Its important we have control over their character and education, their mother said in a clip of the show. Jacob Stockdale, who was convicted of murdering his mother and younger brother, was only a teen when he appeared on Season 4 of the popular ABC show "Wife Swap" in 2008. 25-year-old Jacob Stockdalethe next to youngest son of the Stockdale Family and the Stockdale Family Bandtook what is believed to be a 20-gauge shotgun from the family gun cache, and shot both his 54-year-old mother Kathryn Stockdale, and his 21-year-old brother James Stockdale, before turning the gun on himself just as the police arrived, inflicting a gunshot wound that currently has Jacob in critical condition at theMetroHealth Medical Center in Cleveland, OH. Eldest son Calvin Stockdale described his brother, James, as an aspiring entertainment businessman who was working on a business degree. His condition is still critical. Something tells me that might be a possibility, which I would say might have a huge contribution to this incidentamongst other things Im sureanyways, just a thought. I think that dating has physical dangers like pregnancy. The American version of the programme has been on air since 2004, and first broadcast on ABC. And when I went out after him, I asked him what was wrong, and he said that his mom and dad would tell him that he would burn in hell., Tonkovic believes that the extreme strictness of the Stockdale household pushed Jacob to murder. The National Read Across America Day takes place every year on March 2, Geisels birthday. It has been called Dr. Seuss Day because of this. The family declined to speak during the sentencing but requested the judge to be lenient. And misfortune further hit this family in 2009 when patriarch, Ryan Stockdale, was diagnosed with Chronic Intractable Cluster Headaches, a condition that would cost $100,000 to correct. She had a strong love of learning and was passionate about her Christian faith, natural health, and organic farming." We do not allow any cussing, Katherine Stockdale said of her family. The family has experienced one of the most unfortunate events after one of their own decided to end the lives of other innocent family members. It would take more than two years before Jacobs trial began. The Stockdales were memorable because of their strict Christian faith and because they had formed a band together, describing themselves as a "wholesome family bluegrass band". On June 15, 2017, Jacob Stockdale fatally shot his 54-year-old mother, Kathryn, and his youngest brother, 21-year-old James. Again, thank you for your article. The reason we have such deep insight into the family life of the otherwise walled-off Stockdale Family home was due to cameras being allowed into the home as part of the ABC series Wife Swap, which visited the Stockdale Farm in 2008 to tape an episode. Being a farm, homeschooling, bluegrass band family, we enjoy a lot of common experiences, but we have to chalk the Wife Swap adventure as the grand family bonding experience for the Stockdales for which we will never be the same, Kathy Stockdale told Bluegrass Today in 2008. As they cautiously moved in on the grisly scene, they heard a gunshot. It also featured their father, Tim. He changed into sentenced to 30 years in jail for murdering his own family. Stockdale/Tonkovic: Directed by Jrg Fockele, Dave Hamilton. Theres some speculation Well continue to investigate this case and try to determine the motive.. Calvin Stockdale released a statement on behalf of the family, saying: James, our youngest brother, has always been a catalyst of family fun. Police haven't released any information about a possible motive. The Stockdale Family Band continued to be an active ensemble, even as the two remaining younger sons grew into their 20s. Its that zombie, herd mentality, just like the Obama worshippers were. The conclusion should be that tragedy and mental illness can strike anywhere, at any time, and where you least suspect it, even in the most idyllic of environments. Good luck with that. I was always impressed with their talents and musical abilities. The media seems to hype up everything and not even know if it is factual or not. That is why when an evangelist is ousted for an affair, it is a calamity in the news but Al Sharpton can screw over the people he is supposed to be serving without even a peep from the media. The band features her husband, Tim, and their four sons Calvin, Charles, Jacob and James. She loved nothing more than being a mother and grandmother," Timothy Stockdale said in a statement. But what I dont want to see is a stigma hang over bluegrass family bands, or family bands in general just because of this incident or any other. James loved his family and friends the most. 7:04 am. I hope they all get some help. Wife Swap: Stockdale Andrew Suhl 01:44 On their now-defunct band website, Jacob was described as "the man in the middle, who sees the important things" (via News 5 Cleveland). My sons and I continue to love Jacob,Timothy had previously said. He then turned the gun on himself and is currently in critical condition. Remember, you only hear about the very few families that went wrong not the million of families that didnt. Timothy Stockdale described his wife as "passionate about her Christian faith" and devoted to health and organic farming. Thats how my brother-in-laws parents are. Cast: Charles Stockdale, James Stockdale, Timothy Stockdale, Calvin Stockdale, Kathryn Stockdale, and Jacob Stockdale. The same as the Obama worshipers were. Damn, Honky. Kathy Stockdale is both the matriarch of her brood, and the manager of their bluegrass group, The Stockdale Family Band. While the Tonkovics were mellow and flexible, the Stockdales were not. I would lean towards repressed anger and urges all coming out at once. It became a household name thanks to its appearance on reality television shows such as Extreme Home Makeover and Wife swap. People enjoyed them and thought they were good. Wow, if my comment is considered whining, youre initial frustration you noted is damn near an emotional breakdown. Investigators believe that . We had one. Late Friday morning Timothy Stockdale, father and husband of the family, issued the following statement regarding his late wife, Kathy Stockdale: Kathy has been my beloved wife of 32 years. CountryKnight To say that this incident was because of the upbringing and lifestyle of these kids is highly prejudicial and reeks of jumping to conclusions before any facts are known. She had a strong love of learning and was passionate about her Christian faith, natural health, and organic farming., Eldest brother Calvin Stockdale also released a statement, saying, James, our youngest brother, has always been a catalyst of family fun. New Ashley McBryde Song Light On In The Kitchen, Mo Pitney Tributes JD Crowe with Old Home Place, New Adam Hood Song You Love Me Like That, Channing Wilson Crazy Over You (Official Performance Video), Larry Sparks, Mamas Apron Strings (Video), Bella White Break My Heart (Official Video), Johnn Cash Ragged Old Flag Feature from Super Bowl, New Shefton Kash Song Forevers Not As Long As It Used To Be, Kaitlin Butts What Else Can She Do (Official Music Video), New Andrew Scott Willis Song Never Dont, Lainey Wilson Covers Rolling Stones You Cant Always Get What You Want, God, Family, Bluegrass, & Murder: Inside the Life of the Stockdale Family Band, Album Review Amanda Fields What, When and Without, Country Rapper Katie Noel Goes Viral with Southern (A Rant). The majority of their fans remember them for various hits such as Wanted and The Chosen Few. According to Yahoo, the family lived in seclusion on a farm in order to protect the boys from what they believed to be negative influences. The Whittaker inbred family story: Everything you should know. They were not repressedthey came and went as they wanted and were really in charge of the band. Makes no sense to me. Hard to comment on this story, in a thoughtful and sensitive manner anyhow. There appears to be no relation between the two Stockdale families. His older brothers had long moved out of the Stork County home when this incident happened. This makes the total number of years hes likely to stay under bars 30. As much as they would probably like to engage in the Outside World, they couldnt deal with it because of the constant guilt & fear that they are failing their parents. Timothy later told the press that he and his brothers continued to love Jacob and that they would give their full support to the law enforcement authorities. News 5 Cleveland reports that Timothy, Calvin, Charles, James, and Jacob performed together under the name of The Stockdale Family Band. My heart goes out to the whole family, including Jacob. Shes not out there murdering her family. Kathryn had also trained her children on house chores as she had an elaborate system that saw the boys get rewarded by tokens, and once one had earned enough tokens, one would turn that in for recreational privileges. Jacob Stockdale, who murdered his mum and youngest brother, was only a teen when. No one knows why it happened. 10:34 am. More than 200 people turned out for the event, said Calvin Stockdale '10, one of the project's board . The parents homeschooled the boys and banned TV, video games, dating, and cussing. Is it a pray about it, everything will be fine kind of mentality? I feel for the rest of the family. The second week, the wives would implement their own rules in the hopes that each family could learn from the other. Maybe it happened for a reason that has yet to receive speculation. My totally uneducated guess would be that there was some undigagnosed or otherwise ignored psychological instability. It is a tragedy for the community," the sheriff said. Eldest son Calvin Stockdale described his brother, James, as an aspiring music businessman with an "innate love of people." He released a statement Friday saying the family "appreciates the prayers and support we are . STARK COUNTY, Ohio The Stark County Sheriff's Office says the motive behind a double murder and attempted suicide involving a Beach City family is still unknown. We relate differently in that we have even more and deeper collective experiences where we overcame obstacles and accomplished a giant task together. Calvin, Jacob . The Stockdales also home-schooled their sons in order to control their influences.. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. This Stockdale family won many fans after a suitable home was built for their four young children, who suffer from a rare white blood cell disease. 1:22 pm, CountryKnight [The chart also] addresses attitudes, mother Kathryn Stockdale said in 2008. Authorities waited for Jacob to heal from his extensive injuries before charging him with two murder counts. He lived in a very controlled environment really wasnt allowed to do anything. The Stockdale Family Band consisted of five members of the family, Timothy, Jacob, James, Charles, and Calvin, who all played their part. The Stockdale family appeared on the aforementioned reality show back in 2008. In the past, Calvin has also been known as Calvin J Stockdale and Calvin John Stockdale. According to ABC News 5, the bands now-defunct website described James as the man in the middle, who sees the important things he adds a great measure to the band with his compelling bass and tenor harmony vocals combined with his devotion to his instrument and attention to detail, he keeps the standard high for himself and the band.. This is just so very sad. The Dawn Theater celebrated its completed rehabilitation with a private grand opening on Saturday, Feb. 19. Late Friday morning Timothy Stockdale, father and husband of the family, issued the following statement regarding his late wife, Kathy Stockdale: "Kathy has been my beloved wife of 32 years and a wonderful mother to our four sons. *The brothers were part of a family bluegrass band (the Stockdale Family Band) and were featured on an episode of Wife Swap back in 2008 And I was of her type of mindset at the time! Moreover, they were not allowed to have friends and the kids had to work to earn tokens to get access to simple items such as a radio. Dont really want to get into that part of it. Jacob needed specialized care to survive what looked like a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Im certain they could see the crowds of happy people and hear the applause. Timothy Stockdale said in a statement Friday that his beloved wife of 32 years was a wonderful mother to their four sons. I hope the young man survives. The Stockdale Family Band began performing publicly around 2006, after regularly playing music inside the home during the early years of the family. This week on Reasonable Doubt, the team takes on the Raul and Cathy Sarinana were sentenced to death for abusing Would love your thoughts, please comment. Could it also have been just a mental disorder? Officers found 25-year-old Jacob Stockdale with an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head and also found 54-year-old Kathryn Stockdale and 21-year-old James Stockdale dead. She added that they did not know how to let go and enjoy being kids. The killer spent a year undergoing medical treatment and rehabilitation for brain and head injuries. Calvin said, James, our youngest brother, has always been a catalyst of family fun. 20 tokens would allow you to be able to listen to a family friendly-approved radio show, for example. 5. Jacob Stockdale twice tried to escape from custody before his scheduled trial and sentencing. The brothers were homeschooled at the time, according to the segment. Free will, they didnt have. What happened to the Stockdale family? "James, our youngest brother, has always been a catalyst of family fun," Calvin Stockdale revealed in a statement on June 16. In other words, did they know about some mother would be sent to them who would be the most exact opposite of their family the shows producers could find? Wife Swap played up the restrictive environment for the cameras. The first week, they would follow the rules of the original family. If the world hasnt figured out the plague that started conquering in the 630s by now, it never will. They swapped with The Tonkovics - a laid-back family that consists of mum Laurie, dad John, their son T-Vic and daughter Meghan. All that to say, the majority of families like that (and there are more than you might think) turn out excellent, productive members of society. He was bleeding profusely but was still alive. Jacob - who featured on the US version of Wife Swap in 2008 alongside his . Also, the world loves to see people that strive to do better to fall. 10:08 am. Thank you for an accurate and factual account. They were searching for a bluegrass family band specifically, and one that held strong faith-based traditional values to contrast with the other family to swap with. On September 26th, Everett was ordained and installed as pastor at Hillsdale OPC, through Grace Reformed, the mother church in Walkerton, IN. He said, She [Kathryn] had a strong love of learning and was passionate about her Christian faith, natural health, and organic farming.. Years later, there would be speculation that this tough lifestyle would lead Jacob Stockdale to turn a gun on his family. The Stockdale family was doing well until a tragic turn of events happened. In recent times, it has made headlines because of the unfortunate events in the family. According to the website, after older siblings Calvin and Charles moved out of Stark County, the band became a four-man ensemble. They werent allowed to make choices. Though they did not place this year, Calvin Stockdale added that his wife Katie Stockdale makes singing together fun. 6:48 pm. To take a chance of exposing your children to someone who does NOT believe anything like you do. Something went wrong, please try again later. Jacob was later found to be sane at the time of the murders and competent to stand trial (per TheNetline). Jacob is currently incarcerated at the Chillicothe Correctional Institution to the south of Columbus, Ohio. CountryKnight This was years after the Stockdales had appeared on Season 4 of the popular TV show "Wife Swap." It is our hope that this arrest offers some closure to the Stockdale family and the entire family, Sheriff George Maier said. Authorities didnt provide a motive for Jacobs assassination of his mother and brother. Jacob tried to escape twice from the hospital: First in November 2019 by hiding between book stacks and second in December 2019 by trying to blend with people walking out of the institution. A Go Fund Me page has been set up for the family. But the woman who swapped places with Jacob's mother for a 2008 episode of Wife Swap has a chilling theory. Since their exit from the music industry, many people have been craving to know what they are up to. While support is appreciated we ask for privacy while our family deals with this tragic loss.. Such a great family, and very free spirited. Even if they did, that does not invalidate raising families that are organized and disciplined, or even those that might insulate themselves. I think it just caught up to him., Where is Carl Lentz now? The father and leader of the Stockdale Family Band, Timothy Stockdale, was also not home at the time of the killings. The Stockdale family, who appeared on 'Wife Swap' in 2008, is at the center of a murder investigation after one of their sons allegedly killed his mother and brother details . I would love to know the boys motives for wanting to do that show. Watch Live: Closing arguments underway in double murder trial of Alex Murdaugh, Top McCarthy aide, House Oversight chair each met with Ashli Babbitt's mother, Garland testifies before Senate panel amid ongoing special counsel probes, Ex-Georgia star Jalen Carter was racing in deadly crash, arrest warrants allege, Fiery train crash in Greece kills dozens, many of them students. Was a wonderful mother to their four sons Calvin, Charles, Jacob and James the.! Band began performing publicly around 2006, after regularly playing music inside the during! Wanting to do better to fall first broadcast on ABC Dawn Theater celebrated its rehabilitation! The gun on himself and is currently incarcerated at the Chillicothe Correctional Institution to the website after! The father and leader of the family declined to speak during the early years of the.. Jacobs assassination of his mother and grandmother, '' Timothy Stockdale, and cussing active ensemble even. 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