Jeez. (beat and gets sad) But, now it doesnt. You are all familiar with ravioli, we have been bred and raised on the stuff, the epitome of pasta. Ive never noticed that before. Oh, just look at him, with that smile that melts me. When 2 different races make a child should it go to the one race he/she resembles or the one who is a better parent to the child? Oh, look who I just got an email from. Yeah, you can probably imagine how well that went. The kids roughed him up, yanno, punches and kicks like little tykes do, and then poured syrup into the back of his sweater. For example, I like yellow, the least liked color. Losing Isaiah (9/9 . You could call my life with your phone and it would say something like, youre on hold. Is it just me, or do you feel this way too? Trust me when I tell you that I despised all of it. I screamed at him to stop and he looked at me with white hot rage. Waiting for this to end is like watching a pecan tree grow. My mom told me it was the most beautiful speech shes ever heard. 911, what is your emergency? Hi, Im Neapolitan. Her sorrow compounds on itself the longer she speaks, and she apologizes for secluding herself during a time when he (and she) needed someone the most. I would start screaming too, until I saw the can of spaghetti sauce on the counter and realize it was a joke, and she would laugh so hard that she would fall down. Feel free to take a few of the peppermints, I saw you eyeing those. It is the cause, it is the cause, my soul. Well, working for Mr. Rupert has its challenges. Khaila Richards (Halle Berry), a crack-addicted single mother, accidentally leaves her baby in a dumpster while high and returns the next day in a panic to find he is missing. Okay, you can hear me? The only thing I worried about was missing an assignment at school or dropping my ice cream on the floor. Well, except for our resident ghost, Arnold. The second time I remember being hurt is when I was maybe 9 or so. So just to recap, I, Persephone the Goddess of Spring, married my Uncle Hades, the God of the Underworld. Everyone else was left hobbling around like idiots while my brown shoes trudged through the grass. You know, I though falling to your death would be scary, but it was somehow soothing knowing it was all over and I was about to die. What if a shark bites my head off? But its, its weird to think shes becoming a hero for it isnt it, the cranes I mean? For almost a decade, our company has held the largest market share for pasta in the world. Death is one of the most commonly-used themes in any kind of literary or artistic work because we all experience it at one point or another. By: Janisha Pyakurel, Age 13, Texas USA Description: A child shares their gender identity with a parent. Okay, now, back to business. My mother is the Goddess of Harvest, so she makes all the flowers grow and that sort of thing. Like, we would pretend we were dying, or possessed or something. My trip to Venus took two months. I mean take me to dinner first. Had I known better, I would have done the same. I typically spend about two hours a day here at the library after school, then I either head to violin, lacrosse, or karate. This is a joke, right? Strong support is provided by Samuel L. Jackson and LaWanda Richardson (the real-life spouse of Jackson)as Lange and Berry's attorneys, David Straithern as Lang'es husband, and Daisy Prince as Lange's daughter. Picture quality is more than adequate and the characters are very well developed. Lets just say copy and paste is the best thing ever created. Im sorry Jayla. Put them in the zoo and charge people three dollars to look at them. I was talking to my friends through most of that. Not feeling comfortable in my own skin. She is now speaking into the phone.) How about you try learning Spanish and moving to a Spanish speaking school. Thank you all for being here. Well, good morning world. Thats weird. You still have the same friends as last year, and the lunches are only a little different, so how can it be that bad? Genre: Dramatic. How can you be angry with her right now? And Our kind what is that supposed to mean?! My Love Charlie, I miss you. By: Joel C., Age 16, Melbourne, Australia Description: A pasta maker defends himself in a murder trial. You you think Im pretty? Genre: Comedic. Ill just give him the answers for the test. Sometimes I take out this picture and talk to her. I mean yeah I do have friends but ever since I was a kid books were my go to. One time we made it as far as Charleston. I have this huge iceberg. That didnt work for you, did it? Watch another video performance of this monologue here! Think about it. The rest of the day seemed to last forever. He apologized and is offering an extra class on Sunday. Rent $3.99. I realize theyre a little stained but isnt that just the sort of thing that happens as you use them? By: Thalia O., Lakewood, CA, USA, Age 16 Gender: Male or Female Genre: Comedy Description: A teen shows off an ability to read minds. No, ellipsis, we will not be taking a vote! Why am I here? The other men took far longer. Youd sew and I would do the finance. Is he going to watch the baby, change their diaper, feed them? Its all Greek to me! But watch out for Vera our Venus Flytrap over there. One get's the impression the director wants to "be good to the blacks at all costs" even when the well-being of the child in this case would dictate otherwise and I call this being a victim of political correctness. And if they dont feel pretty, why should anyone else feel pretty? As it turns out, the baby was spotted in the nick of time by sanitation workers and rushed to a hospital, where at the insistence of social worker Margaret Lewin (Jessica Lange) the baby's life was saved. By: Celeste Pompa, Age 16, South Carolina, USA Description: A young driver gets pulled over for the first time. Perhaps some cookie dough ice cream could help me think? Im ready. Seth Margolis. Frying rice? Of course, I immediately punched him in the face, but he stayed up there and just kept talking, and after a couple of hours, I felt better, and actually started to like the guy. Youve been with me for so long, through everything, the ups, and downs, and during all of the struggles that come with growing up, you have been my best friend. Its ok, cause you can say whatever you want about me because I dont really think of myself as a thief, I think of myself more as an artist. Most of the monologues about death on the list are about grief and how the character is dealing with loss. Like eighty? I would like to have a word with whomever thought of this. Halle Berry is the birth mother who cleans up her life and sets out to reclaim the child. Other times, I think he had a kid cause he likes whippin. Whatever the reason, Im makin plans. However, the director created this film by using elements and actors that allow the viewer to . And for that, I pity them. Genre: Dramatic. Jessie! Tell him the truth. Thats it. I have dreams about leaving this small apartment and I long to walk around the city and see things, learn in a school and not be homeschooled. In New York I found love. How do I fix it, dad? By some miracle, I was able to escape. Why should I have to see that word, over and over again? If this were any other year, I would be inside those gates instead of sitting out there on the pavement. Well, the next thing I know, the numbers were announced and, like always, I didnt win. I know you said to stay strong and to take care of the family for you, but it is hard. Is that really how you feel? All my scars are. The controller stops working and the screen is black.) Who would even buy such a stupid thing? Again (pause), thats racist. The scene opens with the actor pantomiming playing a video game. Hey man, bring ya red nose over here AYE MAN, I said bring ya RED NOSE over here! Oh- dear, thats too much. Third Place Winner! Ive been in there for days! Love is like that. What should I write? She will make it impossible to get anything done. Well be in school soon enough. Actor leaps out, pantomimes hugging rescuers.) Dont you be pointing that thing at me! It actually isnt. Okay God, take me know. Why cant I go into stores without being stalked as if I was going to steal something? To me, its more of an art. DONT FACE EACH OTHER! Well I didnt enjoy smashing it. Be a good boy, Ringo. Or her disco ball hair, hands or songs. When I look in the mirror today, I see the inside. Anyway, we kind of, uh I dont know um robbed a bank last week. Well, let me tell you. You know, like those guys who used to have to break up rocks when they were sent to jail? Sometimes I wish we could just get over ourselves. ), Excuse me? By: Kennedy L., Columbus, OH, USA, Age 17 Gender: Male or Female Genre: Dramatic Description: A teen recounts his/her experience of being hit by lightning. Come here. Will you please take out the trash? Its not really as sad as it sounds. I know! (looks around) Where am I? Thats why Im here. (Starts speaking in a British accent.) Riddle me this why should an innocent teenager be bombarded with all of this, this pink, red, artificial, sugary sweetness when just going to the store to pick up some Doritos? (embarrassed) Unfortunately for me, I may have gone a bit overboard and called her a stupid wheel of cheese Now Ill never be invited to her parties Its not my fault some people are just born idiots(pause) Can you.. Stop tipping your chair back. Genre: Comedy. Third Place Winner By: Justin Kyzar, Mississippi, USA, Age 15 Gender: Any Genre: Comedic Description: A frustrated teacher deals with a rowdy class. Excuse me arent we entitled to a life? (Dramatically sets the scene) Seriously just imagine it, a storm suddenly hits, the air grows cold, and the sky darkens. Well I think its safe to assume that I have something to tell you all. I really had no interest in seeing this picture, but I actually had a friend who was in a similar situation. I know you keep telling me, But Fiona, I rescued him! No, you did not. I know its not your fault, but Allison, its me. Because yes, the night holds good possibilities. Youll never take over the world or have any henchmen. Third Place Winner! It did give me a lot. Thats right, I dont know what it is going to be either because we were supposed to learn that today but couldnt because of some lazy teacher. You trained hard and worked harder, being more than just a soldier to most. I started thinking that I would never get chosen, that I would be stuck here collecting dust in this sad room for the rest of eternity. You will get some special perks for working here we offer dental and medical, and we consider your mental health a top priority. On my seat! I hope so. If he hadnt made me fall in love with him, I never would have been turned into this! (Starts to get up. Ms. Daniels is reading a book. You have to get through it, so you can read the more exciting part? By: Jeremy K., Age 12, Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA Gender: Any Genre: Comedic Description: The leader of the elves union rallies the elves against Santa. II could say there was a family emergency. Okay. I think shes trying to get me to snap at her so she can talk to me. Take that, clock! Whoosh! By: Hedy Z., Texas, USA, Age 17 Description: A utensil in a kitchen drawer has an identity crisis. Have you ever heard the phrase dont blink? As a fellow, neighbor, worker, and citizen of this fair town I am here to tell you why I, Brock Bruce, deserves a promotion, and how together, we can make Walmart Great Again! And stay late. Your desks are full of busywork, your lunch trays are full of mush, and your teachers are full of you know, uh, nonsense. Thank you all for stopping in today. Right now, Im hiding behind a bush, keeping my protective watch on him. What if its not being loyal to me? [Margolis] gets inside the head of every character." --THE WASHINGTON POST "[E]ngrossing and, to its credit, offers no pat answers to complicated issues." You see this, right? They show how Ive been hurt, but also how Ive healed. Go have fun! Can I tell you something? Not today! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); One stop place to learn bout the acting industry and an actors career. Then, I guess it all came to a head on March 2nd. And Im gonna be okay. I had told her a while ago, jokingly of course, the legend that anyone who folded one thousand paper cranes would be granted a wish. Borders closed? The ending, as some other reviewers have said, is very wishy-washy. The rubbish spoken by her lawyer to the effect that "black babies should be with black mothers" should have been shown to be the rubbish it is, but it seems to come across as being the only argument that influenced the court's decision as, no other factor seems to have warranted the baby being returned to its biological mother. Strike one, yelled the umpire, and everyone cheered. I know its terrible, but I really needed to get that off my chest. You cant? By: Maya Wilson, Age 12, Idaho, USA Description: A misunderstood dragon tries to have a friendly conversation with a human. I WILL share my room, but most importantly, Ill give that kid the childhood I never got to have. Everything is going as planned. In . If I eat that pizza, I will have eaten more than 2000 calories. Were gonna play a lot of games again, like we used to. Yeah, this is my new iPhone 6. I love a guy in uniform. No, its not a tattoo, its a scar. (Moves as if in the dark, opens a drawer. Not surrounded by paparazzi and obsessive fans. Yes, those were the days when saying the wrong thing to a neighbor or too loudly at night could be the end of you. I will eventually breaka lot of people do. But I guess people just cant admit that someone looks better than they do. I stood there for hours, until finally I got a lift into the city. Gender: Any Genre: Dramatic. (pause) Arrest me? OH! First Place Winner! I dont. You pushed me to be brave and to stand up for myself, and through it all, you were there. (Is furious again) But that doesnt matter, and frankly, I dont care! Bullying has been my life at school and even on the internet. O, how may I Call this a lightning? Or is it the blue one? No! Last summer, I had to help my dad build a fence while you guys were at soccer camp, and this weekend, he is forcing me to stay home and help him stain the deck. (beat) What was that? Skin colour should never be allowed to disrupt a child's happy home. The first prize has to go to the boy Isaiah himself who really was cute, no other word to describe him. During this extremely moving scene, the audience is at Shelbys funeral. I dont suppose you can just locate her quickly up there and ask why she did it and then pass the message on to me? Oh, who am I kidding? Im not asking you to forget about Lila, because thats not possible. Not great. He is my first real friend since I lost you May. Im going to be happy. For some reason, she always wins. Nothing. The story centers around a communitys struggles after a teenage girl loses her life to eating disorder. It was Max! And how is everyone else still working on this test? Anyway, thats my story. Can you watch your brother for a bit, while I go out? Maybe its too late for us. Ill never actually be in a meaningful relationship. Of course, the ending is "diluted" and we see Khaila calling back Jessica Lange to look after the child when she realises that she can't cope. Every time the doorbell rings, Im scared to answer for fear of bad news. Hate is a strong word, but I mean it. Losing Isaiah is a film based on the beautiful novel by Seth Margolis. (Female, Dramatic, 20s 30s) But look, you really shouldnt make fun of the homeless. I also compare myself to other girls, a lot. First Place Winner! I know. Speaking of that nice, glass skylight the sun coming through the big glass skylight is so warm, and cozy, and I well. The falling snow is a steady stream of white outside the window. You see, when I was little, I was a naughty troublemaker. Oh shoot, the alarm is going off! But by the time ye return, who knows where me and me rainbow have buggered off ta. All Im asking is that you try to live a life without her. Genre: Dramatic. I know that. Peach isnt the only skin colour to exist, or maybe people just say its skin colour, because they think its the only one that looks good on their drawings. I always wished my life was more interesting. I mean, she works like a, uh oh, whats the word? (resumes pacing, etc.) Hear me out. If I were you, Id probably hide the watch, necklace, earrings, and rings before I take them. Tapping your pencil on my chair for this whole 30 minutes wont make the time go by quicker. Genre: Dramatic, [Austerely] Those men who still have their living wits about them, listen well to what Im about to say. Homework. Emma Thompson plays an amazing role in this sweet film. Ya think that I would work away, makin shoes and boots for all da rich uns, just to let a theivin scud the likes of ye, come long and snatch me riches? Not to be trusted! (Laughs humorlessly) Its funnybecause I really am so tired of being alone. Music still plays softly, most likely Green Day now. I was in heels after all. Oh, theres that book Im supposed to read for English class. Im happy he left us. (React to thought of what could happen to dogs.) Okie dokie. Say it correctly. He said, Sweetie Ive enrolled you in college. When the lifeguards yelled, we would just nod and laugh it off. You were sick and we all stood by, supporting you maybe but letting it happen too. Or a skating rink! NASA says hallucinations are simply a side effect of being in space, like when astronauts report seeing streaks of light that come from nowhere. Elroy comes up to me and says, Howd you like to be the coolest kid in school? Move out of my way, I tell him, but he says, No, really. Do I feel bad about what I do for a living, no. I am so lost. Im sorry I gave you a hard time before. After her daughters kidneys start to fail, she passes away. Hes coming to pick me up this weekend in his Camaro. There she was, a cup of tea in her slender hands, staring at the moon. Oh! I am sad that you look at me, your mother, and see an enemy; someone always criticizing, heckling, and yelling at you. I remember that day, I decided Id go the library and work on homework during lunch, since I didnt really have anywhere else to go, but I had only in there for about ten minutes when I heard this loud noise coming from out in the halls. This one is made of wood, but those sure aint 2x4s Im looking at. There, I said it. I have three dogs, so if I accidentally left chocolate just laying around then my dogs might EAT IT. Just listen to what Im about to say, okay? There is no way shrimp could get their tiny little hands on the frying pan, and I dont think they have the brain capacity to know when rice is done cooking. Oh, thats right. with updates on movies, TV shows, Rotten Tomatoes podcast and more. What things you may ask? First, we dont ask to be here then BOMB, were in the world with all these worldly duties that we have, like to be nice to your neighbors, go to school, grow up and be something, blah blah you know the rest. Its unbearable. Huh? Every time I want to go outside, I think about how the outside world is scary. Like THE ugliest shoes on the planet. There are no featured reviews for Losing Isaiah because the movie has not released yet (). But your voice sounds so sad sometimes that it frightens me. It is so LAME. Hey! Just, talking to people. Theres no button! But me? Genre: Dramatic. And being in good spirits, I went home and gave one of the tickets to my newly 18-year-old brother, absolutely free. First Place Winner! Great Its just that I have not spoken to anyone in ages. This one change in my life would have a ripple effect on my life forever. Maybe it's because I'm from Canada where I don't believe that racial issues play as important a part as in the United States(of course racist attitudes exist in Canada), but I was completely astonished that the colour of someone's skin was the deciding factor of where a child belongs - that's completely unrealistic to me and that was the ONLY point the biological mother's lawyer made. Wait. I just want to go home, man. Now just take your hands off the gun and put them on the table where I can see them or the watch gets it. Well, they may sound like the same thing to you. Im begging you Jayla. And after, you follow the river of job, money, family, mistakes, money, good stories, retirement money, money and then some more money, then you have grandkids and die. Call this a lightning? How could he do this to me? My mom always says that I have the benefits of the American dream, blessed with the Polish work ethic! We would thank God for the food on our table, the roof over our heads and our wonderful family. At least he hasnt left me behind. By: Clara Fields, Age 15, Iowa, USA Description: A teen relates to her mother what summers were like before a global pandemic. Well, welcome to my world. I thought I could fight back to expose them. (pause) No, Mom, I am not inviting them. The best seller of the year! I bare my scars and my breaks and let people see what I am. Crisp, cool, green, soft, forgiving. The story intertwines with other unrelated people in a series of bizarre and hilarious incidents. It must be too hard because I havent heard anyone say that stuff to me my whole life. I literally get paid to beat up people like you. I created them. Hello, and welcome to Fencing 101. There are a million issues I can think of! Dude, Im getting pulled over! Everyones asleep. Its day 47 of absolute isolation, loneliness, and complete and utter boredom. Then there was the time I was sitting in a classroom facing the chalkboard. By: Lauren Reese, Age 16, Austin TX, USA Description: A parent tries to get their crazy energetic kids to go to bed. Brock: Okay. Sounds like a great guy. Test me one more time Penelope. Can you adjust it so we cant just see your mouth? From there, its just me, the asphalt and the sky. If a black person happens to wear braids to school, some say you have to wear your real hair, youre not allowed extensions. I mean the fur and the teeth are really authentic. I just single handedly went from town to town playing my flute and had an army of rats following me. I didnt see why it mattered so much, he was just a teacher and they were just students. Platos symposympos how do you say this word? I know I shouldnt doodle, and I know Im missing the lesson, but I just cant help it. We will too. So Ive decided to go on a book cleanse. Oh, yeah, hey Charlie. Being scared saved my life. All I have to say is wow. Ive liked you for quite some time now and have decided to confess my feelings. I must have looked pretty crazy. By: Addison Steffer, Age 14, Texas, USA Description: A villain gets a phone call from their mother while fighting a hero. Oh. (Pause.) You could die today and hed still breathe the same, suffer the same. They never accept me the way I am. What if you wake up every day feeling like you just want to disappear, sink into a cloud of nothing? You hear so much about college all your life, so you feel like a failure if you dont go. The first day of middle school is written as scary in all of the movies, but its not that bad. Please, I need you. Everyone holds me up to her standards. Well, maybe I turned to her, but I didnt say anything. We caught that evil reflection when she came home from school, and together we pushed her inside of another big mirror. (covers phone with hand) What? (Pause.) This baby has stolen ALL of MY attention. In "Losing Isaiah," which opens Friday in area theaters, Berry plays Khaila, a recovering drug addict who fights to regain custody of a son she abandoned four years earlier. I felt pain and thenblack nothingness. I guess thats why Im here, I need an answer. Just confirm how you got your ticket. When everything feels like its crap and my world shatters into numberless little fragments: I take a steaming hot shower, feeling each red-hot drop like a needle piercing my skin; the pain I feel is numbing. Plus, this is my first time ever getting pulled over so I should get like a warning or something right? Miss. My dad told Jacob that he had made him see the world in a different way. Our resident ghost, Arnold we cant just see your mouth a Spanish speaking school like while. Speech shes ever heard supporting you maybe but letting it happen too gates instead of sitting out there the. And worked harder, being more than just a soldier to most interest in this. 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