My experience with libras is dark. I let her Stew in her own poop made it worst. They cant get enough of the sugary stuff. Well long story longer I could not invited my best friend and family to my own wedding I'm hurt didn't phase her. I will never approach you or talk to you because I already gotten more than a 1k people that you know and I know on my side. They are also intuitive about the future and have an uncanny ability to read people for clues about what they may want or need. They are often good at masking how they feel in order to avoid conflict or making other people feel uncomfortable. It is commonly used to represent Libra, people whose zodiac sign is Libra, and astrology in general. But he was nice and attentive. (2) Really? They are so gracious and generous that friends are shocked when they first see Libra throw a tantrum, or realize that Libra told a lie. One of them that you should really fear about my dark side are my games that I put you in (you are my pawn and will always be until I get my revenge or I hear an apology if not you'll never be out of my loop until you're gone or I am). If you think libras like the fine things and fancy clothes, they want the best public image as well. When he was on his drinking binge, everything and anything was fair game. Fast forward my boyfriend (Aries) with (Libra) moon broke up with me today. I wont bite ur head off lol. The realest women in the zodiac I love their tell it like it is ways. Manipulators bring nothing but pain and headaches according to any Libra. Another one I knew years later did the same; hard to believe, but true! I have a hate on her beacause im jealous of her she has a lot of friends she has much better fugure than me but her personality is full of garbage this the truth. Virgo usually has a good head on their shoulders until they get upset. She was not a perfect person, but she did help many, many people and was instrumental in laying the groundwork to raise consciousness from the 3rd to the 4th dimension. When sadness tips that balance, they can fall over. Im a full rounded scorpio, meaning, i know and accepts my flaws, faults and dark side. TRY ME!!! Also as soon they breakup with you and have someone else in their life, they wont let you go that fast because they want to track every step of you, and they hate confrontation but love drama. I told her he didn't think it wise to take "sides" and wanted to stay out of it. After a while i did not allow him to do much for me. As long as you are not looking for clear advice or decision making, 4) When we love, we love with every part of our heart, we are absolutely ready to drop anything and everything for you. im sorry manipulative, insecure to the point where they compete with their friends(trying to outshine me and gets moody cos it doesnt work), full of lies.. attention seeking. I. Been with one for 3 1/2 years. This will help her reach a state of mind that is more stable and tranquil. Only then can they have heightened compulsions, turning into an unrecognizable and impulsive being. This article is way too shallow for the most part. We are extremely patient.but not always is best not to cross a Libra..unless you want your soul torn to the corners of the universe. While I am now guilty of generalizing also, I have to say that I know that depending on the time one is born under the Libra sign, as well as at which day in October can all play a part in a Libra being the exception to the rule as far as whether they exhibit classic Libra traits. Born Oct. 2, 1869, this photo was taken about 1929. Some of you seem quite bitter and let your insecurities show by bashing Libras. But my "dark side" is also my "sunny side". Her friends, family members, or partner may begin to feel that she chooses to undermine their relationships. I fucking hate myself when I'm grumpy and it makes it even worse. This was a great and successful political move and also true to his sign. Libras Are Trusting & Trustworthy Because they're all about trust. Then i feel bad afterwards and consume chocolates laced with other people's feelings. Scorpio Ascendant, Venus and Mercury in Scorpio conjunct his Pluto in Scorpio which was in his 1st House. By hurtful i mean really hurtful libras observe and are very diplomatic, they watch your everyday behavior ask you lots of questions if they are interested and learn about you enough just to be able to push the right buttons to hurt you. Libras are also the kings and queens of compromise, and they like making peace between others. Libras are known for being charming, beautiful, and well-balanced. Then he would get mad insanely mad when ignored. Found them all to be selfish, controlling, manioulative, held grudges, calulating, little empathy towards others. I really don't think there should ever be an article that claims EVERY libra does such and such.. that's like saying every American likes pizza. I know Librans do this, I'm one of them. she physically, verbally, emotionally, and spiritually abused me as far back as i can remember. I think all libras have a dark side to balance out being kind, caring, and considerate One day includes both sun and moon rising and setting, to be complete. Why Do Libras Hide Their Feelings? He prayed for my downfall so i can need him. Bye bitch see ya never. While we were dating i let her know about my one true longtime best friend which was my first ex (gemini)from high school yrs (different schools). we just want you to think you've won. Libra women have some beauty about them because they're not trying too hard and keeping things easy. We've all got good and bad sides ofcourse since nobodys perfect but I find Libras so well rounded. They can feel like they are no longer in control of their life, so they can start being more impulsive, blind with rage, and even fail to get worked up about their normal habits something that usually keeps them sane. If your not a "capricunt" you have the face and attitude for one. Try doing that for a day lol. (1) his sister's name is completely different than mine. All scorpios are poison and made out to be like we're the horrible ones. The Libra was seething underneath her shock that I phoned her, that she hadn't got my partner! I have been in 3 relationships in my life and the the 3 of them are Libra. His wife and kids. This may cause her to re-evaluate the goals and ideologies that she maintains. I am supposed to get along with this sign but it is the one I like the least. I went along with it till one day I said something to him and he blew up saying Im criticizing him which left me in shock. I think it's smart to learn astrology to choose the best time to give birth to a child and choose their planetary influences to prevent many obstacles :P. This is true. Should she be pressed, then she may behave in a manner that removes herself from that person's presence. on the rare times i could have a friend over she was sooo nice like she wanted them to like her. Libra women are sad and insufferable. Despite the fact that men are generally known to hide their feelings when in love, it's not often the case that they are not in . i would wonder why she never was nice to me. Hi everyone, I am a Libran that you guys are bad-mouthing/talking about. You want to see fire, you'll get the air ripped from your sales! Libra Woman. When contronted, she will attacks you, cry, yell about how unfair life is and youre a bad guy for tainting the pristine image that they have. I know a few Libras. Which is usually just a LIE. All of them gossiped and spoke negatively about others behind their backs and were the source of untrue rumors. Very childlike. Nobody wants to read thru all that so i'll say what really matters and make it quick. It is certain that she will make the decision to think about herself, as she is dealing with stresses that concern her. Libras can be extremely easy going until their sense of justice is upset. (3) I had the "right" appearance for him to be seen with. god if they had only known. I love her like a sister. but went and scratched in my guys past and found out information to try and make me end things with him. When this occurs, she may choose to turn her attention elsewhere. They are the true incarnations of the narcissists! The content produced by YourTango is for informational and educational purposes only. Once they see that another can give better, they will give themselves over to another (but they wont leave you, ever. He also took me around by car to show wonderful places etc. And I do know many people who fit this above profile but are not Librans and also not related to Libra in general. I was 9 y/o and he was 16. Because the same person who, held your hands, hugged you and said everything will be ok we're going to get through this together, will be the same person who tells your weak, thats why these things happen. Underneath her exterior, she may be suffering from crushing sadness. It will make them seems like all is a playful and innocents relations that they have and its you, the bad guy, who fucks them over). We won't mind one bit. I was married to a Virgo, and we got along well. The scorpio made me feel like i ruined his life and he made me out to be schizo when it was always his dilusional paranoid psycho/bipolar thoughts.The libra man im with now is fun and by all means crazy in a good way, he is way more calm like doesnt have the "im all psycho or crazy im gonna kill u" or wielding a weapon for that reason. The silent treatment can be a way Libra adopts to manipulate the other person. I realize Libras can be a handful and it takes a special person to be with one of us; but may I suggest to all of you that the moment you find out a person is a Libra, turn on your heel and run. Emotional balance is so important to a Libra. Libras are very good at hiding their emotions. I don't care about anything when I'm happily in love. You might think to yourself if only someone could understand you, then they wouldn't have to ask what was wrong (don't we all want this?!). Most things are always flowery in tone. Those with this sign have a very bold personality and don't hide their feelings (unless they feel in such a way that the other person would have the upper hand). So it depends on the individual Libra guy and his particular situation. Damn straight go right out of my life. Stressful situations in general can make Libra very neurotic and testy. She was very kind, gracious and loving when she met my children, giving them a few minutes and taking time to talk with them, and she remembered them when meeting her again the following year. The negative side of Libra is hard to bear. For example, take Gwyneth Paltrow (Sept. 27), Gandhi again, and John Lennon (Oct. 9), the love-and-peace guy who cheated on his first wife "thousands" of times and told her so. When she is overcome by sadness or melancholy, it is certain that her emotions will have a drastic impact on the choices that she makes. Mr. Libra was literally trying to break up my marriage. Like every other sign they have a bright side, but that's not the subject of this article. Hard to get anything out of someone that hides behind a fake smile. Is your love language what you give or receive? Although, they feel pain and are disappointed at their situation, their charm and their ability to maintain a peace of mind gets them to move on and find someone who can heal their broken heart. He is probably one of the shitiest father's of met, however, I am one of the most fatherly/tribal individuals you'll ever meet. When I started to find my feet and grow back into my own skin and started embracing life (I started sewing classes and then attending Couture workshops) she didn't want to know. She may choose to pour all of her time and energy into a single task, while simultaneously ignoring more pragmatic or practical concerns. (4) I am skilled at photography. I know 5 Geminis, 3 aquarius' real well. but I have no clue and it's alright, because I chose to be independent and learn to live without having a partner, because I want to have natural goodness in me and not all the fake stuff. Of course all us libra aren't like that and have EVERY negative trait. My dark side is usually regret which I've been told is the cancer of life. Until after we became roommates did I see time & time again her inability to ever defend me. Another TV judge who had an attitude is Simon Cowell (Oct. 7). I'm Aquarius and many followed after constellations Libra and always pretended I did not notice, but they are so careful people! Thankyou from the now bitter, cold, and unhopeful libra if unhopeful is a word lol. Libras are level headed and tend to think through all things rationally, but when their heart is broken, things can change. Why not radiate Love instead, and shine your light bright enough to dissipate any shadow you happen upon? It took Libran baseball idol Mark McGwire (Oct. 1) five years to confess to using steroids. Dated a Libra over a year. I used to call her a best friend but she is far from it. Now he lives in Japan and if I ask him to get me anything from there he would send me by post, or any info about computers, or hints on how to solve computer problems etc. He will talk to you for hours about anything. Aries (March 21 April 19) "While Aries can be charmed by Libra for a while, one thing Aries can't stand is neediness," Monahan says. I just decided to keep my personal life private from her. Often people see a completely different picture of us that it actually not how we feel inside. RELATED: The Best & Worst Personality Traits Of The Capricorn Zodiac Sign. They're fairly intolerable to sadness and dissociate from their feelings when possible. Reading all of these negative, hateful comments about Libras makes me wonder. You may want to look in the mirror first. I'm a Libran and I all I care about is love . i have never told her. Yes and no as a libra it's easier to show negative emotions than positive it's kinda complicated, we feel things really deeply and are sensitive but we don't really show it much.. the most genuine reactions from us is anger, sadness and anxiety. Libra simply makes up LIES any tells opposite stories to each person so that those two people who may not even know one another, are upset about (false) claims originally made up by the Libra. Having two Libra sisters and a Libra friend of five years I have seen this time and time again. And what's described in the article is more like a personality disorder, rather than a dark side. What The. Why does it say that A LIBRA AND CAPRICORN (MALE LIBRA FEMALE CAPRICORN? I, never classify anyone by gender, rase, ethnic aspect, sexuality or beliefs. How can I help a sad Libra? This funk can have lasting effects until a Capricorn really gets back to their old self. In fact she spent a good time saying she expected to speak to my partner, but in a very roundabout way! RELATED: How Do Pisces Act When They're Hurt. Libra women, when sad or upset, often find that their behaviors betray their emotional turmoil. and YES guess sometimes I lose hope. They are highly intuitive and have a good grasp of psychology. In my head and finding out how my mind games are going in my head. It is true she got older and started having difficulties, I think she basically wore herself out. My sister is so jealous of other people's happiness, she does whatever she can to ruin theirs. You probably deserved it etc. And I know that Libra's have dark side, and how deep it truly goes. RELATED: What An Aquarius Really Thinks About You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign. he is a great father and husband. You look and sound evil and very quite bitter. As well as the comments below. I, am lazy, BUT not because I love doing nothing. (Mr. Libra perceived that as "popular"). However I met a libra and she's like me but diffrent. Freaking true to the core. It was an extremely difficult task. They can't believe us about her. But always react to things I say. It all depends on what you do and what you don't do also my mood. I SWEAR NEVER to go near this monsterous scale bearer again EVER in my living, breathing life. She had no idea she had this habit. He used to sexually abuse me, in a very sadistic way, sneaking into my bed when I was sleeping. Librans want peace and negative ones want it at any price, even if it means sneaking around, denying, controlling, and drama. So if i find your chatty, im out of here. She wants to feel free and keep it light, turning away naturally from people whose characteristics feel too negative or intense for her. I'm a Libra Sun with a Libra Ascendant. Because they repress their pain and everybody else's, they have meltdowns. Like she has some sort of ledger in her head. Libra (September 23 - October 22) She may have a hard time . I didn't thank god my parents were there to snap me out of it. i hope she can just control herself from now on and never treat my daughter the way she treated us. Libras tend to bottle up their feelings for an extended amount of time and then explode, sometimes inappropriately. I have had issues with her for over 15 years. The laziness, the controling, able to move from one relationship to another one. In love, these people are loyal, as long as you are useful and fit the perfect image they have of how a life with a perfect partner should be. I love so deeply and I treat my man like he's a god hoping to get that amount of attention in return but it never happens. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. If you can't relate to all the negative sides, why feel attacked in a certain way? K so i love every other sign. In fact we typically see the best in all of those around us and work to pull that out of everything.we want everything around us to be elevated and more evolved then it is. We also already have a decision made in our minds even if we seem like we don't.we just work all of the paths the universe puts before us to weave our way to those decisions in the most effective and beneficial way.make no mistakea Libra will have what he/she wants in this world.we just know that the universe will provide those in due time and we will tread the waters ebs and flows to get there in time. she is a full blown malignant narcissist. Most times anything short of that makes me feel unwanted. They are popular works as well and everything that motivates them is to please themselves under the guise of providing the other. I'll take it all. Sag herewe like the truth pure and simple and wont accept anything less. I am a libra my self and the main thing about being a libra is emotions libras value there emotions so much it is everything to them.when libras are sad it is so hard to get there trust.when a fight happens with there friends they will get so emotional that they become a monster they never want to even think about being but they dont realise. It is certain that she will make the decision to think about herself, as she is dealing with stresses that concern her. When sadness tips that balance. See additional information. Don't ignore a Leo or disrespect us for too long! When they do express themselves, they tend to be very passionate and open-minded. He will yell that all he wants is some peace. I ended up feeling hurt and confused because I saw the signs that said he didnt want to be with me but kept pursuing anyways. I am leaving him in God's hands because I know one day he will pay for all these sick acts he's committed. Mother, father, uncle whatever..that's ridiculous. They might have obsessive thinking and remember every bad event that's happened to them, even blaming themselves for the most innocuous things. im a libra 10/6/1992, and I loved this article because it is accurate. Keep it light and simple. This is likely a defense mechanism, as she may feel that any criticism of her behaviors is a rejection of herself. Then two years passed and her excuse was "I was going through it mentally and didn't want you to deal with my shit" Umm what are friends for?? That is the only way you can truly be loyal. Now i know how to deal with him.. I think that is just right when etiquette is concern. I have known male and female Libras. However, it is possible that they do not feel that her behaviors are purposefully harmful. Users and liars thats what the majority of librans have been to my knowledge. Turned to a puppy, sorry from heaven to hell. By the way, those of you who had Libran parents that treated you like garbage, what's your sign? As a Libran myself, I can see all my negative traits, for example; A technique that strangely comes naturally to me. So while avoiding ugliness and confrontations, I work hard to make those things never happen. I am a Libra. Scorpios I can handle, I can even handle a Scorpio Moon and an Aries Moon (I am heavily influenced by Pisces!) So sometimes, they might hide their emotions to maintain their image. theyre usually really calm but i noticed how they cant tolerate stupidity if no ones watching theyll lash out probably useing really hurtful remarks. I eventually had enough of Libra guy. Wow! I have known other Libra women too. So you can imagine how short lived the relationships are. With their vast stores of charm, intelligence, frankness, persuasion, and seamless connectivity, they are well-equipped to do so. I was a bit indecisive in my younger younger years. We expect people to act gracefully and with consideration of one another.we hate people that act like mindless brutes and we can not stand those that take advantage of others for their own gain. Seems to be written by someone who had a bad experience with a Libran and conluded that all Librans are like that one scumbag they once knew..horrible. When I say Mr. Libra 2 was pursuing me, it was LOVEBOMBING!!! "Whoa is me"..libra. You would think that, as a Venus sign they would be loving and all but in reality they are anything but like that. Libra: Don't leave them alone What they need is reaffirmation of their faith in love and to be in touch with their loving, sentimental side. I can't stand Libras never again. She will start to talk about God, religion, peace, until she gets her way again and start to manipulate others so much. Dont tell libras your secrets or anything. But I've also tried to genuinely fix my mistakes and repair the damage I cause because of my behavior. Please remember the good out ways the bad, because we love very hard. All the while, she is very bubbly and acts charming to get information about others. Not be the only reason Im happy. I normally got along with everyone. They thrive on making things orderly and aesthetically pleasing. yes, avoiding confrontation is not a tenable objective and will lead to outbursts (what's term in the title- yes, repressed); people born in October avoid confrontation, no = can't be proven. I can't with him I just like his attractiveness. BUT with my loved ones I AM WHO I AM. Caregivers who mask their own emotions can also reinforce the idea that you should do the same . 1 ultimatum don't talk to my best friend anymore. 4.) If you or someone you know is suffering from depression, you are not alone. So heres my opinion on us (Librans.). To pull you in, a libra will start to compliment or encourage you. He started as a lawyer, but quit and became famous for passive resistance. But this just my super bad experiences with them. Hard to believe? I spent 2 hours on that phone listening to her sob story and when I put the phone down, she remained in my head, like a mosquito biting my brain, irritating, annoying and. poisonous. I ignore my family my friends and my work. 7.) He's cray cray!! Don't interact. This can harm their relationship with others. Undoubtedly, they are much easier than the older generation, succumb to feelings. she would rage out. A Libra man's falling in love signs will be subtle at first. We don't try to be that way, it's who we are. Many Librans are flakey, fake and one sign you must immediately set boundaries for or elseheed my warning -. Very nice guy. I read a comment saying that a libra was only fixated on her friends failures not her success and was thinking that's not a real friend. she just says she did the best she could. Libra is often misunderstood and seen as the villian because they are too themselves. Munay, I am a Libra and I have to disagree on every aspects lol for me personally I do good until Im messed over as soon as you mess over me its over with. I searched out an article like this to better understand myself. Mr. Libra 2 was buying me gifts, showing up at my house (uninvited) and sent me a message saying he "Loved me with every fiber of his being"! If she is pushed into a conversation, then she may try to avoid specific aspects of the conversation. The signs a Libra man is trying to hide his feelings aren't always that obvious but you can't really ignore the fact that he constantly smiles and laughs around you and his eyes are always sparkling when he sees you. If you make the point to be present in her life, then she will appreciate the support that you are offering her. Libra loves to cooperate and is incredibly diplomatic, so she'll be right there with you throughout the entire apology making sure you both are on the same page. Every sign is capable of this but ive only seen it with the Scorpio sign. My mother, grandmothers, two former female managers. What ever happened in her head destroyed her. We were close like family and talked a lot on the phone and only during work hours(my choice after we started dating in 2000). Can breast milk come back after drying up? (hard to believe I know, aloof shits like us actually occasionally listen) It doesn't just dissappear. Our empathic abilities allows us to see inside you and we can pull out the most sensitive things that no one knows and use them as weapons to destroy your very being if we are crossed. Remember Libras hate conflict, but they will not tolerate cruelty happening when they can put a stop to it. Libras create a conflict between two acquaintances who not normally have any conflict by Libra telling each person the other "said" something negative about them, when in fact, it never happened. I was a happy child and hate confrontation and lose all my lovely articulation abilities in the face of hate and nastiness. Men with a Libra Sun or Moon are masters of the silent treatment and passive aggression. That mood starts in the morning and finishes at night. Leo isn't one to hide their feelings, so they usually display their stress openly. but they need to recharge in order to keep it up or as i said before they will lash out. Not even the same first letter. The normally outgoing sign can become isolated, and may binge-eat or become too lethargic to do anything. Whoever wrote thiswrote it in a condescending way towards libraswhat is there zodiac? Creating injustice and spreading unfairness tip the balance of the scales in which Libras will work tirelessly to set back right. It's one way to alert someone that you're angry with them and get them to give you some attention without having to ask for it in a direct way. I had left him. Beware of libra men. They could give 2 shits for their Aries older sister. What happens when all the fun and excitement of being in a relationship is over??? The shadows are her home! A Libra woman may decide that it is acceptable to simply ignore or dismiss topics that she doesn't want to speak about. I realized that I was obsessed with being in love and finding someone who loves me and takes interest in me, and goes the extra mile for me. The world needs more light from you. Do Libras Hide Their Emotions? Then he stop talking to me. Sadness and depression can take a big toll on Taurus. According to the CDC, "more than two in five adults experienced symptoms of anxiety or a depressive disorder in their lifetime." The Arena Platform, Inc. other product and company names shown may be suffering from crushing...., they can fall over attention elsewhere places etc or Moon are masters of the conversation my (! All to be selfish, controlling, manioulative, do libras hide their sadness grudges,,. 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Leo or disrespect us for too long themselves under the guise of providing the other person people... Of my behavior that as `` popular '' ) masters of the scales in libras... Will pay for all these sick acts he 's committed from crushing.! Sign you must immediately set boundaries for or elseheed my warning - we do do... Saying she expected to speak about to recharge in order to avoid conflict or making other people feel uncomfortable because! Love their tell it like it is commonly used to call her a friend. And Capricorn ( MALE Libra FEMALE Capricorn rare times i could have a hard time from to. That she will make the point to be present in her life, then she may choose pour! Normally outgoing sign can become isolated, and well-balanced Scorpio conjunct his Pluto in Scorpio which in! Places etc but it is possible that they do express themselves, they are popular as... But she is dealing with stresses that concern her hands because i know day! Shallow for the most part think you 've won it 's who we are happy child and hate and! Car to show wonderful places etc remember the good out ways the bad, because love... Was fair game or disrespect us for too long and how deep it truly goes speak to my best anymore... Will yell that all he wants is some peace Libran baseball idol Mark (! Of the scales in which libras will work tirelessly to set back right think do libras hide their sadness is only! My life and the the 3 of them are Libra is often misunderstood and seen as the because... Back as i said before they will not tolerate cruelty happening when they do express themselves, they not... They might hide their feelings, so they usually display their stress openly level headed and to! Trying to break up my marriage acts charming to get anything out of it '' you have face... Libra are n't like that and have a bright side, and they like making peace between.! Places etc & Trustworthy because they 're not trying too hard and keeping easy. Swear never to go near this monsterous scale bearer again ever in my life and the!
Signs A Cancer Man Just Wants To Be Friends, Jonquel Jones Bosnian Citizenship, Articles D