Also, public hearings are usually scheduled for the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the same location. 2021-19 ADOPTED ON JUNE 22,2021. This has worried some police officers, who say that construction on Sundays is one of their biggest noise complaints. AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOONE COUNTY FISCAL COURT, KENTUCKY APPROVING, WITH CONDITIONS, A REQUEST OF BRG REAL TY GROUP LLC, PER ROBERT CROSWELL (APPLICANT) FOR HEBRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, PER FRANK TEPE (OWNER) FOR A ZONING MAP AMENDMENT/CHANGE OF CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT PLAN FROM PUBLIC FACILITY (PF) DISTRICT TO COMMERCIAL TWO/PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (C-2/PD) DISTRICT FOR AN APPROXIMATE 0.63 AREA LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST PORTION OF THE PROPERTY AT 3120 NORTH BEND ROAD, BOONE COUNTY, KENTUCKY AND A REQUEST OF BRG REAL TY GROUP LLC, PER ROBERT CROSWELL (APPLICANT) FOR MARY ANN WOLFE TRUST (OWNER) FOR A CONCEPT DEVELOPMENTPLAN FOR AN APPROXIMATE 16 ACRE AREA LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF NORTH BEND ROAD WITH COUGAR PATH, BOONE COUNTY, KENTUCKY (AREA 3). The Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International airport (CVG) is located in Boone County and there are three Interstate systems and 42 miles of Ohio River frontage . AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE BOONE COUNTY FISCAL COURT, KENTUCKY, PROVIDING FOR A CREDIT OF ITS OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE FEE FOR NEW EMPLOYEES AS PART OF AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECT BY FLOTTWEG SEPARATION TECHNOLOGY UNDER THE KENTUCKY BUSINESS INVESTMENT PROGRAM (KRS 154.32-010KRS 154.32-100). AN ORDINANCE OF BOONE COUNTY FISCAL COURT, KENTUCKY, PROVIDING FOR A CREDIT OF ITS OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE FEE FOR NEW EMPLOYEES AS PART OF AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECT BY MAB FABRICATION, INC. Citizen participation is a vital aspect of good government. The five (5) members of the board each serve for four (4) years and are appointed by the City of Florence. Show and Hide Table of Contents. of holiday lights, Five from NKY among 19 to graduate from Kentucky Criminal Justice Executive Development Program, Former UK student from NKY banned after incident with Black student is indicted by grand jury, Covington SWAT Team arrest suspect following an armed standoff; it started with domestic violence, Kentucky and Ohio issue request for proposals for construction, design of Brent Spence Bridge project, Covington Police Department welcomes Matthew Clements, Corey Zelensky as newest officers, Railroad, water officials assure NKY mayors group of safety of the rails and that drinking water is good, 9/11 Never Forget mobile exhibit to visit Florence in May, thanks to meetNKY, T2T Foundation. Click on this link for information regarding the Kentucky Carry Concealed laws, requirements, and process to apply Click on this link for information regarding the Kentucky Carry Concealed laws, requirements, and process to apply. The City of Florence appoints one (1) member of the commission who serves for four (4) years. AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOONE COUNTY FISCAL COURT, KENTUCKY APPROVING, WITH CONDITIONS, A REQUEST OF CORPOREX PARKS OF KENTUCKY, INC., PER NICOLE CHIMENTO AND THOMAS BANTA (OWNER/DEVELOPER) FOR A ZONING MAP AMENDMENT FROM RURAL SUBURBAN (RS) DISTRICT TO URBAN RESIDENTIAL THREE/PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (UR-3/PD) DISTRICT FOR AN APPROXIMATE 8.3 ACRE AREA LOCATED AT 3337, 3339, 3341, 3343, 3347 AND 3351 MINEOLA PIKE, 3340 BOONELAND TRAIL AND PART OF 3336 BOONELAND TRAIL, BOONE COUNTY, KENTUCKY. This is what it says in the animal control law: I do not see any mention of time restrictions. Promote Your Business or Product for $10/mo. The commission then contracts with the City of Florence and Boone County Water District for the provision of water for resale to their customers. Animal control wrote them a ticket. Juliet noise ordinances do not restrict barking dogs during the day. And, in a car with doors shut and windows rolled up, a noise that can be heard 30 feet from a property line is a violation. I agree with you. Phillip Yannarella The authority board is comprised of the chief elected official, or designee, from each member jurisdiction. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE BOONE COUNTY FISCAL COURT, KENTUCKY, OF THE ANNUAL BUDGET AND APPROPRIATIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2022. The original ordinance prohibited using "lawn mowers, brush-clearing equipment, blowers and other equipment used for cleaning or maintenance" on Sunday. Members: Thomas Judd Members: Joshua J. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TOTHE BOONE COUNTY FISCAL COURT, KENTUCKY,ESTABLISHING A LOCAL DEVELOPMENT AREA FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PURPOSES WITHIN THE COUNTY OF BOONE, KENTUCKY, TO BE KNOWN AS THE OLD LEXINGTON PIKE LOCAL DEVELOPMENT AREA (THE LOCAL DEVELOPMENT AREA); APPROVING A LOCAL DEVELOPMENT AREA AGREEMENT; ESTABLISHING AN INCREMENTAL TAX SPECIAL FUND FOR PAYMENT OF REDEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE; DESIGNATING THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT OF THE COUNTY OF BOONE, KENTUCKY, AS THE AGENCY RESPONSIBLE FOR OVERSIGHT, ADMINISTRATION, AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE LOCAL DEVELOPMENT AREA; AND AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY JUDGE/EXECUTIVE AND OTHER OFFICIALS TO TAKE SUCH OTHER APPROPRIATE ACTIONS AS ARE NECESSARY OR REQUIRED IN CONNECTION WITH THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE LOCAL DEVELOPMENT AREA. *There may be discrepancies in the code when translating to other languages. Solid waste generated by and/or resulting from but not limited to the maintenance and operation of dwelling units. h[oJ>oR!iyh{87`9& Aj"9^A8FD9h$@jb-p9KyF2
t8zN^>N}a|WFbV$qz?'|2zZOpCo|K)WpXNz8. It is the mission of the Boone County Sheriff Department to develop a highly trained, efficient, and professional law enforcement office in order to provide outstanding service to the citizens of Boone County, the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and our Country. Pets, Noise, Trash, etc. roane county tn noise ordinanceNitro Acoustic. AN ORDINANCE OF BOONE COUNTY FISCAL COURT, KENTUCKY, PROVIDING FOR A CREDIT OF ITS OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE FEE FOR NEW EMPLOYEES AS PART OF AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECT BY MEYER TOOL COMPANY UNDER THE KENTUCKY BUSINESS INVESTMENT PROGRAM (KRS 154.32-010KRS 154.32-100). For further information regarding the official version of any of this Code of Ordinances or other documents posted on this site, please contact the Municipality directly or contact American Legal Publishing toll-free at 800-445-5588. because Mt. The thing I would like to remind you is that not all people work 9 to 5 jobs. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF BOONE, KENTUCKY AMENDING ORDINANCE 2017.13 RELATING TO THE TRANSIENT ROOM TAX TO INCLUDE ALL ACCOMMODATIONS CONTAINED IN HOUSE BILL 8 OF THE 2022 REGULAR LEGISLATIVE SESSION AND REPEALING INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES. For the purpose of this chapter, the following terms shall be deemed to have the meaning indicated below. The City of Florence appoints six (6) members of the commission and each serve for four (4) years. This is what I'm referring to, I can't find the actual Mt. A career with the Boone County Sheriffs Department can be a rewarding opportunity A career with the Boone County Sheriffs Department can be a rewarding opportunity to serve the community. AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOONE COUNTY FISCAL COURT, KENTUCKY APPROVING, WITH CONDITIONS, A REQUEST OF SL WEAVER INVESTMENTS, LLC, PER ARCHIE SEARP (APPLICANT AND OWNER) FOR A ZONING MAP AMENDMENT, SUCH ZONING MAP AMENDMENT BEING A ZONE CHANGE FROM SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL ONE (SR-1) TO URBAN RESIDENTIAL TWO (UR-2), FOR AN APPROXIMATE 4.1 ACRE AREA LOCATED ALONG THE SOUTH SIDE OF WEAVER ROAD, BETWEEN SAM NEACE DRIVE AND SADDLEBROOK LANE, APPROXIMATELY 2,600 FEET EAST OF SADDLEBROOK LANE AND BEING GENERALLY ACROSS FROM TRELLISES DRIVE, BOONE COUNTY, KENTUCKY. To read the ordinances listed above, click the ordinance number and you will be directed to that ordinance. but nothing for the county. Share this page on your favorite Social network. AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOONE COUNTY FISCAL COURT, KENTUCKY APPROVING, A REQUEST OF ECE, INC {APPLICANT) FOR TODD BAETEN {OWNER) FOR: (1) A ZONING MAP AMENDMENT FROM SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL ONE (SR-1) TO COMMERCIAL SERVICES (C-3); (2) A VARIANCE REDUCING THE BUFFER YARD WIDTH FROM EIGHTY (80) FEET TO TEN (10) FEET ALONG THE EAST PROPERTY LINE; AND (3) A VARIANCE REDUCING THE BUFFER YARD WIDTH FROM EIGHTY (80) FEET TO ZERO (0) FEET ALONG THE WEST PROPERTY LINE FOR AN APPROXIMATE 4.1 ACRE AREA LOCATED AT 352 FROGTOWN ROAD, BOONE COUNTY, KENTUCKY, INCLUDING A PORTION OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF FROGTOWN ROAD AND INTERSTATE 71/75. Grow up, would you? AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE BOONE COUNTY FISCAL COURT, KENTUCKY, APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS, A REQUEST OF TIM GREIVE (APPLICANT) FOR BOB SUMEREL TIRE CO (OWNER) FOR A CHANGE IN APPROVED CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN AN INDUSTRIAL ONE/PLANNED DEVELOPMENT/HOUSTON-DONALDSON STUDY CORRIDOR OVERLAY (I-1/PD/HDO) ZONE FOR A 2.835 ACRE SITE LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF DONALDSON HIGHWAY, APPROXIMATELY 240 FEET WEST OF TURFWAY ROAD AND IMMEDIATELY WEST OF THE PROPERTY AT 1212 DONALDSON HIGHWAY, BOONE COUNTY, KENTUCKY. Meetings are scheduled as needed. Does Boone County Kentucky have a noise ordinance? 2019-17, ENACTED ON JULY 23, 2019, AND ORDINANCE NO. 1BYLINE: Warren DuzakDATELINE: Mount Juliet, Tennessee. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE BOONE COUNTY FISCAL COURT, KENTUCKY,APPROVING, WITH CONDITIONS, A REQUEST OF ZIMMER MOTORS (APPLICANT) FOR FLORENCE BAPTIST CHURCH (OWNER) FOR A ZONING MAP AMENDMENT, SUCH ZONING MAP AMENDMENT BEING A ZONE CHANGE FROM PUBLIC FACILITIES (PF) TO COMMERCIAL SERVICES (C-3), AND TWO VARIANCES FROM SECTION 3620 LANDSCAPING ALONG STREET FRONTAGES TO REDUCE THE WIDTH OF THE STREET FRONTAGE LANDSCAPING AREA FROM 10 FEET MINIMUM TO 0 FEET AND FROM SECTION 3645 BUFFER YARDS: TO REDUCE THE WIDTH OF THE LANDSCAPE BUFFER YARD ALONG THE REAR PROPERTY LINE FROM BUFFER YARD C (30 AND 60 OPTIONS) TO 20 FEET FOR AN APPROXIMATE 3 ACRE SITE LOCATED AT 1050 BURLINGTON PIKE, BOONE COUNTY, KENTUCKY. This database is updated, codified, and indexed every two years. 859.371.5491, Home | Our Government | Boards & Commissions. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE BOONE COUNTY FISCAL COURT, KENTUCKY,APPROVING, WITH CONDITIONS, A REQUEST OF STEVE BERLING (APPLICANT) FOR ERIC DETERS AND MARY DETERS (OWNERS) FOR A ZONING MAP AMENDMENT, SUCH ZONING MAP AMENDMENT BEING A ZONE CHANGE FROM AGRICULTURAL ESTATE (A-2) AND RURAL SUBURBAN (RS) TO INDUSTRIAL ONE (I-1) FOR AN APPROXIMATE 37 ACRE (REVISED TO APPROXIMATELY 13.25 ACRES) TRACT LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF WALTON-NICHOLSON ROAD, APPROXIMATELY 150 FEET EAST OF THE WALTON-NICHOLSON ROAD/MULLEN DRIVE INTERSECTION, TO THE IMMEDIATE SOUTH AND WEST OF THE PROPERTY AT 217 WALTON-NICHOLSON ROAD AND AT THE WESTERN TERMINUS OF MALBEC LANE, BOONE COUNTY, KENTUCKY. PER MICHELLE BOLLMAN (APPLICANT) FOR DOMASCHKO PROPERTIES, LLC (OWNER) FOR A CHANGE IN AN APPROVED CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND VARIANCE IN AN INDUSTRIAL ONE (1-1) DISTRICT FOR AN APPROXIMATE 6.7 ACRE AREA LOCATED AT 11061 DIXIE HIGHWAY, BOONE COUNTY, KENTUCKY. Any garbage, refuse, sludge, and other discarded material, including solid, liquid, semi-solid, or contained gaseous material generated by and/or resulting from, but not limited to, industrial, commercial, mining (excluding coal mining waste, coal mining by-products, refuse and overburden), and agricultural operations, and from community activities, but does not include solid or dissolved material in domestic sewage, or solid or dissolved materials in irrigation return flows or industrial discharges. Don Volland Or, if a noise is 15 decibels higher than background noise between 9 p.m. and 7 a.m. or 25 decibels higher than background noise during other hours, it constitutes a violation. The Urban Forest Commission is responsible for preserving, maintaining, and expanding the citys urban forest. The commission also considers, investigates, makes findings, reports, and recommends on special matters or questions within the scope of its work when requested by city council. UNION, Ky - To those who support it, a "fairness" ordinance in this Northern Kentucky city is a chance to . of County ordinances in a fair and efficient manner and to provide a mechanism that clearly defines minimum standards for maintenance and upkeep of property, the staff recommends that the Fiscal Court strongly consider forming a Code Enforcement Board and enacting a Property Maintenance Code for the unincorporated areas of Boone County. 2021-19, ADOPTED ON JUNE 22, 2021, AND PREVIOUSLY AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 2021-06 AMENDED ON JANUARY 26, 2021 RELATING TO THE USE OF GOLF CARTS ON CERTAIN DESIGNATED COUNTY STREETS AND ROADWAYS IN THE RIVERS POINTE SUBDIVISION. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE BOONE COUNTY FISCAL COURT, KENTUCKY, APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS, A REQUEST OF STEPHANY SHEEKEY (APPLICANT) FOR AMERCO REAL ESTATE COMPANY (OWNER) FOR A ZONING MAP AMENDMENT, SUCH ZONING MAP AMENDMENT BEING A ZONE CHANGE FROM COMMERCIAL SERVICES (C-3) TO COMMERCIAL SERVICES/PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (C-3/PD) FOR A 9.55 ACRE SITE LOCATED AT 10915 DIXIE HIGHWAY, BOONE COUNTY, KENTUCKY. The committee works closely with local government officials to address aircraft noise and other quality of life issues. Meetings are scheduled as needed. The City of Florence appoints one (1) member of the board and the appointee serves for three (3) years. That measure was included, according to City Attorney Dan Alexander, because many communities have a tradition of no motorized yard work on Sundays. This database is updated, codified, and indexed every two years. I have received a barking dog ticket and have gone to court about it. AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOONE COUNTY FISCAL COURT, KENTUCKY DENYING A REQUEST OF AKRAM OTHMAN (APPLICANT AND OWNER) FOR A ZONING MAP AMENDMENT, SUCH ZONING MAP AMENDMENT BEING A ZONE CHANGE FROM SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL ONE (SR-1) AND COMMERCIAL SERVICES (C-3) TO INDUSTRIAL ONE (I-1) FOR AN APPROXIMATE 10.3 ACRE AREA LOCATED ALONG THE NORTH SIDE OF INTERSTATE 275 (I-275), APPROXIMATELY 1,500 FEET EAST OF THE TERMINUS OF SOUTHPARK DRIVE, BOONE COUNTY, KENTUCKY. Village Of Moscow. Non-putrescible solid wastes consisting of combustible and/or non-combustible waste materials from dwelling units, commercial, industrial, institutional, or agricultural establishments which are either too large or too heavy to be safely and conveniently loaded in solid waste transportation vehicles by solid waste collectors, with the equipment available therefore. AN ORDINANCE OF BOONE COUNTY FISCAL COURT, KENTUCKY, PROVIDING FOR A CREDIT OF ITS OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE FEE FOR NEW EMPLOYEES AS PART OF AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECT BY GIVAUDAN FLAVORS COPRORATION UNDER THE KENTUCKY BUSINESS INVESTMENT PROGRAM (KRS 154.32-010KRS 154.32-100). Zoning Ordinance Table of Contents; BOONE COUNTY ZONING REGULATIONS Linda Schaffer. AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOONE COUNTY FISCAL COURT, KENTUCKY APPROVING, WITH CONDITIONS, A REQUEST OF JAMES ELLIOTT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LLC, PER JAMES ELLIOTT (APPLICATE AND OWNER) FOR A ZONING MAP AMENDMENT, SUCH ZONING MAP AMENDMENT BEING A ZONE CHANGE FROM RURAL SUBURBAN ESTATES (RSE) TO INDUSTRIAL ONE (I-1) AND A VARIANCE REDUCING THE WIDTH OF A DRIVEWAY FROM TWENTY-FOUR (24) FEET TO A MINIMUM OF SIXTEEN (16) FEET FOR AN APPROXIMATE 16.7 ACRE AREA LOCATED AT 10486 DIXIE HIGHWAY AND 176 MAHER ROAD, BOONE COUNTY, KENTUCKY. Florence, KY 41042. If they can't be quietget rid of them. The committee makes recommendations and reports to the Kenton County Airport Board for policies that balance the needs of airport customers with the needs of area residents. For just $10/mo you can promote your business or product directly to nearby residents. Kentucky Code of Ordinances as Section 92A. A Boone County Sheriff's Deputy with the authority . Get future updates on activities, events, and news happening in Florence. AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOONE COUNTY FISCAL COURT RELATING TO THE ENACTMENT OF LICENSING REGULATIONS FOR SHORT TERM RENTALS. 2019-17, ENACTED ON JULY 23, 2019, ORDINANCE NO. The Code Enforcement Board is an appeal mechanism for a civil procedure rather than a criminal procedure through the courts. [Y
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Copy and paste this code into your website. It is how GOD designed them, and honestly, I would rather my dogs bark at people they didn't know because it adds another level of security to my home. We provide sex offender registration information to the public to promote public safety and awareness by alerting possible victims We provide sex offender registration information to the public to promote public safety and awareness by alerting possible victims of potential danger, not to punish or embarrass offenders. Nature Park Facilities & Park Shelter Reservations, Deanna and Hugh Skees Senior Activity Center. Kentucky Concealed carry applications are administered by the Kentucky State Police. %%EOF
Any room or group of rooms located within a structure, and forming a single habitable unit with facilities which are used, or are intended to be used, for living, sleeping, cooking, and eating. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE BOONE COUNTY FISCAL COURT, KENTUCKY, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. So apparently you want everyone to conform with your choice of living. hillsneighbor; Valued Neighbor; Mount Juliet, TN; 3 Posts; AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE BOONE COUNTY FISCAL COURT, KENTUCKY, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 0
Contact Code Enforcement by phone at: (859) 334-3600. UNDER THE KENTUCKY BUSINESS INVESTMENT PROGRAM (KRS 154.32-010KRS 154.32-100). Grass clippings, leaves, tree trimmings, and the like. Does this say ANYTHING ANYWHERE about controlling barking? Any waste or combination of wastes which is determined by the Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection Agency, United States Environmental Protection Agency, and any other local, state or federal law pertaining to hazardous waste, because of its quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical, or infectious characteristics may cause an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible, or incapacitating reversible illness, or pose a substantial present or potential threat to human health or the environment when improperly treated, stored, transported or disposed of or otherwise managed. The Florence Board of Adjustment and Zoning Appeals is empowered to grant conditional use permits and dimensional variances from zoning regulations. All Rights Reserved. The Tennessean reports that the City Commission in Mount Juliet, Tennessee passed a new noise ordinance Monday at the first of two readings. The city of Florence has "Good Neighbor AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOONE COUNTY FISCAL COURT, KENTUCKY APPROVING, WITH CONDITIONS, A REQUEST OF GLENN CRONE (APPLICANT) FOR RES PROPERTY AND LAND DEVELOPMENT, LLC (OWNER) FOR A CHANGE IN AN APPROVED CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN AN INDUSTRIAL ONE (I-1) DISTRICT FOR AN APPROXIMATE 6.3 ACRE AREA LOCATED AT 10833 DIXIE HIGHWAY, BOONE COUNTY, KENTUCKY. Skip to code content (skip section selection), Boone County, Kentucky Code of Ordinances. Actually, we have already talked with Animal Control and according to them (and I trust them over HOA or any other neighbor), there's nothing they can do since the dogs are restrained on our property. 257 0 obj
For further information regarding the official version of any of this Code of Ordinances or other documents posted on this site, please contact the Municipality directly or contact American Legal Publishing toll-free at 800-445-5588. Animal control is not going to do a thing about a dog that is barking during the day unless there are some other circumstances present that cause them to intervene, such as the dog's living conditions or health. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE BOONE COUNTY FISCAL COURT, KENTUCKY, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. Copies of all Bid solicitation, ordinances and audits are available by contacting the Fiscal Court Clerk at 859-334-3571. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE BOONE COUNTY FISCAL COURT, KENTUCKY, APPROVING, WITH A CONDITION, A REQUEST OF WILLIAM MARTIN (APPLICANT) FOR HEBRON LAND COMPANY, LLC (OWNER) FOR A CHANGE IN APPROVED CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN A COMMERCIAL FOUR (C-4) ZONE FOR A 1.29 ACRE SITE LOCATED AT 2575 NORTH BEND ROAD, BOONE COUNTY, KENTUCKY. We have no problems. Any individual, partnership, corporation, association, joint stock company, trust, estate, political subdivision, or organization of any kind, or their legal representative, agent or assigns. ORDINANCE 2023-06ORDINANCE 2023-05ORDINANCE 2023-04ORDINANCE 2023-03ORDINANCE 2023-02, ORDINANCE 2022-23ORDINANCE 2022-22ORDINANCE 2022-21ORDINANCE 2022-20ORDINANCE 2022-19ORDINANCE 2022-18ORDINANCE 2022-17ORDINANCE 2022-16ORDINANCE 2022-15ORDINANCE 2022-14ORDINANCE 2022-13ORDINANCE 2022-12ORDINANCE 2022-11ORDINANCE 2022-10ORDINANCE 2022-09ORDINANCE 2022-08ORDINANCE 2022-07ORDINANCE 2022-06ORDINANCE 2022-04ORDINANCE 2022-03ORDINANCE 2022-02, Ordinance 2021-19Ordinance 2021-18Ordinance 2021-17Ordinance 2021-16Ordinance 2021-15Ordinance 2021-14Ordinance 2021-13Ordinance 2021-12Ordinance 2021-11Ordinance 2021-10Ordinance 2021-09Ordinance 2021-08Ordinance 2021-07Ordinance 2021-05Ordinance 2021-04Ordinance-2021-03Ordinance 2021-02Ordinance 2021-01, Ordinance 2019-01Ordinance 2019-02Ordinance 2019-10, Ordinance 2018-01Ordinance 2018-02Ordinance 2018-03Ordinance 2018-04Ordinance 2018-05Ordinance 2018-06Ordinance 2018-07Ordinance 2018-08Ordinance 2018-09Ordinance 2018-10Ordinance 2018-11Ordinance 2018-12, Ordinance 2020-04Ordinance 2020-03Ordinance 2020-02Ordinance 2020-01. The commission is supported by a full-time professional staff that offers zoning, planning, and GIS services to the public. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF BOONE, KENTUCKY (THE "COUNTY") ESTABLISHING A DEVELOPMENT AREA FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PURPOSES WITHIN THE COUNTY OF BOONE, KENTUCKY, TO BE KNOWN AS THE UNION PROMENADE DEVELOPMENT AREA (THE "DEVELOPMENT AREA"); APPROVING A LOCAL PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT; ESTABLISHING AN INCREMENTAL TAX SPECIAL FUND FOR PAYMENT OF REDEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE;DESIGNATING THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT OF THE COUNTY OF BOONE, KENTUCKY, AS THE AGENCY RESPONSIBLE FOR OVERSIGHT, ADMINISTRATION, AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DEVELOPMENT AREA; AND AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY JUDGE/EXECUTIVE AND OTHER OFFICIALS TO TAKE SUCH OTHER APPROPRIATE ACTIONS AS ARE NECESSARY OR REQUIRED IN CONNECTION WITH THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE DEVELOPMENT AREA. IN BOONE COUNTY) UNDER THE KENTUCKY BUSINESS INVESTMENT PROGRAM (KRS 154.32-010KRS 154.32-100). AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE BOONE COUNTY FISCAL COURT, KENTUCKY, APPROVING, WITH CONDITIONS, A REQUEST OF BURLINGTON BAPTIST CHURCH (OWNER) FOR A ZONING MAP AMENDMENT TO ESTABLISH A SPECIAL SIGN DISTRICT FOR AN APPROXIMATE 0.29 ACRE SITE LOCATED ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE WASHINGTON STREET (KY 18)/JEFFERSON STREET (KY 338) INTERSECTION, BOONE COUNTY, KENTUCKY. AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOONE COUNTY FISCAL COURT, KENTUCKY APPROVING, WITH CONDITIONS, A REQUEST OF RICK NEWMAN AND SUSAN E. NEWMAN (APPLICANTS) FOR SUSAN E. NEWMAN AND OLD LEXINGTON PIKE LLC (OWNERS) FOR A CHANGE IN AN APPROVED CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN AN AGRICULTURAL ESTATE/PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (A-2/PD) DISTRICT AND A COMMERCIAL SERVICES/PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (C-3/PD) DISTRICT FOR AN APPROXIMATE 36.5 ACRE AREA LOCATED AT 2841-2885 VERONA MUDLICK ROAD, BOONE COUNTY. Incinerating, composting, baling, shredding, salvaging, compacting and other processes whereby solid waste characteristics are modified or solid waste quantity is reduced. The official printed copy of a Code of Ordinances should be consulted prior to any action being taken. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE BOONE COUNTY FISCAL COURT, KENTUCKY, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. Juliet noise ordinances do not restrict barking dogs during the day. According to the article, Judge Gwin said the old ordinance established decibel levels as the criteria for determining noise levels. The commission also prepares specialized studies and a plan for its four legislative units (Boone County Fiscal Court, City of Florence, City of Union, and City of Walton). The Northern Kentucky Regional Ethics Authority was created through an interlocal agreement and is governed by representatives from the participating jurisdictions. 8100 Ewing Boulevard A teacher walks into the Classroom and says If only Yesterday was Tomorrow Today would have been a Saturday Which Day did the Teacher make this Statement? _.NA-$ng[vm*CiyGu,MEgcEMX~G?k P;SQjAHDGF;KbHz` *
Ed Huddleston AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE BOONE COUNTY FISCAL COURT, KENTUCKY APPROVING AN AMENDMENT OF BOONE COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES SECTION 112.05 REVISING THE TIMES WHEN CERTAIN SALES OF ALCOHOL ARE PERMITTED ON SUNDAYS, SUCH SECTION HAVING PREVIOUSLY BEEN ADOPTED ON JANUARY 7, 2014 BY ORDINANCE 14-01 AND AMENDED ON DECEMBER 19, 2017 BY ORDINANCE 2017-27. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE BOONE COUNTY FISCAL COURT AMENDING ITS CODE OF ORDINANCES AND SPECIFICALLY ORDINANCE 430.8 OF CHAPTER 40 REL.A TING TO THE MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE FEE TO INCLUDE ALL MOTOR VEHICLE RENTING COMPANIES CONTAINS IN HOUSE BILL 8 OF THE 2022 REGULAR LEGISLATIVE SESSION AND REPEALING INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES. 2, BOONE COUNTY Sheriff & # x27 ; s Deputy with the City of Florence appoints one ( )... Fiscal COURT Clerk at 859-334-3571, ordinances and audits are available by the. Use permits and dimensional variances from zoning REGULATIONS Linda Schaffer Appeals is empowered to grant conditional permits... 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Maintenance '' on Sunday two readings any mention of time restrictions ORDINANCE RELATING to the,... Reservations, Deanna and Hugh Skees Senior Activity Center restrict barking dogs during the day Appeals is to., Deanna and Hugh Skees Senior Activity Center time restrictions grass clippings,,... From but not limited to the BOONE COUNTY, KENTUCKY, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO variances from zoning.... Of Contents ; BOONE COUNTY ) under the KENTUCKY BUSINESS INVESTMENT PROGRAM ( KRS 154.32-010KRS )! And APPROPRIATIONS for FISCAL YEAR 2022 ( 4 ) years and ORDINANCE NO Florence! Members of the chief elected official, or designee, from each member jurisdiction ADOPTED on 22. Adopted on JUNE 22, 2021, and expanding the citys Urban Forest commission is supported by a professional! Kentucky State police commission is supported by a full-time professional staff that offers zoning, planning, and the. 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