Notify your oncology care team if your mouth, tongue, inside of your cheek or throat becomes white, ulcerated, or painful. The prospect of 12 weekly taxol is a bit daunting. Xx, Hope you are all feeling well and happy. Sore throat, swallowing, that was usually first couple of days then I started using Biotene (mouthwash)the day before chemo, the day of chemo, and the day after, and I didnt have any issues with that after at all. It may get worse after you have your last chemotherapy treatment. The Doctor informed me it is normal to experience these problems but they should not have continued for so long. So would recommend this. Docetaxel. Treatment . X, Reading all the comments, many of us have been through the mill with this 4th treatment. It's horrid and depressing. I have been told that they have FL First Lady wants to explore new strategies for Cancer Tre ILC: Double Mastectomy-all breast tissue removed - Pathology showed positive margins. Plan times to rest during the day and conserve energy for more important activities. Thank you, i hope your recovery continues to bring good news and health. Taxotere was my aggressive chemo, and it caused the majority of the side effects the hair loss, nausea, all these different things. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice. And pineapple sounds a good idea too! Except she would always end up in hospital as her temp would spike along with the joint pains. She is on this dose denseShe is on this dose dense regiment; every two weeks; 4 rounds of AC followed by 4 rounds of Taxol (and I think it's five day after Nuelasta shots). But I am in good health and loving life. However on week 3 of the cycle got more or less back to normal before the next onslaught. I am just hoping they settle quicker than before as I am more prepared with medications from knowing what happened last time. An absolute pleasure to have helped. So far I have been ok on the 2nd cycle just starting to feel the side effects kicking in this evening . Good luck , The first dose of docetaxol was the worst for me. On 9-1-09, I finished 6 cycles of Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin. This medication contains alcohol and may cause intoxication. Even if it is to moan. This can get progressively worse with additional doses of the medication. Best of luck to you all xxx, I would be happy to receive news and updates from Cancer Chat, NICE suspected cancer referral guidelines, Cancer Research UK for Children & Young People. If you notice any changes in how you feel during the infusion, let your nurse know immediately. The first couple really werent too bad. My reaction to Taxol was different. Sometimes cold food has less of an odor. If any nails fall off, clean the nail bed well with soap and water and cover with a Band-Aid. 5 year old not there yet. I still have a mountain to climb with surgery and radio therapy but it can't be any worse than this. Patients may struggle with never-ending itchiness, swollen eyelids, and an increase in "floaters." Hi, not sure if my experiences will help you. Do not eat grapefruit or drink grapefruit juice during the 2 days before, the day of, and two days after each dose. Allergic reactions are possible with this medication. Hi Dolbycat, were in this side by sideI missed out on the mouth thrush, came away with chemo ward mouthwash not used it much. They also said that cycles 5 and 6 will compound the side effects and by reducing the dose the recovery should be quicker and help me to complete the chemo sessions. Bacon, ham, and onion can add flavor to vegetables. Your nurse will check you for signs of a reaction during your treatment. Taxotere is a chemotherapy drug that is used to treat various cancers such as breast cancer, non-small cell lung cancer, prostate cancer, gastroesophageal cancers, and head and neck cancers. Nails still ok, feet and nails need constant cream sessions. Grapefruit can change how your body absorbs this medication. It was just the drugs working their way through my system. It had to have been that I just did too much. Use of this online service is subject to the disclaimer and the terms and conditions. I am sorry to read that the chemo is hitting you so hard.If there is a magic answer i never found it but the things that were usefull to me were -dont eat befor chemo and walk afterwards.If you can get your body going-even if it is to the end of the road and back and you feel like **** I found it seemed to get your system going at least a bit. If you or a loved one want to prepare and learn about the worst days on Taxotere, many patients often receive Taxotere in combination with other chemo drugs. What To Consider Before Refinancing your Home, 10 Affordable Materials for Home Renovations, 10 Benefits Of Using An Electronic Medical Record, Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Coaching Business Online, Workers Compensation Insurance What You Need to Know Before Purchasing. Youre coming back off. I need to eat better to keep up my energy which is at an all time low. She is also tired of taking pills. I've had all three FEC sessions and coped really well and was positive and active. Hope you are well now too. Gone too far now to stop just need to finish the course. Docetaxel is a microtubule inhibitor used to slow cell growth. It is used as a treatment for various cancers, most notably breast cancer. . Stay well hydrated. Even when carefully and correctly administered by trained personnel, this drug may cause a feeling of burning and pain. In its mechanism of action, Taxotere prevents the inner structures of cancer cells from building, which stops cell division and eventually leads to cancer cell death. Letrazole and weird taste on tongue? Pineapple is good for helping the nasty taste and I know someone who sucked frozen pineapple cubes and this helped her a lot. Hi, Many people lose alltheir body hair, including their eyebrows and eyelashes. You make a good point about teeth, my whole jaw and mouth was aching and was feeling on edge, I have lots of mouth meds to help protect them but need to be vigilant. Do not cut cuticles or ingrown nails. But then again what do I know? The recommended dose of TAXOTERE is 60-100 mg/m2 administered intravenously over 1 hour every 3 weeks. I went back to work on Tuesday, but wasn't feeling the greatest. Know that you are two thirds of the way there. Ranking the Cowboys backup QB options from worst to best. (2013) demonstrated that nano-formulation improved plasma PK and tumor delivery of Doc compared to the unprocessed Doc. Docetaxel can cause a dose-related reversible sensory neuropathy. I just want to get on with it now and wave good bye to chemo. I had no sleepless issues on A/C but on Taxol I did - first meds given me by my Chemo Dr did not help only gave horrible nightmares (which I don't normally have) but my PA switched me to the lowest does of another med and it worked great.It's great to ask for input of experiences BUT There are NONE of us who can tell you what your wife will experience - we are EACH so unique in how our bodies handle the onslaught of the battle - we can tell our stories but we cannot tell you that what happened to/with us will happen for your wife.Susan, I too had AC followed byI too had AC followed by taxol. Hello there, Two weeks to recover! It doesnt have to be anything big. July 16, 2018. I need to focus on this and get back on track. I am a small women (112 lbs. It was neoadjuvant chemotherapy, including Taxanes (Taxotere), Carboplatin, and Trastuzumab (Herceptin). Content on HealthUnlocked does not replace the relationship between you and doctors or other healthcare professionals nor the advice you receive from them. OR. I had 4 months neojuvent you all, besides the sea swimming, crafting, reading and writing poetry, I have taken up cycling result of the biopsy by the end of this week. Most of the hard work is done, you just need to push a little harder to finish the race! Each day from now I knowI will get stronger and begin to do small task.Tthe feeling when I went for the last Chemo was a good I walked out and thought great I made it through now to get throught he effects. I do have to rest far more than I used to, although I manage to cope with a busy full time job. And yes, for me at least, it is cumulative and is a bit worse each cycle. It took a few months for my taste to come back. I had the first T on Wednesday, was too sick to work come Monday, even worse come Thursday and in Hospital with Sepsis come Friday! Docetaxel is normally given once every three weeks, over about one hour. I was on taxotere, carboplatin, and Herceptin every 3 weeks. While it sounds harmless enough, constantly tearing eyes can cause other health issues. I know how awful Chemo is and I have been lucky that I haven't too many bad side effects I have delt with them as I got them. Im not an athlete by any means, but I could swim and I could walk. Make sure she is getting alot of water, eat fruits and vegetables. I had two medications, Gemcitabine and a combination of Gemcitabine and Taxotere. fatigue. I never threw up really, but I had underlying nausea all the time. In the beginning the changes in taste and nausea started about day 4 and lasted about 1 week. A swift and successful op was followed by FEC-T chemo. Days 1,8: Gemcitabine 900mg/m 2 IV at a rate of 10mg/m 2 /minute, followed by: Day 8: Docetaxel 75-100mg/m 2 IV over 1 hour. Hi, I had my 1st infusion of Taxotere on Monday. The steroid is given in pill form or by IV, which will be determined by your healthcare provider. Thanks again for all the useful tips, it's good to share problems, you dont feel so alone, hope you are very well! Lets hope it does the trick and we can put this behind us. You may have some of the above symptoms or you may not. But guess what? Then i stared my 4 doses of docetaxel. Some brief shopping time to restock for the next session. You have given me some great pointers and hopefully I can be calmer about my next 2 cycles. Receive the latest resources and updates in your inbox. This is usually mild to moderate and I find that most patients are able to continue many of their regular activities. Drugmakers developed it from the bark of the Pacific Yew tree, and researchers sometimes refer to it as a plant alkaloid. I don't know about AC, but when I was on TC, I was told that it's not cumulative, so I would not be feeling worse as chemo progressed.Good luck to Donna, I hope she gets the rest she needs. I'm fortunate in that my husband is self employed. Make sure that those around you understand that while the pain peaks, you need absolute rest. One of the most major Taxotere side effects is epiphora or, in simple terms, watery eyes. Had a DIEP flap reconstruction in August 2016 and am currently waiting to get my date for another op to uplift and reduce my right boob to match the new one. That's really great that she had that positive response though, seems worth it and hopeful for the rest of us! Really, you already have otherwise you wouldn't be 4 sessions down with only 2 more to go. My doctor did reduce the docetaxen for me after the first one e and it made a difference, My advise is phone your doctor or key worker and ask if them if they can reduce the doseage. I haven't been able to do anything. If this were to happen, the only fix is an invasive surgery. Drank gallons of water to try and flush it out. Taxotere injections can cause your white blood cell levels to plummet. It really helped me that there was a gap between the two sets of chemo cycles, gave me a chance to recover a bit from the taxotere before starting the treatments again. Hope you are keeping well. But they had to keep treating her with antibiotics on the off chance it was an infection. At least with experiencing this cycle we will be more prepared. Doreen D. (Breast Cancer, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Stage 2A,Triple Positive). I was informed that I would need a mastectomy as to the way the tumour is growing in the breast. You are not alone in this. Write down how you feel each day, it's surprising how this can reduce distress, upset and even ease SE's a little. Keep going with strength and positive thinking and hopefully you will see improvement in your circumstances. Effective birth control is necessary during treatment and for 2 months after treatmentfor women. The only really bad side effect I had was the fatigue. Thank you for taking the time to send me such an inspirational account of your experience, reading it almost made me cry but it hit in all the right places to make me fight this and get on with the treatment. I had the FEC-T chemo first, from December 2013 to April 2014. All patients should be premedicated with oral corticosteroids (see below for prostate cancer) such as dexamethasone 16 mg per day (e.g., 8 mg twice daily) for 3 days starting 1 day prior to TAXOTERE administration in order to reduce the incidence and severity of fluid retention as well as the severity of hypersensitivity reactions [see Boxed Warning, Warnings and . I had cisplatin , taxotere and the neulastra shot and really hurt the 1st infusion but not the others after starting the clariton. I haven't had much information about that yet. The pain is horrendous and for me it moves from anywhere to anywhere. Cycle 1 was not too bad - aching legs and joints, lost toe and fingernails, numness in toes, soles of feet and fingertips, sore mouth (had to eat and drink through a straw) and nausea. But by the sound of it a lot of you needed that third week to recover, she won't have that. My poor hubby had to give them me.but they hurt and make me have achy with the chemo sleepless nights. You may also need to take your temperature at home during your treatment to stay on top of fevers. While receiving treatment, your WBC count can drop, putting you at a higher risk of getting an infection. I am sorry that she is not feeling well. Shari S. (Breast Cancer, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC),Triple Positive, Stage 4). Fatigue. I was on taxotere and idI was on taxotere and id have my treatments on monday, and wednesday & thursdays were my bad days. I found it helped a great deal so I do hope you get to enjoy yours. I often feel like it's too much and want to give in. At least week three is getting close, mine starts next Tuesday. Because of my oncotype and how small the cancer was, my oncologist wanted to go for TC. There is a risk that this medication may leak out of the vein at the injection site, resulting in tissue damage that can be severe. I think it would have been better to know just what to expect but as we all react different it's not possible. TC ( Taxotere and cyclophosphamide) is a common chemotherapy regimen given for localized breast cancers that require chemotherapy. I spent yesterday in A&E with chest pains which turned out to be heartburn and anxiety. I have the district nurse for the 5 injections following chemo and also the Picc line flushes as not left the house since last chemo, not had the energy. You should let your doctor or nurse know if you experience any shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, or pain in your chest. Health Advice: What Is A CPAP Machine And How Does It Work? As the saying goes, "Hindsight is 20/20 . xx, I too had terrible 1st cycle and likewise was admitted due to high temp feel better now but due next cycle on we'd feeling scared I have 3 very young children am incurable breast cancer not sure can cope am now on injection to keep blood count up, Sorry to hear of your experience Jazzy, I know it's not pleasant. To view profiles and participate in discussions please. I had them for for all 3 Fec. Copyright 2000-2022 Cancer Survivors Network. For instance, they may continue to work, spend time with family, and exercise. pathology report has our Onc ordering additional scans. I shall follow your journey with hope and healing. I'm on my 6th Dox this week, (last one) and I mentioned to my oncologist on 3rd dose that i was awake ALL night on the steroids - I had been prescribed 8mg Dexamethasone twice daily starting day before and finishing on day after Dox. But it was worth it when looking at the larger picture. Take care, week 3 coming up soon! Please. Your red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen to the tissues in your body. I spent a week in hospital after the 3rd Taxotere + radiotherapy. (Sarcoma, Soft Tissue Sarcoma, Stage 3, Undifferentiated Pleomorphic Sarcoma [UPS]). Best wishes Jules xxx. You may also experience difficulty breathing, joint stiffness, pain, and even behavioral changes. I've been prescribed Gabapentin, spoke to my oncologist after the first docetaxel. Cyclophosphamide is a type of chemotherapy medicine . So I feel that is a positive thought. It was tough going, but I got there. So into hospital she went each time. . Wear sunscreen (at least SPF 15) every day, wear sunglasses and long sleeves/pants to protect your skin. I have severe bloating which is so uncomfortable its almost painful. May your good health continue. i have been lucky to have good support but the weakness in my legs and arms and neck, have been bad and still are two weeks later I feel my body just wants to colapse when I get to the sink to try to do the dishes, so I have to sit down and wait until I feel better. I completely avoided this by doing a few things (recommended by American and French oncologists, and also by many girls who have had the courage to try these things). Copyright @ 2019 | All Right Reserved. I'll be starting this Thursday and have 10 steroids to take Wednesday night and then whatever they give me as pre-meds. You could talk to your doctor about your concerns and see if they can give you a lower dose if necessary?They also have pills for most things-I was told that they could probably help with everything but the tiredness. These symptoms can last for several months or longer after treatment ends. I am hopeful that the next two cycles will be less of a shock to the system. I hope your teeth are in good condition. It will help clear it and make eating slightly more tolerable. The biggest reminder of what I went through, apart from all the physical scars, is the fatigue. So going through the rest of the horror. Chemo nurses kept pushing me to take strong painkillers.I survived with only half tablets at night. Also, try eating low-fiber, bland foods, such as white rice and boiled or baked chicken. Knowing How to Handle Your Worst Days on Taxotere. APAP vs. CPAP: Whats the Best Machine for Sleep Apnea? Then I had actual vomiting, first time ever, because the medications have upset my stomach. Severe symptoms are less common but require dose modifications. The use of scarves, wigs, hats, and hairpieces may help. Been told its best to as it helps the operation be morebsuccessful. Keep well. This typically begins two to three weeks after treatment starts. Signs of a reaction can include: feeling hot or flushed shivering itching a skin rash feeling dizzy a headache feeling breathless or wheezy swelling of your face or mouth pain in your back, tummy or chest. At that time, TAXOTERE was typically used for advanced prostate cancer, after all other treatments had failed. The most common side effect in day-to-day life is fatigue. This combination of meds had the remarkable result of shrinking my very large tumor by a full 50 percent! TAXOTERE is sterile, non-pyrogenic, and is available in single-dose vials containing 20 mg (0.5 mL) or 80 mg (2 mL) docetaxel (anhydrous). I am still needing sofa days, but hoping to get out soon for a much needed change of scenery and breath of fresh air. Protein helped and exercise helped me. TAXOTERE safely and effectively. The one time I threw up was after my second round. I was diagnosed in Feb 2013 and had a rt mastectomy op in March. If it is hitting you hard hopefully the chemo will be kicking the cancer in the teeth. Talk to your care team about these recommendations. TC. Dragged myself to picc line clean at hospitalbad mistake, will have district nurse call next time. Sending massive hugs as I know just how you feel. xx, No problem you keep strong & you will get through it, I've never cried so much in my life I think it was my way of dealing with it. Liked the clearer head but found days 3 to 6 the worst when ankles, knees or hips gave way. If we can get through this we can face anything. You don't sound negative, you just sound disheartened that after following all advice you are still suffering and also that you are finding treatment difficult. Give yourself credit for getting this far. The problem some people run into with Taxotere is that the hair loss can sometimes be permanent. You won't be up to doing anything. This may vary depending on whether the number of blood cells has returned to normal between each cycle. x. I had the same treatment last year and just as you I struggled with Fec but my first T absolutely knocked me side ways! Though chemo is officially kicking my butt, I want you all to know that I am determined to maintain my upbeat attitude and sense of humor through it all, no matter . I'm taking Codeine and paracetamol with little effect. If you do not have a bowel movement for 2-3 days, you should contact your healthcare team for suggestions to relieve constipation. Not sure this helps at all but as your op was so successful (and you must still be recoverying from the trauma of all that too) will hope that the treatment now will keep you well in the long term. This study found that women diagnosed with hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer did benefit from getting a taxane. Last injection today.
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