Throughout the years, among other initiatives, we have contributed to the preservation of three national parks in Albania: Butrint, Jezerce and Theth. Sipas tyre miqsia e tij me kryeministrin shqiptar, Edi Rama i ka dhn shum hapsir manovruese n tregun shqiptar. KASTRATI dhe MANE, tashm aksionert kryesor t "INSIG Jet" Finalizohet me sukses pjesmarrja influencuese e dy biznesmenve m t njohur shqiptar Z. Shefqet Kastrati dhe z. Samir Mane ne shoqerine e sigurimit te jetes "INSIG Jete". Dhe aty ku sht eti, ligji nuk ekziston. Emri i kompanis: Kastrati Group Grigor Joti 7. [3] Its subsidiaries are involved in the distribution of petroleum, financial services, construction, commodities trading, real estate, and investing. Kastrati is a historical Albanian tribe ( fis) and region in northwestern Albania. Click to reveal Afterward, in 2016, the group established a full-service construction company. Edhe pr mediat gjithashtu. Ai ka deklaruar se do t'u afrojn qytetarve mime m t lira n 29 destinacione dhe se deri n fund t vitit do t . N vitin 2017, Kastrati Group bleu prej Grupit Kharaf, ish-Hotel Sheratonin, duke i shtuar kshtu inventarit t pronave t tij edhe nj hotel t mirnjohur. (Kastrati, Tirana International Airport, Albsig, Mora mbshtetjen nga zotri Kastrati pr themelimin e nj bashkpunimi pr realizimin e projekteve t shumta, n aspektin strategjik q t hartojm investime avancuese dhe reformuese n fushn e ekonomis. We look forward to bring to life new successful projects and embrace fruitful partnerships with German companies that are inspired by the same values of responsibility, innovation and social responsibility, and thus bring the two countries further closer. Vjollca Hoxha is the President of Top Media media group which includes the famous Top Channel national TV and Digitalb cable platform, created by his late husband Dritan Hoxha who died in a tragic car accident in Tirana several years ago. Gjykata gjeti gjithashtu se Hajri nuk ishte pronari i vetm, por e ndante pronsin me kompanin m t madhe t hidrokarbureve n Shqipri, Kastrati sh.p.k t biznesmenit Shefqet Kastrati. Everything began in 1991 with the opening of the first Kastrati fuel station. Mainly recognized as the leading Albanian retail and wholesale trader of hydrocarbon products, Kastrati also successfully operates in other industries such as insurance, construction and real estate, tourism and hospitality, automotive industry, retail and many more. Oligarku Shefqet Kastrati sht biznesmeni me prejardhje nga Kuksi. Pra, Biznesi Shqiptar: M t Mirt 2020. Por, fitimi i tij nuk sht vetm pr shkak t sasis q shitet n tregun shqiptar. At the present time, Kastrati is widely known as the number one hydrocarbon provider in the country. Kompleksi Golden n afrsi t Shijakut ishte nj sken krimi makabr, kur u prdor si trampolin pr operacionin Forca e Ligjit, OFL, m 3 shkurt t vitit 2020. Tregu mediatik shqiptar duket se po riformatohet pas futjes n fush t Shefqet Kastratit. Also, we are the exclusive authorized distributor of Mercedes-Benz cars in Albania since 2015. Nuk sht vetm kaq, inspektimi i ndrmarr nga BPK ja vrteton se disa antar t Bordit t banks si dhe disa aksionar kan kontribuar fuqimisht n prkeqsimin e gjendjes financiare duke u angazhuar n operacione huazimesh me rrezik t lart, thuhej n njoftim./, Rrezikonte parat e klientve Oligarkut Sheqfet Kastrati i sht mbyllur banka n Kosov, FTX politikanve: Na ktheni donacionet tona ose do tju padisim, Policia me detaje shtes lidhur me krcnimet me bomb n Aeroportin e Prishtins, Olta nuk ndalet, ka nj plan tjetr pr Luizin, Inter fiton derbin prball Milan, vazhdon garn pr titull, Lajak n Kosov, do t takoj Kurtin e Bislimin, Mehaj: Jemi t gatshm t ofrojm ndihm pr Turqin. M shum informacion mund t gjeni tek libri Biznesi Shqiptar, M t mirt 2022, Kompleksi Karl Topia E jona Slider Shefqet Kastrati drejt blerjes s Top Channel-it? Apart from the retail activity via fuel stations, Kastrati is the leading fuel wholesale provider in Albania and in the region (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Kosovo etc.). Kryqezimi i rruges se Durresit Kastrati sht nj nga biznesment q qndron rregullisht n majat e renditjes s njerzve m t pasur n Shqipri. Fuqia e tij sht e madhe, aq sa eti tashm ka filluar t ndrtoj brenda kulla (banesa t larta) edhe n parkun e madh t Tirans. Artan Dulaku is the owner of Edil Al construction company, Tring digital TV platform and Vizion+ TV. Mediat e Kosovs kan shkruar nj artikull pr Shefqet Kastrati, i njohur shkurtimisht si 'eti' i cili sht ndr biznesment m t fuqishm t Shqipris. Kastrati nuk sht m mbiemri i nj njeriu, as logoja e nj biznesi. (Kastrati, Kastrati sha, Albsig, Auto Star Albania, etj Njoftimi: "T dashur familjar, t afrm dhe miq! Jeton n Prizren, sht i martuar dhe ka tre fmij. Kastrati Group counts more than 3,000 competent professionals working safely together. Aeroporti i Rinasit, rruga Thuman-Kashar, Porti i Durrsit, Porti i Vlors, a jan afera t Milleniumit?! Qellimi yn sht t sjellim analiza q tregojn far fshihet pas lajmit. "Kastrati Group" rezulton nj ndr shoqrit me numrin m t lart t VKM-ve dhe koncesioneve t marra n Shqipri, sipas raportimit t faqes "Pun Oligarksh". How did you manage to establish and maintain these relationships? Sipas t dhnave t publikuara nga Kastrati Grup vetm n vitin 2017 ai ka pasur nj qarkullim n shumn prej 480 Milion euro. This commitment is reflected in long-term strategies of Kastrati Fuel, Kastrati Construction and other companies of the group, which apply nature-friendly technologies and products. ASA Autostar Albania, TENET, Kastrati Construction) Shefqet Krasniqi lindi m 22.06.1966 n fshatin Sibofc, n komunn e Obiliqit. berisha wowkeyword com, kosovo kompanije net srbija ifarnik delatnosti, biografia fshmn uni pr edu, kuveni i kosovs mandaton kryeministr thain rizgjedh, dshmort e ushtris lirimtare t kosovs, 20130502 kd digital scribd com, shefqet kastrati facebook, universiteti i mitrovics isa boletini raport i, lpk kosova, 7 massembly results for candidates (Kastrati Group, Kastrati, Tirana International Airport, TENET, Albsig, Auto Star Albania, Kastrati Construction) We have an extended portfolio of investment in different industries, thus we are always open for collaboration opportunities with German companies and investors. Koh m par, pr shkak t paknaqsive pr rritjen e mimeve, ka pasur protesta t shumta n Tiran, e pr t cilat kryeministri i Shqipris, Edi Rama, pati thn se ato po i shrbejn Rusis. e-mail: Kur themi Kastrati nnkuptojm menjher karburantet. This article "Kastrati Group" is from Wikipedia. Kulla II Apartamenti 10 c Shefqet Kastarti derdhi n llogarin e koncesionarve kinez 71 milion Euro dhe u b zotrues i t drejtave koncesionare pr 6 vitet e ardhshme (2021-2027). Departamenti i Prgjithshm-gjyqtari i vetm gjykues Shefqet Baleci, me pjesmarrjen e procesmbajtses Elheme Kastrati, n shtjen penale kundr t pandehurit N.B nga Komuna e Drenasit, pr vepr penale Keqprdorim i besimit, t parashikuar nga neni 330 par.1. We believe that the foundation of the successful partnerships with international companies are our trustworthiness and the long-term strategies and vision of our projects. Why did you decide to get involved in this line of business? Do t vidhemi njsoj nga ai. Nj prej tyre sht Kastrati Group. Foundation for Economic Freedom NGO has recentlypublished the list of 10 most rich businessmen/women in the country, owners of the biggest private businesses in the country. Today, Kastrati has the largest storing capacity of 130,000 MTs in Porto Romano, Durres, as well as a distribution fleet of 120 tankers. [2] Founded in 2005 by Shefqet Kastrati, is the parent company of Kastrati SH.P.K, Kastrati Construction, Albsig, and other smaller companies. Vjollca Hoxha. I can mention here our excellent cooperation with Exxon Mobil and other names that remain partners and supporters of our activity. T sigurt nga ajo cfar kmi konstatuar prgjat gjith ktyre viteve, se Biznesi Shqiptar: M t Mirt sht nj botim i mirpritur nga ju, po ju sjellim edicionin e 17 t tij. Le ta ul mimin n Rrugn e Kombit, tek trau, aty ku paguhet 5 euro. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a1976f01abf2abf Owner & Administrator - Gjoka Konstruksion, Co-founder and Administrator - Rejsi Farma, CEO - InfoSoft Group & CEO - nfoSoft Systems, CEO - InfoSoft Group & CEO - InfoSoft Systems, Director - Albanian Roads Authority (ARRSH). Vasil Naci 3. Designed and Developed by Prapskena. Vasil Nai. Oligarku Shefqet Kastrati sht biznesmeni me prejardhje nga Kuksi. You are one of the most successful Albanian entrepreneurs and you have established partnerships with several international famous brands. Ajo q denoncon masakrn e Kastratit brenda Parkut t Madh t Tirans mbron interesat e publikut. Shefqet Kastrati, President i Kastrati Group pasi sht takuar sot me Robert Carey, Presidentin e Wizz Air Group sht shfaqur pr her t par n nj intervist dhe ka shpjeguar marrveshjen me WizzAir ,aeroporti nene . Ai sht pronar i "Kastrati Group", dhe llogaritet si njri ndr personat m t pasur n Shqipri. N kt biznes, ku kontrollohet trsisht shitja e nafts brenda territorit t portit n Durrs, Shefqet Kastrati, qndron n hije duke hyr brenda n kt port nprmjet nj kontratkori, si sht emri i Lulzim Berishs. Konkurrimi u mbyll me dat 29 dhjetor, ora 18.00 dhe nga rezultatet e votimit online pr 29 dit u shpalln fituesit e kategorive prkatse pr biznesmenin, politikanin, moderatorin dhe gazetarin m t mir t vitit 2017 Sipas OFL, resorti Golden i prkiste Altin Hajrit, njrit prej t akuzuarve pr rrmbimin e Prengs. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Ai njihet kryesisht pr biznesin e hidrokarbureve, t makinave, t sigurimit etj, t gjitha nn kompanin mm 'Kastrati Group'. Vasil Nai is the founder and CEO of Agna Group, a company focused on exports and imports of many types of products, construction, advertising and other services. Roje bregdetare n Sarand, i cili shptoi nga mbytja, bab e bir. Berisha n kt rast sht nj tregtar grosist ndrsa Kastrati furnitori i tij kryesor n kt biznes. "Kur ia prmbytn qytetin, ai e krijoi vet nj qytet. Numri i punonjsve: 2500 Kastrati first entered the real estate industry in 2005. rahovec prfundon vitin e ardhshm lajmet, biografia umib net, shefqet kastrati facebook, 30 korrik 2015 pages 1 40 text version pubhtml5, redaksia dshmort e uk s solli para lexuesve, adil fetahu krijimi dhe rrnimi i gjyqsorit t kosovs, spitali i prgjithshm i prizrenit, rahoveci m 2018 tn do t bhet me palestr Pamjet se si ai nxirrte nga uji bab e bir u bn virale dhe u shprndan edhe n faqet e JOQ ALBANIA. Kastrati's representatives . 90% e. June 14, 2017 Read more . Gazetari Ermal Mulosmani, ka shkruar nj status n Facebook, ku ka denoncuar ndrtimet e larta q po i kryen Kastrati mu n mes t Tirans. Grupi Kastrati bleu 60% t kompanis INTER MEDIA GROUP prkundrejt nj shume prej 2.37 milion eurosh, nj shifr e konsiderueshme kjo nse kihet parasysh se kompania e bler, e njohur m s shumti si pronare e Euronews Albania, ka nj kapital themeltar t deklaruar prej 31 milion leksh ndrsa bilanci i saj tregon se kompania sht me humbje t sht toka q krijoi nj burr pr njerzit q donte. Sipas transaksionit t regjistruar n datn 26 maj, sht br depozitimi i vendimit te shoqris Insig Jete sh.a, dat 10.05.2017 ku sht vendosur : -Shitja e 90 % te kuotave t shoqrise nga ortaku EUROSIG SHA n favor te Shefqet Kastrati (45%) dhe Samir Mane (45%). Gjat vitit 2015 pjes e Kastrati Group u b edhe "Autostar Albania", kompania q merret me tregtimin e makinave t reja t marks s mirnjohur Mercedes Benz. Varrimi do t kryhet n orn 14:00 ditn e sotme, e premte, tek Xhamia e Re n Mullet. Your IP: Shefqet Kastrati, sht nj histori suksesi 25-vjeare, e nj prej filantropve t par shqiptar, e cila daton q n vitin '92, fillimisht me tregtimin e hidrokarbureve, pr t'u zgjeruar shum shpejt n t gjith Shqiprin dhe n shum vende t rajonit t Ballkanit me nj rrjet t gjer kompanish t suksesshme. Vie nga nj familje tradicionale shqiptare. 322/1 Kol., shoqria "Kastrati" sh.a transferon nprmjet shitjes 0.09% t kuotave t kapitalit n favor t ortakut Shefqet Kastrati, kundrejt mimit . Mediat e Kosovs kan shkruar nj artikull pr Shefqet Kastrati, i njohur shkurtimisht si 'eti' i cili sht ndr biznesment m t fuqishm t Shqipris. Ndalohet rreptsisht do ndrhyrje n videot e Hoxhs Dr. Shefqet Krasniqi, qoft shkputje, montim a prpunim i caktuar, pa lejen paraprake t stafit prgjegjs. Downtown One is the first project in Albania registered under the LEED green building program and upon completion, it will apply to become LEED certified. Shefqet Kastrati. In the hydrocarbons industry, we have established a collaboration with Exxon Mobil, whereas in the construction industry we collaborate with prestigious companies, such as ARUP and MVRDV. Korrupsion oligarkiko-qeveritar e masakr i ka quajtur gazetari shqiptar kullat q po vazhdon ti ndrtoj biznesmeni Kastrati. Msohet se homazhet t ndarjes nga jeta t Jonuz Kastratit do t zhvillohen pran Hotel Sheraton nga ora 11:00 deri n orn 13:00. Kastrati is currently building Downtown One, a mix-use green building with 37 stories, which is expected to be completed in 2024. Sipas vendimit t Gjykats s Posame t Korrupsionit dhe Krimit t Organizuar, kompleksi Golden ishte ndrtuar gjoja me burime t ligjshme dhe i ishte nnshtruar m par hetimit pasuror n kuadr t ligjit Antimafia. Me Shume Informacion mund te gjeni tek libri Biznesi Shqiptar, Me te miret 2016, Kompleksi Karl Topia Vendndodhja: Durrs. Video/ Historia e Shefqet Kastratit. Msohet se homazhet t ndarjes nga jeta t Jonuz Kastratit do t zhvillohen pran Hotel Sheraton nga ora 11:00 deri n orn 13:00. Shkolln fillore e kreu n fshat ku u dallua pr zgjuarsi t rrall pr ka edhe shum nga arsimtart i propozuan q shkolln e mesme ta vazhdonte n degn e mjeksis apo n ndonj drejtim tjetr me perspektiv. e-mail: Duke marr parasysh mosprmbushjen e krkesave t BPK s nga ana e aksionarve t Banks Kreditore te Prishtins se pr t rritur kapitalin e banks, BPK ja erdhi n prfundim se kjo bank i rrezikon parat e klientve. FAO Launches Training on Digital Agriculture for AUT Students, BoA Pushes Key Rate to 2.25% to Curb Inflation, The EU Opens Accession Negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia, Albania moves to Legalize Medical, Industrial Cannabis Cultivation, How does Tirana Compare Globally for Expat Cost of Living, Albania to Tax Cryptocurrency Gains Starting 2023, Last Chance to Apply for Grants for Startups and Facilitators, EU Commission Cuts Albanias GDP Growth Forecast to 2.7%. Today, we count more than 150 fuel stations across Albania. Thanks to the quality of the products and the trust we created, dozens of other fuel stations were added throughout the country in the coming years. Vjollca Hoxha 5. Powerful, politically-connected businessman Shefqet Kastrati has entered Albania's crowded media market with the purchase on Monday of Euronews Albania, following in the footsteps of Samir Mane. Vjollca Hoxha is the President of "Top Media" media group which includes the famous Top Channel national TV and Digitalb cable platform, created by his late husband Dritan . . Msohet se mes ktij t fundit dhe familjes Hoxha q ka n pronsi Top . Nse doni t jeni i pari pr t'u informuar mbi lajme ekskluzive, regjistrohuni m posht. (Video), Kastrati, 1 mln euro n dit fitim nga nafta. Gjyqtari Gerd Hoxha vrassi i vrtet i 3 grave, liroi killerin Dan Hutra para 2 javsh. S fundmi Kastrati po zgjeron investimin edhe n hotele dhe . Ai m premtoi se, t paktn investimet q do t realizohen n vendin ton do t arijn deri n 100 milion euro. Nga biznesi Kastrati SHA qarkullim prej 328 milionsh, nga biznesei Kastrati 108 milion, nga Albsig 16 milion, Auto Star Albania 16 milion. Ajo opozit q del te parku i Liqenit, pas Sheratonit, dhe denoncon korrupsionin oligarkiko-qeveritar t kullave t et Kastratit, brenda mushkrive t qytetit, vetm ajo, ka votn time. Aeroporti Ndrkombtar i Tirans po arrin nj numr t madh pasagjersh dhe rritja po vazhdon tashm q kaluam koht m t vshtira t pandemis. Shkarkoni aplikacionin JOQ ALBANIA n platformat. eti sht zhytur kaq thell saq rnia e tij mund t vonoj, por sht e pashmangshme. Focus on Shefqet Kastrati Tourism Interviews DEUTSCH Report 2022 INTERVIEW Benet Beci CEO, Albanian Power Corporation (KESH) The Albanian Power Corporation (KESH) is the country's largest electricity producer, supplying around 70-75 percent of Albania's energy needs. COPYRIGHT 2019, GLOBAL FDI REPORTS, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED |. Antart e ksaj banke prfshir edhe Kastratin kishin kontribuar fuqimisht n prkeqsimin e gjendjes financiare duke u angazhuar n operacione huazimesh me rrezik t lart. Edhe n kt rast OFL-ja e Edi Rams dshtoi pasi doln rrnjt e etit! Irfani privatizoi plazhin, po Kastrati q privatizon prej 20 vitesh autostradn Tiran-Durrs? Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. Meq sht kaq patriot dhe nuk i duhen parat. 3. N fakt mes Kastratit dhe Berishs sht nj marrveshje tjetr e pashkruar, pasi mijra litra naft q grosisti Lulzim Berisha blen tek Kastrati, deprton me autobote n drejtim t Portit t Durrsit. is an independent, non-governmental publication with insight and news on business, entrepreneurship, investments, and tourism. Lajmin e hidhur pr ndarjen nga jeta t Jonuz Kastratit mbrmjen e djeshme e ka br me dije vet familja, ku njofton se ditn e sotme homazhet do t kryhen pran Hotel Sheraton ndrsa ceremonia e varrimit te Xhamia e Re, Mullet. Cel : 069 20 65 933, e-mail: Shefqet Kastrati". Aeroporti i Malit t Zi n 'duart' e etit? Por, gati e gjith skena mediale e politike n Shqipri sht e heshtur karshi ndrtimeve t z.etit n afrsi t liqenit t Tirans. Others paid much more. Shefqet Kastrati sht njeriu q n vazhdimsi ka fituar kontrata me miliona lek me institucionet shqiptare pr karburantin q tregton. Tre kompanit kryesore t tij, t renditura n Top 200 kompanit m t mdha shqiptare, Kastrati SHA, Kastrati dhe Albania Siguracion(Albsig) kan realizuar gjat vitit 2015 nj volum aktiviteti n nivelin e mbi 450 milion dollarve. N Shqipri jan t pakta siprmarrjet vendase t organizuara n trajtn e nj grupi t mirfi llt. [1] Comments about the importance of this project and how else Kastrati shows its commitment to a greener future. Kastrati n ditt e fundit kur ndihmat po e vrshojn Shqiprin duke prfshir ato nga Kosov, sht kritikuar pr taksn 5 euro q udhtart nga Kosova duhet ta paguajn n rrugn q [] Top 10 lista e m t pasurve n Shqipri pr 2013- 2014, do t prmblidhej n kt format: 1. Mbrmjen e djeshme ka ndrruar jet babai i biznesmenit t njohur Shefqet Kastrati. VII. Could you walk us through the history of Kastrati Group? Analistt nga Shqipria dyshojn se baront e nafts n Shqipri fusin naft n mnyr ilegale. Downtown One is an eco-friendly project. Gjat mbrmjes s djeshme ka ndrruar jet Jonuz Kastrati, i ati i biznesmenit t njohur Shefqet Kastrati. Fituesi m i madh nga prdorimi i nafts, padyshim, sht Shefqet Kastrati, biznesmeni q sht ndr baront kryesor t nafts n Shqipri. T gjith e njohin Berishn se kush sht. Ka mbaruar Fakultetin Teologjik, ndrsa aktualisht studion n Degn e Psikologjis. M hert, Kastrati Group bleu edhe 60% t aksioneve "Euronesit" duke u futur fuqishm n tregun mediatik vendas. By continuing to browse this site, you agree to this use. Shefqet Kastrati, Shkruar nga: S Shtjefni | Publikuar m: 16.09.2022, 09:35. Shefqet Kastrati, President i Kastrati Group pasi sht takuar sot me Robert Carey, Presidentin e Wizz Air Group sht shfaqur pr her t par n nj intervist dhe ka shpjeguar marrveshjen me WizzAir. General information Access 5,000+ premium company profiles Subscribe now History Access 5,000+ premium 1053 Rep., Nr. Ndonse miliona euro tatime pr naftn nuk paguhen n buxhetin e shtetit shqiptar, parat megjithat prfundojn n kuletn e baronve t nafts si Shefqet Kastrati. Aktualitet E jona Slider EKSKLUZIVE - Thellohet skandali, anija e kontrabands kishte 8 mij ton naft. Your email address will not be published. Lajmet dhe materialet t vendosura n t cilat jan t huazuara nga mediume apo portale t tjera mbeten e drejt e patjetrsueshme e mediumeve prkatse. E megjithse ka nj veprimtari kaq t gjr, kaq t diversifi kuar, srish Kastrati Group identifi kohet me tregtimin e karburanteve me shumic dhe pakic. Njri prej ktyre emrave, me t cilin sht lidhur eti, sht edhe Lulzim Berisha, i ashtuquajturi si kreu i Bands s Durrsit, sot n krkim pr vrasje t tjera. News source: Scan TV Photo credits: Gimicom / Wikimedia, Filed Under: Lifestyle Tagged With: featured Mjafton t themi nj fakt. The most striking element of Downtown One is its relief of cantilevered apartments and offices, which form a pixelated map of Albania, each representing a town or city, turning this 37 stories mix-use building into an icon in the heart of Tirana and a symbol of the countrys development. However, our major success is the high employee retention rate, which demonstrates the efficacy of our organizational culture. For 2015, the overall annual turnover of the top ten richest people of Albania surpassed the value of EUR 1.1 billion. Shefqet Kastrati do t jet zotrues i 99.91% t kapitalit. Por le t shikojm sesi u paraqitn pjest prbrse t ktij trupi t fuqishm ekonomik gjat vitit t kaluar. In the hospitality and tourism sector, we can mention the partnership of Kastrati with Hyatt Regency to bring very soon Hyatt Regency Tirana, a successful agreement signed in November 2018. May i know contact detail for same. Presidenti i kompanis Kastrati, Shefqet Kastrati dhe familja e tij kan vendosur q t dhurojn 1.5 milion euro. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Shefqet Vrlaci. Prve banorve rezident, n Shqipri do vit shkojn e vijn rreth 3-4 milion turist, t cilt gjithashtu prdorin naftn. Djali i mitur, q shet lule pran qendrs s Tirans, pr t siguruar libra dhe rroba pr shkoll. T ardhurat bruto 2015: 500 milion EURO This site uses cookies for analytics, personalized content and ads.
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