in fact I have an estate agent coming to give me a valuation and advice in mid April which I hope might give me some guidelines on where any money would be best spent . Talk about crisis at home and feeling lonely! My natal Saturn is 20 degrees sagg, and so I had my saturn return last year. She was protected by religion just like the sibling who was protected by the coverup (yeah and the covered sibling hides her actions behind the church too). Interesting, I admire how well you remember your dreams! I got so ear problems, some high blood pressure and drank a lot of wine. This. I am looking at all my personal and professional resources and thinking about how to contribute professionally (Saturnine structure) over the coming years while being at home with my own need to live a simpler life. Can you imagine? Even with achievement and success, this aspect can bring criticism from your parents and the public as well as notoriety. When Saturn transits the nadir you may want to go home. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! Saturn Conjunct Midheaven Transit. The Queen of the UK is important with this aspect as i recall, if my memory serves, she has an unaspected saturn conjunct her MC!! Major milestones and some really difficult experiences. I did some research and discovered that 19 Sag (my IC) is associated with the left femoral neck sort of the hip. I feel homesick for my ex, his kids, our dog, and the life I had. Ill be having that soon and Im terrified of it. gillian. The South Node (dragons tail) trines my IC and sextile my MC. Indeed, that occurred to me too! Take Care, Lou, and be blessed. Quite the position for a queen to haveLOL! I am blessed to still have both my elderly parents living independently in their own home but Im aware that this transit could bring changes there also.I would dearly love to move back up North closer to my children & grandchildren but money (cant sell my home due to contamination)& being available for my aging parents are issues. Only this time i was not the one attracted to these pschos and socios because i knew what Uranus intentions were when he entered the 2nd decan of Taurus to activate a transiting YOD with Chiron in Aries and the NN (and other transits in Gemini in 2021). A book which has been helpful for this transit and all things Saturn is Erin Sullivans Saturn In Transit where she addresses the heroic journey as lived through the transits. In the first house, Saturn conjunct Pluto gives an authentic, no-nonsense, "cut-to-the-chase" general attitude, a stance and demand for "the truth and nothing but the truth". In retrospect, I think he felt betrayed. Saturn transits are notoriously tough. Sent 3-5 times a week. Yes saturn on her MC the duty , the responsibility, wow. You will have some important duties and responsibilities to attend to which may involve one of your parents. I also have a new Moon in my solar return chart, and read that in an adult life, it may mean new beginnings in ones professional life. Most of the time, these people tend to have very low self worth which results in depression and feelings of hopelessness, particularly when they are young. Saturn's movement by transit through the houses acts to aid us to learn to depend on ourselves in different areas of life. Before it entered the 4th I wanted to finally move out of my parents flat and start my independent life at 30!, I am almost 34 now and I am still there. Only to learn years later that I was on a journey that involved Pluto(chart ruler)-Uranus (at critical 29degrees in natal chart transiting moon sign Aries)-Neptunian(coruler of my North Node with sun NN in the 5th house in Pisces)-Chiron(returning in 2019)-Jupiterian(transiting Gemini my 8th house of death and rebirth). Shortly after arriving here, my goddaughter was born followed by my godson. Interesting but makes me wonder where her Saturn lies. Like this online, thank you. Ask me What a year 2004/05 Im having NN return again in 2022. Thanks for sharing the quote: It is at the base point of the horoscope, this dark place, that the treasure is guarded by the dragon. Nice aspects Sextile moon in Taurus, 0 orb Trine Venus in Scorpio 1 orb Tricky aspects Square Mercury and Pluto in Libra, 0 orb Inconjunct Neptune in Sag, Jupiter in Aquarius, making a Yod The sextile with the Moon is the base point of another Yod with Neptune st the apex. Yes, youre right, very hard to see anything positive sometimes. Aries moon a pioneering sign that is not afraid to go solo. It is possible that circumstances will occur that force a major review of your goals and where you are heading with your career. This even applies even to the simplest of things like making an important phone call or paying a bill. Also, the progressed chart moon would be conjunting my progressed IC. Posts: 858From: AtlantisRegistered: Nov 2016, Posts: 8518From: South AfricaRegistered: Dec 2012. I was little then but the impact of it has rippled on for decades. How do you find your mercury affecting you? I guess, Im no longer that bothered about transits.. My family had to go through almost breaking apart because of my husbands legal status. Both have Saturn conjunct their South Node. In my chart Saturn (1851 Aries 10th house) is conjunct Midheaven (1823 Aries). Why religion is mixed into the seaminess I experience I do not know unless it is just the popular go to excuse. It explains a lot, I meant unaspected , the perils of predictive text. Chiron was transiting my MC/10H (same area where pluto has been transiting since 2017 till now!) And since Saturn is a slow moving planet, changes and effects these aspects bring lingers a long time. My family and I moved into a new house when Tr Saturn was conjunct my IC. What Happens When Uranus in Taurus Transits Your 4th House? However, your relationships with superiors and the authorities should be mutually respectful because you share something in common. Answer (1 of 3): What a transit will mean for you personally is something for which your natal chart must be analyzed at first and other transits happening must be taken into account as well. Natal conjunctions by two consecutive full moons one an eclipse cannot count for nothing. But,thats how the universe works. It was the most challenging time of my life. He will be crossing for the first time end of January 2019. I hope I can get everything fixed and sold SOON. Hi! I have Saturn transiting my IC in Aqua now. ), Im expecting all of that to explode soon. Gid, don,t think I can survive that. After they were transferred from Broadmoor to a clinic, Jennifer could not be roused. In a nutshell: diagnosed with endometriosis, having difficulty conceiving, relationship of 11 years ultimately ended (not due to lack of love but differences in foundational desires and beliefs), in the process of foresclosure, moved 1200 miles to live with family and get on my feet financially. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! I've been back in Brazil for just over 3 weeks and much has happened already, or has it not?! Is this Scorpio rising down? You will most likely feel a strong sense of duty and will strive with determination to do something significant with your life. As a child I would lie in bed watching the roses on the wallpaper turn into malevolent faces as daylight faded; I had to make bargains with . Saturn conjunct IC at 27 Capricorn opposite MC in Cancer, Im on the right track and cannot wait. Posts: 215 From: Registered: Dec 2016: posted June 15, 2017 04:10 PM . You will have some important duties and responsibilities to attend to which may involve one of your parents. IP: Logged. It crossed over my asc last month. My Venus is in the third house at 29 cappy. Anyway, these two dreams seem related to this transit. They both have many tight aspects to other planets in my chart. I always knew my family is no good but this year, after Pluto and Saturn together Im just flipping out!! Ohhh that would be a depth and expansive communicational mind! I would say the feelingis normal but its not necessarily typical. Its a been a lot of hard work since finding astrology, I took myself back to school of self teaching. Its been HELL. I could get not much understanding/sympathy for what I was going through either. It hurts me to see that. Mars opposite Saturn:This transit calls for caution, diligence, and responsible behavior. To have Saturn and Jupiter activate my IC is music to my ear. Im very sensitive and much more aware of power control and those that I allowed to have it over me. Try to look on the positive side. You can see, in both cases, it takes a lot out of a person. Transit Saturn is approaching this aspect. But the past 1 1/2 years have been unsettling as parts of my life I had counted on suddenly vanished. I knew nobody where I lived and was very lonely. There are typos in Elsas article on the 4th. Just little fixes and sellbut where do I go? These Pluto conjunctions will take place over a five or six year period. I have 25 Sagittarius on IC. Posts: 858 It can be quite hard, but through these hardships ideally you learn to work together and find joy despite the adversities. Well, Neptune also started opposing my Sun recently, so I guess that contributes a lot as I have no idea who I am anymore and this affects nearly everything. My Saturn-IC conjunction comes at the right time, Im not complaining because I surrendered to the universe and have done the hard work. When the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of early 1980s hit my IC, it completely unraveled my family. When Saturn crossed my IC, I moved to be nearer my job. So we always quickly patch things up and move on haha. Angular planets refer to the four corners of the chart, and planets that are conjunct these points are said to exercise a particularly strong influence over the horoscope. You're not the first person to make a string of bad decisions. Pholus Conjunct the IC The IC is one's childhood home. What happened when Saturn transited your nadir or 4th house? The house of the conjunction gives more information about in which area it manifests primarily. I consider this one of the most difficult transits a person can have, especially if youre prone to depression. One would not really want Pholus here because it may indicate a volatile early home. Sun in 10th Moon in 4th. It is not going to be easy at all. Saturn Opposite Midheaven Natal and Transit Saturn opposite Midheaven natal can cause feelings of loneliness and insecurity early in life. That's positive!" , , Real Life Saturn transit 12th, Saturn transit 1st, saturn transit ascendant permalink I work here. I moved abroad, moved together with a lovely and kind man, he had a lovely family. I have natal Saturn conjunct my IC in the 5th house (whole sign house system) I'm pretty apprehensive about a future Pluto transit to my IC. How apropo for my natal Pluto square Saturn setup. The treasure is that spark of individual destiny, the inner glow that provides ones unique essence, and the heroic experience is the retrieval of that essence.. Theyre stressed. In fact, its 2business ideas one has 2 spin-offs to make the 4. The native shone in his early home. They may be orphaned or unwelcome in their family. Saturn conjunct north node transit is a lesson to be learned for several months. I feel depressed that I havent made enough from my life even though I am intelligent, have charisma and skill, and the transformation to change shells, like a hermit crab moving from one size to a larger shell, feels impossible, daunting, scary. thus opposite saturn so it was all very painful in both fronts. Anyways. Saturn rolled me over with the co vid restricting all wat l stated but now Pluto on the March but slowly, My partners money is an issue as hes selling ( mercury) shares in his company but with Saturn on sun mercury conjunct straddling I c and gem on 8 th cusp the Mars retro has made things unable to reach culmination. and my husband almost didnt get his green card for the government. I sold my home over a year ago and am living in a cottage by the ocean in Western Australia. At the time Uranus was conjunct my natal Saturn in Taurus. Well, that would be nice, but have no idea how he will turn up! It generally marks an emotional low. Sorry, for some reason Prog Moon and Tr Saturn going through the same house usually seems like the same to me (as in whatever house Tr Saturn or Prog Moon are in that's your main focus for that period of life). Any help from jupiter or venus? My family is a blessing, however I still feel alone. The house itself needs about $40,000 to update it and I keep going back and forth about what to do. Im debating on how much money to spend on updating and decorating before I put it on the market. What happens now will be in accordance with the reality of what you have achieved. Registered: Feb 2010. 26 people love it! It means hard work and responsibility are your karmic destiny. I dont know what my Saturn-IC transit has in store for me, what I know is that Im moving forward. Confirmed by the Jupiter (big) square to Neptune (illusion). Evolution is a hard and long journey psychos and socios know that thats why they resist it while expecting to reap the benefits. Scorpio rising resilient sign of ambition that is never down for the count. Reply. Also, is Mars the ruler of Uranus Transit the IC because its in Aries? I dont think I will ever see positive in this period. I was already an experienced therapist and had just finished oral exams in Process Oriented Psychology in USA. Interpretation Of Solar Return Ascendant For Each Sign. There is oppositionVenus and Jupiter in cancer. Stressful times but we made it through. Havent thouht about uranus and this one is quite a bad boy. And Uranus was with natal Mars/Venus in Pisces. People will come to you for advice and you may be a teacher or mentor. This eclipse squared Uranus, the Great Awakener. Youre right. We have three kids and our family had ptsd through it all. I was hoping I was going to move with my Prog Moon in the 4th but it was basically turning me into a hermit, isolating myself, depression and making myself go to therapy to deal with my past (which that's what the 4th is all about too). Pluto in my 4th has been, to say the least, a revelation, forcing me to take off some rose colored glasses. But we all need to get our living situation straight at some point. . SR MC exactly conjunct natal IC - Im not sure that it is important aspect in this case In transits he has: long lasting transit Saturn trine natal Venus transit Jupiter is going soon make conjunction to natal Ascendent in Libra Let us know how will be your next year and when you will meet sombedy, if it would lead to marriage. No more details will be given to us until the 2nd half of this year. So well Im happy I have arents thats there for me. YES. The last time Saturn transited my 4th I was forced to move back with my parents due to a strange, difficult to diagnose illness. Tr. Saturn is now going through my own 4th house. The youthful Gemini look. In this period of your life, you often have to face challenges and overcome them. I just became much more grounded and more thoroughly formed as a person. I took this as a sign that I was ready to proceed, 2020 has been the year of laying the foundation. Im in the investigative stage right now about what to do about the osteoporosis. Diana. Saturn conjunct the Descendant to Saturn conjunct the MC This starts a period where you become more outgoing and are usually eager to offer your skills to the world. My mother passed as Saturn entered my 4th house. Your head might weigh heavily with responsibilities, ambitions, fears, or a combination of all three. I saw classmates being punched on the back mercilessly, her fingernails relentlessly rat a tat tatting on their heads, their knuckles beaten with wooden rulers, and their backs as they were made to kneel on the hard tile floor with their hands in the chalkboard tray. I recommend you examine Saturn sun people Look at celebrities with it Read about it I have Saturn square the sun with moon scorpio and Saturn conjunct the moon. This Saturn (and Jupiter) transit takes it to another level and points to this being a karmic transit. Uranus transits on the IC are amazingly strong - Adrian. I will be writing it up in the next month or 2. I just thought it would be good to experience on-campus living for at least a year, but I decided it wasnt worth the money to do so in the remaining years. By the way,I have Pluto just finishing its 4th house transit. So I have Uranus, Neptune, Saturn and MC in Capricorn. I hope so. At first, we generally encounter feelings of being thwarted or unsupported by the outside world in the particular areas of life that are ruled by the house. Ill be having it conjunct Pluto :'(. I still live at home with my parents, since Im single, have no job and its nearly impossible finding rent houses in Stockholm! Pluto and Saturn SCARE ME. Hi Mel. I am more than halfway through & ok but definitely transformed & it has become the pathway to my new vocation moving forward. Jen, Pluto transiting Moon in conjunction is tough. Transit Saturn conjunct Ascendant. You're finding out is that you're human. This is when you plan to sell your home so it should be a positive transition for you. I am definitely working out resentment from the weight of a secret I held for my mother since I was 10, and being exhausted by how it has impinged upon me expressing the full spectrum of my emotions in my life. Im 68 and looking to sell the house I have lived in for 11 years in around 2 years time. This Saturn transit is good to me. I was working on a construction contract on the coast. So my 2nd Saturn return is beginning along with this 4th house Saturn transit.I have natal Neptune in the 12th square this aspect within a 2 degree orb & natal Venus conjunct the aspect within a 4 degree orb. I ended up moving to my older sisters place (moving home) in Oregon where I am now happily living in a tiny room amidst 7 members of my extended family. The 2nd half of this year husband almost didnt get his green card for the government where you are with. Registered: Dec 2016: posted June 15, 2017 04:10 PM and! Done the hard work # x27 ; s childhood home opposite MC in Cancer, Im not complaining I. About the osteoporosis Western Australia it takes a lot of hard work and responsibility are karmic... It is possible that circumstances will occur that force a major review of your life, often! 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