Archery/Bow Elk Hunts - Unit 13 & Unit 17. Find high points where you can sit and glass a lot of territory.". Hunt Dates: September 1st - September 24th. first time hunting new mex and cant wait!! After confirming the presence of deer in the canyon, I decided to set up for a more thorough search. Those are both good quality pieces of glass, but I wanted something better suited for glassing mule deer in such wide open country. Within a few minutes, all three does disappeared as they bedded down for the morning. Shortly after arriving back at the lodge, guests will be served a fantastic home cooked dinner. After lunch and a short midday rest, we are back at it chasing gobblers until the last rays of sunlight disappear. Darveau's statewide perspective on mule deer population and antler growth means he knows the best places to try for a tag. Nice to actually hear how a hunt went that someone was asking advice for. The type of hunt you are looking for and which species you desire will dictate as to what we would suggest you apply for. As Gruben mentioned, "Hunting on either side of the Jicarilla in the northwestern section of the state, you'll find some public lands and private lands with good mule deer populations in the Santa Fe and the Cibola national forests that benefit from the game management program of the Jicarilla. Being I live in MN, scouting is obviously an issue. I hunted 36 for deer a few years ago and couldnt locate a decent buck.aka anything bigger than a fork horn. Tackle Test 2022: Top Bass Rods & Reels Reviewed, It's Tick Season. The larger of the two bucks was a big bodied, heavy racked 67 that was quite possibly the largest buck Ive ever seen in person. New tag allocation rounding rules will be in effect for 2020 ( More details ). We are licensed by the New Mexico National Forests, Bureau of Land Management Districts, and the New Mexico State Land office, so we can hunt in any unit that you desire. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Good luck. 2023 Season Dates May Change Slightly. Pro Tracker. Big Game Hunting, Elk, Mule Deer, Hog Hunting, Landowner Tags, Outfitters, & Guides features hunting trips, fishing trips and adventure Colorado Unit 33/34/35/36/45/361 Deer Tags, Colorado Unit 41/42/421 Deer Tags for Sale, Colorado Unit 79 Elk Landowner Tags for Sale, New Mexico Unit 31 Antelope Tags for Sale, Utah South Slope Diamond Mountain Deer Tags, Utah South Slope Diamond Mountain Elk Tags, Utah Central Mountains Manti Tags for Sale, How to Get Landowner Tags on My Ranch in Colorado, How to Get Landowner Tags on My Ranch in Nevada, How to Get Landowner Tags on My Ranch in New Mexico, How to Get Landowner Tags on My Ranch in Utah, Buena Vista, Colorado Hunting Information, Crested Butte, Colorado Hunting Information, Cripple Creek, Colorado Hunting Information, Fort Collins, Colorado Hunting Information, Glenwood Springs, Colorado Hunting Information, Grand Junction, Colorado Hunting Information, Monte Vista, Colorado Hunting Information, Silverthorne, Colorado Hunting Information, Steamboat Springs, Colorado Hunting Information, Alamogordo, New Mexico Hunting Information, Albuquerque, New Mexico Hunting Information, Farmington, New Mexico Hunting Information, Las Cruces, New Mexico Hunting Information, Las Vegas, New Mexico Hunting Information, Lordsburg, New Mexico Hunting Information, Los Alamos, New Mexico Hunting Information, Santa Rosa, New Mexico Hunting Information, Silver City, New Mexico Hunting Information, Sunland Park, New Mexico Hunting Information, Truth or Consequences, New Mexico Hunting Information, Alligator/Crocodile Hunting Guides & Outfitters, Bison/Buffalo Hunting Guides & Outfitters, Deer Blacktail Hunting Guides & Outfitters, Deer Mule Deer Hunting Guides & Outfitters, Land cover includes 50% Grassland, 33% Shrub/Scrub, 16% Evergreen Forest. Deposit. 0000000016 00000 n Guided Only 11($5,000/hunter)-This is a popular package with hunters who want a guide the entire hunt, but prefer to handle their own lodging and cooking. "I've even heard of a hunter paying $2,500 for a tag, plus paying a guide fee," added. Shortly after the sun rose I noticed a group of 8 does and fawns about 700 yards away feeding directly into the wind and moving up over the far crest of the canyon. It didnt take me long at all to realize those binoculars were absolutely perfect for that sort of work when I mounted them on a tripod. Transportation to hunting camp is the clients responsibility. Yeahcurious to know how it went as well. South-facing slopes are good glassing this time of year. High elevations are mostly forested by Douglas firs, spruces, aspens and several kinds of pines. ELD Match, and 175 gr. We will take 1-2 hunters per year on our unit 33 . The NM Mule Deer hunts are conducted from either our High 7 Ranch house, a high country cabin or tent camps depending on the unit we are hunting in. Our mule deer hunts take place on a number of different private ranches in New Mexico. . 0000074519 00000 n For more information about mule deer hunting in Arizona, go to the wildlife department website to the Where to Hunt section that gives a general breakdown of each game management unit, and highlights for where to start hunting. I hunted 36 for deer a few years ago and couldnt locate a decent buck.aka anything bigger than a fork horn. This is a wide open country with lots of glassing and long-shot opportunities. As they say, deer dont get big by being stupid. "A mulie buck that scores more than 160 points in southern New Mexico will be considered a nice buck," he advised. The chief mountain ranges are mostly rough with some sheer white cliffs and require cross country hiking, but many elk and deer hunters drive roads to find game and sometimes take remarkably big animals. 505-490-3997. In the years that we have been doing these hunts we have never had anything remotely close to any incident. We can apply up to four per application. Posts: 1,119. el paso, tx. 0000296158 00000 n Rifle Strip hunts usually are for a 10-day season, with archery ones for 21 days. Your shooting opportunity with a bow will be 50 percent, with 50 percent of those harvesting a mule deer. Because of population declines, harvests of mule deer have also declined; deer harvests (mostly mule deer), estimated to be as high as 55,000 in 1960, declined to <10,000 in 2013. 0000215822 00000 n I am friends with the owners of Timber Tactic Outfitters and they have a great ranch in New Mexico.It will be in 37 on a Private ranch. "We're hoping in 2017 for about the same type of mule deer season that we had last year," Gruben emphasized. Thanks for the info guys! Then I carefully raised my rangefinder and checked the distance to the buck: 227 yards. Barboa mentioned that the Sandia Mountains close to Albuquerque in the Cibola National Forest home some nice mule deer bucks. The last time I was there the area was pretty heavy with elk and I only saw one muley. . 2023 New Mexico Unit 16E Rifle/MZ Unit Wide Tag. The trophy mule deer hunts in September offer the option of a combo archery elk and mule deer packages. As you can see in the photo below (the arrow points to the bucks location), I needed to shoot from a sitting position. The hunting methods vary from spot & stalk to sitting over water holes. All 5 day deer hunts will be based out of wall tents, cabin lodging, or modern camping trailers. Try to find waters sources to help with your hunting experience. Click an image to open the gallery. What follows are some of the better options for hunters in Arizona and New Mexico, along with insight from local experts that know what it takes to tag out. This is the hunt and vacation that you really will want to come back to each year. Advertise With Us. "With numerous water sources, the Kaibab Plateau is one of the highest producing mule deer places and contains four top units 12A east, 12A west, 13A and 13B.". During the early archery season, scout for elk near Padilla Peak, the Capitan Mountain Wilderness, Hoe Cradle Canyon, south of Ancho and the mountains near White Oaks. Even with all the effort involved I still felt great: I just shot my first mule deer on a self-guided hunt on public land. Thanks. Thanks for the follow up. Any five (5) days from September 19 to December 14, 2023, Any five (5) days from December 15, 2023 to January 31, 2024. Yeahcurious to know how it went as well. 0000168540 00000 n Personal defense in the hunting woods could involve taking down a charging bear. I consulted my map and saw that they were heading to another, smaller canyon on the other side of that ridge. Knowing that myNew Mexico mule deer hunt was nearing an end one way or another, I figured I had nothing to lose by following them. For your convenience, you can pay your hunt deposit, securely, online. The hill behind him exploded with dust and the buck disappeared from view. Refunds are not issued for emergencies, early departures, weather related delays or events. As I got my rifle ready, I pondered the next problem I had to deal with before shooting: how long would I have to wait for that buck to stand up and give me a good shot? New Mexico Unit 34 Mule Deer. . Hornady's Seth Swerczek goes in depth about the new cartridge with Game & Fish Editorial Director Adam Heggenstaller at SHOT Show 2023 in Las Vegas. Anotheroption for those that are unsuccessful in the draw, or who have missed the draw deadline, is to purchase a landowner elk tag. Private Land Mule Deer Hunt #1 This hunt is located out of Vaughn, New Mexico on the Vicente Ranch. hunting has been slow here in NM. The Model 336 is expected to be launched soon; the Model 1894 should launch this spring. Find water and work your way out from there. Didnt think about that. "The Strip gets some snow and rainfall and features gentle terrain and numbers of aspen trees," Darveau mentioned. October 21-25, 2023October 28 to November 1, 2023November 4-8, 2023. The ranch lays in GMU 10 in the central part of New Mexico. The terrain in this unit is very different from what I was used to in east Texas and western Washington. When I closely examined my surroundings to plan out my shot I noticed a problem though: the vegetation between us prevented the use of the prone shooting position. We lease and control access to over 500,000 acres of land in this unit. Mule Deer bucks average 160, and we have taken many trophies in the 180 range on these hunting properties. Sahid Nagar, Bhubaneswar, 754206 This hunt will be during the regular . Maps for New Mexico Hunting Units Select a hunting unit from the dropdown menu or click a unit on the map below. As I focused in on that spot, I saw something move again. xbbbd`b``H` t f "More than likely, you won't see a lot of mule deer there, but you'll see some nice shooter bucks. It was an incredible adventure and I wouldnt have wanted my New Mexico mule deer hunt to have gone any other way. One of the best things about hunting in unit 34, unit 36 or unit 37 is the number of shot opportunities hunters will have on any of the Guided bow, muzzleloader or rifle hunts. In New Mexico, all our big game tags, except mountain lions and bears, are on the draw system. Once my mind realized what I was looking at, a deer head with antlers attached to it suddenly materialized behind a brush pile. Remember that you have three choices and can mix and match units, weapon types, and time frames. I realized I was looking at a buck that had been bedded there the whole time! Hunted this unit last week. 0000239090 00000 n "This land has been producing nice mule deer bucks due to the private lands there that the bucks can use for sanctuary when hunting pressure becomes really heavy," Barboa noted. I drew a early season rifle tag for the southern part of NM and have spoke to the wildlife biologist, private land specialist and regional person down there. S`,VBA2:Di@"V) O8M#E}N% 2h: N^9H@Hk!I-hC|PASka s`n After packing up all my gear, I made my way across the canyon to the buck. This is a short video that I made from stills from my iPhone on November 8th, 2020. What are realistic expectations as far as antler size and deer numbers? The ratio of hunters/guide shall be 2/1, unless 1/1 guide service arranged. By the last week of the season, bulls are more likely to answer bugles and sometimes can be lured close enough for a bow shot. The search function under the forums tab can help with some early season mule deer questions. Menu. Hey guys drew a tag or mule deer in September with a bow. You are using an out of date browser. 0000003716 00000 n It was voted the Best Ocean View in the World out of 500, and is #1 of the Top 10 list by National Geographic. But if you draw a January archery tag, that mule deer buck may score from 180- to 200-plus points in Unit 2B.". In January the mule deer are rutting, giving hunters excellent opportunities are trophy bucks. Email Address. Available in 180- and 200-grain sizes. As Darveau mentioned, Arizona "doesn't have a huge density of mule deer in other places like we do in The Strip. After the restaurant closed, the antlers went back to the garage until they were placed in an Oregon storage unit for eight years until the head and the .270 was given to Clifton's son. Recommended Articles . S. New Mexico Unit 12 2nd . "I'd put in for the Kaibab Plateau or more commonly what's known as The Strip with Game Management Units 12A, 13A and 13B where you'll find the biggest mule deer in Arizona," he noted. Subscriber Services. Very nice article I put in for deer this year ( in NM) but didnt get drawn I have a friend in NM and its hard for him This gave me even more confidence that this canyon held some serious potential. You can see for miles in some places though. Darveau also suggests hunting mule deer in Unit 22 with its 20 percent success rate. It was almost as if the elk where pushing out the deer if thats even a thing. After dinner, you are on your own to enjoy all the outdoor atmosphere our camp has to offer. Unit 6A/6C New Mexico Muzzleloader Mule Deer. Browning's RafÄ™ Nielsen shares details on the new X-Bolt Pro LR McMillan hunting rifle with Game & Fish Editorial Director Adam Heggenstaller at SHOT Show 2023 in Las Vegas. About Us | New Mexico Mule Deer Hunting. Hunting those NM sandhill deer is where my screen name and passion for big mule deer comes from. I gotcha. It is not unusual for us to have success calling in big bulls during the muzzleloader hunts. You agree you accept our Terms & Conditions for posting this ad. Post I have a hunt next week in unit 31 in New Mexico. 6Ym7u-k$&)%gBrj0i. "If I wanted to take a big mule deer on public lands, I'd try to draw a tag in Units 2C or 2B. FORLOH AllClima Softshell and AllClima Stretch Woven Pant Review. Unit 37 Boundaries: Beginning at the intersection of United States Highway 380 and US-54 at Carrizozo and running north along US 54 to its junction with New Mexico Highway 462 west of Ancho, then east along NM 462 to its intersection with the Southern Pacific railroad tracks, then north along the railroad tracks to Hasparos Canyon, then east down Hasparos Canyon to the eastern boundary of Lincoln County, then south along the eastern boundary of Lincoln County to its intersection with US 380, then west along US 380 to its intersection with US-54 at Carrizozo. Advertisement. Our guided mule deer hunts take place on several different private ranches in New Mexico. I skinned and quartered him on the side of that canyon then packed all the meat over 2 miles back to where I parked that morning. 0000269943 00000 n As Pereda reported, "The Strip is one of the few places in this country where a hunter can drive 100 miles on a dirt road and never encounter any type of civilization, crossroad grocery store, gas station or other conveniences.". Hunting methods are primarily spot & stalk. For those who live in New Mexico, a standard deer hunting license costs only $34. by crankbait321 Sat Nov 26, 2011 9:39 pm, Post by bowtechjwar Mon Aug 15, 2011 3:02 pm, Post About Us | 0000001506 00000 n This year I hunting in WY (unit 64) on a general tag, and thought there were more hunters than deer. Media | Within a few minutes of walking around, I found lots of fresh deer tracks and scat that convinced me that there were plenty of deer in the area. . I hunted whitetail. When I got my rifle set on the backpack and looked through the scope, he was standing up and looking directly at me. Much BLM and state land at low elevations is difficult to reach on public roads because most of the lower terrain is private. just wondering if anyone has been down on the unit recently and wondered how it was. Joseph A. Garcia's New Mexico record. $$$$. Purchasing a landowner tag significantly increases the cost of your hunt, as you will still be required to purchase the Non-Resident Elk license from the state. Since mule deer arent particularly large or tough animals, and since I knew I might have to take a longer range shot than usual, I opted for a lightweight bullet and used 165gr Barnes TTSX BT bullets (provided courtesy of Ammunition To Go). Call us and we can work on a game plan for you. Public land hunts units 28, 29, 30, 32, 34, 36 and 37. We Hunt all surrounding units plus more. WHITE OAK, AND JACKS PEAK AREA WAS REAL GOOD BUT GOT A LOT OF LION IN THERE NOT TO MANY DEER LEFT. These mule deer are what the average American mule deer hunter can only dream of. Boone & Crockett Club. 0 Optics are key to taking Arizona mule deer. Terms of Use | However, the reality of the situation quickly sunk in and I forced myself to remain calm. Our mule deer draw is somewhat higher than that outside of Units 2B and 2C where probably only 1 percent of the mule deer applications we submit get drawn. We often leave the truck at daybreak and do not return until well after dark. Drew a Unit 37 muzzleloader tag for 10/24 - 10/28. JavaScript is disabled. Game & Fish staff photo. "Each year, we'll usually find at least 10 mule deer bucks that will score 200 inches or more," Pereda noted. Hunt may be upgraded to 1 on 1 guide service for an additional charge. This hunt is located out of Vaughn, New Mexico. Ever so slowly, I put on my hearing protection (a .300 Win Mag with a muzzle brake is LOUD). Fortunately, he was standing broadside and I was ready to shoot. 0000295912 00000 n Just muzzle hunted 37. Elk live primarily in the mountains and foothills while most of the antelope occupy lowlands. In our trophy quality units, landowner tags range from $8k to $12k (price may vary). These units offer various hunting opportunities ranging from October rifle hunts to January archery hunts. The hardest part is locating them in the timber. I did not immediately notice any other deer, but I did see a couple of javelina moving at the far end of the canyon. Hunters across the Southwest should have little problem finding productive mule deer hunting areas, with some locations offering a good shot at a trophy. Eric Lundgren of Ruger, which now owns Marlin, highlights the features of both rifles with Game & Fish Editorial Director Adam Heggenstaller at SHOT Show 2023 in Las Vegas. (Clickable areas may appear inaccurately on mobile devices) Select a Hunting Unit New Mexico Game Hunting Unit 1 New Mexico Game Hunting Unit 2A New Mexico Game Hunting Unit 2B New Mexico Game Hunting Unit 2C We offer rifle, archery, and muzzleloader hunts for mule deer with an abundance of trophies on the ranches. 0000002507 00000 n This is a tranquil area in New Mexico, with painted desert canyons, pinons, juniper covers, and varying terrain. Some parts of the unit have more whitetail than mule deer. Media | This package includes 5 full days of expert guide service. Almost never see elk there when elk hunting. The rifle hunts take place in late October through mid-November. Both North & South islands. my first time there also going with c ouple guys that have hunted it before. Joined Apr 21, 2021 Messages 21. The 360 Buckhammer cartridge is designed for lever-action rifles and will be available in two Remington Core-Lokt loads. With that in mind, I knew Id need to adapt both my hunting style and gear to these conditions if I were to be successful. TexasBorn, did you have any luck? He's far from being a "trophy" buck, but I was extremely happy to have him since it was my first mule deer tag to punch. Home Hunting Information by State New Mexico Units Hunting Information New Mexico Unit 37 Hunting Information. New Mexico Game Information. . You are responsible for arriving in Hermosillo, Mexico, personal gear and weapon, and gratuities. There, they'll have about an 85 percent opportunity for a shot with a rifle and about a 70 percent chance of taking a 120- to 140-inch mule deer. 80 [-N] S. Unit 37. On another note it is a CWD unit so please take necessary action if you do harvest a buck. However, I had a good feeling that would all change after I drew that tag and started planning my New Mexico mule deer hunt. Despite declines, mule deer are still present in all 33 counties in New Mexico. Armed with that knowledge, I went back to that end of the canyon that evening. Unit 36: Ruidoso is a tourist town with shopping, a variety of restaurants, super markets, a good selection of lodging, RV camping spaces, a . Behind him exploded with dust and the buck disappeared from view or websites! To find waters sources to help with some early season mule deer in other places like we in... Kinds of pines not return until well after dark and couldnt locate a decent anything! It chasing gobblers until the last time I was looking at a buck unit is different! Whole time January the mule deer are rutting, giving hunters excellent opportunities are trophy bucks 31 in New,! The hunt and vacation that you have three choices and can mix and match units, tags! Bucks average 160, and gratuities 50 percent of those harvesting a deer. These mule deer are still present in all 33 counties in New Mexico set on backpack... 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