On Saturday, fractional provider Avantair grounded its entire fleet of about 60 Piaggio Avanti twin turboprops to conduct a comprehensive examination of all maintenance records and aircraft. According to industry sources, the action stemmed from an incident earlier this year in which an Avantair Avanti shed an elevator in flight. I didnt alter it in any way I just cut and pasted what they sent me. Both flights continued to their destinations without further incident. As the pitch attitude approached 12 degrees nose up, the high-low aural stall warning kicked in and buffet was felt through the airframe. In other words two failures and occured. Everyone at Owner Services couldn't have been nicer and the vast majority of the pilots were courteous and very professional, and I had zero complaints with them. Luckily it was 2007 and we sold it just before the crash. WebYou may request that records be sent to you (or your designee) by email, fax, or U.S. mail. No furloughs or termination?? So we planned to visually line up with the runway on short final. Thanks for point that out. They caught a wing and oveturned, but everyone was safe. He's been flying for 10 years and is available for piaggio owners Todays airplane has the Rockwell Collins Pro Line 21 avionics suite, with all the bells and whistles. I love the plane and at first the service was fine. RMR, if you are in Vegas, have you looked at AirSprint as an alternative? So last saturday I was scheduled to fly from Dallas to Las Vegas at noon. WebTo order vehicle records online, you will need to: Have a permissible use for the information if purchasing records other than your own; Select Online Services; Under Additional The airplane arrived at the destination airport about 10 minutes behind schedule. These inspections and other actions are still underway. On Saturday, fractional provider Avantair grounded its entire fleet of about 60 Piaggio Avanti twin turboprops to conduct a comprehensive examination of all To demonstrate the low-speed aileron control, Lorenzo then pulled back to the buffet and effortlessly rolled on 80 degrees of bank and then recovered to level flight. I love the Piaggio and Avantair has always been great to work with, but now I have real concerns about their future. I had a few seconds to get the feel of the Evo in the landing configuration before I was flaring for touchdown and gradually closing the power levers. I have knowledge of quite the contrary. I know both crews involved in the Flint, MI and the elevator incident. Now it will be impossible, since I cant even book my last few trips of the year, because I have no idea if we will be flying. Closing the power levers to idle sounds the gear warning horn, which is canceled using a button on the RH power lever. There are more problems than I can fit on this post, but one of the first problems is that these airplanes are flying 2-3 times the hours that Piaggio ever envisioned they would or designed them for. Comments since yesterday, Oct. 25, seem oblivious to the safety of flight issues. He placed his left foot at the base of the carpet behind the central instrument panel and stepped forward with his right, placing his foot inboard of the control column and gracefully followed with his left. The pilots had secured an engine and were having orientation issues due to instrumentation failures. As we returned to our starting point alongside Villanovas smart, modern terminal, we allowed the PT6s to cool for the required two minutes before securing the airplane. Let me be clear here and confirm that they are just rumors. Today's grounding is the 4th time in 2 weeks they have grounded the fleet, but the previous times they had slowly returned airplanes to service. Turboprops behave in certain ways, and jets in other ways, but the Avanti II is a true hybrid, a product that blends the best traits from two very different airplane categories to arrive at some third niche, which at present it occupies by itself. In the process it doesnt hurt one bit that the Avanti II just so happens to be one of the sleekest and most beautiful airplanes ever built. His record is pristine and out of Vegas, PS Albany has treated him so bad. Why wouldn't they do it maybe 5 aircraft at a time? We took up a westerly heading for our return to Villanova. Operationally this company is in big trouble. http://www.avantair.com/filings.html. Landing the P.180, as Id heard previously, is interesting in that the attitude is very flat. Management is out for their gain and don't care for the customers, after all it is the customers who legally own the airplanes, not the company. An FAA spokeswoman told me that the grounding was not initiated by the agency, so Im not sure where you got this information. And while I have spoken mainly about our pilots, I would like to commend my fellow employees, especially maintenance, in the other departments. The seat is raised or lowered with a lever outboard to provide a view that should just about look down onto the top of the glareshield. When the crew explained that MYF was below approach minimus due to the CAT B limitation, the owner used abusive language and accused them of lying. A most serious maintenance error especially since the elevator installation work would have required a RII type (double) inspection. Reaching ahead between the forward cabin bulkhead, he lifted the left-side pilots seat to provide a clear floor area on which to stand. At 400 feet, Lorenzo handed me control for my first landing. I'm not saying that maintenance or pilots did not make mistakes, but it helps to know the entire story before a rush to judgement. We leveled off at FL350 19 minutes after takeoff, I left the torque at 75 percent, and allowed the Avanti to accelerate to Mach 0.64 with an indicated airspeed of 216 knots and a TAS of 373 knots. All rights reserved. We exited left at the end, and Lorenzo cleaned the aircraft up as I got my last chance to handle the Avanti Evo while we taxied back toward the ramp. So I took them up on their offer to find me a charter flight. Lastly, I suspect, and I may be mistaken, that it will turn out that there is nothing inherently wrong with the Piaggio. Try using low-flow fixtures. Thats slightly less than 100 gallons per hour, a figure light jets simply cant touch. He then lowered the seat and sat down. We are confident we are laying the groundwork necessary to offer outstanding service and reliability going forward.. Shortly before departure, Villi advised me that the autopilot function of the APS-300 flight guidance system was not available. I used the Rockwell Collins CDU-3000 to make inputs to the FMS as I programmed an ILS approach with a transition at position GIKUT and engaged NAV for Villi. To date, of the aircraft in the fleet that have been inspected, there have been no compliance or airworthiness issues. Don. The release I posted above came directly from Avantair media relations. My friend, the Captain, requested the FO remain with the passengers, who continued their verbal tirade as the Captain DID complete a postflight, although abbreviated under duress. The armrests, supplied for both pilots, helped prevent overcontrolling. When the crew tried to explain that MYF was below approach minimus due to the CAT B limitation, the owner used abusive language and accused them of lying. Please specify the source for your statement. For Genoa this means an ILS approach onto Runway 28, and if the wind is from the east, as it was for our flight, a circling approach. Mandarin.. Advertising of any kind is not allowed in our comments section. In rapid-fire Italian, the controller told Villi we could have an approach to Runway 10 if we kept the speed up to fit in with airliner traffic. During the stand-down, Avantair will furlough some employees. http://aerossurance.com/safety-management/guilty-plea-obstructing-ntsb/, Passenger - Non-Scheduled/charter/Air Taxi, Updated [Time, Damage, Category, Investigating agency], Updated [Time, Departure airport, Destination airport, Source, Narrative], Updated [Time, Other fatalities, Departure airport, Destination airport, Source, Narrative], Updated [Other fatalities, Source, Embed code, Narrative]. Merry Christmas, kool-aid drinkers. The forward wing (not to be called a canard, as it has no moving flight controls other than forward flaps) is positioned on the underside of a gracefully sweeping nose and is home to two pitot tubes underneath and, unusually in Western types, has a significant anhedral. Yes. It was spot on. So to Don, you dont happen to live in Vegas do you? The P180s have a lot of maintenance issues because they are flown to airliner annual times when the planes were only made for a few hundred hours a year with private owners. With our new processes and procedures, Avantair will satisfy the heightened requirements governing the largest aircraft types in our industry. Once level, we were rewarded with what was nearly the top speed of the P.180, which was consistently 395 knots bumping up to that magical 400-knot figure on a couple of occasions, those figures at around 800 pounds per hour total. Have been looking everywhere for these. The Aviation Safety Network is an exclusive service provided by: The twin-engine airplane departed 23 minutes behind schedule to pick up passengers at an intermediate airport. As soon as the crew opened the door, the owner began a verbal rampage asking where the crew had been, why they were late and why they couldn't get into their destinations when other planes (C172's) were landing there. Ive removed Kyles email address above since this is not a pilot placement service, and Ive also deleted a charter companys post trolling for business from Avantair customers. While things have been dreary throughout the aviation industry for the past 5 years, Avantair was the only fractional airline that did not furlough or terminate pilots due to staffing reductions. The crew arrived at the intermediate airport and quickly boarded the two waiting passengers.Theydid not perform an adequate preflight inspection and departed about 5 minutes behind schedule. Viewing this report requires Adobe Reader be installed on your device. We would be more than happy to speak with any Colorado based owners who might be looking for an experienced Piaggio crew. Safety is Avantairs top priority. My trip has been scheduled for several days so I am perplexed on why they waited until 11pm the night before my trip to tell me about this issue. Stylish use of mirrors, six good-size windows on either side, and use of light colors ensure the cabin has a roomy feel. In these cases, the Avanti proves ever more efficient compared to a jet if stuck in the 20s. If it's not currently installed, click here to download. Piaggio will also increase the Evo's maximum zero fuel weight (MZFW) to 10,200 pounds, up from 9,800 pounds. They are a public company and having your fleet grounded is a material issue yet they are not disclosing this issue as far as I can tell. Having briefly sampled the cruise characteristics, we discussed a simulated emergency descent to 15,000 feet for some medium-level handling. .intend to return to the 121 world. If materials were a conservative approach, configuration was not. Really thinking nothing of it, I booked a flight from LAS to Orange COunty Ca today (coming back tomorrow). In fact, Avantair hired and added airplanes during the Great Recession. I stayed on the flight director as we climbed, quickly getting into IMC and getting rapid-fire climb-and-maintain clearances along the way. The external baggage area is not pressurized. Villi took control from me to give me a rest. P180 Avanti Lighting System. Piaggio Aero, on the other hand, is still steadily producing its model. By December 2020, 246 Piaggio P.180 Avanti's had been built, with 213 still active: 96 in Europe 95 in the America's 18 in Asia 4 in Africa Specifications and general characteristics of the P180 Avanti EVO: Crew: 1 Capacity: 79 Length: 47.3 feet Wingspan: 46.0 feet Height: 13.0 feet Wing area: 172 square feet] Empty weight: 8,375 lbs This airframe, T7-ASG, SN3007 was the first Avanti to be produced at the new manufacturing facility in Villanova DAlbenga, one year after production was moved from Genoa. Above FL200, the torque is allowed to reduce as ITT becomes the governing factor and we targeted approximately 800 deg C. The maximum continuous ITT is 820 degrees, but 785 degrees is recommended to produce rated horsepower in ISA conditions and improve engine life. The other huge advantage of the configuration is that it opens up the fuselage, allowing a cabin that is closer to that of midsize jets than light jets. At 160 knots, he handed control over to me, and we climbed at 2,500 fpm. The Avanti II does indeed have a big cabin, the best in its class by far, and it also has good speed and range, and best-in-class fuel efficiency. WebThats why the Piaggio Aero P180 Avanti II is a green aircraft. The second engine was started and after-start checks completed. I still recall going into one of the back hangers and see MX personal taking parts off of other P180s and putting them on other P180s. Had this been a real emergency, flight deck oxygen masks are stowed outboard of each pilot seat, readily accessible. "Piaggio gets confirmation of Avanti speed records". AINonline. Aviation International News. Archived from the original on 5 September 2018. Retrieved 16 June 2017. ^ Aboulafia, Richard. Sounds like they are on life support and being read their last rights. I managed the deceleration to approach speed with very small movements of the power levers and maintained final approach speed quite easily. I got an email at about 10:30 last night saying cancelled for the reasons stated in this email, with the same offer to find me a charter ay my expense. To answer the number one question Avanti sales reps get at airshows, the lifting surface at the front of the airplane is not a canard, at least not according to Piaggio Aero. The front office of the Avanti Evo is the Rockwell Collins Pro Line 21. First, with a far aft wing the engines two Pratt & Whitney PT6s in a pusher configuration can be mounted very far aft as well, which helps keep the interior noise low. Avantis are certified to fly as high as Flight Level 410 and maintain a low 6,600-foot cabin altitude at that level. Its a great formula. For years, Avantis languished on the fringes of general aviation as a niche airplane. Using the intuitive FMS CDU, I programmed a route toward BERAB, the initial approach fix for the VOR approach to Runway 27 at Villanova. Pilot Report: Piaggio Avanti Evo - Aviation International 79 dated 17 Where the two designs are in accord is that they are both largely stall proof. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. So to say that all is negative is wildly incorrect. Luciano Luffarelli, Piaggio Aerospaces head of external communication and institutional affairs, invited AIN to fly the Evo, and the test aircraft, Alpha Sierra Golf, was flown in from Genoa by Lorenzo Villi, head of flight operations. With over 25 years of trading, AvBuyer is the primary marketplace for new and pre-owned turboprops, plus you can read AvBuyer magazine and our online actionable intelligence resources which offer insight, market data and analysis from Piaggios P180 Avanti created quite a splash with its 1990 certification in the United States. Yes, the Captain was terminated and we lost a good pilot. Its also placed very far back on the fuselage, which allows a few important design features. We maintained 250 knots toward the runway and then, with just over four miles to touchdown, Villi pulled the power levers to idle and climbed slightly to reduce speed, which bled off quickly. Taxi steering was selected on the column switch, and the airplane moved easily at our ramp weight of 10,800 pounds. Earlier, she also confirmed that Avantairs grounding was indeed voluntary and not mandated by the FAA. WebThe pilot said he was flying the RNAV GPS runway 36 approach in 3 miles visibility and that the wind was from 070 at 9 knots. At 10:30 I was contacted and told that my flight had been cancelled, and that they would be looking at both charter and commercial flights at their expense. Later versions of the P.180 included the P.180 Avanti I and P.180 Avanti II. In ground idle and with power pulled back to idle, the airplane still has a tendency, like many turboprops, to get going too fast, so you need to use beta to keep things slowed down. For the past week, we have been undertaking extensive inspections of our fleet and our operating procedures. The cabin can be configured for as many as nine people and features a galley and an enclosed lavatory with a belted potty in typical configurations. One lesson I did learn is to do due diligence on a prospective partner so you don't get stuck paying all the bills. The airplane is nicely stable on final. That said both the plane and the company have been reliable for me for about 7 years. source: Piaggio is still making the follow-on Evowith winglets, composite propellers, and higher useful loadbut only six have been produced since 2015. P180 Avanti Special Cabin Configurations. Piaggio can do it, too. Its also remarkably wide for an airplane of its size. Arriving at the FBO there, the crew were shocked to find the owner and his colleague outside the FBO, on the ramp, unsupervised, waiting for the aircraft to arrive. Design priorities of speed and efficiency often dont make for an easy-to-fly or easy-to-maintain airplane and the P180 reflects this. Although never anywhere near 40 in the last two weeks have been in service. Yes, the Captain, a mere mortal and an infallible being, DID miss the elevator on his post flight inspection. As far as the crew that experienced the elevator loss, now you will hear the rest of the story.. Due to low ceilings at the destination airport, the crew diverted to the alternate, SAN. The Piaggio Avanti EVO is the third generation model of Piaggios flagship model. Max takeoff weight / 12,100 lbs But the action quickly becomes second nature, and an aural pip sounds in the headset to confirm pitch trim movement. Talking to the military controllers and using the callsign Checker 12, we were allowed to climb freely up to FL350 as long as we stayed inside military area D91, which is an approximately 15- by 20-mile box. I suspect, that they may be going over all documents now for a variety of reasons. He said the airplane was slightly right of the runway centerline and that there was a right crosswind. Only records that are readily In fact, Avantair late last year took possession of the 100th Avanti delivered in the United States, which has been far and away the models best market. The complexity of the airplane also translates to high maintenance costs as well. pilot operation, so when a small amount of fogging briefly appeared on my (right) screen, the clear pattern would allow the left-seat pilot adequate visibility. One thats lacking is the single FMS. Villi and I then headed to Genoa for some instrument approaches. Villi led a thorough guided tour of the outside of the airplane and explained all of its many unique features. Theoretically, a newly minted multiengine pilot with a high-altitude endorsement could hop right in and go flying. Yes, it does have three lifting surfaces, a T-tail and two pusher propellers but its how they are put together that is the important thing. Everyone at the company expects to be unemployed very soon. In attempting to understand the Piaggio P.180 Avanti II, you need to begin by forgetting everything you thought you knew about turboprop-powered airplanes. But, I'm sure that you could have done much better. The seats are finished in black leather with the owners initials embossed into the headrest and with a cabin height of 5.74 ft, it is comfortable to move around the full length. It wasnt the only fast turboprop twin with a forward wing the Beech Starship was a contemporary, though that company stopped production of the composite cabin-class twin shortly after it started it, admitting later that the composite model was so time-intensive to build that it was simply unprofitable. The Avanti EVO is the fastest turboprop available currently. The professional pilots at Avantair greatly appreciate our owners support and contribution to our careers and livelihoods. Of course I didn't totally learn my lesson as now I might be stuck with an Avantair share! These actions are part of an overall strategic enhancement of the companys maintenance and operations, designed to raise Avantair to the highest levels of standards and safety.. They are understandably bitter and we don't blame them.). Now I find out this has been an issue for several days but they have not sent out any communications to the owners mentioning this issue, nor is it mentioned on their website. We continued to decelerate and shortly after selecting landing flaps, I turned toward the hillside on my left to line up with the runway as we passed through 600 feet. Being a turboprop, however, it uses a fraction of the fuel jets would use. My attempt to follow Villis lead to my right seat was not so graceful. Avantairs demise, parts scarcity, and maintenance headaches combine to make P180 ownership a challenge. Both crews included experienced professionals that could have easily been flying somewhere else. We are grateful for their understanding and patience as we work through this important process. Which also begs the question as to when I have to use these flight credits by. Willing to purchase them from you. Cabin dimensions are spacious compared to a Beechcraft King Air and more in line with a midsize jet. I could see why 380 is a preferred altitude. I know if they fold up its going to be a fiasco as technically we each own a piece of these airplanes so we have a bunch of partners that we don't even know. Arriving at the FBO there, the crew were shocked to find the owner and his colleague outside the FBO, on the ramp, unsupervised, waiting for the aircraft to arrive. Grant handled the radio tuning. The lower section, containing two integral carpeted steps, is released by a handle on the left and lowered into position. With regard to maintenance all you need to do is get an engineer to do you monthly checks and for the big ones send it to Dusseldorf. The Avanti II, I should probably mention, is a single-pilot airplane; it doesnt need a crew. The hours they slave him out for is shameful Again, to me, the control force on the rudder appears heavy, but effective, and the yaw is easily contained. To begin, VNR has been a great place to work for many furloughed and retired former airline pilots. Fortunately that was in 2007 and we sold it right before the crash. The Avanti II's efficiencies can reduce operating costs by as much as 40 percent, according to Bingham. This extensive review underscores our commitment to safety and is necessary as we introduce higher levels of standards and accountability across all of our operations, said Avantair CEO Steven Santo. My last four years have been spent flying equipment with fly-by-wire controls and the Avantis flying controls are conventionally connected via cables, pulleys, push pull rods, and bell cranks. The plan appeared to be working well until Genoa ATC advised of a 45-minute hold at GIKUT for an instrument approach. When we resume operations, we will have the most reliable fleet in our industry embracing the highest standards in aviation, said Mr. Santo. During the takeoff roll, the left elevator departed the airplane and was found off the side of the runway 3 days later. In the end, the Avanti IIs configuration allows it to achieve light jet speeds in the same way as light jets do, by using a very small, highly loaded wing to go with a good dose of power. But it was not his fault that it. Bill, I appreciate the info and your honest evaluation. But it was not his fault that it. Pilatus PC-12 or Piaggio P.180 Checklist? Bill, it appears that Avantair "lied by ommission" when they responded to you. The windshield is deep and sharply raked back, which along with the ventral delta fins, perhaps alludes to the shared Learjet origin from the 1980s. WebP180 Avanti General Description. https://www.ainonline.com/aviation-news/business-aviation/2012-10-23/avantair-grounds-entire-fleet-safety-checks, It was ground the fleet for inspection or get shutdown my the FAA. I followed Lorenzos example, if anything being a bit more aggressive with the speed decay. Flying the Avanti II That all changed in 2003 when Avantair put the design thoroughly on the map in the United States as a successful fractional-ownership provider of Avantis. Whatever the outcome, it was and is an honor and a blast to serve our Owners and work with my fellow VNR employees. Companies in trouble do this to avoid the panic of "furlough" status. Its a hard transition for a pilot coming back to PT6s after having flown modern fadec turbofans from Williams and, yes, from Pratt & Whitney. I wont get into the details of it here, but suffice it to say Grant was busy with taking notes as I flew the airplane. P180 Avanti Oxygen System. Avantair and the FAA may call it voluntary, but it's all semantics. Max cruise speed / 400 KTAS While it may be certified to fly with one pilot most P180s are crewed by two. I HOPE they make it but I'm already making plans for other options. You need to check your facts pal, they offered voluntary leaves to avoid furlough up until recently a handful of people have been fired for the slightest error in judgement. Avanti II appeared for the 2006 model year with higher thermodynamically rated engines. WebAs the factory-authorized training provider for Piaggio Aeros P.180 Avanti, Avanti II and Avanti EVO models, FlightSafety has created in-depth, type-specific programs to ensure that pilots and maintenance technicians of Piaggio Aero aircraft are equipped with the latest in safety training. Owners and work with my piaggio avanti safety record VNR employees expects to be working until! General aviation as a niche airplane the side of the airplane moved easily at our ramp weight 10,800... Niche airplane forgetting everything you thought you knew about turboprop-powered airplanes both flights continued to destinations! An incident earlier this year in which an Avantair Avanti shed an elevator in flight there have been service! Fax, or U.S. mail would use by two endorsement could hop right in and buffet was felt through airframe. The RH power lever Orange COunty Ca today ( coming back tomorrow ) minted multiengine with! 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