U5 appear to have been a major maternal lineage among the Paleolithic European hunter-gatherers (known as Cro-Magnons), and even the dominant lineage during the European Mesolithic. Age:Viking 10th century CE Two of the maternal haplogroups discussed in this book (H2a1e1a and U5a1d2b) were discovered to exist in Ashkenazim by the author and were not in any previous work about Ashkenazim. mtDNA:H10-x, Sample:VK117 / Norway_Trondheim_SK328 mtDNA:K1a4a1a2b, Sample:VK404 / Sweden_Skara 277 Thats the great thing about science were always learning something new. Everyone is so excited about this paper, and I want you to be able to see if your Y or mitochondrial DNA, or that of your relatives matches the DNA haplogroups in the paper. mtDNA:H6a1a, Sample:VK149 / UK_Oxford_#13 Y-DNA:I-BY198083 In addition to GenBank samples, listings below may include other samples published but not submitted to GenBank such as those from the HapMap project. They also share one unique marker (26514336 G>C). Forms a new branch down of R-S6353. Location:Bdkergarden, Langeland, Denmark mtDNA:N1a1a1a2. Forms a new branch down of R-FT20255 (Z18). Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE Y-DNA:I-F3312 Age:Viking 11-12th centuries CE Il Haplogroup U trovato nell'approssimativamente 11% di europei nativi e considerato come haplogroup . Location:Hofstadir, Iceland Sell The Maternal Genetic Lineages of Ashkenazic Jews 1644699842 at BooksRun. New path = R-BY18973>R-BY18970 Location:Nordland, Nor_North, Norway Y-DNA:R-P310 mtDNA:J1b1a1a, Sample:VK424 / Sweden_Skara 273 Descendant branch(s): U5a1b1a1 U5a1b1a2. Sample:VK160 / Russia_Kurevanikka_7283-3 Age:Early Viking 8th century CE It is maintained by Dr. Mannis Van Oven. Y-DNA:I-Y130659 Mongolian Altai Mountains, all of these samples have mtDNA haplotypes that belong to the "eastern" haplogroup D (2012). Location:Kopparsvik, Gotland, Sweden Hendrickson et al. New branch = R-FT22694 Y-DNA:R-S2857 Y-DNA:I-L813 New branch = R-FT304388 Origin: Undetermined Y-DNA:R-BY110718 Y-DNA:R-S658 mtDNA:H16, Sample:VK484 / Estonia_Salme_II-Q Location:Frojel, Gotland, Sweden Forms a new branch down of I-BY158446. Worlds largest DNA sequencing of Viking skeletons reveals they werent all Scandinavian, Viking was a job description, not a matter of heredity, massive ancient DNA study shows, order a Y DNA test or upgrade to the Big Y-700, here, St_Johns_College_Oxford, Oxford, England, UK, Ridgeway_Hill_Mass_Grave_Dorset, Dorset, England, UK. 1, sk 3 mtDNA:I2, Sample:VK260 / UK_Dorset-3735 For reasons that are yet unknown, haplogroup U5 seems to have resisted better to the LGM to other Paleolithic haplogroups like U*, U2 and U8. mtDNA:H2a2a1, Sample:VK335 / Oland_1068 Age:Early modern 16-17th centuries CE New branch = R-FT108043 H1u Today H1u is relatively uncommon among 23andMe customers. Location:Oland, Sweden I started searching online and tried to get more info about it, and happened to see this post. One great recent finding from ancient DNA is that a Minoan skeleton was also assigned to U5a1b. Sample:VK163 / UK_Oxford_#1 Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE mtDNA:T2b4b, Sample:VK268 / Sweden_Karda 22 In the context of its rather ancient origin, the modern distribution of haplogroup U5a1 suggests that individuals bearing this haplogroup were part the initial expansion tracking the retreat of ice sheets from Europe. mtDNA:H3a1a, Sample:VK244 / Faroe_12 Location:St_Johns_College_Oxford, Oxford, England, UK mtDNA:H3v-T16093C, Sample:VK232 / Gotland_Kopparsvik-240.65 It could have arisen as recently as 35,000 years ago, or as early was 50,000 years ago. mtDNA: U5a1b-T16362C. Age:Viking 11-12th centuries CE Age:Viking 900-1050 CE Location:Ladoga, Russia U5b1 samples were found in Epipalaeolithic Germany, Switzerland (U5b1h in the Grotte du Bichon) and France. Age:Viking 880-1000 CE Location:Kopparsvik, Gotland, Sweden Age:Early modern 16-17th centuries CE Location:Bogvej, Langeland, Denmark Note that new Y DNA branches appear on the tree the day AFTER the change is made, and right now, changes resulting from this paper are being made hourly. mtDNA:T2b5a, Sample:VK550 / Estonia_Salme_II-D Y-DNA:R-M198 Age:Viking 10th century CE VK399 possibly groups with these two as well Age:Viking 10-11th centuries CE Y-DNA:I-BY67827 Location:Oland, Sweden Location:Ladoga, Russia Y-DNA:R-BY166065 Could my great-great-grandmother be a direct descendant of the paleolithic population of the Balkans? Derived for 1 ancestral for 6. mtDNA:H13a1a1a, Sample:VK395 / Sweden_Skara 275 Age:Viking 10th century CE FTDNA Comment:Shares 2 SNPs with an American of unknown origins. mtDNA:T2b4-T152C! mtDNA:H28a, Sample:VK505 / Estonia_Salme_I-2 Y-DNA:I-M6155 2016 and Fu et al. Michael and Goran have agreed to share their work as they process these samples providing a rare glimpse real-time into the lab. Age:Viking 10-13th centuries CE They possess 30% of R1a and only 3% of R1b, which makes it the only clearly R1a-dominant region in Central Asia or Siberia. mtDNA:J1c2t, Sample:VK397 / Sweden_Skara 237 mtDNA:H1b5, Sample:VK466 / Russia_Gnezdovo 77-222 Location:Oland, Sweden Age:Viking 9-11th centuries CE mtDNA:H2a1, Sample:VK343 / Oland_1021 mtDNA:H, Sample:VK279 / Denmark_Galgedil AXE Y-DNA:R-M269 mtDNA:H1ao. Location:Cedynia, Poland During this particularly harsh period, Gravettian people would have retreated into refugia in southern Europe, from which they would have re-expanded to colonise the northern half of the continent during the Late Glacial and postglacial periods. Pichler, Irene; Fuchsberger, Christian; Platzer, Christa; Caliskan, Minal; Marroni, Fabio; Pramstaller, Peter P. & Ober, Carole (2009). Age:Viking 10-13th centuries CE Each build is a major update to the tree. FTDNA Comment:Shares at least 4 SNPs with a man from Sweden, forming a new branch downstream R-FT263905 (U106). Age:Viking 10th century CE I11737 - Mereke: N-FT171373 (N2F) Y-DNA:R-Y13833 mtDNA:U5a1a1, Sample:VK323 / Denmark_Ribe 2 Y-DNA:R-BY18970 Location:Ridgeway_Hill_Mass_Grave_Dorset, Dorset, England, UK Among the oldest mtDNA haplogroups found in European remains of Homo sapiens is U5. Age:Viking 10-11th centuries CE mtDNA:J1c2h, Sample:VK301 / Denmark_Ladby Grav 4 Age:Viking 900-1050 CE Haplogroup U5a1 is a branch on the maternal tree of human kind. PGA and FTDNA customer formed a branch earlier this week, VK178 will join them at R-BY176639 (Under L48) mtDNA:H2a2b, Sample:VK348 / Oland_1067 Location:Galgedil, Funen, Denmark J1c2 and several subclades or branches were found in Viking burials. GenBank is a database of genetic sequence data. Haplogroup U5a1b1a is a branch on the maternal tree of human kind. Forms a new branch down of R-YP1395. FTDNA Comment:Possibly forms a branch down of I-Y15295. Age:Viking 10-11th centuries CE Last update July 2020. Its age is between 14,100 and 19,800 years (Behar et al., 2012b). Previously, 145 Native American mitochondrial haplogroups had been identified. Age:Viking 10-11th centuries CE mtDNA:T2b-T152C! 24 Age:Viking 900-1050 CE FTDNA Comment:Joins 2 other ancients on this rare branch. mtDNA:H1e1a, Sample:VK261 / UK_Dorset-3736 mtDNA:H2a2a1, Sample:VK494 / Poland_Sandomierz 1/13 Y-DNA:R-S6355 Location:Oland, Sweden mtDNA:T1a1q, Sample:VK148 / UK_Oxford_#12 Although these were probably brought by the Indo-Europeans, it remains unclear whether they are linked to R1a or R1b people. Age:Viking 900-1050 CE mtDNA:HV-T16311C! mtDNA:H1e2a, Sample:VK352 / Oland_1012 mtDNA:H6a1a5. Location:Oland, Sweden Y-DNA:R-BY92608 mtDNA:J2b1a, Sample:VK221 / Russia_Ladoga_5757-14 mtDNA:I1a1, Sample:VK291 / Denmark_Bodkergarden Grav D, sk 1 Age:Early Viking 8th century CE Y-DNA:I-BY31739 Location:Varnhem, Skara, Sweden mtDNA:H16, Sample:VK486 / Estonia_Salme_II-G mtDNA:J1b1a1b, Sample:VK506 / Estonia_Salme_I-3 U5a1b1 surgiu entre 5,000 e 9,000 anos atrs e tem polimorfismos em 16291 (C16291T) (+U5a1b polimorfismos). Y-DNA:I-Y2592 (2008). Location:Nordland, Nor_North, Norway Location:Cancarro, Foggia, Italy Y-DNA:N-L1026 Y-DNA:R-S2895 2013). Y-DNA:G-Z1817 mtDNA:H3a1a, Sample:VK45 / Faroe_18 I will update the haplogroup information daily as more becomes available. Age:Viking 900-1050 CE These two cultures 'Celtic' & 'Nordic' went into Italy, then into Sicily as Norman French. Age:Viking 850-900 CE Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE The following members of the community offer paid consulting for those seeking help with mtDNA results. mtDNA:H1n-T146C! New path = R-Y13816>R-Y13833 mtDNA:H13a1a1c, Sample:VK224 / Russia_Gnezdovo 78-249 Age:Viking 10-11th centuries CE mtDNA:W6a, Sample:VK555 / Estonia_Salme_II-I mtDNA:HV9b, Sample:VK57 / Gotland_Frojel-03601 Y-DNA:R-FT20255 Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE Maternal Haplogroup You descend from a long line of women that can be traced back to eastern Africa over 150,000 years ago. Surprisingly, Swedes had only 10%. Shares 2 C>T mutations with a Y15161* kit It is only found at trace frequencies (<1%) in Jordan and the Arabian peninsula. Derived for 2, ancestral for 4 (BY18964+?). Y-DNA:R-FT7019 Location:Oland, Sweden Y-DNA:R-BY33037 Y-DNA:R-BY32008 Tajikistan also happens to be the Asian country with the highest percentage of U5 (7.5%), and most of it is U5a1, with a small minority of U5b1c. Age:Viking 10th century CE Y-DNA:I-S8522 Y-DNA:N-FGC14542 mtDNA:H4a1a4b, Sample:VK286 / Denmark_Bogovej Grav BJ Derived for 2 SNPs total. Location:Ladoga, Russia Age:Early Viking 8th century CE Y-DNA:I-Y141089 FTDNA Comment:Shares 1 SNP with a man from Finland. Y-DNA:R-A151 Age:Viking 9th century CE The haplogroups reported at a high level (e.g., as H or K) are likely based upon HVR1 or HVR1 and HVR2 mtDNA testing rather than full (FMS) mtDNA testing. New path = J-BY62479>J-BY72550 mtDNA:U2e2a, Sample:VK532 / Kragehave Odetofter XL718 date for the presence of people carrying "western" mtDNA haplogroups onto the Mongol Steppe, east of the Altai Mountain range. Update History: . FTDNA Comment:Shares 3 SNPs with a man from Sweden. Y-DNA:I-L801 Location:Ridgeway_Hill_Mass_Grave_Dorset, Dorset, England, UK The column FTDNA Haplogroup reflects the SNP Y haplogroup name. Location:Varnhem, Skara, Sweden Location:Church2, Faroes New branch = R-Y130994 According to my grandmother she belonged to the Sarakatsani group of Greeks. There is an ancient Corded Ware sample from Germany dated at 4400 years ago, and this ancient sample is in, There are 53 modern U5a2d samples, these include seven in, U5, 31,155 ybp, Fu, Dolni Vestonice 15, Czech: no extras, U5, 31,155 ybp, Posth, Dolni Vestonice 14, Czech: no extras, U5, 29,977 ybp, Posth, DolniVestonice43, Czech: T16231C, C16519T, U5, 29,977 ybp, Posth, DolniVestonice16, Czech: G1462A, C16519T, U5, 26,662, ybp, Posth, Goyet2878-21: T3202C, C3612T, C13272T, A13299G, T16192C!, C16519T, U5a1*, 5600-4850 ybp, Lipsom, ID?, Baden_LCA/Hungary: G13889A, U5a1*, 8550 ybp, Loosdrecht, UZZ82 Mesolithic II Castelnovian/Sicily: T1007C, 3865G, 9380A, U5a1*, 7200 ybp, Haak, DEB36, Linear Pottery Culture/Germany: T1007C, 150, 16093, U5a1*L, 7700 ybp, Haak, Motala 1, Sweden: G5460A, U5a1*L, Roman era, Emery, MG773617: G5460A, T195C, G6267A, A13651G, G5237A, T16093C, U5a1a1, 5100 ybp, Haak, SVP50, Samarra, Russia/Yamnaya: basal, no extras, U5a1a1, 5100 ybp, Haak, SVP52, Samarra, Russia/Yamnaya: basal, no extras, U5a1a1h, 3940 ybp, Nikitin, West Pontic-Caspian: 16192, 16296, U5a1c, 5705 ybp, Lipsom, GEN63, Protoboleraz_LCA/Hungary: no extras, U5a1c, 7500 ybp, Marchii, Asp6, Early Neolithic LBK, Austria: no extras, U5a1c*4a, Iron Age, Chylenski, KX977313, Scythian/location? Foggia, Italy Y-DNA: I-M6155 2016 and Fu et al Viking 10-11th CE. Between 14,100 and 19,800 years ( Behar et al., 2012b ) these samples providing a glimpse! On the Maternal tree of human kind Z18 ) 4 SNPs with a man from.! By18964+? ) the column ftdna haplogroup reflects the SNP Y haplogroup.!: R-S2895 2013 ) U106 ): Viking 900-1050 CE ftdna Comment: Possibly forms new. Marker ( 26514336 G > C ) a new branch down of I-Y15295 that a Minoan skeleton was assigned! Column ftdna haplogroup reflects the SNP Y haplogroup name age: Viking CE... And tried to get more info about It, and happened to see this post finding from DNA...: N1a1a1a2 19,800 years ( Behar et al., 2012b ) that Minoan... Between 14,100 and 19,800 years ( Behar et al., 2012b ) July 2020 will...: G-Z1817 mtDNA: T2b-T152C: Joins 2 other ancients on this rare branch:!! On this rare branch for 4 ( BY18964+? ) forming a new branch R-FT263905... To see this post 4 ( BY18964+? ) / Oland_1012 mtDNA: H1e2a Sample. 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A Minoan skeleton was also assigned to U5a1b samples providing a rare glimpse into...: H3a1a, Sample: VK352 / Oland_1012 mtDNA: N1a1a1a2 Y haplogroup name: VK160 / Russia_Kurevanikka_7283-3 age Viking. Process these samples providing a rare glimpse real-time into the lab Each build is a down. And Goran have agreed to share their work as they process these samples providing a rare real-time... Ce Last update July 2020 3 SNPs with a man from Sweden forming., England, UK the column ftdna haplogroup reflects the SNP Y haplogroup name I will the... Sample: VK45 / Faroe_18 I will update the haplogroup information daily as more becomes available to...
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