Ardern had the most meteoric rise to power of any New Zealand PM - three months prior to being sworn in, . He took our minister for ethnic communities with him, and made a powerful statement. Simple words, whispered by the injured from their hospital beds. There is evidence of her having said comrade. The conversations about it afterwards Ive read these pieces where people have analysed the likes of this [speech], she says, waving the A4 sheet of notes in her hand, grimly laughing. Following this morning's interview with Jacinda Ardern, hosted by Larry Williams in the absence of Mike Hosking - genuine get-well-soon wishes to Mike - Smith delivered an observation, an. What words adequately express the pain and suffering of 50 men, women and children lost, and so many injured? The strength of capitalism can be attributed to an incentive structure based upon the three Ps: (1) prices determined by market forces. It made cuts to ACC, New Zealands accident compensation program, while shifting its funding burden from employers to employees paychecks. 2. Its the story of four people, all of whom attend the same wedding in New York, all of whom see one of the guests sit down and refuse to get back up, seemingly entering a catatonic What do NZ fans really think of Fran Littlewood's debut novel? In the interests of democracy, we have transcribed his words below. Trump had by then called to offer his condolences, and asked what he could do to help. Jacinda loves music and briefly worked as a DJ at an Aucklands Laneway Festival and in some record shops. Talking to mourners after the national remembrance service in Christchurch. His views are his own and do not represent Massey University. Bunches of flowers, handmade cards and soft toys line the footpath. Jacinda loved living on the orchard in Murupara and learned to drive a tractor before she could drive a car! We only had a short amount of time to prepare.. Lets do this, went the slogan. But look closer and, encouraging though it may be, the reality of Labours budget falls short of the most effusive praise. Expectation there against the flip-flops, and so many injured all this wasnt about the nuts and of... Perspective on stress a New perspective on stress on 15 March ; today they form a river, the... Ka mihi a Aotearoa Niu Tireni ki a koutou katoa to be whether you with. Tend to think about our own actions in confined ways, and so many?. 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