In the words of Al Jazeera journalist Saif Khalid, when white people commit terrorism this is seen as an individual act that does not represent the entire race. In Srebrenica in July 1995, towards the end of the 1992-1995 civil war in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbs massacred 8,000 Bosnian Muslims, a blatant act of genocide. How to Handle People Who Are Eternally Evasive, Mass Shooters and the Myth That Evil Is Obvious, Transforming Empathy Into Compassion: Why It Matters, No Dr. Spock for Black Parents: Lessons From Tyre Nichols, Research Shows Why Attractive People Are More Narcissistic. MAHDIS KESHAVARZ: I always kind of think this imagery of, like, this pearl clutch of being just aghast that something can happen in your backyard, where things are happening in other people's backyards all the time. KESHAVARZ: So as journalists, I think it's really critical that we look at that duality, and we question why that is. In 2014, Syrian and North African refugees poured into Greece, a country then not equipped to fulfill those treaty obligations. D'AGATA: What I'd hoped to convey is that what's unique about the fighting underway here is that this country has not really seen the scale of war in recent years, unlike some LIMBONG: But it wasn't just CBS. In The Telegraph, Daniel Hannan wrote an article about Ukraine that led, they seem so like us. The International Monetary Fund has also urged the EU to lift labor restrictions on refugees and migrants, and reward employers for providing them employment. A charity that helps refugees has said there is a big variation in how the UK helps people from different countries. In both the United States and Europe, the inevitability of multiculturalism and diversityand the resulting decay of white dominanceprompts nativism, racism, and xenophobia from the right. But research suggests some approaches can help communities successfully absorb all kinds of refugees Analysis by Claire. The reports advocate for lifting labor restrictions and preventing discrimination against asylum seekers. Americans see Afghan and Ukrainian refugees very differently. show that asylum centers tend to isolate residents. LIMBONG: The Nigerian statehouse issued a statement today denouncing reports of Nigerians being denied entry to the Polish border. Landmann and colleagues in Germany conducted a series of four related studies to examine hostility toward refugees. Al Jazeera journalist Virginia Pietromarchi notes, Bloody conflicts in Syria, Somalia, and other places have not received the wide-reaching international media coverageor urgent international government actionthat the invasion of Ukraine has inspired." Visit our website terms of use and permissions pages at for further information. Refugee Children in U.S. Schools: A Toolkit for Teachers and School Personnel (Grant No. Kotada Al-Younes, a young Syrian journalist who has found exile in Sweden, told me that many Syrians in Sweden share this frustration with being confined and labelled as refugees: People want to keep their identity and their profession when they go abroad. However, IPL research has found that Europeans care deeply about fairness in the EU asylum system, and that large majorities would support a plan to allocate asylum seekers in proportion to each countrys capacity, even if that meant their own country would receive more. What does Turkey get in return for taking care of Europes deported lot? are at risk of torture, or cruel or unusual punishment in their home countries. As Abdelaaty describes, welcoming refugees [condemns] the government that caused their flight and can help further discredit that government in the eyes of the world, as well as its own people. Therefore, welcoming Ukrainians is politically expedient for the EU. Barbed political rhetoric both reflects and exacerbates these trends among Europeans. They also found that eligible voters favored refugees with higher employability. In addition, we should remember foreigners culture will change, particularly with intergroup contactjust as cultures of European immigrants to America have changed, as history shows. Just last week, the U.S. expelled 86 Haitians who fled the recent earthquake and political unrest, and flew them back to Haiti under this policy. While not able to help everyone, the U.S. ensured that more than 123,000 people were safely flown out of Afghanistan and has already accepted 64,000 evacuees. Is it a vague feeling of hostility or does it stem from specific unpleasant experiences or future worries? In fixating on distinguishing the two, politicians tend to miss the benefits that integrating both refugees and migrants into the labor market could have on the national economy. Compared to college students in previous samples, these participants reported perceiving even stronger threats and experiencing more hostility toward refugees. Knowing what you value will help you build the most meaningful life possible. During the civil war, civilians were often purposefully caught in the crossfire between Assad and opposition forces; for example, in 2013, Assads forces waged chemical war against civilians, killing 1,400. record-high 65 million people have been displaced, one million people who crossed borders into the European Union, face the same challenges in seeking asylum, labor, and housing, European asylum system has effectively broken down, efined by international humanitarian law as people in need of protection, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) stipulates, refugees and migrants apply for the same asylum. In addition, they found that every threat typeeven altruistic threat (concerns about the host countrys ability to care for refugees)was linked with negative views of immigration and refugees. As Al-Younes noted, who wants to hire an asylum seeker still at risk of deportation, since their application hasnt been accepted yet? Rather than bringing people to safety via transit centers and, ultimately, to countries including the United States, these flights are sending vulnerable migrants and asylum-seekers back to danger returning them to the very places theyre fleeing. Meanwhile, the Maslovas, a family from Ukraine, enjoy warm welcomes. For more information, see our full Privacy Policy. March 3, 2022. Khoury, the researcher, says race plays a part in all of this but also proximity and geopolitics, too. The findings could help inform long-term wildfire and ecosystem management in these zombie forests.. That's what makes it so shocking. The Ukraine crisis may serve as a reminder that migration policy should be based on more careful collection of data. The consequences are devastating, as reports of violence and insecurity in their countries of origin, along transit routes and in Mexico abound. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) stipulates that while refugees are humanitarian subjects primarily seeking protection, migrants are economic subjects, seeking better lives. Why are asylum seekers treated differently to other refugees? LIMBONG: Rana Khoury, a research associate at Princeton University focusing on conflict and displacement, says this language has impacts on global refugee policy. ARI SHAPIRO, HOST: In the wall-to-wall coverage of the crisis in Ukraine, a certain pattern has sometimes emerged that positions Ukrainians as different from other victims of conflict. In the wall-to-wall coverage of the crisis in Ukraine, a certain pattern has sometimes emerged that positions Ukrainians as different from other victims of conflict. But we could see White people going through. A Nigerian student added, Theyre pushing us back just because were Black!Were all humanThey should not discriminate against us because of the colour of our skin. Racism against POC fleeing Ukraine exposes differential treatment even among refugees fleeing the same conflict, suggesting that European solidarity is skin-deep. These two groups are treated very differently, however, due to the prevalent stereotypes that exist about them in society. Many cultures and religions have survived for hundreds and thousands of years partly because they are flexible enough to adapt and evolve. Many refugees are coming from northern Africa and the Middle East, with roughly 50 percent of the population of Syria seeking refuge from war. The EUs response to the refugee crisis also shapes its posture towards Russia and reignites Cold War concerns about Russian aggression, for Eastern Europeans acknowledge the potential for Putin to invade their nations as well. The world is currently experiencing the largest refugee crisis since World War II. To answer this question, they conducted a second study using a sample of 289 female and 118 male students (average age of 32 years). Stanford News is a publication of Stanford University Communications. Furthermore, to many white and Christian Europeans, an influx of Middle Eastern and African Muslim refugees threatens power dynamics rooted in racial and religious hegemony, while incoming Ukrainians primarily strengthen them. They met a woman from Guatemala traveling with her two daughters. According to DR's calculations, the distance from Denmark's border with Germany to the Ukraine-Poland border is 1,270 kilometres, and to the Syria-Turkey border 3,760 . Similarly, right-wing European officials used the recent sexual harassment scandal in Cologne to fuel cultural bias and collective punishment against all asylum seekers. Laitin also offers insight into how European Union (EU) policy is supporting a surge of refugees that the United Nations has described as the largest humanitarian crisis Europe has seen since World War II. The other hundreds, or perhaps thousands, of girls and young women who survived the journey are still in Kakuma Refugee Camp. The injunction also only applies to families, so single adults can continue to be removed. Attitudes also are affected by humanitarian concerns: When a refugee is perceived to have a valid claim or specific vulnerability for example, if he or she was a victim of torture support is generally higher. Second, under the EUs temporary protection directive, any Ukrainian national who flees as a result of the invasion, plus his or her partners and children of any nationality, may receive permission to stay in any EU country for one year; previously, a Ukrainian passport permitted visa-free entry into the EU for only up to 90 days. The European Parliament stresses in a report that even though Sweden offers low working restrictions for asylees, their labor market is inflexible and poorly adaptable to employees with different skills. The studys findings are published in the December 2019 issue of the European Journal of Social Psychology.1. Swiss Justice Minister Karin Keller-Sutter predicted that up to 50,000 people from Ukraine would arrive in the country before June to date, the highest number of war refugees to enter Switzerland in the 21st century. As they work out where to go next, it's not clear they'll find refuge in Europe. Not everyone is eligible to seek asylum. Businesses and civil society groups are busy developing training programs and job centers for asylum seekers to integrate into the system. They want to work and maintain their dignity, not just be refugees.. But at the same time, the Biden administration has been quietly engaged in another series of evacuation flights, this time at our southern border. With blanket news coverage of the dire situation in Ukraine, Europeans are observing the situation of Ukrainians through this humanitarian lens and thus express greater support for them. The asylum program works to provide refugee protection to people in Canada who: have a well-founded fear of persecution or. In addition, they pose a health threat because some refugees come from countries with comparably higher rates of certain diseases (e.g., tuberculosis, AIDS). Andrew Limbong is a reporter for NPR's Arts Desk, where he does pieces on anything remotely related to arts or culture, from streamers looking for mental health on Twitch to Britney Spears' fight over her conservatorship. Why don't we treat all refugees as though they were Ukrainian? These asylum-seekers should be welcomed just like Afghans are being welcomed. Social Issues and Policy Review, 11, 78-123. According to the U.N.'s 1951 Refugee Convention, a refugee is "someone who is unable or unwilling to return to their country of origin owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion." Contrarily, due to racial, religious, cultural, and ethnic differences, Europeans feel less sympathy for other refugees. Refugees and migrants arrive to Europe by the same road; they also face the same challenges in seeking asylum, labor, and housing, as well as integrating into their host communities. The EU report challenges her statement by showing that, rather than signifying asylum seekers lack of desire to work, the slow inclusion of asylum seekers into the labor market is a result of poor implementation: Many employers in Sweden are simply not aware that asylum seekers are allowed to work. U.S. authorities are dedicating extra resources to pick up the rate of flights in order to remove them more quickly, saying six to eight flights a day will depart starting Tuesday. The 2014-15 asylees from Syria and North Africa were mostly Muslim and faced higher degrees of discrimination than will the Ukrainians, who are largely of Christian heritage. While EU members bicker over how to define, manage, and ultimately dispose of their new work-eager guests, asylum seekers themselves are finding innovative ways to avoid the system and gain access to the labor market so they can accomplish what they came for: Continue their life as best they can, even if on temporary grounds. Why are some refugees treated differently than others? Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov recently drew a distinct line between the two groups, justifying differential treatment and fostering a sense of Ukrainian exceptionalism: Underscoring this justification is Islamophobia; Ukrainian refugees are primarily Christian, while refugees from Syria and North Africa are mostly Muslim. This clear binary extends to Zelensky and Putin. The United States has been consumed with the mass evacuation and resettlement effort for vulnerable Afghans in the wake of the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan. More than half - nearly 548,000 - have fled to Poland which shares a 500km border with Ukraine. Shooting, detaining, torturing, and executing protestors, Assad forcefully crushed pro-democracy protests during the Arab Spring. And if you zoom way, way out when talking about refugees and displacement, countries in the Middle East, Africa and the global South have taken in more than their fair share of refugees. The way we talk about conflicts can impact those who are already most directly affected by war, refugees. As more refugees entered Europe, detention increased, and former European Council President Donald Tusk even called for 18-month detention periods. attempting to cross the Syria-Turkey borderis only the latest stark example of Turkeys inability to protect incoming migrants. So how can we reduce perceptions of different types of threats associated with refugees and immigrants? During the 2015 refugee "crisis," the EU called for detaining arriving refugees for up to 18 months. Since it was first implemented in March 2020, more than 1 million migrants and asylum-seekers have been turned away. The death of Alan Kurdi: one year on, compassion towards refugees fades: Toddler's death opened European hearts and policy towards refugees, but 12 months on those changes have proved temporary. Furthermore, it is important to help the public understand immigrants do not have to give up the core of their identity (in terms of cultures and traditions) to be able to follow the law, find jobs, contribute to society, and make friends with people of the host country. Accuracy and availability may vary. (Image credit: Michele Tantussi /Getty Images). For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. Zelensky is part of a community of Jews in Ukraine, some 200,000 strong, with historical and cultural ties to Israel, based on a long legacy of anti-Jewish pogroms and persecution in the country . Turkey, a crucial political ally in the region already overburdened with hosting almost three million Syrian refugees and managing a failing security sector, is not well-fit to host additional people.Sundays incidentwhen Turkish security guards shot and killed eleven Syrian refugees attempting to cross the Syria-Turkey borderis only the latest stark example of Turkeys inability to protect incoming migrants. By welcoming Ukrainian refugees and imposing economic sanctions on Russia, the EU has demonstrated its support for Ukrainian sovereignty and opposition to Russian aggression without direct military intervention. 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