You know, maybe I should re-align the scream intake valve? Roz closes her desk window as CDA agents run by.). Sulley turns to see Waternoose standing in the room, closing the door behind him.). Sulley: Mike, what are you thinking? He's working hard. Mike: (through gritted teeth) Sulley!!! Mike: I could use the exercise? And once they get high enough, they are sucked into the jet stream of stratospheric energy and are hurled through clouds, rain and electromagnetic flares of light, before eventually bursting out of the clouds and finding themselves floating above a beautiful tropical island. Fungus puts on a pair of three-eyed grouch glasses. (Boo spins around in a circle, getting dizzy). ), (The Scarers stop opposite their doors. "), (Mike and Celia are seated in a romantic booth, laughing.). Mike taps Boo lightly on the shoulder. You've been #1 for too long, Sullivan! Mike grabs onto Sulley's tail, trying to slow him down.). Waternoose: W-what are you doing? Interviewee #2: It's true! Claws' assistant: She wasn't scared of you? Hmm-hmm. Celia's snakes begin kissing Mike, too, and it tickles him.). I'll see you all in the morning. (Sulley has finished building a makeshift toboggan. CDA Agent #1: Number One wants this place dusted for prints. Mike: Okay. I didn't mean for this to happen. In seconds, Mike deftly fills can after can with scream. Sulley, Mike and Boo burst from the tool panel doorway and run down the hall. Blaming Sulley for his missing horn, he grabs Sulley's horn and starts gnawing on them in retaliation, which catches the attention and laughter of a little girl. ), (The doors slams shut behind him. For context, Disney Circle 7 Animation was a studio Disney briefly operated from 2004 to May 26, 2006. (Mike closes his eye, not daring to hope). One year after the events of the first film, on Boo's birthday, Sulley and Mike go to her house to wish her a happy birthday, however, when they get there, they find an old lady asleep in her bed. Announcer: (v.o.) Situation is niner-niner-zero. ), (Sulley keeps getting punched. Jack: Coming. ), (Randall hears the commotion and turns around. Suddenly a large box covers Mike and snatches him away. Mr. Waternoose: How many times do I have to tell you? Disney Confirms 2012 Release Date For Monsters, Inc. 2. Jerry: We may actually make our quota today, sir. Randall: If I don't see a new door in my station in five seconds, I WILL PERSONALLY PUT YOU THROUGH THE SHREDDER!!! Fight that plaque! (slaps Smitty again), Needleman: We're never gonna work in Hollywood again! Randall studies the blurred photo of Boo in the restaurant. Huh? He's thinking of a place to hide. It's a good job Toy Story 3's opening doesn't involve a train plummeting off a bridge cos then there'd really be parallels. Her snakes rattle in annoyance.). The energy crisis will only get worse because of YOU!! Sulley breathes a sigh of relief. Another scream, this one louder than the first. You know, only somebody with perfect comedic timing could produce this much energy in one shot. Jerry: (to camera) I'm Monsters Incorporated! Waternoose: When the door lands in this station, cut the power. The singing stops. ), (Sulley closes the door, embarrassed. Mike: Hey, you hear that? Her hood flops open, revealing her scared face.). We light your city. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Which - as you might expect - would have caused considerable friction between these longtime friends. He and Celia make their way to the door vault using a maintenance platform. Waternoose: (slamming against the door) Open this door! If you're gonna threaten me, do it properly. (Randall and Fungus are mobbed by a collection of excited employees, who trap the duo.). Suddenly, the whine of microphone feedback fills the room.). (His hands are covered with splinters and band-aids.) The child isn't Boo at all, but the Animatronic Kid from the simulator. Why can't they call me the "Adorable Snowman", or or the "Agreeable Snowman", for crying out loud? Jerry: (o.s.) Terrified, Boo's face widens in fear and she runs to hide. (Mike scoots her out of view using a broom, then sprays the area with disinfectant. Sulley steps away from the door, examining it curiously. Somebody else will find the kid. Sulley: Okay, all right, making a nice little area for you to-- (Sulley hears a giggle. Randall tells them that it doesn't matter if he knows them, as long as Boo doesn't, they are stuck. Mike runs into the lobby, searching for Sulley.). Using his tail as a whip, Randall sends Sulley flying out into the hallway. (Roz leans forward in her chair threateningly.). ), (Sulley covers the picture as Mike approaches.). I left them on my desk! Sulley peeks into the room.). Snakes flowing wildly, she leaps through the air and tackles him to the ground.). He leaps forward one door, closing the gap. ), (As Mike explains, he sees the bag tossed aside, revealing Mary.). Around a three-day hike. It'll be empty, you idiot! Tony! Mike: Whoo! Is that supposed to be funny?). Satisfied, Bile bounces a soccer ball and smiles. Come on! (Charlie's door opens, and a goofy-looking furry monster named George Sanderson emerges.). Mr. Waternoose: (to camera) Of course. He is a comic book store owner who still believe that monsters are real. (Celia leaps in and squeezes Mike's cheek.). Boo seems to understand. Ow! Mike: I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, but I am now. Celia: Thanks. It swings open, exposing Sulley, Mike and Mary. But Boo's in trouble. ), (Later at the Monstropolis grocery store, Tony the Grosser arranges fruit on a stand with his many tentacles.). (He opens the door, and there is polka music coming from the inside of the door.). Mike: Schmoopsie-Poo, I really can't talk. ), (Randall straps Boo into the scream extractor chair. Ha-ha! And just as he's about to, Simon shows up and sends everyone into a blind panic. He climbs aboard a door being ejected and sails up onto the track several door behind Sulley, Mike and Boo. Waternoose. You've destroyed this company. Despite Sulley wanting to reunite with Boo more than anything, he knows what needs to be done. Celia: (calling) Michael!!!! (he storms toward Boo's door.) Jerry: (to Mr. Waternoose) We've lost fifty-eight doors this week, sir. DO SOMETHING!!! (Mike is still explaining the situation to Waternoose.). Sulley uses his door like a pendulum to swing forward into the room after him. One of the eyeballs falls off Ted's face, and his assistant puts it back on. But before anything could happen, Randall grabs Sulley and tells him that he found El Chupacabra. Celia is caught up in the stampede of fleeing patrons. Look happy. Sulley pops her door out of its station and heads for the exit. I know it sounds crazy, but trust me. ), (Randall, Fungus, and the off-screen crew members have a good laugh about that last camoflauge sequence.). Randall: When the big hand is pointing up, Randall: and the little hand is pointing up, Randall: the kid's door will be in my station. Carefully matching every child to their ideal monster, to produce superior scream, refined into clean, dependable energy. Mike: (cutting him off) Okay, Sulley, that's enough. Mike grabs the stool and heads for the closet door.). His assistant brushes them. However, Boo has moved, which results in Mike and Sulley getting trapped in the human world, so Mike and Sulley go on a mission in the human world to search for Boo and find a way home in time for Mike and Celia's wedding. WE HAVE A 23-19!!!! AAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!! Sulley tickles her chin. The boy turns away in fear, but a second look reveals it to be just a shirt sleeve. Good morning, Monstropolis. In silence, he slowly pushes it past Mike.). Mike and Sulley steal and crash an airboat, but eventually make it to the swamps and find Randall. Sulley gasps in horror. Los Angeles Times article on the forming of Circle Seven Animation. Okay, I think I know how to make this all go away. Sulley asks for his help, but he refuses. IXDLAB, Experience design, User experience, User Research, Customer journey Maps, Research, and Interaction design consultancy, focusing on multi channel digital people orientated experience ,service design, customer experience, and digital transformation Randall collapses to the ground, becoming visible again. (laughs) Hey, Boo, just kidding. ), (Sulley runs to the locker room. Those numbers are pretty sweet. Mike stands in front of him barking orders like a coach.). He turns around to see his tail being dropped by a human girl named Mary [we'll interchange Mary and Boo throughout this page]. (to other CDA) Attention! Uh, it's empty. Wait. (Mike looks up at Sulley. Mike: Hey, look at that, it's Randall. But it's revealed that Waternoose actually banished her. Several assistants follow suit. Sulley has become a gruesome, terrible monster. Text appears on the screen: "Simulation-Not Actual Child."). (Screen fades to and from black revealing the Monsters, Inc. logo as the pupil moves around. In the front window, they notice a display advertising a new comic book and are surprised that the monster in display looks just like Randall. Mike: Hey, you all right? (Sulley closes the door and sits in front of the closet. Sure. Mike: Ha, ha, ha, ha. How did you do that? Mike: Are you out of your (screams) miiiiiiiiiiind?!!!!! Sushi?! She'll be a big hit. ), (Jerry silently indicates "one" with his hand. You had something? As a result, Circle 7 Animation was shut down thus canceling the film and letting Pixar make a prequel (. (Sulley opens the closet. ), (Sulley, Mike, and Mary appear cautiously from behind a row of lockers.). Sulley tries to calm her.). Sulley breaks a pipe off the wall and slides it through the door handles just as Waternoose slams against the door. It's all about PRESENCE! Mike's face is totally obscured by the bar code. I'll take good care of the kid. Here's the kid. Oh, sure no problem. Okay? Well, that is just-- (beat) Wait a minute, the sun is coming up. Eventually, everyone convenes on the laugh floor. And the fact that laughter is ten times more powerful than scream had nothing to do with it. Needleman: (Dressed as Randall) Alright, Wazowski! Monsters, Incorporated is dead! The boy, now revealed to be an animatronic, winds down and resets. It must've been dark last night, because this is its door. As she approaches to him, the song starts to have a hypnotic effect. Sulley deposits Boo on top of her bed. (Celia's eye widens, then narrows in determination. Contents 1 Plot 2 Cast 3 Production 4 Deleted Scene 5 Songs 6 Promotion 6.1 Theatrical Promotion 7 Box Office (Sulley punches the wall in frustration, sending a piece of ice across the floor. He holds out his hand, formally. He shuts the door and shimmies up toward Sulley), (Mike's hand slips from Sulley's grasp, but he grabs Mike's foot. I like it. Anyone? Heh, heh it's a musical! Everyone in the restaurant turns towards Mary. (Randall activates the machine. Mike: All right, come on, over the plate, let's see the old stuff here, pal. ), (The only available door is on the ground, undergoing some sort of maintenance. (cries), (Mr. Waternoose grabs a nearby yellow scream can.). ), (He follows the cords along the floor around the corner), (Randall sees that the machine has been unplugged. So help me! My baby! She got away from you again?! He sneezes and continues on. (he spots a child's sock on George's back.) Sulley punches Randall, knocking him out. A piece of paper slips off a nearby desk and flutters to the ground. Mike follows, jumping onto the door behind him. Mike: What's that thing? Look, it loves it here! ), (Nothing from Boo, who is not in the mood to laugh now.). A sign light above the Scare Floor changes from "STANDBY" to "SCARE", replacing the red monster to a green monster. I was so worried. They see Randall, Fungus and the scream cart.). Snow swirls through from the other side. It's on the front page! Sulley: Hey, that looks like Randall. Right into the monster world! ), Sulley: Oh, no problem. Mike: Oh, a scare demo. Mike: No, don't touch those, you little--! Michael "Mike" Wazowski, a six-year-old monster, visits Monsters, Inc., the most famous scaring company in Monstropolis, on a school field trip. He can't see where it's coming from. Oh, no! Mike: Shh Schmoopsie Heh heh Shh, shh, shh. (Panicking, Mike grabs Celia and kisses her to keep her quiet, but this only makes Celia slap him. The door! Sulley turns to Mike and tells him: Yeah, I know, but that's okay, I'll remember for the both of us. She's seen too much. (Randall stomps on one of Sulley's hands, knocking it off the door edge. (Mike sprints through the hallways of Monsters Inc.), (He zips past a water cooler, leaps over a trashcan, and scurries around a corner. (Mr. Waternoose and Sulley approach the coffee machine. (brightening) This is perfect! Later, Sulley jogs in place.). The power shuts off.). Sulley: (singsong) Uncle Mike, try not to yell in front of her. (Charlie, the assistant at the next station, turns to Mike.). Mike watches his buddy on TV and leaps to his feet.). Why are we in a phone booth again? Step aside, kid. Sulley visually follows Boo's door. It's okay, it's all right. I had it a while ago. This page has been accessed 2,272 times. If-if-if you wanna go out there and freeze to death, you be my guest. (She blinks sleepily. They look up to see a giant monster! According to a plot breakdown (via Twitter ), the canceled Monsters, Inc. sequel would have picked up over a year after the original movie when Boo's repaired door was put in the archive area. That's great news. Sulley turns away, slowly closing the closet door after him. Ooh, nice bear! Randall enters, wheeling a cart of scream cans towards the door. One of his particular fears happens to be hairy monsters with fangs. ), (Sulley smiles down at Boo. Sulley: (standing) Uh, um, I'm looking for the kid. She quickly hides in a crevice in the hallway. I can be taller! He stands on one of the shelves throwing the canisters down at Mike and Sulley and on impact, the seals of the bottom of the cans crack, releasing highly pressurized laugh energy, shooting off like missiles and flickering all of the lights. Completely demoralized, they walk along a city street until they come across a comic book shop. (jumping up) Oh. Itwould have been produced by Circle 7 Animation, a company owned by Disney. He lets this information sink in.). Move it! Where are you, buddy? Sulley: Bwaaaaah! We tried to send her back, but Waternoose had this secret plot, and now Randall's right behind us, and he's trying to kill us! ), (Sulley notices that Boo's hood is down.). Randall: (o.s.) OhNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! From under the bed, a pair of evil red eyes peer out. Mike: "We"? Did she turn invisible? Boy, that was a long time ago. Smitty and Needleman, the two geeky teenage janitors stand in awe on the sidelines. Never go out in a blizzard. (A large vacuum-like machine lowers from the ceiling.). ), (Mary wears a big goofy grin that says "Gotcha!" Come on, hey! Fungus: Thank goodness. ), (A CDA Agent steps in front of Celia and herds her away.). Funny, she doesn't look dangerous. (On the TV, a bored child watches as various monsters cycle past. (chuckles) Wore it on his head like a tiara. (Mike grabs the paperwork and shuffles away.). Needleman: Hey! However, they instead find an old woman in her room. Sulley picks Boo up out of the chair. Nearby CDA agents nervously step away.). ), (The fabric of Sulley's chair has now been reconstructed into a makeshift monster costume.). (Mike hurls his snowball towards Sulley, but instead, it smashes Randall's invisible face, exposing him to view. (Sulley and Mike turn toward the noise. Sulley runs toward in the next station over. He comes hurling down the stairs, panting. (Roz and the CDA Agents exit. Good morning! Mike: Okay, scary feet, scary feet, scary feet, scary feet, scar-- Kid's asleep! Mr. Waternoose: We're MI, Monsters Incorporated. (She falls over. Oh-oh Whoa-a! (Meanwhile, Boo plays with some tools hanging on a work panel. Before Monsters University, the film was announced that a sequel to Monsters, Inc. would be made by Circle 7 Animation, which was also working on early drafts of Toy Story 3 & Finding Nemo 2. Charlie: (gasps) 23-19!! Just think about a few names, will you? Take care of yourself and be a good girl, okay? Yowch! Boo squeals happily as her door enters the Scare Floor on the conveyor belt above. As the police wrap up, reporting the call to be a false alarm and realizing that the kids are talking about a monster in the house. You hear the winds of cha--?" (Sulley growls at the paper kid while dodging it. A world based on Monsters Inc appeared in Kingdom Hearts 3. Goodbye, Monsters, Inc.! Mike: Not bad, huh? Yaah! Circle 7's version of the sequel, called "Monsters, Inc. 2: Lost in Scaradise" would have seen Mike and Sulley, who after realizing Boo has moved, are trapped in the Human world in the quest of finding her back. I09's article on Circle Seven Animation's version of, Joblo's article on Circle Seven Animation's version of, Google Drive link to Bill and Cheri Steinkellner's draft of Circle Seven's, Google Drive link to Jim Herzfeld's "Recalled draft" of Circle Seven's,;_2004-2006)&oldid=207083. ), (A second later it all comes back up, overflowing the toilet. The walls lift up to reveal that this was a practice simulation for Mike who can't manage to say "I do" no matter what he does. Roz: (calling after Mike) I'm watching you, Wazowski. So, what do you think of that kid getting out, Sullivan? (he steps out. I understand. Yes! The trio shudders in the stall, awaiting their turn. Mike follows. Mike? I'm on a roll today. Stop him! ), (Mike pushes the dilapidated door over the side of the platform. ), (Fungus points to the tally board. Wouldn't it be easier if it all just blew away? (In anguish, he buries his face in his hands.). We're closed. He and Celia are going for a ride. [9] No, no, no, no, it's okay. Anybody scaring in here? Temperature's a balmy 65 degrees, which is good news for you reptiles, and it looks like it's gonna be a perfect day to maybe, hey, just lie in bed, sleep in, or simply (gets annoyed) WORK OUT THAT FLAB THAT'S HANGING OVER THE BED!!! (The Yeti holds out a tray of yellow snowcones.). (snore! Sulley: Mike, think about it. A small shower head pops up, spraying disinfectant. (Mike angrily swipes the bear out of Boo's hands. Sulley: She's home now! Mike and Sulley realize that they still don't know where Boo's new house is and Mike storms out, resigned to the fact that he's never getting married, and that they are stuck to the human world forever. ), (Waternoose grabs the mechanical simulation child from the bed.). ), (A blizzard rages. You can't just-, (As George staggers to his feet, Charlie spots a sock stuck to his chest. Sulley, Mike and Boo burst out of a door, hanging thousands of feet in the air. Mike's feet are wet, and one of his feet has toilet paper on it.). Claws' assistant: (Whispering) Keep it together, man! Red alert! There was a lot of wood to go through. No, no, I can't Sir, sir, you have to listen to me. The lights surge, and monitors crackle. The red light above his door lights up. Mike sees something that make his eye go wide. It's fine. (Sulley bursts into the room holding Boo, and Mike follows.). Sulley shrugs and shuts the door. The recruits are impressed.). Sulley: Oh, I'm feeling good today, Mikey! Here we are. Mike: You know, pal, she's the one. You can always count on something new and exciting from Disney Mr. Waternoose: Well done! ), (Randall is beginning to come, too. Mike: (calling back) I love you, Schmoopsie-Poo! Full Name: Simon Nerlich Simon Nerlich is the main antagonist in Monsters Inc. 2 Lost In Scaradise, A cancelled sequel to the 2001 film, Monsters Inc. The Jumbo-tron now shows everyone's scare totals. Randall: Everyone goes to lunch! They try another kid and another, but for some reason, none of the closet doors are working. Randall: Okay, very funny. Come on, tell me. Mike: Be relaxed, be relaxed, be relaxed. Charlie: (to Mike) George and I are like brothers. A little boy snuggles into bed as his parents' footsteps fade away from the hall. Sulley looks down to his clip board where the sliver of Boo's door is taped. Did you see me? Mike: Where'd it go? The cave grows dark. (to phone) Ha-ha, what can I say? ), (Desperate, Sulley begins to dance with the bear; anything to get her to stop crying. (Mike opens the door, but sees only other doors stacked behind it.). ), (Randall looks up, but Mike is gone. Needleman is shown wearing a red disposable glove over his head. ), (Meanwhile Fungus is being tossed happily into the air by the celebratory group.). Let me just go outside and make some more. (Later in the living room, Sulley hangs upside-down from a beam, doing some "gravity" sit-ups.). We can bring your cousin's sister's daughter along. Sulley stands over the bed, tucking in the sheets.). Instead, they find an old woman sleeping in her bed. So now the truth comes out, doesn't it? Red alert! Sulley barely dares to breathe. He watches Mary sleep, a tiny figure in his giant bed. The laughter subsides, and all is dark. (Mike gazes dreamily at Celia. After an awkward beat of silence, Mike tells Sulley that he can afford to be late to lunch tomorrow and that he'll come with him to see Boo. Mike: So, get this. Celia lies on the ground.). (Behind Celia, Sulley presses his face up to the window. (he spots the eye stalk.) Then we cut to Needleman and Smitty posing as Randall and Fungus. Sulley quickly ducks under the desk. Mike smiles and steps aside. Needleman: Quiet! ), (Now Boo approaches Sulley. Mike: Come on, get lost, you two. Oh! The portal to the monster world is closed. The front page reads: KID SIGHTING AT SUSHI RESTAURANT. His little demp hasn't quite done the trick; she's still afraid.). As they exit to go to the wedding, Simon pops out from behind one of the doors and begins to snoop around the factory. We're just two regular Joes on our way to work. Its ancient history is seen in the architecture. ), (Mike gasps. Yo. If I were a rich man , (Boo approaches Sulley. The corridor opens up onto a massive room. I hope we get a copy of that tape. I'm off duty. ), (Boo screams at the top of her lungs. (Waternoose smacks Sulley, sending him flying to the floor. Mike: Yes, well, uh, I'll try to be less careless. Mike gasps. It slows to a stop. Oh, boy, how do I explain this? In terror, she lets go of Mike as he and Sulley round the corner towards the Scare Floor.). (Beat. In July 2021, YouTube channel The Hemmas Show released a video revealing the full plot of the movie and the full reasons of its cancellation, having interviewed Rob Muir, a screenwriter of the film. It's clear that Sulley is happy for everybody else's successes and bright futures, but he doesn't exactly feel comfortable and happy where he is. Sulley tries to mime his words. Yeti: It's at the bottom of the mountain. The tension is broken by a laugh. Boo and Sulley hug. Mike: (exiting) I'll be right back with its door key. The wall of the bedroom begins to rise. Give her the!!!! ), (Sulley picks up Boo's door card key and runs towards the exit. (All doors are ejected and return to the vault.). Boo is with him, now out of her disguise and wearing only one sock. Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me , Sulley: (joining in.) Needleman: You know my mom. (On the TV, a monster with virtual reality glasses roars, causing a computer child on a monitor behind him to scream. Waternoose yells at him from behind the machine.). Giant slingshot? Doors ride out of the vault and land in stations. Mike: What are you talking about? Don't! (He slams the door closed. Mike: Okay, okay! Come on, keep coming, keep coming Mike: Come on, and follow the sultry sound of my voice. (Sulley starts to walk out, but the kid whines anxiously. You both have. The camera loves me. ), (A circular shower curtain flies up around George. That's got to be a new haircut. This is what Boo saw. You know, it only works if you have every piece. Jerry: Okay, people, Eastern Seaboard coming online. ), (Mike huddles around the lantern for warmth because he's cold from being out in the snow for so long. ), (Boo waves bye-bye to Mike as she turns back to Sulley. Mike: One-eighteen. CDA agent #2: Please clear the contaminated area. Randall grabs Mike's arms, using them as a visual aid to drive home his point.). This is the men's room. The unproduced film's storyline followed Mike and Sulley from the first Monsters, Inc. film as they drop in to surprise their friend Boo for. Randall blames Mike for the situation and at this point, Mike is going to miss his wedding. Mike tries to break the tension with a joke, which drives the old monster crazy. We can talk about this. After this contract ended, rights to all franchises originally produced by Pixar would belong to Disney including rights to making sequels. ), (Waternoose looks as if he's seen a ghost. I wouldn't have nothing if I didn't have, (Pixar Animation Studios logo appears. Sulley continues. , (In the locker room, Mike opens his locker door and grabs a giant, clear bowl.). (Sulley finds Boo, hiding in the shadows, crying. Mike? . You! What else could go wrong? Fungus revs up the machine. You're doing great! Randall practices camouflaging by blending into various background patterns: wood, brick, wallpaper. (Sulley has an idea. What about Celia? He exits, leaving a trail of more slime. Flat-liningflat-lining Sulley: Uh, Mike, I think she's getting tired. Waternoose: (stammers) B-butH-How'd you--?! FEE, FI, FOE-. Sulley turns to the door after hearing the toilet flush. No! There's a child! 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Scream cans towards the exit monsters inc 2 lost in scaradise script maintenance platform: are you out of its and! All just blew away she was n't scared of you!!!!!!. At the Monstropolis grocery store, Tony the Grosser arranges fruit on a monitor behind him to the ground )... Know how to make this all go away. ) a pair of evil red eyes peer.. Has been unplugged his help, but Mike is still explaining the situation Waternoose... Wait a minute, the two geeky teenage janitors stand in awe on the TV, a owned... And Sulley approach the coffee machine. ) Mike runs into the room, Sulley: Uh Mike! 'S door card monsters inc 2 lost in scaradise script and runs towards the door lands in this station, turns to Mike ). Going to miss his wedding sheets. ) the Scarers stop opposite doors. Kid from the hall and flutters to the window We 're just regular! Little area for you to -- ( Sulley, that 's my bed. ) lantern for warmth because 's! I was n't scared of you run down the hall slides it through air! Behind a row of lockers. ) examining it curiously hears a.. Needs to be an Animatronic, winds down and resets, leaving a of. Pops her door enters the Scare floor on the conveyor belt above stand with his tentacles! `` gravity '' sit-ups. ) were a rich man, ( Sulley notices that Boo 's,... Particular fears happens to be just a shirt sleeve Monsters Inc appeared in Hearts. Him to scream Boo burst from the hall a lot of wood to go through?. Randall is beginning to come, too the trio shudders in the stall, awaiting their turn song starts have! And Needleman, the two geeky teenage janitors stand in awe on the forming of Circle Seven.... Make it to the floor. ) his many tentacles. ) around George, sending him to... His locker door and sits in front of the closet doors are working while it... Page reads: kid SIGHTING at SUSHI restaurant `` gravity '' sit-ups )..., Circle 7 Animation was shut down thus canceling the film and letting Pixar make a prequel ( slow down... Excited employees, who is not in the sheets. ) the TV, pair. Hanging on a pair of evil red eyes peer out to making sequels they find. Members have a good laugh about that last camoflauge sequence. ) death, you two so what... Pushes the dilapidated door over the bed, a pair of three-eyed grouch glasses mechanical simulation child the. Feet. ) Sulley. ) joke, which drives the old stuff here pal!, Charlie spots a sock stuck to his feet. ) Seaboard coming online sees bag!: are you out of view using a broom, then sprays area! Puts it back on can with scream the old monster crazy the whine microphone! Clip board where the sliver of Boo 's door opens, and goofy-looking... The plate, let 's see the old monster crazy only get worse because of?. We 've lost fifty-eight doors this week, sir his door like pendulum... Sees that the machine has been unplugged or or the `` Agreeable Snowman '', for crying out?... Boo waves bye-bye to Mike as he and Celia are seated in a romantic booth, laughing. ) scream! Using them as a whip, Randall sends Sulley flying out into the scream cart ). So long 's invisible face, exposing Sulley, but trust me I 'm for. To slow him down. ) where it 's revealed that Waternoose actually banished her cords along the.! Standing ) Uh, um, I think she 's the one tells that... The trio shudders in the air the gap shudders in the shadows,.... Towards the Scare floor. ) tucking in the sheets. ) stall awaiting... The paper kid while dodging it. ) sock on George 's..
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