With a degree in music education and extensive personal experience in the arena of Christian music, she has a passion for producing, editing, and mixing music for multiple 3ABN channels. I then asked if the woman had committed physical adultery with another man, and he answered, No. I asked, Does the wife still want to be married to her husband? Danny Sheltons answer was, No. But I later found out that last answer by Danny was not true! I have always considered both Danny and Linda as my friends. And why would they not go to the DNA testing laboratory directly so the results would be admissible in a court of law? How can anyone know if Danny Shelton is right or wrong without hearing Lindas side? Obviously 3ABN and Danny Shelton do not want to produce the evidence - evidence that will undoubtedly be damaging to Danny. I will tell Linda that she can obtain the appraisal on the horses from the court records. (Her other daughters name is Jody, who is probably named after Brandys twin sister - now deceased). 5. the PDF of As of early 2009, 3ABN's main TV channel had 69% original programming; 3ABN Latino had 67% original programming; and 3ABN Russia had 100% original programming.[4]. She was not given an opportunity to stand on her own so it was impossible to tell how tall she was. So, to summarize: I do not know the identity of the child who was tested. 2. fingerprinting of each person who is tested At any rate, if Danny Shelton had really bought those 48 acres as he claimed in his post-nuptial agreement, To: Danny Shelton _To: Christine Yates Why don't you make other people prove things before you make up your mind? Instead Danny handed me Xeroxed copies of the documents (a picture of one page of the passports for Danny and Brandy and Trinity, and Drivers licenses for Danny and Brandy). But he did. And the kind of evidence of which Im speaking does not include the false accusations and outright lies by Brenda Walsh, accusations that crumble with the slightest investigation - investigation that all of you should have done but obviously did not. On March 1, 2010, Brandy Shelton filed for divorce from Danny Lee Shelton. He played college football at Washington . If this child belongs to a sister of Brandy and (obviously) another man, naturally Danny would test negative as the father of this child presented for testing. The board acted upon Danny desire. (End of pertinent section of Dec. 23, 2008 e-mail). What a great gift for a poor helpless, trampled on woman! There are people who DO know that, including one of the people you actually spoke to about lodging for Brandy. where's the proof? It makes no sense. In the Three Angels v. Joy case, Herman said they would report the allegations in Illinois to federal authorities. She never spoke a word, and she was kept lying down on the back seat of the truck under a blanket, according to Brandy for the whole time we were all together (close to an hour) except for the 20 seconds or so that it took to swab the inside of her cheek. One wonders, why a mother would name her child, God? Why did Danny want to change our meeting location to a town other than Thompsonville or West Frankfort? Dr. Yvonne Lewis-Shelton, Founder/Consultant for 3ABN's Dare to Dream Network, has enjoyed successful careers as a studio vocalist, doctor, author, lecturer, and television host before coming to 3ABN, and has been pleased to use all her expertise to launch and manage the 3ABN Dare to Dream Network. Danny Shelton, founder of Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN), stepped down Friday from his position as president, naming Greg Morikone, who currently serves as vice president and production. Whoa! What was her reward? If Linda called the other person by name at any time, I was not allowed to hear that. To travel several hours to and from a certified DNA testing laboratory would have been a major imposition on the Sheltons, including the child, Trinity Murray, who would have missed a day of school. That letter is dated June 16, 2004. This is clearly overkill! Beans are relatively high in protein and a sick person has difficulty digesting them, plus they often produce gas and bloating that can cause great discomfort and the inability to eat. View Danny Shelton's business profile as President at Three Angels Broadcasting Network. Linda is not the person saying this. From: Lorraine Day The testing was done with a home kit and not in the presence of a third party or at a certified DNA testing laboratory or with government identification documents. he is currently building a home, the Brandy and Shawn Brannack divorced on October 7, 1999 when Brandy was already 4-5 months pregnant by a man other than her husband. Yet there are a number of perplexing questions still unanswered regarding this arrival date. Where's the proof. He visited a pastor friend, Hal Steenson, who had some television equipment, sharing what he was impressed to do. ", the proceeds from that sale I agreed. Danny Shelton's cover up of the child molestation allegations against Tommy Shelton, one of the defendants So again, my challenge to you, Chairman Walter Thompson, and all of you other Board Members who have clearly not done your duty, is to show me and everyone else who has donated their hard-earned money to 3ABN, the evidence that Linda committed adultery with anyone while she was married to Danny Shelton. In addition to her ministry on 3ABN, she had authored several books and produced daily devotions, traveling around the world as a guest speaker. She said she couldnt figure out why he began behaving as he had and she was devastated by the divorce and the loss of her job at 3ABN. Nor was I allowed to have the Social Security numbers for any of them, something that is required by the DNA testing companies. On May 19, 2009, at 2:28 PM, Christine Yates wrote: I had a question I forgot to ask. Home testing units are available but the DNA test results are not legally admissible in a court of law. Looking for books by Danny Shelton? 3ABN suedover Tommy! Even then, Danny e-mailed me claiming that I still would not show up. A talented pianist, ET also appears as a guest artist on network events. I would never have believed that you can hold yourselfin so high esteem that you won't admit that you could be wrong. He answered, No., We talked for about 15 minutes and I, still confused about what was going on, asked several more questions, including more clarification on what he meant by Spiritual adultery. He said that it meant that a woman had given her heart to another man., I asked if this woman he was counseling wanted to remain married to her husband. The Morikones discuss the future of 3ABN as well as current challenges, including the network's separation with former 3ABN team member Brenda Walsh. If Danny knew that he was not the father of Trinity, why would he and Brandy keep Trinity hidden under a blanket in the back seat of a truck for the hour or so we were all together, except for the few seconds when the DNA specimens were taken? And that certainly would be a reasonable explanation as to why you behaved as you did. There was no way for me to document the identity of the child presented for testing the identity of the child whose paternity is in question! The signature on the line labeled Brandy Shelton on this document is quite different from the signature of Brandy Elswick (her maiden name) on the license for her marriage to Kevin Murray (Brandys second husband, who she divorced just one month before she supposedly arrived at 3ABN for the first time in November of 2004 according to Danny Shelton). Clearly, Brandy must have been pregnant around that time, because she has a child of that approximate age. I grimaced, and told her in no uncertain terms that neither Chik juice nor any kind of meat substitute was allowed on the Health Plan. Longing to find a way to express Gods love to the world, he suddenly felt strongly impressed to build a television station that would reach the world with the undiluted three angels messages [of Revelation 14]. That is why Danny and his attorneys wanted a Protective Order so none of this information can be made public. The evidence to support this last statement will be revealed in due time. Why do you care so much that I worked with Brandy when I was there? I thought the purpose of the paternity test being done on me was to prove whether or not I am the father. Why would you accuse me of trying to cover up such a thing. Since such court records are public information, When one of the kits was opened, it was found that the laboratory had sent one envelope marked father and two envelopes marked Child with no envelope marked mother. Since each packet contains 4 sealed sterile long-handled Q-tips for the mouth swab specimens, there is no problem with marking out the word Child and substituting the word Mother which Brandy did, and then initialed the correction. Another source saw a moving van at the Shelton door on Thursday, July 9, 2009. The filing seemingly couldn't have come at a worse time for Danny Shelton, since Biography Danny Shelton was born in Washington on August 20, 1993. Updated 4/2/2010 In response, the network has sued the group for defamation of character and trademark infringement. purportedly sold his former home to new president Jim Gilley for $295,000, and began construction on Danny Shelton had no grounds, Biblically, to divorce Linda and remarry in the SDA church. Also when you make a statement "But it is publically known that You Personally were looking..blah blah blah. There have been times when Danny has tried to justify to me his right to tape Lindas conversation, saying that he did so in her car that he says was jointly registered in his name and hers. However, I was shocked at the seeming rapidity with which Danny divorced Linda, his wife of 18 years in a Quickie Divorce in Guam - apparently accomplished over the internet, and the lightning speed with which Linda was fired from her job as Vice-President and co-founder of 3 ABN. After all, we both agreed a number of years ago when we were talking, that if I am preaching the wrong gospel or, in this case, if I do not do what I have promised you that I would do, I would probably lose my health. I dont know. I don't have to prove what I witnessed myself. I have even heard that some at 3ABN have said, God talks to Danny Shelton, and Danny Shelton talks to us. I strongly encouraged her to follow the Health Plan but finally she told me - and eventually she told Danny too - that she didn't want to do it. In case you decide to send me a copy of the tape, my address is: Lorraine Day Honestly you guys must think I am an idiot. Why was I given Xerox copies of the documents, copies that could easily have been altered? And why did Trinity not say a single word? You have eliminated her name from every nook and cranny of 3ABN, something that I have identified to you before as "Overkill.". The idea of no accountability has the potential for making my faith look bad. In addition, why would a young, attractive woman, a single mother of two children, a non-SDA, leave her home in the Tampa, Florida area, a cosmopolitan area of close to a million people, a state and area full of beaches, bikinis, sunshine, and beach volleyball, a state where her mother and the rest of her family resided, and move to a tiny, obscure, town in rainy, humid, land-locked, Southern Illinois Thompsonville, Illinois - a town of 588 people, with the closest metropolitan area (St. Louis, MO) two hours away by car, to apply for a job at a Seventh-day Adventist television network - in a town where she supposedly knew no one? Program Code: CR001510A. But it seems no one cares at all and Brandy is accepted with open arms by the very same people who have destroyed LindaSheltons reputation throughout the world with FALSE accusations of the SAME sin. This court-approved, legal, DNA testing is done in an accredited laboratory. So THAT is not a false accusation. Schedule J of that filing, on page 33 All information and content on this web site is copyrighted by Pacic Press Publishing Association, Inc. ("Pacic Press"), the owner of this web site. All of you Board Members threw her out like a piece of trash and allowed every memory of her to be erased as though she never even existed. Even though Danny and I agreed that the testing would be video-taped, this made Brandy angry. You say Brandy was at 3ABN prior to 2004 because you worked with her while you were here taping. I was just referring to the fact that Brandy was pregnant and apparently not married at the time, and that would be a touchy situation for her to be working in a Christian institution that does not condone pregnancies out of wedlock, and that would have been a probable reason that she would have quit - back in 1999 or whatever year she became pregnant. No I never met Brandy so I could not have fathered her child since I had not laid eyes on her for well over 20 years. How Christian is that? 3ABNs Biblical programs address topics ranging from current Christian concerns to Bible prophecy seminars. I was never allowed to authenticate that the child tested was actually Trinity Murray as I was never allowed 1) to see original documents (Passport and government I.D. Brandy herself named the father of Trinity as Kevin Murray, even though she was married to another man (Shawn Brannack) at the time she became pregnant by Kevin Murray.. Brandy and Shawn Brannack were married in June of 1996 and divorced on October 7, 1999, according to public records. Later I was able to establish by my 1999 Schedule book that I worked with Brandy in June of 1999.). Is that fair enough. While Brandy was still married to Shawn Brannack, she became pregnant by a man other than her husband Kevin Murray (according to Brandy) - in May or June of 1999, and gave birth to Trinity on February 26, 2000. - I was only given Xerox copies which, of course, can be altered), 2) to take a picture of the child, 3) to have the social security numbers of those tested, 4) to take fingerprints of those tested. 00:17 Hello, I'm John Carter. It has posted numerous letters and documents that indicate the network was aware of allegations against Shelton decades ago. Three Angels Broadcasting Network began its work in Russia in 1992 when we taped and broadcast a series of evangelistic meetings with Australian evangelist, Pastor John Carter, in the city of Nizhny Novgorod. The name Trinity is also curious, particularly since Brandy at the time of Trinitys birth apparently was not particularly religious or maybe not religious at all. Or as I said before, since you eliminated - within a month's time - ALL traces of Linda's 20 years or so of working (and co-founding) 3ABN, why couldn't Brandy's work papers be removed as well? Three Angels Broadcasting Network, or 3ABN, and the Rev. copy of the papers Brandy Shelton filed in Tampa. As I said, the whole thing seems so multi-faceted that it makes my head swim. Obviously, no one at 3ABN, including Danny Shelton, wants Lindas side of the story told. In statement released by 3ABN, the network said Shelton had no reason to come into contact with Walker, who was closely supervised by Walker's older brother. On page 41 of the After all, Brandy was not a Seventh-day Adventist at the time, so why wouldnt these other ministries be fine? p. 3 at Table 1). The only way any Board member could have endorsed Dannys re-marriage was to have proof of Lindas adultery which none of you have nor does Danny Shelton! of such discussions by the fall of 2007, so this divorce has been long in coming.) Sent: Thursday, January 01, 2009 8:37 PM He settled in Virginia where he was accused of abusing boys there. You know in your heart - and in your gut - that it was only because Danny Shelton told you to do it. But if she did not sign the agreement and someone else signed her name without her knowledge, her quarrel should be with that person not us! Simpson again refused to produce the board minutes authorizing that transaction, claiming . It certainly makes no sense, unless the marriage is over, for a wife to move a thousand miles away from her husband to go to beauty school, particularly when beauty school is available where they have been living. I just said that it would be a touchy situation, meaning that she was pregnant and apparently unmarried and working in a Christian environment that usually frowns on a situation like that. I have no axe to grind. PDF file of court papers posted here is the original post-nuptial agreement Brandy and Linda and her daughter, Alyssa, decided to play a trick on Dan and came up with the idea of buying a Pregnancy test to plant in her belongings, knowing that Danny could not let that go by. She even rudely accused me of having Alzheimers. Case in point: You just made the statement that I told Linda that if she consulted an attorney prior to signing the agreement she would get nothing. Many more things happened in the next few months. One board member who has been repeatedly touted by Danny Shelton as having counseled Linda about her marriage problems actually gave her NO counsel at all. I think this is a great idea. And his answer that the wife (meaning Linda) did not want to remain married to her husband was blatantly false. I have a copy of Thompson's letter to Linda in which she was notified that she was fired. I want to hear both sides of any issue I investigate. And she WAS fired. In all my years, I have never known of any other divorced person doing such a thing. In addition, 3ABN Radio can also be heard around the world via satellite, and on over 200 affiliate stations, and 3ABN Latino Radio carries Spanish radio programming. Your belief that you worked with Brandy prior to my divorce is the basis for your belief that I wanted to get rid of Linda and therefore she is innocent and that possibly Brandy's second child could be mine. Danny Shelton was born on 20 August, 1993 in Auburn, WA, is an American football defensive tackle. Christine Yates After introducing himself to Danny, he pulled him aside and said, I dont know why Im telling you this, but I believe a satellite uplink station could be built here in southern Illinois out in the Thompsonville area. Interestingly, Clarence volunteered this information with no knowledge of Dannys dream. Programs are designed to bring the viewers important information on medical and lifestyle issues such as cancer prevention, diabetes, and heart disease. As I said, she may have come to 3ABN AGAIN in Nov. 2004, but YOU were looking for housing for her in August of 2004. and I worked with her at 3ABN either in 1999 or 2000. But no one thinks you are an idiot. Stop ignoring the Gorilla in the room. And he is the one who offered to be DNA tested but only if I would put up $10,000.00. he divorced in Guam in June 2004 This was all properly videotaped. That marriage lasted a little over three years. (Unless, of course, it was not Trinity that was to be tested.) I don't have to ask Linda things that I have experienced myself. on January 24, 2008, court documents were filed by which 3ABN asserted that I quote you. You are unmovable and yet you are so wrong. When I saw their picture, I said, Yes, thats the Brandy I worked with when I was there in 1999., I thought nothing more about it until I learned much later that Danny, Dr. Walter Thompson (the Chairman of the Board of 3ABN) and apparently others at 3ABN, were saying that Brandy had not come to work at 3ABN until November of 2004. Nor was she allowed to stand on the ground when she was brought out of the truck for 30 seconds so I could swab the inside of her mouth. In 2000 3ABN expanded to provide worldwide satellite coverage for its television and radio networks. You guys say everything should be up front with nothing to hide! Does Danny do nothing unless he can make money at it? From: Lorraine Day Are you willing to do that? I asked to see the government-approved Identification documents, including the passports for Danny, Brandy and Trinity.. 154 According to Lina, the car in question was solely in her name, but even that fact has nothing to do with Dannys illegal act. Brandy divorced Kevin Murray, the man she claims is the father of Trinity, just a little over 3 weeks before she supposedly left metropolitan Tampa in sun-drenched Florida to arrive in Danny Sheltons tiny, rural, rainy, home town of Thompsonville, IL (population 588) - - - - - supposedly knowing no one. Click to reveal 3ABN's Obviously it was not for security reasons, because on the special holiday programs at 3ABN, Danny has his whole family on camera, including all of his grandchildren even when they were babies and young children. And she is said to have first arrived at 3ABN on November 11, 2004. There are people who think you have made BIG mistakes, foolish mistakes, and BAD decisions, and people who think that maybe there is another side to the story - other than YOUR side, and many who believe that eventually you will pay a very dear price by reaping the consequences of what you have sown. His friend told him that someone had recently offered to buy his equipment, but he had been strongly impressed to keep it until God directed him otherwise. He is also suggesting that I chose an unaccredited lab to save money. Both labs I chose are fully accredited by the AABB, the acknowledged accrediting agency. You obviously considered her expendable! It is impossible to know the identity of the other party on the line. Apr 3, 2022. Later, when a microwave signal interference study was conducted on the property, an amazed technician remarked, Mr. Vegetarian cooking programs feature recipes showing viewers how to cook with less added fat, salt, and sugar. Brandy filed for divorce in Tampa, Florida. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. Here's what's wrong with your deceiving yourself. Oh, in my ignorance why do I need a paternity test on her father as I know who the father is. If this child WAS Trinity Murray, why was I not allowed to examine her identification documents or the identification documents of Danny and Brandy (as a DNA lab requires for legal testing)?? The phone conversation lasted possibly forty minutes and Danny made many accusations against Linda. 3ABN's board of directors elected Shelton as president and CEO last week, filling a role vacated by evangelist Jim Gilley, 74, who announced his retirement on July 20. In that case she wouldn't have any work records at that time at 3 ABN. Sometime in the spring of 2004 (possibly March or April), Danny called me on the phone and said that he was counseling a couple on their marital problems because the wife of the couple had committed Spiritual adultery. I responded, Danny, I have never heard of such a term. Have there been rumors circulating to that effect? In his so-called spare time he enjoys songwriting, writing books, raising horses, and country living. Added 11/16/2010 Brandi was baptised at the same time . So, it was obvious that I worked with Brandy at 3 ABN long before 2004. After all, He not I was the one who brought up that possibility (the rumor that he was the father of Trinity). Or if you have decided that I could not have worked with her, why do you care so much? To make it as convenient as possible for the Sheltons, I traveled from California to Southern Illinois at my own expense, and brought along two DNA testing kits obtained from certified, AABB (American Association of Blood Banks) licensed DNA testing laboratories, with the goal of obeying all the other rules for legal DNA testing results, to make it as official as possible without the travel inconvenience for the Sheltons. That question will be worked out in court, sooner or later. On Dec 23, 2008, at 7:47 AM, Danny Shelton wrote: Thanks Lorraine, Linda Shelton is NOT an adulteress either spiritually or physically. You always want me to prove what I say. However, now Danny is accusing me of somehow being underhanded with the testing, because the lab sent the envelopes as noted above. Since I had never seen Trinity Murray, and Danny knew that, I was expected to take Danny and Brandys word for it with no objective documentation whatsoever to prove the childs identity. Irrespective of who owns the car, it is against the law to tape a conversation without both parties knowing it and agreeing to it. We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit company, and are governed by a Board of Directors who work very hard behind the scenes to ensure we stay true to our mission. Why was I given only Xerox copies, copies that could easily be altered? YOU are the one who came up with the suggestion that people think Brandy's child is yours. Then, to his amazement, Hal volunteered to donate the equipment to him a short time later! Subject: Re: From Lorraine Day. I was gone over the holidays and just got back today and read your e-mail. (I have always kept my appointment books for previous years, and the one for 1999 shows that I was at 3ABN in June of 1999.) Where are the questions that you should be asking Danny Shelton? Because the name Brandy is rather unusual, I clearly remembered working with her. She said no because she didn't want to have to pay her attorney John Drew. he was the owner of the property, but Danny signed in April 2008, determining how they would divide their assets and liabilities if This phone call from Danny occurred months before I heard that there was trouble between him and Linda. So Linda Shelton was thrown to the wolves. "Here at 3ABN, we all work together to reach souls for the Lord's kingdom," Tammy says. On Dec 21, 2008, at 11:13 PM, Danny Shelton wrote: Lorraine, 3. the social security number of each person who is teste In an extremely late filing, Jim Gilley signed At that time, Brandy was pregnant, apparently by a man other than her husband, because she gave birth to Trinity just 4 months later (February 26, 2000), and gave Trinity the last name Murray. Yet Kevin Murray was NOT her husband when she became pregnant with Trinity. And tell us WHY you fired her! 3ABN International Channel airs much of the same programming as our flagship 3ABN channel, but at hours more suitable for Europe, Africa, Asia, and the South Pacific.) Must Read:Mom in Pain #1 states in part: However, that real estate was apparently given to Danny Shelton by 3ABN instead. Those interested in monitoring the case docket of Linda's case with Danny Shelton may do so at ( her other daughters name is Jody, who had some television equipment, sharing what he accused. To public records be wrong I do n't have to prove what I witnessed myself something is..., and he answered, no prior to 2004 because you worked her... I have never known of any issue I investigate you should be asking Shelton., Hal Steenson, who had some television equipment, sharing what he was accused abusing... Guest artist on network events how tall she was not allowed to hear both sides of any issue I.. 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