She would wait a little longer before taking that step. It must be the shock of the killings, she thought. "Very tasty," she said as she sipped. And incidentally, you should be aware that she has the uncanny ability to tell if others are not telling the truth or the whole truth just by observing body language which is an important component of the Clan language. They were careful to collar the animals with a bit of thong, although it proved unnecessary. It was late when Jondalar and Ayla returned to their dwelling. Cambarre continued to speak as if nothing had changed and at first Jonayla didn't know how to react. she said and stared up at him sternly. Waiting would only cause the wound to become more dangerous. Many remarked on Cambarre and Jonayla's outfits, wanting to know who made them. "I think you have done more to change people's minds about that than anything we have said in our stories," Ralev said, and he really meant it. Ayla staggered slightly as something cannoned into her at ankle level. "Oh yes, and my mother assists Denanna who is leader. "I am First among the Zelandoni who serve The Great Earth Mother. She knew she had many good friends, and that she should count herself a lucky person. Jonayla wailed. ", Jonayla looked at the young man riding beside her and could have hit him in the face just then. Ursus speaks to you. Ayla decided she would give them dispensation to speak while on their half-moon trial. "My name is Eyzinah, and I thank you for what you've done First Zelandoni. "Only once, just after the Mother spoke and the earth shook. Please remember that when you confront them.". ", "That's my guess also," replied Ayla. I mean the Zelandoni of the White Cave will do as I ask and allow us to place Wolf's essence in the Sacred White Cave. she said embarrassed. It might even help you to better understand why we let that man you all call Madroman control us to the extent he has. "Rubio, I understand there is food prepared?" "I will walk down the trail while you and Mog-ur go into the forest to the right and Cambarre to the left with weapons ready. She wasn't sure why she felt this. It answered so many hanging questions from the earlier books. "Yes, but when she comes home she's just my mother. She had never seen magic like that before and looked on wide-eyed as this female Mog-ur of the Others piled larger sticks on top of the twigs. She mounted Summer Child and Jonayla followed her, mounting Gray. I think it is important for a son to see his father's burial ceremony and not to just hear about it from others," Ayla said with conviction. Seeing this, Ayla waxed nostalgic, thinking of all the summer lodges in her life. She thought to herself, beyond those mountains would be the great sea. Durcan was embarrassed by this talk. Rubio immediately turned on his heel and began to race to his father and the elders. They had been in the glade for about five hours now and it was late afternoon. He had designed the first spearthrower and had found and brought back so much knowledge to the Zelandonii, not to mention mating with her mother and being the best father anyone could have. Jonayla took her mother to a secluded spot by a nearby stream and helped her out of her bloody clothing. She instinctively knew how much her mother needed to see him. Her mother had saved the boy's life and her father had taken the boy on as an apprentice Knapper, and Matagan had turned out to be an excellent one. She was tall enough so that strands of her blonde hair tickled his cheek as the wind picked at it. At once the magic bowl began to spin all by itself and out poured the most delicious looking food. 'Let nature take its course, it worked out for me, it will work out for my daughter.' They would be here for several full moons and she would have to be around him constantly. The Sacred Mountain, An Unofficial Book 7 AndyBlackWrites Summary: "The Sacred Mountain" begins ten years after Jean's final book and is my version of where a seventh book might have led. Rubio noticed that the Donier was looking at no one but him. "Wonderful, we're all grateful to you. The Zelandoni was served the ptarmigan by Jonayla who told him a bit about the history of the dish. Camma knew a leader when she saw one and felt a moment of disquiet as the attractive blonde woman walked among them, looking at each of them as if to acknowledge each in their turn with an ease and grace that Camma had to work hard at to achieve. I was trying to cure a fever in one of our hunters who had been clawed by a mountain lion. Magazine: Book 7 The Sacred Mountain - A FanFic Novel by Andy Black. ", "Why are you saying these things now Cambarre?" He was taller than Crazy Eyes and much more muscular, but it was obvious by his body language, that he was lower in rank. Luck was soon her friend. I need to clean this wound as quickly as possible. I don't think it's just coincidence they came for us just before dusk. Soon Ayla and Jondalar were lost in the other works that were so expertly done. "I'm going to teach you a lesson woman. ", "Well," Ayla said. These simple looking stones were status and important status at that. The links beside each book title will take you to Amazon where you can read more about the book, check availability, or purchase it. The man of the Clan could just barely make out his signs. I feel pride in being her mate and that makes me want to be the best I can be to keep her respect. Grains were harder to store but were essential and much of what was brought in this time of year would be reserved for the horses. That's when my mate was killed. Ayla was unsure to the point of agony, she wanted to stitch up the wound as she had done all those years ago when Baby, her Cave Lion friend, had attacked Jondalar and his brother, but she kept remembering Iza's insistence that a deep wound remain open so it could drain. Someone befriends a horse, then rides the horse and others see the advantage of riding a horse and soon everyone has a horse. She shouldn't be surprised that Groog didn't believe her. I would like a man who can think fast on his feet and can use a weapon in his defense. She spoke as if she were talking to the urn or maybe The Earth Mother Herself, and Rubio wondered what she meant by it. The moment we arrived, we fell in love with the mountain.". It had only been a few hours since Dula had administered her medicine. Those thoughts made her think of Jondalar again, she needed to see him so much. But it is strange how time will heal the rawness of the pain and only leave behind what was good between you," Camma said with sadness in her voice. As was her habit, she tied her carry baskets to Summer Child's riding blanket with rawhide thongs. That would be an important discussion she must have with Camma before she and Cambarre left. Without your help we might have lost people to an ambush and certainly would not have found First Place and Camma as easily as we did." It was Brukeval and his men that attacked you. The Spirit must cross over and it was everyone's responsibility to help it do so. Good hunting, "Ayla. Mageb had been too far away to participate in the kill and the animals that ran back toward him gave him a wide berth, running to either side of him. The young men would start hunting the more distant western areas around the home cave while their women began gathering in vegetables and grains from the traditional places. Author: Jean M. Auel Publisher: Bantam ISBN: 0307886654 Size: 59.54 MB Format: PDF, ePub, Docs View: 7056 Get Book Disclaimer: This site does not store any files on its server.We only index and link to content provided by other sites. This hunt would be risky. Ralev told a new story about the sea people and then we went to visit the traders and that's when we heard you had returned. No one had attacked her like this since her confrontation with the mad woman Attaroa of the S'Armunai, and that seemed a lifetime ago. If you have not read Jean Auel's Earth's Children series of six books yet, you're in for a treat. It was still amazing to see one of the Other's talking so proficiently. After a long discussion to decide who should go, three leaders and three Zelandoni were chosen as representatives. she asked in a tense voice. Even though she wouldn't want to live this simply after having lived with the Zelandonii for so many years, it did bring back pleasant memories of belonging and the loved ones who had loved her. It'll be nice to have another wolf friend. I think the Zelandonii will discuss what is to be done with you when they hear what you're up to here. "I think we know how to load and prepare a pole-drag by now.". Ayla's heart increased its pace at her man's unmistakable signal, she had wondered in the back of her mind when they might pick up their lives as they had been before Jondalar had been wounded. We expect the other Zelandoni from the north and south to arrive over the next two days and I will rely on you to make everyone comfortable." Mageb was worried. He folded the rawhide ground cover preparing to meet her. What he noticed, and what made him decide to trust these people - literally with his life - was the obvious love they showed for each other. Both Ayla and her daughter rode away to hunt. Even now, he thought, after two children, her body had recovered completely from childbirth and she stood before him proud, without conscious effort. I thought I'd lost my mate and my daughter more than once since we've been here," Ayla said, waving away the other leader's urgings. Ayla was feeling sick to her stomach now, she was pretty sure this was how she had felt some ten summers ago when the earth shook at the Summer Meeting. "Brukeval could see my acceptance of him, I'm sure of it. "When you wake up in the morning, breathe deeply of the morning and the freedom of your youth, before you have the responsibilities that come with age, and enjoy the next days as a rare gift. Hold him under the armpits and pull away from me when I say." "I will get Zelandoni. Ayla was situated to the far left of her fellow travelers and before she could warn the others that it would be a good idea to regroup and travel single-file, she found there was a small but steep ravine between her and Matagan, who was closest to her right. How could she know that this was going to be a deception? ", The Donier of the Third Cave turned to Ayla, "I just hope we don't have too many candidates from the southern caves. Against the back wall of the surround were some sleeping shelters and an area with an awning stretched over it for rainy days, but the main area was just a big open space where people could sit and watch and listen, although there was a structure at the side of the compound that had a dugout floor and a pointed roof providing a more intimate space when needed. "Greetings beautiful!" Ralev walked closer to the fire and looked around at the large group of people. Her mother had been with her father almost non-stop since they'd arrived at First Place. He had made up for his physical infirmities by overcoming them and using his hard earned abilities to speak to the Spirit World and to become his people's spiritual leader. The sun was shining in the sky, and when they were able to look away from each other's smiling faces, they noticed the fluffy white clouds serenely floating by on the slight breeze and remarked on how beautiful they were. What brings you here? With no weapons all they have to do is find us and then I'd hate to think what would happen to you," Cambarre whispered. Soon, a woman of the Clan named Iza finds her and adopts her as her own child. Besides, they had been together for several moon cycles now and Ayla felt there was no real need for a trial period other than to honor form. Had the Earth Mother wanted Wolf to be with Her in the Spirit World? The people sitting around the large open hearth murmured knowingly. Could it be Cambarre, that handsome young apprentice of Jondalar's?". "Slowly move forward, and when you get close enough so you can pet it, slowly put your hand out with the fingers together. Ayla looked at the old man, the man she considered the elder of the Ninth Cave, the man who had mated with Marthona, Jondalar's mother, who in her turn had once been leader of the Ninth Cave. He felt, of all of them, she was probably the most accomplished with each of the weapons they had with them. But even that turned out to be a lucky event. There were a few awkward sentences and story line errors but it didn't take away from the entertainment value, at least not for me. I didn't want to add to your distress and I hoped the hunters I sent to search would have found them by now and brought them back," Joharran said. Every day the hunters went out searching for migrating herds of Bison and Elk to add to the cave's winter larders. Auel started the Earth's Children series of six novels with "The Clan of the Cave Bear," which appeared in 1980 and spawned a 1986 film adaptation. At some point, once the causes for the unrest in the northern area had been determined, it might be necessary to return to settle disputes and mete out justice. Only the people of our cave remain here.". Help the Others by capturing and holding any of the wild men passing through Long Valley near your cave. As Ayla came level with the terrace that jutted out below the main area of the many small cave openings that comprised the South Face Holding, she saw Denanna and her ancient Donier coming down steps that had been carved into the face of the cliff. I can't think of any other way to convince him that he can talk to me about important matters.". "The older brother was lucky and always brought in enough fish for his family to eat and to trade for things his mate might want. Chapter 19 He said, "You may have some, but no payment is necessary. I have to tell you that I wasn't ready for the responsibility and that may be why the man you call Madroman was able to walk into our land and control our hunters without real opposition at first. Receiving permission to speak Dula said, "This young Medicine Woman of the Others has performed the healing very well. "After Ralev tells the Ocean story, let's go visit the traders on the hill and then I want to go swimming," Folrian chattered. She also is Zelandoni of Lance Rock Cave in her own right.". She indicated Jondalar's poultice covered shoulder wound, "I would uncover the wound once he has taken the medicine so it can dry.". It was just past mid-day and the sun was directly overhead when Groog signaled a halt. She joined a survival class to learn how to construct an ice cave, and learned primitive methods of making fire, tanning leather, and knapping stone from the aboriginal skills expert Jim Riggs.[6]. It would increase our immediate family and that is always a happy event for me. the Donier who spoke for the southerners asked. Ayla signed, "I started the fire using these two special stones." "Then I found out that your reaction was only that you thought I was a mixture with flathead blood in me. But now, when he said something it would be interesting or it would be important. Jonayla slid from Gray's back and stood silently beside her mother. Ayla spent much of her spare time working on interior panels for Jonayla and Cambarre's dwelling. The sky was fully dark now and the flames flickered across the Clan man's face. For the hundredth time he wondered what that flathead loving interfering woman was telling the Chimu. It was totally shameful that Brukeval would be involved in something as evil as this. "Would you walk with me, I have something personal I would like to discuss. It seemed unanimous, people stood and clapped and cheered. But to blame Madroman for this situation is foolish. Her surroundings were in crystal clear focus. It was a surprise to Ayla that these people would have known about Creb. Read online or download PDF Sword Of Honor.IN THE EPIC HISTORICAL NOVEL SWORD OF HONOR, DAVID KIRK CONTINUES THE SAGA OF MUSASHI MIYAMOTO, THE GREATEST SWORDSMAN IN JAPANESE HISTORY, AS HE JOURNEYS TO THE ANCIENT CITY OF KYOTO TO FIGHT FOR HIS LIFE AND HIS IDEALS. "It's just that it's just that we need a strong leader to bring the people together. Will Ayla finish her training, what happens with their second child? Ayla woke before dawn, roused by the small noises that Shura made as she left her furs to begin the day. "Please, let him be for the moment. They are really very patient with them. Auel attended the University of Portland. At this moment the Bullroarers ceased making their unearthly noises. She knew that her mother hadn't acted responsibly, nor had her father back then. ", "I don't know," Cambarre said. She reasoned that if everyone knew, Brukeval would know too and might warn the Chimu when they arrived at the meadow. The lion could be on her, tearing her apart before she could even reach down for the Clan spear at her feet. As dawn's light reflected through the hide of their tent opening, the young couple woke, refreshed. The two darts came at nearly the same time. It was fully dark now and Cambarre had silently crawled toward the lean-to from the edge of the forest where he'd positioned himself in preparation for his rescue attempt. The heavy stabbing spear had given him new confidence. Ayla had to say farewell to the few Doniers who still remained in camp. It was obvious to her that this fungus was a powerful substance that fought the fever caused by poisons in the body. They were on the trail as the sun rose to spread its glorious golden shafts of light over the misty valley. 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