Note the recordsToSave: argument is declared as an array containing both the share and record objects: The app is responsible for creating and presenting the controller to the user, template code for which is outlined below: Note that the above code fragment also specifies the range of permissions that are to be provided as options within the controller user interface. Notice the role and permission for each user. Once you add the destination, tap the destination to view DestinationDetailView. bookmark, personalise your learner profile and more! With the introduction of CloudKit sharing it is now possible for individual app users to share private database records with other users. NSPersistentCloudKitContainer turns those managed objects. the main reason the SharingProvider exists: testing. Saving records is, perhaps, the most complicated operation. Is something like this (or even better) available with the new CloudKit? I'll give it a simple title-- "Sharing demos are great"-- and tap Done. For the sake of discussion, let's imagine I want to share this photo with some friends of mine. After a short wait, the post I created on Jermaine's device is now visible on this device. In fact, in a sense, youre recreating the convenience APIs. After reading this guide, you will know how to work with CloudKit, how to manage CloudKit databases to share information between devices, and how to combine Core Data with CloudKit to share data stored on the device. But in my application, I took a slightly different approach. Build apps that share data through CloudKit and Core Data Learn how to easily build apps that share data between multiple iCloud users with NSPersistentCloudKitContainer. It may be tempting to think that the above is a completely robust data sharing solution, but its not quite that simple. Launch a simulator. Every app automatically gets a default CKContainer, and a group of apps can share a custom CKContainer if permission settings allow. CloudKit prefixes your entities with CD to distinguish them from traditional CloudKit records. Can users edit their own private data in CloudKit. Tap the entry you want to update the permissions for. This allows users to share individual records from their private databases with their contacts . I'm going to start by launching my application on Jermaine's device and tapping this plus(+) sign in the upper-right corner to create a new post. This involves the creation of a CKFetchRecordsOperation object using the record ID contained within the CKShareMetadata object. With NSPersistentCloudKitContainer, applications can operate on shared objects from any Apple device. Photos supports another option for sharing: Photos shared albums create a shared collection of images. After a short wait, the post I created on Jermaine's device is now visible on this device as well. share(_ managedObjects: to share: completion:) is a new method designed to pair directly with UICloudSharingController. The first is the notion of a set of actors. An object that represents activity in a persistent CloudKit container. If I tap on it, I can see that the Edit button is disabled and the participants entry for Jermaine shows that he is a Read-Only participant on the share. Finally, I'll tap Send to send the email. When you start the sharing process later, you'll start to see data populated here if another user shares a records with you. and how that affects the types of experiences you can build. CloudKit operations provide superior control over the details of how CloudKit does its work and, perhaps more importantly, really force the developer to think carefully about network behaviors central to everything CloudKit does. All the user needs to do at this point is enter the contact details for the intended share recipient and send the message. Please note all the code has explanatory comments at the key points. Updating NSPersistentCloudKitContainer to Prepare for Share, Displaying Private Data Versus Shared Data. You ask CloudKit if theres already a record there, and if not, you create a new local CKRecord to use for the subsequent save. This snippet of code is part of a test case I wrote, to ensure that its table cells correctly indicate. NSPersistentCloudKitContainer uses a new feature in CloudKit called Record Zone Sharing, covered in more detail in the session "What's New in CloudKit." I and, if allowed, other participants can add and modify records in these shared zones. Please check your Internet connection and try again. Instead of invoking methods on NSPersistentCloudKitContainer. Differentiating private data and shared data in SwiftUI. CloudKit sharing provides a way for records contained within a private database to be shared with other app users, entirely at the discretion of the owner of that database. The method checks the persistentStore of the NSManagedObjectID that was passed in to see if its the sharedPersistentStore. Manage Settings This is new iOS 15 and allows NSPersistentCloudKitContainer to be configured to mirror persistent stores to the .shared CloudKit database. Finally, an object may not always be mutable, and individual participants can have different permissions. We call them the owner and the participants. Learn SwiftUI and take your iOS Development to the Next LevelSwiftUI Essentials iOS 16 Edition book is now available in Print ($39.99) and eBook ($29.99) editions. to write all of these tests and structure the application. CloudKit automatically configures every CloudKit-enabled app out of the box to have a public CKDatabase (all users of the app can see everything) and a private CKDatabase (each user sees only their own data). Thankfully, CloudKit is explicitly designed to handle this condition. The most amazing part is that because your data is now synced in iCloud, you can run your app on a completely different device thats signed in to the same iCloud account and see all your data! Although this adds complexity to the client, its ultimately a far better solution than having Apple come up with one of a few server-side mechanisms for conflict resolution. Next, we'll take a deep dive into the mechanics of sharing. and some of the permissions on the shared album. Generally speaking, youll be working with an NSManagedObject from your view. acceptShareInvitations(from metadata: into persistentStore: I used this method in the AppDelegeate's application, userDidAcceptCloudKitShare( with metadata:) method, to simply pass the incoming share metadata. Modern mobile application development requires a well thought-out plan for keeping user data in sync across various devices. This logic first checks to see whether the object is shared. Change tokens can be thought of like a bookmark telling you where you were before the most recent sequence of changes occurred. Open CoreDataStack.swift. This chapter has covered the basics of CloudKit sharing, a topic which will be covered further in a later chapter entitled An iOS CloudKit Sharing Example. Pauls been a developer for nearly three decades, working with many tech stacks but with a focus on Apple. At the conceptual level, you want to trigger a CloudKit record update whenever the text changes. But these three methods for conditionalizing editing, were introduced alongside our .public database support, You can use these methods in your applications. When the app comes up, youll notice the shared journal entry doesnt show up. Its intended for experienced iOS developers who are already familiar with Apples frameworks and with Swift. We can see here that Jermaine is the owner of the share that contains the post and Heather is a private participant. we have built in to NSPersistentCloudKitContainer. Build and run. If I tap on it, I can also see the participants, displayed at the bottom of the detail view controller. This is a cute trick in Swift that allows me to simply check. Each of these is mirrored to a persistent store. The next step of preparing your shared data is to enable storing your data in iCloud. Depending on what you're trying to accomplish, that might be the alternative you need. I might need to know whether or not an object is shared. For the CloudKit functionality, Ive broken things into two classes: A lower level CloudKitNoteDatabase singleton and a higher level CloudKitNote class. CloudKit notifications arrive via the standard iOS notification mechanism. I want to send each person an invite to work on this post with me via email. Photos shared albums create a shared collection of images that other users can view and, if desired, contribute to. To understand these challenges a bit more clearly. Clash between mismath's \C and babel with russian. All of this work required accessing some metadata about the CKShare a specific post resides in. Amazing! In a more sophisticated application, you may wish to take advantage of the predicate to narrow the scope of a particular CKQuerySubscription, and you may wish to review the other subscription types available under CloudKit, such as CKDatabaseSuscription. In this example case, its only going to be one note record, but its not hard to see how this could be extended to a range of different record types and instances. You can download the completed project files by clicking the Download Materials button at the top or bottom of the tutorial. As I mentioned, the SharingProvider includes a number of other important methods for the sample application, and I encourage you to check out their implementations and the tests I wrote for how they impact the user interface. Because of this, when the app launches and you sync with iCloud, the data you have in iCloud synchronizes with your device and automatically displays. NSPersistentCloudKitContainer automatically syncs. In addition to sending a share link, the app must also be adapted to accept a share and fetch the record for the shared cloud database. And you can see it's a bit more complicated than the simple injection I used in the test. This is your Destination entity in Core Data. we need to identify two crucial concepts for sharing. how to share data between devices using CloudKit databases and the UIKit framework. To improve the app further, consider the users role and permission before allowing specific actions such as editing or deleting a record. Finally, one of the most important aspects of any operation is the qualityOfService value. Since CloudKits notifications are built on top of the iOS notification system, you have to be on the lookout for these conditions. This means that you can share objects using NSPersistentCloudKitContainer in just a few lines of code. To make it easy to build applications that use this shared data, NSPersistentCloudKitContainer has to also help us make sense of all of these objects so that we can build informative user interfaces for our users. You can read and write records, query for records that match a set of criteria, and (most importantly) receive notification of changes to any of the above. For iOS and macOS, Apple provides a robust toolkit, called CloudKit API, which allows developers targeting Apple platforms to solve this synchronization problem. Download iOS 15.0+ iPadOS 15.0+ Xcode 13.4+ watchOS 8.0+ Overview More and more people own multiple devices and use them to share digital assets or to collaborate for work. This sample app demonstrates how to use Core Data CloudKit to share photos between iCloud users. create shares for objects, and accept sharing invitations. I also had to add logic to enable or disable editing controls, depending on the permissions assigned to the current user participant. It's been my pleasure to introduce just some of the changes we've made to NSPersistentCloudKitContainer to support sharing. The UICloudSharingController is a view controller that presents standard screens for adding and removing people from a CloudKit share record. I wont go into details of such an implementation here, but an outline should suffice. Apple provides two levels of functionality in the CloudKit SDK: High level convenience functions, such as fetch(), save(), and delete(), and lower level operation constructs with cumbersome names, such as CKModifyRecordsOperation. Implicit in all of this is that CloudKit may not always be available. In Core Data, we think of our objects in terms of NSManagedObject. From this screen, you can take a few actions. How might I do that? For our purposes, a single view application containing a UITextView with the ViewController as its delegate will suffice. CloudKit, the technology behind iCloud, enables iOS apps to synchronize data across a user's devices, as well as share data between users, with solid privacy and security features built-in. Due to network latency, airplane mode, and such, CloudKit will internally handle retries and such for operations at a qualityOfService of utility or lower. Tapping that brings up the set of participants. Now, encryption with CloudKit is an at-introduction time decision. The CKFetchRecordsOperation operates on one or more records at a time. Does Cast a Spell make you a spellcaster? In this post, we will talk about zone sharing. In the event of a conflict, CloudKit gives you, in the returned CKError, three full CKRecords to work with: By looking at the modified fields of these records, you can decide which record occurred first, and therefore which data to keep. The first change I had to make was to tell NSPersistentCloudKitContainer to mirror the .shared CloudKit database to a new persistent store. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Hi. If its not shared, create the share from the destination object. Select recordName from the list and ensure the index type is Queryable. If I tap on it, I can see that the Edit button is disabled and the participants entry for Mary shows that she is a Read-Only participant on the share. However, a limitation of this was that you couldnt easily share your data with other people to contribute to it. Another user will see a different set of zones. A general guideline is to use com.company_name.bundle_identifier. Open CoreDataStack.swift. Ask with tag wwdc21-10015, Optimize your use of Core Data and CloudKit, Bring Core Data concurrency to Swift and SwiftUI, There and back again: Data transfer on Apple Watch, Build apps that share data through CloudKit and Core Data. A record? my application can access data in both stores. and the cells that correspond to unshared objects don't. The UICloudSharingController class provides a pre-built view controller which handles much of the work involved in gathering the necessary information to send a share link to another user. You can now write, read, and handle remote notifications of updates to your iCloud-stored application data using the CloudKit API. depending on whether or not they are the owner of those zones. For app developers, the situation was even worse. Here you created a CKContainer property using your persistent container store description. To change the permissions and access to this data, Apple has done all the heavy lifting for you. Each of these is mirrored to a persistent store in my application, one using the .private database scope and the other using the .shared database scope. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Sharing with one other person is interesting, but NSPersistentCloudKitContainer is designed to facilitate sharing for much larger populations. This takes you to a screen to add a recent destination you visited. CloudKit automatically creates a default zone for the private database. Select CD_Destination. Notice your shared record now has an icon indicating its shared with other users. I adopted a new method on NSPersistentCloudKitContainer to create the share. At its Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) 2019, Apple introduced the ability to add CloudKit functionality to your Core-Data-backed apps with just a few steps. To help navigate some of this complexity you can extend CKError with a few helper methods. Then, it sets the persistent store based on the scope. by tapping this person icon in the upper right. Let's get started with sharing. You would need a unique identifier for that CKRecord. In particular, following the release of the CloudKit SDK in 2014, third-party developers have a fully-featured, robust technical solution to cloud-based data sharing between devices (including macOS applications and even web-based clients.). Under the Schema section, select Indexes. Your singleton class will be responsible for each of these CloudKit operations youll use. Here I'm setting the isSharedBlock to call the contains method of the set I created. Tap the shared object to go to the detail screen. The following code, for example, fetches the record associated with a CloudKit share: Once the record has been fetched it can be presented to the user, taking necessary steps as above to perform any user interface updates asynchronously on the main thread. The actual CKRecordID is a bit more complicated in that it includes the zoneID. Once youre in this section, you need to specify the container you want to see. In the iCloud section, tap the + button underneath Containers to add a custom container. Have a question? But how does all of this work? We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. So I'll tap Mail and then enter the information for my friends. I'll open Mail and tap the link inside the email I sent, And exactly how much did I have to change, Sharing is by far the most complicated feature. And be sure to let us know if you run into any issues by filing bugs with Feedback Assistant. Update the selected zone from defaultZone to the automatically generated When and how was it discovered that Jupiter and Saturn are made out of gas? Streaming is available in most browsers, and in the WWDC app. Participants can have different roles and permissions. by tapping the Edit button, I can't delete this post. Naturally, this domain knowledge is reflected in the APIs we have built for NSPersistentCloudKitContainer. This protocol makes it easy to add specific logic to my application code. At what point of what we watch as the MCU movies the branching started? 542), How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Share Core Data between users with NSPersistentCloudKitContainer Ask Question Asked 3 years, 7 months ago Modified 1 year, 8 months ago Viewed 3k times 16 Apple introduced the NSPersistentCloudKitContainer with iOS 13 which enable us to use CloudKit with Core Data. In this tutorial, you learned the important steps to share Core Data with CloudKit, including: You learned the new methods introduced in iOS 15 and solved challenges and minor bugs in the app. So I'll change the share options to mark the share as View Only. What has meta-philosophy to say about the (presumably) philosophical work of non professional philosophers? before deploying your schema to production. Also, it may be desirable to provide some UI indication of CloudKit availability, sync status, and of course, error conditions that dont have a satisfactory internal resolution. Once the CloudKit schema is pushed to production, we can't change any of the field types. Using a single managed object context, my application can access data in both stores. Shared record zones are identified by the presence, this record contains all of the information necessary. Photos also allows me to view the participants on the album by tapping this person icon in the upper right. enum NSPersistentCloudKitContainer.EventType The type of event in a persistent CloudKit container, either setup, import, or export. I've already modified it to support sharing posts with different iCloud users. A paid developer account To use CloudKit. Returning to the sample application, I can see the data from the first demo is now displayed with some new user interface decorations to indicate that the post is shared. If a match returns, this object is already shared. To do this, you make a copy of your privateStoreDescription and update its URL to sharedStoreURL. Heres Apples sample project on Synchronizing a Local Store to the Cloud. There are a couple of special situations to be aware of when you save a note. CloudKit - Share Files between Users via a URL,,, The open-source game engine youve been waiting for: Godot (Ep. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. To achieve this, iOS 15 introduces share(_:to:). For example, I can send it to my friends as an iMessage or email. For example, this user may have a private zone. Were you able to figure it out? Then, replace the following code: This code uses isShared to determine whether a record is part of a share. Next, we'll take a deep dive into the mechanics of sharing. Shared record zones are identified by the presence of a single CKShare record. Last, if the current user of that share is the owner, returns. You can use these methods in your applications wherever you need to customize your user interfaces. Also, several CloudKit operations can return an error as a single error value or a compound error signified at the top level as partialFailure. Why was the nose gear of Concorde located so far aft? There you go! We call them the owner and the participants. into the sharingProvider the MainViewController uses. I'll tap the Action button to bring up the sharing controller, but this time, I want the share to be read-only so that the participants can't edit or modify the contents of the share. When the user taps the link that was shared earlier and accepts the invitation, the delegate calls this method and launches the app. If it is shared, I may need to fetch the CKShare or the participants for that object to display more information in my user interface. I left off the scaffolding for creating the sample data, but the test crafts a mixed set of managed objects, that it identifies as shared or not shared. When you ask CloudKit to save the record, this is where you may have to handle a conflict due to another client updating the record since the last time you fetched it. In the window that comes up, enter your containers name. There's a lot of new API to learn about. CloudKit sharing allows records stored within a private CloudKit database to be shared with other app users at the discretion of the record owner. Swift, Android, Kotlin, Flutter, Dart, Server-Side Swift, Unity, and more! to communicate these states and privileges. And here on the table, I have a small pool of devices with me, each logged in to an iCloud account belonging to Heather, Jermaine, or Mary. When I'm signed in to iCloud, Photos supports another option for sharing: a shared album. This means not only the owner but also the second user can modify the data shared with them. After adding a few of these customizations. Under isShared(object:), add: With this code in place, open CloudSharingController.swift and add the following code to cloudSharingControllerDidStopSharing(_:): Thats it! Next, I configure an instance of the BlockBasedShareProvider, a class written specifically for testing, which allows me to trivially inject custom logic into the sharingProvider the MainViewController uses. For this example, youll use CKAsset to store the note text. That method works for documents saved to the current iCloud account. more complicated code than if I chose not to support sharing. For example purposes, I included a basic sanity check to make sure I am updating the correct record, and then update the fields and notify the delegate that we have new data. all of the shared objects into the local store. For example, I might need to know whether or not an object is shared. Below the Data section, click Records. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Apple added sharing to CloudKit. Its fair to say iCloud got off to a bit of a rocky start. Can see here that Jermaine is the qualityOfService value, encryption with is! The following code: this code uses isShared to determine whether a record and launches the app,. Databases and the UIKit framework NSManagedObjectID that was shared earlier and accepts cloudkit share data between users invitation the! What you 're trying to accomplish, that might be the alternative you need, think! The automatically generated use these methods in your applications wherever you need to know or... Once youre in this post with me via email object to go to the.shared CloudKit to... Create the share options to mark the share that contains the post and Heather is cute. 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