UICPD does prohibit some transactions at the Safe Exchange Zone: Illegal transactions, including, but not limited to contraband, narcotics, illegal substances, stolen property, or other illegal items and/or exchanges. Officers identified the suspect as 44-year-old Corey D. Goodson, Sr. Is this contempt of our parenting plan? The school has to have legal documentation on file as well from the court in order to be able to tell you that you cannot see her. File for a modification and document everything. He has also been ordered to provide health insurance for our children but he has been unable to do so. I need someone to talk to and help asap # 929 230 2041. I have the opposite problem, I am the mother and the custodial parent however, my sons father and grandmother have taken my son and will not let me see or talk to him. How many night lights do you have powered on each and every single night? If a man or woman abuses their current or ex mate or spouse why wouldnt that person abuse the child that isnhalf of that other person? The ex girlfriend will not help make her go. He went to family court and file a court order so I wont leave buffalo NY with our daughter, so I decided not to leave. Create your family's parenting schedule Generate a customized parenting plan View and print the time calculation graphs Track and journal what actually happens Be prepared for mediation and court Use phone, tablet and computer apps So the child has been with us. On Friday February 17, 2023 at approximately 10:21 AM officers with the Fort Wayne Police Department. Its been a problem everytime I go over to pick up or drop the kids off. 1. FindLaw.com Free, trusted legal information for consumers and legal professionals, SuperLawyers.com Directory of U.S. attorneys with the exclusive Super Lawyers rating, Abogado.com The #1 Spanish-language legal website for consumers, LawInfo.com Nationwide attorney directory and legal consumer resources. she lied she just want me to let her have my daughter so she can run with her. Depending upon the wording of the current order this may be child abduction and you can also contact the District Attorney's office to enlist its assistance. now he and her husband and getting a divorce and she took him out of school and hes been with us for the past 2 weeks. We knocked at the door, no answer. Will I get in trouble for kidnapping? This is crucial b/c now the officer knows you are wanting to be amicable, calm, collected, and just want visitation with your child(ren). I am afraid one day i will be arrested and my son will see me hauled off in hand cuffs.what can i do? The work you do for your family is part of the only work that matters, and you should enjoy every minute of it while you can because when its over, its over. Told his daughter he can get her a medical Marijauna card for any illness she may have but till he can afford it she can smoke his and her uncles. This is a huge help to the officers when they respond. Transactions involving firearms, firearms parts, ammunition or explosives. I also learned that she was planing to abscond with the children to another state until this happened. my ex is threatning to have me arrested for child abuse tht never happen if i dont leave her and her new boyfriend alonethis is a bunch of bull.when will the courts see what these women do to us fathershavent seen my kids in over 2 years and not sure where they are or if they are even aliveshe had said she would kill them and nothing would happen because she thought she was dying of cancer..so im worried. But every time I confront him about any of it he denies all of it. It's serious business when you try to deal with someone making false police reports, you need legal help. The judges seem to be the biggest kids and have their rulings overturned by a silver-tongued highly paid barrister or bully. his dad just recently Came back into his life 3months ago , he keeps saying hes gonna call the cops on me if my son isnt with him at 1pm we do have a court order im just wondering I changed the majority of 3 girls worth of diapers and never regretted one. Always be first to file. The judge ordered her to give me kids for thanksgiving week,and Christmas 2 weeks. Additional Public Prosecutor Amit Sahni, representing the state, sought direction the Gaur couple to pay Rs 10,64,055 towards the expenses or salaries of guards deployed with them during their . Will this work if Im not the biological father but been there since he was born and I signed his birth certificate? I there anyway I can get my daughter back? Most of the time these problems occur when you are going through your divorce or are newly divorced. I have seen this time and time again. I even drove my son back and forth to school one hour each way to make it easier on his father when I could have just let him go 2 min down the road from my house. We are worried that shes not telling the truth like always. My daughter wants to stay with me always but she had the wherewithal to say mommy stop coming toward us. If anyone has anything to help with please let me know. Hi my name is Alex I got joint custudy and placement of my Kids my Kids mom not suppose to take my Kids to her house and she continued to do it I already file papers again but what I can do in the mean time. you can file a motion to get her back and everytime he puts his hands on you make a police report filing assault charges against him so many of them can turn into prison time or a felony and you should have never went back to ny I made that mistake with my nine year old. And all suggestions are welcome I have hire two lawyers over the past four years and they all say the same thing find her and it can be I forced. Orders for parenting time carry the same court authority and therefore are technically enforceable by the police. If youre not loving every minute of taking care of your kids then you should let someone else take some of your time with them off your hands. bsThe laws, police that enforce them and even the court is circa 1960s. I just nee honesty from people like yourself. How many bathtubs full of hot water do you pay for in your house each month? I seem to be the only one who cares for her. If you have any questions about filing a police report for a custody violation or how to get your child back from the non-custodial parent, get in touch with a mens divorce attorney and they can help you figure out what steps you need to take. But you cant force something that the father doesnt want or doesnt care enough about. Would you be able to do it alone, relying only on the income you could find time to create, and not paying anyone else to raise your kids or taking time off to attend their school events and teacher conferences? When is the last time you trimmed tiny little fingernails? When this happens, the child's environment may become hostile, unpleasant, and even physically and emotionally damaging (for example, with pushing, hitting, or name-calling in front of the kids). It is just very frustrating and exhausting trying to work, take care of home and kid(s) and then to have to deal with the nonsense of coparent splaying games instead of acting like adults for the childs sake. So when I got there he serve me wit a paper saying he has temporary custody of her and that she needs to reside with him! The mother wrote a letter to my friend and told him that she and his daughter were going to California because the mothers aging father was ill. She said it was not permanent but it has now been almost a year. Only three showed up at the motel. In November he left the country again and returned in May abandoning my CHILd for 7 months. Would you willingly let that child be put or left into a place or environment that would cause them harm or cause them pain or sadness? I am worried about his environment at this point, so Im willing to go to any length. Trust me us women do to and sometimes we also dont get to see our kids. My question is will they give him full custody or will he get in trouble cause hes been violating our order and playing mind games with me. For example, orders to arrest, seize property, or for injunctions, depend on law enforcement agencies to be effective. I can believe that I have my kids mom violate over over even right now out state Ive reported and reported always seems some.excuse to not believe except papers I even finally had pay 50 for stamp but I called cops everyday one week so now the report cant be denied or doubted questio ok I had got custody my son in fam c.f. I try to get confirmation on things and cant. I am a woman and I completely agree! I cant believe some peopleSorry to hear you all are going through this kind of stuff. Stop doing this to mothers and fathers people oh, it is not okay at all. its actually sometimes the other way around also, unfortunatelyUnfortunate for all of us and the kids. We cant just pick her up and put her in the car because we are scared she will freak out and she will end up getting injured. Your consultation is free. I have heard horror stories of the non-custodial parent ending up with full custody in the end. Meeting with a lawyer can help you understand your options and how to best protect your rights. Also she is now performing solo sex webcam shows from her home, although she claims not to do it when he is there. I promise Im not some crazy person give me some nut job in rice Im just kind of giving you a free flow of ideas that came to my mind whenever I read your current predicament there are facial recognition software programs out there that are not stupid expensive and good investigating 90 percent of the time will turn up the information. View a full listing of offices nationwide. Ive had to resort to going to my sons school to see him, since that is the only way Im allowed to see him. For school commuting, the parent who has care of the child at the time also has transport responsibility. if your soon to be ex is being an idiot, document all the particulars of the incident and report it to your lawyer and and any other court appointed officers such as a Guardian Ad Litem. Now they are threatening my freedom. To know a persons future you first need to know there past. Youre sleeping well at night, and still carry that feeling that youve been treated with injustice. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window). Are you at work and cant concentrate with sadness striking you? If she leave for a trip out of the country no not military and my son and I are not here when she gets back just a town over from where we are now. Many men do all of that on their time. This includes police, banks and anyone else dragged into the ugly procedure. My question is: What are my chances of a judge in Tarrant County granting my request for permission to relocate? Is your child on your mind at night and you cant sleep because it hurts so much? If I could accept this position I would no longer need to accept her generous gift every month. I have been in your shoes. Wasnt there for her birth. Never signed the bc or affidavit of parentage. Who gives him help when he has custody or visitation with the kids does the mother of the children give him weekend allowance to supply the needs as much as you need for kids. Just over two years ago my ex came to me and said she would like to do one week on, and one week off with the kids and in exchange she would have the child support halted. The police officer(s) will come and just let them know casually what your intentions are and that you want no problems, just want to spend time with your child(ren). Social services have never helped me ever. i tired to be civil still since hes been absent and letting him know that he came back outta no where and is ordering me basically threatening me but if i told him to days ahead i have work and can not take my son at that time but later can i go to jail for that and will that be taken as me violating the court order even tho i tried to call two days ahead and he has not responded nor bothers to answer my texts explain why. Theres little sympathy for a former abuse victim. The following provides an overview of the child custody exchange process and how to make it work for you. Days later they made it known that they were not going to give me back my son or let me see him and are continuing to withhold my son in a home that his father shares with his mother and my son has to sleep on the couch or in bed with his grandmother. Have a copy of your decree with you. After all, one or both parents could risk the lossor reduction of their custody rights where violence or other problems arise during custody exchanges. When hes away from his father, hes happy to see me. So trust me dads, these Courts go against Good moms too. It is that simple. So, I am going back over there this evening with my mom coming with me. Court order is clear- kids go with dad every other Saturday and Sunday 9:30-6:30; mom is not to interfere or even call kids during dads time. Me and my childs mom have 50/50 custody she in my eyes abandoning my child I wont give him back I told her Im taking her back to court can I get in trouble? Is this considered the mother abandoning her child? Gabriela Miller, you need to mother up and encourage the relationship rather than sabotaging it. My exwife and I have a 50/50 no child support agreement. I would work with my ex husband in any and every way to ensure the boys maintain a relationship with their dad. Jerrad Ahrens licensed in NE and IA only. Why would he threaten his babies life if he wants to see her? I just want to talk to my son. The boys have only been able to see their dad 8 to 10 hours a week on Sundays due to my exs job. And my mother died last year so he wont let me keep him overnight at all. I also offered to split the holiday into two complete weeks, but my ex did not want to do that. Amy. the forst time he came to pick her up he scared her even more by saying things like your mother is going to strangle your sister and that he was going to call his police friends that alone intimidate and scared more my child so she was crying snd begging me to take her home with me. If you need an attorney, find one right now. The only way to stop this is to find a way for your step daughter to spend as much time with your husband as possible, and some kind of order that limits moms power to sit back and encourage such disrespectful behavior. Ask yourself, aside from financial assistance, what else are you doing? Please help me, with step-by-step instructions on what to do. child abuse or parental kidnapping). Heres my suggestion. Not to write books online about what it cost, whether time or money to take care of your own kids. Make a police report each time your husbands ex doesnt compel your step daughter to come along. I changed drastically and my heart was broken. How many packages of $12 toilet paper do you buy in a month, or tubes of $4 toothpaste, or bottles of $2 hand soap? This is why people work outside the law. Tell me how I am to stay safe against having my children taken, I too supply my kids with a phone but they have been threatened if they call me or any of my family. if your children are disabled they cant run away. In many cases, police officers might be unwilling to get involved in a family law dispute unless the conduct rises to a criminal infraction (i.e. Please send me an email and thank you. I will make the rest of my lifes mission to try and make it illegal in the USA. The parenting time provided in the custody order is the "default" plan that is in place when parents cannot agree on the exchange schedule. I can definitely say I fulfill your shoes and add to all of that, dealing with a mother who besides taking child support, lies to the state and still collects welfare! I walk everyday with a hole in my heart. As matter of fact, they live with my ex mother and shes the one who takes care of and has all the say over my son right now. Hi, Their mothers pleas for help and financial assistance have become nothing more than another creditor blowing up your phone and not worth your time or cost. Here are some hints that I feel will really help. The system is seriously flawed. He sends the police to my home on his visitations to come get my daughter and I refuse. Gotta love the double standard heresmh, Unfortunately, enforcement of a divorce decree sometimes depends on the attitude of your local law enforcement.. So I decided to go back to live with him again witch was a bad idea because it just made things worse , Another incident occurred between me and him causing him to push me down the stairs while Im 4 moths pregnant with twins told me to get out of his so I grab me and my daughter stuff and letf . A Motion to Enforce tells the court that the opposing party has failed to comply with the child custody order and is unreasonably denying you visitation. Also re-ask questions that you have already asked the dispatcher b/c now you physically have an officer that will be with you. Clearly youre looking for a way to run a scam. For example, the normal changeover time for a child on . which that is want my ex husband did to me. Yeah, but what happens if the mother changes her name and your sons name in a sealed name change, and disappears. She is enrolled in school and has been with us now for 3 months and he decided he wanted her for the weekend and she started crying and didnt want to go so we told him NO she didnt want to go and we will not force her .. My question is can we get In trouble or should we force our daughter to go and he will never let her move back with us. He denied her while I was pregnant. The BLESSING of seeing your child nearly every day and raising them. This shit is exhausting, and they are half your DNA. I know I should have went to court and filed something letting them know he wasnt giving me my parenting time , but I was scared, we used to have a abuse relationship. The man was taken into custody by . My kids from previous marriage are 8 and 10. There is lots of grey in the law when it comes to this subject. if a court fails to enforce a court judgement there are other motions you can file. Im thinking is felony eluding, child endangerment, & kidnapping. You have to do the same thing. Christina Sapiano. Parental alienation is what is causing this. The special guardian wont even do mediation. He never bought her home and wont allow me to speak to her. The court wants to do a investigation. I sent a letter with copy of the court order stating my intention to exercise my rights. I have to move on with my life. Unreal. If they had any friends or social groups you could attempt to approach them as a family friend or whatever you think to be good. Her mother refuses to give me her address therefore I have no idea where me child is located. Wants to change it every week to accommodate his drama. I truly have nobody informing me of my rights nor helping me prepare or upholding my rights as a father. She is also coaching our children into being scared to go with me. Defendant did not pay court costs or did not give an a way of relief. He is a complete loser with zero regard for the kids BUT the Judge knows every single bit of this and due to her connection to some Male Coalition (az judge Mead), she ignored everything and ruled for the dad. I have adjusted the visitation schedule in order to give the boys the most time with their dad. I understand where your coming from I raised my exs oldest son from born until 4 and then the dad wanted to work his way back in, and it worked she dropped me and is trying with him, my efforts meant nothing we have our own child as well and shes trying to get full custody of him and me see him at her discretion, havent seen what I called (my oldest son) for a year now, you dont hafto agree but women usually get the majority of the custody and usually child support, I think any father wanting to be apart of there childs life deserves that opportunity to do so and if they blow it then you got probable cause in court, no matter what struggles people go through imagine being denied your kids when thats all that matters in life, trying to answer and vent at the same time because of how much involved in my case and false everything and deceitfulness she gets away with is amazing, she can be with who she wants it would be nice if she looked at it as we gotta get along for our childs sake and security for the emotional toll they live in the future, its to bad over 85% of parents today are separated and have kids with someone else trying to be happy with someone but our kids suffer because the adults want happiness. Maybe if you do that enough you can spend the rest on yourself. Its been over a month and a half now and I feel so bullied. She pulls visits because she thinks Im unstable. We are from MS, and they have joint right now with her being primary because we live 2 hours away from her. Ive went to mediation 3 times and shes never suffered any kinds of repercussions for her actions. One year later she moved back to town. Ive left most of my things there. Learn more about FindLaws newsletters, including our terms of use and privacy policy. Your email address will not be published. I hope this helped you. L.J. Previous | Home | Next Social services were very much against that, and always have been. No contact between mom and dad. we dont know what to do anymore, is there something legal that we can do? Its been 2 months and I dont know whats going on with my kid. What if the grandparents allow the person to see their child even thou they sent allowed and falsely say they do not live at resedence and they really do. I swear. The issue can then be taken before a judge and ruled upon then. My husband does not want to take the child back because he has no idea whats actually going on. hes been trying to keep our daughter from me despite a joint custody court order in place. Why cant they join the clubs they want to, or attend the summer camps their friends are going to? I think n think n think while I witness dawn become dusk n dusk become dark black empty night then it turns to dawn again right infront of these eyes. And Im paying child support, got her a car . A week an half later I get a call from the school telling me that my children are being taken by an unnamed person. Because of this I can not exercise my court ordered parenting time. I was a stay-at-home dad for 7 years and now I am being kept from my daughter without explanation period in Ohio the courts are not father friendly at all Ive even had a social worker tell me that they will always side on the side of the mother unless there is direct drug abuse involved around the child. How do I go about not sending her anymore what do I do ?Now when he is ready to be a dad he flosses that support order around.. Not to mention he owes me like 10,000 back pay he doesnt pay his child support.. What do I do???? Im a supervisor and get called when the officers on the scene need some guidance or most of the time im the referee. The child might be in the car. Hi, my sons father filed for full custody a couple weeks ago and it was denied. We got in an argument last night and he ran off and called his dad to come get him. Chicago police said at about 3 p.m., a 38-year-old male armored truck guard left a business at the strip mall. He threatens with the police to but Im ready to fight back in court. There have been multiple examples of child custody exchanges ending badly, often in tragedy. They favor the woman period. What does your current custody/visitation say? And working for your children, even if it takes you to your limits, is a blessing that has no equivalent. If you have a court approved parenting plan then you are legally obligated to follow it. What if I were to give him that chance and he didnt return him? Stop whining and complaining that youre a victim and gracefully acknowledge the wonderful GIFT that youve been given. It says he will have to give you back that missed time and pay your lawyer fees, so dont be scared. All of this is very stressful, especially to your kids. All Good parents need to stick together, whether male or female. And I dont like him being over there with his new wifes son who has been abbusive to my son and has been kicked out of many schools. As a country we need to work to change how child custody works.. Me and my childs father was together for 3 years lives ng in the same household with our child. All this goes for your wife as well. Ok i need help asap . You just caught yourself in a lie. Too bad they dont know how many months of support youre behind in, or how your children have become nothing more than an outstanding debt. And she has still gotton away with it. This article is highlighting one of many issues that we have with our current child custody laws. He abuses drugs and sells them. Question my wife and I are still married but soon to be filling for divorce. How many $5 bottles of childrens shampoo have you bought lately, or how about $6 boxes of dish detergent to run the dishwasher nightly? As he approached the truck, a gold or dark gray vehicle approached. I think all of your statement above, applies to both, a father and a mother. Everyone should learn and read court process rules and start figuring it out correctly. Good luck, Im going threw the same thing. If filing a police report for a custody violation doesnt work, you can always file a Motion to Enforce with the court. Look up the schools around the last known address and acquire there year books or access to them online. You have to stand your ground and enforce your full visitation, otherwise it just looks like you didnt want the time. Immediately call your lawyer and report the violation. Ex wife refusing open communicationMy ex wife refuses to have open communication with me as far as our children are concerned. But my ex husband never picks her up or drops her off at our meeting spot his mom and her boyfriend do. 3. Now what will you tell me? I myself am going trough the same thing. I just want my son to be safe and I truly believe he isnt in the best of hands with his mother. If you have corresponded via e-mail or text, print them out, but make sure that you have been calm and amicable in every aspect of the correspondence otherwise the officer will still see you are on the brink of aggression. I was awarded a restraining order when he appeared and became physical and removed our daughter (outside of his placement) and did not return her until police became involved. In one occasion we got into arguement and moved out of his house told him I was leaving to Florida to be by my family side. Dont play power trips with your ex. I dont know what to do about him constantly filing false reports against me. Im really missed and I want to know what my best course of action would be. If she truely does not want to go and you do not think it is her best interest to go, do not send her. Girlfriend will not help make her go give an a way of relief about what it cost, male! Been a problem everytime i go over to pick up or drop the kids his mom and her boyfriend.. 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